Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 2: 002

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Simon first met Katherine Bigelow, a Hollywood female director, after winning an Oscar in 2010.

In a word, his first impression of Katherine Bigelow was her face.

Katherine Bigelow, a tall 30-year-old in a long linen silk dress at the 2010 Oscars, was big enough to crush most of the red carpet actresses.

But in fact, Katherine Bigelow was born in 1951. Even now in 1986, she is 35 years old.

Simon can only sigh that there is no shortage of goblins in the world that can resist the erosion of time.

And then there's the other person's work.

After that year's Oscar, Simon specially watched several films by Katherine Bigelow.

To be fair, most of the films directed by Katherine Bigelow can only be said in general, but the rough feeling in the other's works is impressive, just like the ancient stone pillar totem. This woman seems to be telling the audience in front of the screen with all her masculine lens language, what men can do, I can do, what men can't do, I follow I can do it.

Simon even thinks that Katherine Bigelow's strong gender through her works has been possessed.

The bus starts again and goes south along California highway one.

Katherine Bigelow paid all her attention to the manuscript in front of her after the slight gesture just now. Simon glanced curiously. According to the text format on the paper, the woman should have a script in her hand, and then she didn't disturb it.

So after more than an hour, until Catherine read the last page of the manuscript, Simon just in time to say: "is this a script?"

Women's sixth sense is always very sharp. In the process of reading the script, Catherine felt that the young man around her would look at herself from time to time. As a beautiful woman, she has no lack of chat up people around, and she is used to this kind of thing.

However, the other party didn't disturb her for more than an hour. She didn't speak until she finished reading the script, which made Katherine feel a little better. So she nodded at Simon with a smile and said, "yes."

Although she responded, Catherine didn't want to talk to Simon much.

Although the young man has a sharp and handsome face, and his temperament is more mature than his peers, in any case, he is obviously just a boy under 20 years old. If friends know that they are accosted by such a boy, they will surely be laughed to death.

As she was about to turn her eyes to the window and make a gesture of refusal, Catherine heard the young man next to her continue: "actually, I have a play, too. Or we'll pass the time by looking at it. It'll take us several hours to get to Los Angeles. "

So Simon got up quickly, took his backpack off the overhead rack and showed Catherine one of the two manuscripts.

Katherine is a little surprised that Simon takes out a play at random, but she still classifies Simon's actions as accosting. Originally, she intended to say no, but after glancing at the title of Simon's script, she was curious and asked subconsciously, "butterfly effect, what does it mean?"

"This is an assumption made by Edward Lorentz, a professor of meteorology at MIT, to elaborate his theory," Simon said. He handed the script to Katherine, and continued: "Professor Lorentz assumes that a butterfly in the Amazon basin of South America occasionally flapped its wings, and this flapping effect on the surrounding air flow continues to spread, causing serious damage A series of chain reactions eventually led to a terrible tornado in Texas. "

Katherine listened to Simon's explanation carefully, but she couldn't help shaking her head: "how can a tornado be caused by a butterfly flapping its wings?"

Simon said: "Professor Lorenz is using this to describe the huge impact that a small variable can have on the whole system. Besides, I think it's very possible, but we can't prove it. "

Katherine whispered. She didn't argue with Simon. She's not a person who likes to argue with people. I found that I had unconsciously taken over the script called "Butterfly Effect", so I opened it curiously.

Then, feeling that the young man beside him was still looking at him, he remembered what he had just said.

Hesitated next, or will own that script handed over in the past.

Anyway, as he said, it's time to kill.

She opened the script in her hand, glanced at it, realized what it was, and flipped over several pages before Catherine finally decided.

It turned out that the whole script, including the title on the cover, was written in neat English characters similar to print, which made her look at the young people in her script again.

In this era, typewriter has become a very common office tool. It is very rare for young people to write more than 100 pages of scripts with such patience and write so beautifully.Simon didn't know about Catherine's psychological activities. In fact, he had no choice but to write a script. He lived in a mental hospital. Even if the doctor allowed him to own a typewriter, he couldn't afford it.

Put Katherine's script on her lap and open it. Simon has recognized that it should be Katherine's first cinema feature film "night of the bloody corpse". After winning the first prize of "bomb disposal unit", he saw the film profile when inquiring about Catherine's information out of curiosity, but he didn't spend time to see the film.

With the deepening of reading, Simon quickly sorted out the general context of the story in his hand.

Kalebo, a farm youth in Oklahoma, met a girl named may and fell in love with her at first sight. But may was actually a vampire and impulsively transformed kalebo into a vampire.

Kalebo was later abducted by May's vampire partners and forced to roam the world.

Although he has the ability of immortality, after several twists and turns, kalebo finds that this is not the life he wants, so he wants to get rid of this group of vampires. At the same time, kalebo's father and sister also took pains to find their relatives after he disappeared.

On the other hand, I don't know how long later, after reading the last page of the script, Katherine looks up and finds that Simon is still slowly turning his script, but suddenly there is a small impulse in her heart to snatch the script from him.

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Although she doesn't like the gloomy tone of the butterfly effect very much, looking at the whole story, Katherine has to admit that the butterfly effect, which is well conceived, novel and closely connected, is much better than the bloody corpse night.

In the final analysis, "blood corpse night" is just a simple love film with a vampire coat, and there are some script loopholes that even she can't do anything about.

Quietly waiting for Simon to turn over the script, Catherine involuntarily asked in a way she didn't realize: "how about it?"

Simon thought for a moment and said, "I like the scene of kalebo kneeling in front of May to absorb the blood on her wrist, with a sense of immorality that goes beyond ethics. This should be the inspiration from the phenomenon of lamb lactation. In the future, the camera will be very touching."

Catherine did not expect that Simon would express her feelings according to a certain point in the script. Although the script of blood dead night was not entirely written by her, the picture Simon described at this time was just her own.

Many fans will make excessive deconstruction completely beyond the director's intention after watching the film, but Simon's understanding at this time coincides with her mind. She is an art student, so she habitually adds some symbolic scenes to the script.

"Well," Catherine asked bluntly after hesitation, "do you think there's any improvement in the play?"

Simon was a little surprised to hear the woman's question, but he said quickly, "maybe we can change the farm into a ranch. I think there are many scenes about the farm in the script. However, no matter what the state of the farm is, there is absolutely no ranch full of green meadows, which is more picturesque."

Katherine thought about it, nodded her head, and then asked, "what's the last plot? It's the setting that kalebo and may change back to human beings. Do you think there's any better way to deal with it?"

In the script of blood corpse night, the hero and heroine change back to human through blood transfusion, which is really far fetched.

However, Simon shook his head and said, "you must have revised the script many times, haven't you? If I could change it, I would not see this kind of plot now. There's really no way to change it. Otherwise, the second half of the whole play will have to be overturned. That's another story. "

Katherine nodded, realizing that Simon was telling the truth, but there was disappointment in her expression.

Simon looked at the woman's expression and said, "in fact, there is another place to adjust."

Katherine looked over again, "huh?"

"The name of the hero," Simon said with a smile, "do you know? The name kalebo comes from Hebrew and actually means "fierce hound". It's too rustic. It's better to change it. "

Catherine understood from Simon's smile that he was joking, and then she laughed and said, "you still know Hebrew."

"Yes, quite fluently. So, I'm sure I'll do very well in Hollywood in the future. "

Hebrew is the national language of Jews. As we all know, Hollywood is the world of Jews. To be able to speak fluent Hebrew will definitely make Simon win the favor of many Jews in Hollywood.

In fact, he inherited the memory of 12 other people, not only Hebrew, but also more proficient in English and Chinese. Simon could also speak German, French and Spanish, which almost covered the most mainstream languages in the world. Therefore, even if he works as a translator, he must be the top one.

Catherine, listening to Simon's tone, had a slight impulse to roll her eyes. She felt that the young man had changed the subject a little and didn't want to comment on the meaning of her play. Perhaps, compared with his "Butterfly Effect", bloody corpse night really has nothing to say.Simon is not reluctant to give Katherine more advice. He knows the advantages and disadvantages of Katherine's series of works very well.

The key is that they are still in a state of "meeting by chance". Should she be advised to restrain the violent atmosphere of deliberately blurring gender consciousness in her works and encourage her to show the delicate side that women should have.

How do you know that her film works are not delicate enough for such a beautiful woman?

Guess what?

If you talk too much, you'll find out.

However, Catherine was not a compulsive person, so she followed Simon's topic just now with a bit of gossip and said, "then what do you think is the best name for calebo?"

"Simon, what's up?"

Catherine wondered, "Simon, is there anything special about this name?"

Simon held out a hand to the woman and said with a smile, "Simon westero, madam, may I have your name?"

Catherine knew immediately that it was his name.

"My name is Katherine Bigelow," she gently shook hands with him. Katherine also introduced herself with a smile, and said strangely, "westero, a rare surname. You can speak Hebrew, so is it a Jewish surname?"

"No," Simon shook his head. "It's my last name."

Westeros is an original word created by George Martin, which should have appeared ten years later. Therefore, Simon is undoubtedly the only "westero" in the world.

Catherine could feel the slight superiority implied in Simon's words, but she didn't feel any antipathy in her heart.

He was able to create a play like the butterfly effect, speak freely about the theory of a professor at MIT, and master Hebrew, a very small language. It's natural for such an outstanding young man to be proud.

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