Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 227: 227

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??Nb!?0P??_ In fact, owitz thinks that wma's poaching of Kirsty Ellie is Denise Entertainment's counterattack to CAA because of the Rain Man incident, which is not the case. For the enemy, Simon is more used to moving on than stopping to fight with each other, leaving each other far away to the extent that they can only look up to.

It's like Simon and Matthew Broderick.

When it just happened, the common view in Hollywood was that a big star wanted to clean up a small screenwriter. Although it turned out to be nothing, Simon was just a lot of people's spare time conversation.

But now, with the rise of daenerys entertainment, although Simon has not talked about the original event in public or private, the executives of Hollywood film companies have an idea that if they cooperate with Matthew Brodrick, will it cause Simon westrow's displeasure, and then lead to the target or both sides Lose the chance to cooperate?

In fact, there are many popular students with good box office appeal in Hollywood. Michael fox, Matt Dillon and others can replace Matthew Broderick. Simon westero, by contrast, has only one.

As a result, after Universal Pictures' soldier of genius last Easter, with Simon soaring in Hollywood, mainstream film companies have become cautious about whether to cooperate with Matthew Broderick.

In the second half of 1988, Matthew Broderick only appeared in a new line film, the same-sex comedy "the third part of the same sex", with a production cost of 8 million US dollars. In October, when the film was released, the total box office in North America was less than 5 million US dollars.

It can be imagined that even if the Hollywood film company continues to cooperate with Matthew Brodrick, taking into account Simon's factors, it is impossible to hand over the company's key high-quality projects to each other.

The lack of excellent scripts, the loss of high-quality schedule, the box office is naturally out of the question. Without the support of box office performance, the original Hollywood frontline students will soon be reduced to second and third line actors, and then completely disappear in the public eye.

This kind of strong crushing without hands-on is what Simon pursues.

As for Kirsty Ellie, the reason why danelis entertainment uses the other party is that the actress is the original heroine of "flying over innocence". Since CAA has set up obstacles in Meg Ryan's role in "over the air innocence", while using the original heroine, wma's digging is just easy.

Michael owitz was on his way to Los Angeles and had a rough weekend, but Denise's entertainment was not affected at all.

Monday, January 9.

Because of the time difference, Simon in Melbourne has finished shooting Batman's first day. Amy arrives at the company at 8 a.m. Western time.

After the one hour conference call with the New York TV Department, at nine o'clock, Amy Hickling, the director of "over the air innocence", Mel Gibson, the actor, and Kirsty Ellie, the actress who just signed the contract, came to Santa Monica, and then there was another one hour conference.

As the CEO of daenerys entertainment, Amy's main responsibilities are the operation of daenerys film and the daily administration of the company. Although Robert rem, Robert egger, Nancy Brill, Ella doechman and other directors perform their respective duties and share most of the company's business, Amy still needs to be busy every day for the work she needs to take care of More than two hours.

The heroine has decided that "flying over innocence" will start the selection of supporting roles and the early stage of the work, and shooting is expected to start in early March.

At ten o'clock, Amy heckling and others are seen off. Amy's assistant Vanessa reminds her that Gensler's team has been waiting in the conference room.

Gensler is an old architectural design company headquartered in San Francisco, with a very wide international reputation.

Danielis Entertainment's Malibu studio park has already started design bidding. Such a large comprehensive office park covering 50 hectares has naturally caused competition among many top architectural design companies, Gensler is one of them.

Before Simon left Los Angeles, he drew a rough sketch of Malibu Daniels studio according to his preference. The bidding architectural design company only needs to improve and make it practical according to Simon's sketch.

The Gensler team is going to introduce their design and project quotation to Amy today.

When Amy comes to the meeting room, she finds out that Janet is sitting at her desk and talking with some of Gensler's staff. Seeing Amy coming in, everyone got up to say hello to Amy and introduce each other. Janet also got up and stood beside him with a smile. After everyone's introduction, she said to Amy, "I'm just a spectator. Do as you like."

These days after Simon left Los Angeles, Janet would basically show up at the company on time to participate in the annual financial audit of Denise entertainment.However, Janet still gave full play to her old lady temperament, which is used to "working hard for the superior", and directly recruited three accountants from Johnston group to participate in the work.

Generally speaking, the company's financial data is not suitable for disclosure. It's just clear to all that Janet is a supervisor in this audit. Since Simon doesn't object to Janet's practice, Amy and others are not good to object. The area of

50 HA is really large. The length of the Fawkes studios in the century city is only 500 meters. The land purchased by danireis entertainment is triangular, but the depth from the entrance to the highest is over 1.5 kilometers. Even if the slope is unable to be used, the remaining construction sites are more than Universal Studios in Losangeles.

Therefore, although it plans to move Denise Entertainment's subsidiaries including Denise special effects, Pixar Animation and Marvel Entertainment into the studio, the plot is still more than enough. Danielis entertainment also directly requires the design company to plan according to the size of 2500 resident employees.

Gensler's team spent more than an hour just introducing their own design. After the two sides discussed the quotation, it was already noon.

The people who sent Gensler off, Robert REM and Ella doechman, also came from Burbank to have lunch with Amy and discuss the new week's work. Now that Janet is here, Amy invites her along.

When everyone sat down in a restaurant near the company's headquarters, Robert REM asked Janet with a smile, "Jennie, what's the progress of the audit? I'm very curious about how much money the company has made this year."

"There must be a lot of them," Janet said with a smile, flipping through the menu, then suddenly added as if carelessly, "but there are a lot of problems."

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Ella doechman didn't feel the change in Janet's tone. She easily said, "our company has only been established for more than two years. There must be some problems."

Amy and rem are acutely aware of Janet's strange tone and can't help looking at her.

Janet put down the menu, always very attractive, eyes slightly narrowed, the original appearance of harmless animals, but now like a cat about to pounce on the prey, faintly glanced at the three people, said: "I found that someone spent $16000 in their own home, but the bill was recorded as entertainment expenses of the film project, he also used the name of business trip to ride The company's plane is actually to send his son to college. "

Robert rem, whom Amy and doechman watched together, is probably the only one among the four who can have a son who goes to college.

Robert REM shrugged his shoulders and said, "Jennie, I didn't do that."

"Yeah, or I wouldn't be sitting here eating with you," Janet said, slowing down a little and revealing the mystery directly: "it's actually Ron Macmillan."

When Amy heard this, they were surprised and not surprised.

Ron McMillan was Simon's producer when he made "Lola Run.".

After the success of "Lola Run," Ron McMillan also became a contracted producer under danielis pictures. In the past two years, he has completed two projects of "death is coming" and "scream" in succession, and both of them have achieved very impressive box office results.

Ron McMillan has become one of the hottest producers in Hollywood.

Because of these sources, everyone is surprised that Janet will suddenly point her head at the old producer of the company. However, after following Simon's rise, Ron McMillan's comments in the industry in the past two years are not very good. It's not surprising that he has these dirty little hands and feet.

After a moment's silence, Amy raised her hand to stop the waiter who wanted to come and asked Janet in a low voice, "Jane, did you talk to Simon about this?"

"Yes, he let me do it," Janet nodded and asked, "Amy, what do you think you should do?"

Amy is a little uncertain, can only remind: "Jennie," scream 2 "has begun to prepare."

Just in the past week, "scream" received another $5.61 million. In the 10th week of its release, the youth horror film officially broke through the $100 million mark, with a cumulative box office of $103.97 million.

Simon originally gave a trilogy outline, and the heroine Courtney Cox also signed a trilogy contract. The film is so successful that the preparation of the sequel is naturally on the agenda. At the same time, it is also scheduled for this year's Halloween.

As the producer of scream, Ron McMillan's withdrawal will undoubtedly affect the development progress of the project.

Listening to Amy's hesitating voice, Janet said, "actually Ron and I are very familiar. At the beginning, we helped Simon make" Lola Run ". However, he has crossed the line too much. I don't care about his bad things in the circle. If he can work for Simon wholeheartedly, danelis entertainment will try to protect him. But he shouldn't use these careful thoughts on danielis entertainment. Simon has already given him enough reward and promoted him from an unknown little producer to his present position. He shouldn't take things that don't belong to himself, let alone cheat Simon. So, Amy, call him in the afternoon and he's firedAmy was stunned and said, "Jennie, don't you need to discuss this with Simon?"

"No need," Janet said firmly, staring at Amy. "Simon is a very soft hearted guy and doesn't like to care about such trifles. But, Amy, I'm not. I'm just a little woman. As long as I think that a person is no longer trustworthy and may even harm my boyfriend, I will remove him from Simon without hesitation. "

Amy was staring at Janet, silent for a moment, still nodded and said, "I'll call Ron this afternoon, but what about scream?"

"It's not something I need to care about," Janet said. She was very satisfied with Amy's answer, but she even turned away from the shopkeeper. Then she looked at REM and doechman again, as if joking: "this year's financial report is not a big problem. But next year I'll keep Simon's eye on it. Simon's reward to you is very generous, so unless you can confirm that I won't catch you, don't take things that don't belong to you. "

With that, before waiting for any response from the three, Janet slowly picked up the menu again. As if nothing had happened just now, in the twinkling of an eye, she was laughing with Amy again.

So, after a meal, Janet obviously enjoyed it very much, but Amy and the three of them all ate fishbone. Even, looking at Janet's smiling face, there was a creepy feeling in their hearts.

After lunch, Janet didn't stay in the company in the afternoon.

Amy also sent REM and doechman away. Because of the overseas distribution of several films such as scream and the gaomen film industry, they will fly to the UK together.

REM and doechman rushed to the Santa Monica airport in the center of Santa Monica. Nancy Brill had just returned from the east coast on a private plane owned by danielis entertainment. The woman flew to New York yesterday. In the morning, she discussed with several banks in New York about the loans needed to buy shares in blockbuster.

Although Denise entertainment has plenty of money on its books this year, Simon has decided to turn all the extra money to the account of Westeros. He did not explain to Amy and others why he did so, but when he became a shareholder in blockbuster, he had to choose a loan again.

Taking into account the previous 200 million US dollars for house purchase, Simon's total debt now is only 650 million US dollars. Therefore, plus 100 million US dollars of debt, Simon is still within the range of bearing.

When Nancy returns to the company, she goes directly to Amy's office to discuss with her the results of her New York trip.

Amy has just put down the phone call with Ron Macmillan. She still doesn't directly inform Ron Macmillan that he has been fired as Janet told her. Instead, she makes an appointment for dinner tonight. Compared with Janet, Amy still hopes to get together with Ron McMillan, which is not bad for danielis' entertainment.

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