Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 264: 264

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It's more than seven o'clock when Sabina frilly wakes up in the morning. Wearing a dark blue silk robe, she comes to the window, pushes open her bedroom window and lies on the windowsill to look out.

This is a south facing bedroom on the second floor of the villa.

Looking around, this Italian neoclassical villa is located at the top of a rolling hill in the southern suburb of Florence. It has three floors. Its light gray appearance and rough stone walls complement each other. Looking around, there are many other manors, big and small, scattered in the open field of vision.

Judging from the terrain, the north side of the villa should overlook the whole ancient city of Florence.

It is obvious that this was probably the residence of some aristocrat. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the monarchy was abolished, and the aristocracy in Italy has generally declined, replaced by many new capital rich rising with the recovery of Italian economy.

Compared with the large areas of farmland in the suburbs of other cities, this manor still maintains the original state of shrubs. It is not hard to imagine that the land around it should also be private.

Sabina frilly happened to wonder about the price of the manor when the bedroom door was knocked.

Open the door, Sabina frilly saw Sophia faessy in her neat clothes. Her white shirt and beige trousers made Sophia look more capable.

"Good morning, Miss frilly. Breakfast is ready. Would you like to come?"

"Oh, OK, I'll change," Sabina frilly nodded, thought of her pajamas, scratched her collar unnaturally, and then said, "and good morning, Ms. faessy."

Sophia, with a smile, watched Sabina frilly return to her big bed and take off her pajamas. She said, "don't worry. You can wash or take a shower first. Besides, I've sent your car to the repair shop. It can be repaired by noon. But it will probably cost a lot of money. "

Sabina frilly was about to change into her dress last night. Wen Yan picked up her dress and walked to the bathroom. Hearing about the car, she gave Sophia a a guilty look and said, "thank you, Ms. Feixi."

Sophia, smiling, motioned slightly and said, "well, the restaurant downstairs."

Half an hour later Sabina frilly came to the dining room and everyone sat at the table.

It's just that Simon westero has already had breakfast and is sitting at the table reading a thick stack of local Italian newspapers with a pencil in his hand and occasionally drawing in circles.

The female assistant named Jennifer was still eating her food. She only said hello to her lightly, then she lowered her head and began to eat again. Because her hair was tied up, the female assistant's neck was as white as jade. Sabina can't help but look a few more. She is a standard Latino girl with black hair. She has a hot figure, but her skin is wheat, so she envies her fair skin.

Sabina frilly took Sophia's breakfast and ate it, looking for a chance to have a word with vestro.

In the heart is no longer hold what expectations.

Everything was going well last night, at least she thought so. I didn't expect that Simon westero had another woman beside him, and he was a very jealous woman. Last night, until she was taken to the guest room by Sophia, the female assistant stayed by Simon westero's side and didn't give her a chance.

Sabina frilly had imagined that westero might come to her bedroom late at night, but it didn't happen until dawn.

In addition, the relationship between Sophia Fischer and him is obviously not very general. Otherwise, this woman would not have lived here.

It is said that he also has a formal girlfriend.

Now the situation, um, is really a playboy.

Think of here and feel that they should still have an opportunity, as long as the other two women leave.

It's just that it seems a little difficult.

After breakfast, Sophia put away everyone's tableware. She wanted to help. She noticed that his female assistant was still sitting in the same place, inexplicably raised some competitive thoughts, and also sat still.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was a little stalemate.

Until Sophia showed up again and said to Jennifer with a smile, "Jennie, can you help me pack my bags together? I'm not sure there will be any omissions. "

Feeling the subtle teasing in Sophia's tone, Jennifer turned a little red and had to get up and walk out.

When the two women left, Sabina frilly relaxed a little, looked at the man who was still reading the newspaper and said, "Simon, are you leaving Italy?"

Simon looked up at the woman, nodded and said, "yes, I'll leave in the morning."

Sabina frilly was stunned and said, "it's a pity."

"Nothing. I'm sure there will be a lot of opportunities to come here in the future."

"Oh," Sabina frilly said boldly and quickly, pointing at the table, "can I see you again?"

"Maybe."Simon picked up his pencil, marked an article, and looked at the creature across the table again.

In fact, he didn't know nothing about the actress.

In my memory, Sabina frilly played a dancer in one of his favorite Italian movies, the beautiful city, and performed in her father's club every night. It was a 2013 film directed by famous Italian director Paolo Sorrentino and won an Oscar for best foreign language film.

Simon was impressed by many of the characters in the film and the carefully selected soundtrack.

Sabina frilly should be twenty-four or twenty-five years old now, at the peak of a latin girl's beauty. However, Simon prefers the seductive silhouette of Ramona licking the back of her hand while dancing in the beautiful city.

Seeing that Simon stopped talking, Sabina frilly took the initiative to find another topic and asked, "Simon, does this house belong to you?"

Simon didn't answer her question this time. Instead, he asked, "can you dance?"

"I, um, will be a little bit."

"Learn to dance when you have time," Simon wrote in front of another article in the newspaper. "Next time, if you have a chance, dance for me."

Sabina frilly's eyes lit up and asked, "next time, when?"

Simon shrugged: "I'm not sure. Maybe not next time."

Sabina frilly felt a little confused, but she wrote it down seriously.

After sitting with the man in the restaurant for more than an hour, Simon turned over a thick stack of more than ten local Italian newspapers. Sophia and Jennifer went back to the restaurant again and told Simon that his luggage had been packed and he could leave.

Simon handed Sophia a the memo he had just written in the process of reading the newspaper and said, "help me collect the information about these people or companies. In addition, I have marked some news in these newspapers. You can make a newspaper clipping when you have time. The same is true for the news about this name list in the media in the future."

Sophia agreed to come down and leave the restaurant together.

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The bodyguard had been waiting outside in the car, Sabina frilly also followed. Seeing a group of people getting on the bus, she didn't know whether she should take the initiative to leave. According to previous indications, there seems to be no one else in the villa. It's just that you can't walk back to the city, can you?

Sophia noticed her embarrassment and said, "Miss frilly, you can stay here first. I'll be back soon."

When the two cars left the manor in turn, Sabina frilly returned to the villa, feeling the quiet around, inexplicably curious, and wandering around like a cat.

There were at least seven or eight rooms on each floor of the three storey villa. She finally found the entrance to the basement, but most of the doors were locked.

Florence Airport is not far from the southern suburbs, less than an hour, Sophia came back, but not alone, with some entourage, to be exact, five young girls in their early twenties.

Sabina frilly looks at those girls whose appearance and temperament are not inferior to her own. She feels a little confused and even has some discordant associations. Sophia just skillfully told the girls to start cleaning the villa, and she brought some tools to the restaurant.

As she walked into the dining room, Sabina found Sophia sitting down at the dining table. According to Simon's mark in the newspaper, she cut out a page of news with scissors and pasted it on a blank binding of sixteen.

After a quiet look, Sabina frilly said tentatively, "Ms. fissy, can I help you?"

Sophia looked at her, nodded and said, "OK, just help me cut out Simon's marked news."

Sabina frilly took Sophia's scissors and picked up a newspaper.

This is an evening post, one of Italy's largest circulation newspapers. Although it has the name of an evening paper, it is actually a morning paper.

The most important news on the front page today is undoubtedly that Giuseppe tonadore got the news of Palme d'Or with cinema in paradise.

Sabina frilly thought that Simon westero would mark this important news, but she didn't. After careful examination, she finally found a page of marked news about Maserati company. Sabina frilly knew about the luxury sports car company and read it curiously. The news was that Maserati was in trouble and might be looking for sale in the future.

Why mark such a piece of news?

Does Simon westero want to buy Maserati?

He does have that strength.

It's just that.

Sabina frilly thought for a moment, but still didn't figure out any clue, so she had to carefully cut out the report and handed it to Sofia next to her.

Sophia took the news, glued it to the clippings, read it carefully, and compared it with the long list of memos Simon had left before he left.Seeing a long list on the memo, Sophia felt a heat flow from the bottom of her heart.

Fiat Group.





The Agnelli family.

Silvio Berlusconi.



Some of these lists are already famous in Italy, some are just new rich, and some are still not famous.

Sofia doesn't have Sabina frilly's confused feeling. Seeing this list, she can clearly feel a strong aggressiveness.

Simon westero's aggressiveness.

Sofia is absolutely certain that Simon will go to these lists in the memorandum if he has the chance, just as westero bought a lot of shares in technology companies. In the past two years, the continuous recovery of technology stocks ahead of other sectors of North American stock market has already proved Simon's original vision.

Now, Sophia can realize that the little man is no longer satisfied with this.

Or, he has never been satisfied with the rapid growth of his investment. What he pursues should be the endless rapid expansion. To be exact, it may be aggression or domination.

For many other people, such an ideal may only exist in fantasy, but he has been doing it all the time.

Since its birth in 1986, in less than three years, the industry under the name of westero company has been involved in the three fields of media, technology and fashion. The growth rate of a series of companies has exceeded the accumulation of many established families for hundreds of years. It is not hard to imagine that as long as this expansion rate continues, the young man will definitely create an unprecedented wealth miracle.

Think of here, Sophia can not help but some regret.

Maybe, last night, I should be more active and eat the little man first, instead of waiting for him to take the initiative. The little man seldom seems to take the initiative. He just takes everything for granted.

"Ms. fishy?"

Sophia's meditation was interrupted by a voice in her ear. She recovered and found Sabina frilly looking at her suspiciously. She had accumulated several cut newspapers on her desk.

Picking up her mind, Sophia began to paste these newspaper clippings carefully, and asked casually: "Florence is not the film and television center of Italy. How can you be here?"

"I've just finished shooting a movie. I'm in the eastern suburbs. I'm going to stay in Florence for a few days. I got the invitation to the party from the crew last night." Sabina frilly explained, seeing the figure of a girl passing by outside the restaurant, she asked curiously, "Ms. Feixi, are they all maids of this villa?"

"Yes," Sophia nodded. "But it's only part-time. They're students from several universities in Florence."

"Oh," Sabina frilly nodded and said, "I tried to apply to the National Academy of film a few years ago, but I failed. I had to try to enter the acting industry. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to develop in the Italian circle, especially for actresses. Italy has not many opportunities for actresses. "

"So, you want to go to Hollywood?"

Sabina frilly looked over expectantly and asked, "Ms. fissy, can you help me?"

"I can't help you, Sabina. Look outside, none of them is inferior to you. However, you've got a lot ahead of them. At least, you've met Simon. Although they serve the manor and perhaps know that the owner of the manor is Simon westero, it's hard for them to see Simon

Sabina frilly stopped cutting the newspaper and asked tentatively, "so what do I do next?"

Sophia smiles and shakes her head. "I don't know. Maybe you should expect him not to forget you."

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