Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 272: 272

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After a long 16 hour flight, Simon returned to Los Angeles. It was Sunday night, June 25th, Eastern time. Due to the time difference, the major exchanges in Asia have started trading in a new week.

The various measures taken in the past two days have obviously worked. The Nikkei 225 index began to rise slowly when the Tokyo stock market opened.

New week in North America.

Simon got up in the morning and the Nikkei 225 ended at 36617 the day before. Although this data has not reached the peak of last week, the unexpected crisis of Japanese financial market has passed smoothly.

In recent days, many newspapers in North America have been talking about the news that Simon's visit to his girlfriend in Australia caused a sharp drop in the Japanese stock market, and a new phrase of "westero effect" has been put forward.

It's still on the front page of the Los Angeles Times on Monday, with pictures of Simon and Janet huddling at Melbourne Airport. The article re introduces what happened in recent days. It still teases Simon that he is absolutely the most unpopular guy in Japan now. It also predicts that he will want to travel to Japan for a long time in the future, and the possibility of being refused entry is as high as 100%.

On the Australian side, cersei capital's agreement with the Japanese went very smoothly. In less than a week, the two sides completed the covert delivery in all aspects.

In the final agreement, the ownership of cersei capital's No. 1 to No. 5 sub funds was transferred to the Japanese, ostensibly still managed by Janet and Anthony.

Janet would like to fly to Los Angeles immediately after the completion of the transaction. However, in order to avoid the sudden personnel change causing outside speculation, the Japanese side asked her to be responsible for running cersei capital for at least two months. Of course, under the premise of the Japanese side's complete remote control, Janet actually has no right to decide.

For the benefit of all, Janet had to agree.

Two months is just right.

The later stage of Batman doesn't end until September. Simon plans to take a long vacation after finishing the film. The first stop of his plan is several major fashion weeks in September. At that time, Janet can just use this very reasonable excuse to leave.

Now that she can't get away, Janet has no spare time to prepare the operation team of cersei capital's No. 6-10 sub fund, so as to short the North American junk bond market in the second half of the year. Naturally, the source of funds is the $5 billion cash recently transferred by the Japanese into cersei capital's overseas account.

In order to keep its layout secret, the Japanese also demanded that cersei capital's funds should not be transferred back to China for at least one year, which everyone has no objection to.

For the sake of tax avoidance, Simon did not intend to transfer the money back to China in the short term. Australian investors also hope to continue to rely on cersei capital to obtain more income.

Although the settlement has not yet been carried out, Simon's personal profit from the transaction can be roughly predicted according to the original ladder pumping agreement.

5 billion US dollars, excluding the principal of 1.57 billion US dollars, the profit figure is 3.43 billion US dollars.

In the original agreement, Simon only required a profit margin from the $970 million invested by the outside world, which was not necessary for him and the johnstons' $600 million. The step-by-step scheme is 20% for the part within 30% of the profit scale, 30% for the part between 30% and 100%, and 50% for the part over 100%.

All aspects of calculation, Simon can get principal income of $1093 million, commission income of $836 million. Taking into account the original $500 million principal, Simon's book share of the $5 billion has reached $2.429 billion.

In addition, the Johnston family has a principal of $100 million and a Book profit of $218 million. The principal of Australia's other capital was US $970 million, and the book profit was US $1283 million.

Although Simon wants to take more than half of the proceeds, at the end of the transaction, no external investor has asked for redemption or even partial redemption. It's not just because of the original agreement. In less than half a year, the US $1.57 billion has been converted into US $5 billion, and the profits of all parties have exceeded 100%. As long as other investors in Australia have normal thinking, they all know that Simon is well worth such a high share.

Faced with such a huge amount of capital held by cersei capital, Simon also gradually produced some other ideas.

Of course, that's later.

I left Los Angeles suddenly for several days without warning, and naturally I have to work overtime to make up for some progress.

On the other hand, the competition for summer courses in North America is becoming more and more fierce.

Simon left Los Angeles last Wednesday night, and then the box office of bodyguard came out in the third week. Compared with the second week, the box office of the film still fell by only 11%, with a total of $61.55 million and a revenue of $17.86 million.

The following Friday, the North American summer season released three new films at one time, including Disney's sci-fi family comedy "honey, I've made my child smaller", Columbia Pictures' longway 3 and Orion pictures' music biography "fireball".Although the box office of the three new films did not explode in the first week like that of "Raiders 3" and "ghost hunters 2", they also had a significant impact on the box office of many old films.

From June 23 to June 29, in the week after Simon returned from Australia, the box office decline of "bodyguard" expanded to 21% compared with last week, and received another $14.11 million.

Although "bodyguard" lagged behind "honey, I've made my child smaller", "Longwei boy 3" and "ghost catchers 2" in the box office list, it was only the fourth place. However, the film, which was not expected by everyone, has grossed $75.66 million in four weeks.

In addition, the box office of "Raider 3" has shrunk to $12.07 million in the new week, ranking fifth, with a total of $140.23 million.

Among the three new films, Orion film's fireball failed to meet expectations. The production budget of this musical biography about the life story of the famous American rock singer Jerry Lee Lewis is 12 million US dollars, with a production scale of 1417 yuan. However, the box office in the first week is only 6.28 million US dollars, and the public praise is very general.

In the new year, Orion's other films have failed, except for the unexpected box office hit "the adventures of abiadi" in February, which earned $40 million. As the financial situation continues to deteriorate, in February this year, just after the three-month window period of "vulgar novel" was over, Orion couldn't wait to release the video.

What's more, after Simon personally collected money from Mike medova at the last party, Orion still delayed settling the box office share of Denise Entertainment's vulgar novel. Tolerate Orion film will be divided into half a year delay time, danelis entertainment has done its utmost.

In order to avoid the sudden bankruptcy of Orion film industry, which makes it impossible to recover the share, Amy has recently considered taking legal measures.

On June 30, the new week, Simon's high hopes of "the sixth sense" was finally released.

Compared with the more than 2000 screens of bodyguard, the number of screens in the first week of sixth sense is only 1673. This relatively conservative strategy is actually Simon's intention. He hopes to reserve enough space for the film's word-of-mouth through less screening scale.

Until its release, the plot of the sixth sense is still in a state of strict confidentiality. Denise Entertainment's early marketing strategy is mainly Simon and De Niro, which is very traditional to increase the popularity of the film.

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Simon has always believed that the root cause of the great success of "the sixth sense" in the original time and space with the global box office of more than 600 million US dollars is not only the simple plot reversal, but also the emotional core of the film.

However, the plot reversal between human and ghost is undoubtedly an important catalyst for the success of the film.

Therefore, in the publicity stage of the film, whether it's all kinds of manuscripts or interviews, there is no mention or hint of the final reversal of the film. Simon's fundamental strategy is to let the audience find this reversal by themselves, rather than through the hint of early publicity.

If you know in advance that there will be a "surprise" in the film, it may even backfire in the end, making some people feel "just like that.".

After all, in the long history of film, it is not without similar plots.

As for the theme type of the sixth sense, most fans who pay attention to the film can only get a general impression of the horror film before it is released. Even in the final stage of the release of the TV trailer, the audience can only get the information. This is a story between a psychologist and a psychic boy, with some misleading special scenes of horror films.

Because "the sixth sense" should be regarded as a fake horror film focusing on family warmth. In terms of marketing audience, danielis entertainment is not targeted at teenagers as accurately as "scream", but for all age audiences, which also leads to a substantial increase in publicity cost.

Because of the conservative strategy of the sixth sense in the publicity stage, some fans have hesitated to choose the first time to watch the film. Because of Denise Entertainment's strict confidentiality of the plot and all kinds of unusual things in the publicity stage, the entertainment media with keen sense of smell is becoming more and more curious.

Of course, there are many experienced media and audiences who think that the film's low scale and low-key marketing show only Denise Entertainment's lack of confidence in the sixth sense. In fact, senior executives of danielis entertainment who have seen the film "sixth sense" generally lack confidence in the smooth plot of the film.

Los Angeles.

Denise entertainment headquarters in Santa Monica.

It's the afternoon of June 30.

In the large meeting room of the office building, the meeting on the arrangement of the company's mid year financial audit started at two o'clock in the afternoon and has been held till now.

Denise Entertainment's core executives were all present.

The mid year financial audit, which will start next month, is not as detailed as that at the beginning of the year, but it will also be jointly participated by the accounting team of westero company, so as to play a supervisory role. As the head of Westeros, James Leibold came from Los Angeles with Robert egger this morning.In the past two quarters, although a series of films released by danielis entertainment only had the unexpected box office sales of "bodyguard", the company's revenue in the two core businesses of film and TV is still very rich.

In terms of films, in addition to the new films in the first half of last year, the domestic release of "scream" and "steel Magnolia" and other blockbuster films at the end of last year have been completed one after another, and the overseas distribution has also been basically completed. The video "when Harry meets Sally" released at the end of last year has also achieved a very good sales performance in the first half of last year, and all kinds of funds are continuing to return.

In the field of television, the spring shows such as who will be a millionaire and survivor have also come to an end, and the settlement income and prepayment of the television network have also brought a lot of income to Denise entertainment.

The total liabilities of all the enterprises in the westero system are 900 million US dollars, which means that Simon will have to repay the principal and interest of 200 million US dollars this year alone, but he doesn't feel the slightest pressure.

Not to mention cersei capital's huge fund just obtained from the Japanese, it's just a show named "who will be a millionaire" owned by danielis entertainment. When the new season contract makes a substantial profit concession, the income generated by this reality show is enough to support Simon's personal debt repayment.

However, although Denise Entertainment's profitability has reached the level of envy of Hollywood peers, Simon has no intention of being a confused boss. Too many memories of two generations have made him deeply understand that strict financial supervision system is essential for any enterprise to continue to develop and grow.

At five o'clock, the meeting is over.

The others dispersed, and Simon and James Leibold stayed in the room to discuss cersei capital.

James has been aware of cersei capital's deal with the Japanese, and the following operation of the local junk bond market needs more cooperation from westero.

Two people communicate alone for half an hour, just walk out of the meeting room together.

Before Amy left, hearing Simon's concluding remarks, James came over from his office.

"Burbank counted the attendance data of supernatural sixth sense during the day, and some mainstream evening newspapers also published film reviews. Generally speaking, the feedback was very good."

A few days ago, the box office of "bodyguard" was a big hit. Amy was very pleased to say that a big film company could have a box office of more than 100 million a year. At the end of the year, the distribution rights of the two major commercial films "flying over innocence" and "Batman" belong to Warner. Amy's words undoubtedly show that she is also the one who lacks confidence in "sixth sense".

Looking at Amy's relaxed appearance, the performance of "sixth sense" after its release today should exceed her expectations.

Simon didn't express his views too much. He just laughed and said, "if there is no other arrangement, let's have dinner together and talk later."

Amy nodded and went downstairs with Simon, James and Jennifer. As she walked, she took out her Motorola micro TAC mobile phone from her satchel and said, "I think we should remind REM to communicate with the media to avoid too many public spoiler reviews in the newspapers tomorrow."

Simon looks at Amy's dial and glances at the Motorola micro TAC.

After coming back from Australia, Simon noticed that Amy, Nancy and others began to use this mobile phone, which is only the size of a palm and can be called a mobile phone. Originally, he didn't care much about it.

However, at this time, Simon's mind suddenly flashed an idea.


That's right.


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