Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 274: 274

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Until the end of the subtitle, the light is on, and the sound of surprise and sudden discussion is still floating in the screening hall.

I didn't expect it to end like this.

However, everything seems to be so natural, a little recall, we can see that the film has given too many hints.

But it's not.

Anyway, what a surprise!

Lisa Collins, feeling the voices around her, stood up with her boyfriend and left the screening hall with a smile on her lips. Because of her involvement with a guy, she can't help feeling a kind of faint pride at this time. At the same time, she decided to take time to watch it again. Many details in this film are very memorable.

At 9 o'clock, the viewing is over. It's already 11 o'clock.

However, when she left the ticket hall, Lisa found that some of the audience who had just left walked to the ticket window again.

In the current period of time, those people are obviously not in a hurry to see another film. They probably can't wait to review many foreshadowing details in the film.

Most of the reversal of the plot of the film because of the lack of sufficient foreshadowing, the plot will turn some abrupt. However, based on all aspects of media data, the score of sixth sense reached the best 8.5 after the opening of summer program.

Before that, only Spielberg's "Raiders 3" got a good score of 8 points.

In other films, "bodyguard" was almost spurted to death by the media, and "ghost hunters 2" also failed. Paramount's "Star Trek 5" has a worse reputation than "bodyguard". Last week's three new films, the well-known "honey, I've made my child smaller", scored only 7.5 points by the media, "Longwei boy 3" was directly labeled as a money trap, "fireball" passed, but the box office was the worst.

Numerous cases have proved that there is not a direct relationship between the box office and word-of-mouth of the film, which also involves the release schedule, screen size, media popularity and many other factors. However, "the sixth sense" not only got the highest score in the media since the opening of the summer program, but also spread rapidly in the audience.

When the media hinted at the wonderful plot of the film one after another, "the sixth sense of the supernatural" also appeared a rare word-of-mouth effect in the public. After watching the film, many audiences mysteriously recommended the unexpected ending film to their relatives and friends.

In addition, danielis entertainment has spared no effort in all age publicity before, as well as the high-quality schedule of the film monopolizing the most popular week of the summer season. All these favorable factors are combined. After three days of painting, psychic Sixth sense not only won the weekend box office champion with 1673 screens, but also grossed up to $23.15 million in three days.

You know, in the first seven days of bodyguard's first week, the box office was only $23.63 million.

Because of the increase in the number of people watching movies on weekdays, a movie usually takes 60% to 70% of the box office on weekends.

According to this proportion of the box office, it is generally believed that the box office of sixth sense will be between 33 million and 38 million in the first week, which is second only to the opening box office data of Indiana Jones 3 and daredevil 2.

Just this first week's box office, according to the ladder sharing contract between danelis entertainment and the cinema, "the sixth sense" in just seven days is enough to recover all the production and publicity costs of the film.

However, everyone underestimated the actual box office potential of the film, which is in the best time, place and people.

Because of the continuous fermentation of the film's reputation and popularity, compared with the expected 33 million to 38 million, the box office number of the first seven days of the first week of the sixth sense of the supernatural finally reached 41.35 million US dollars, far more than everyone expected.

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Compared with all the other summer movies that can't get rid of the 60% to 70% box office ratio between the weekend and the whole week, the three-day box office of sixth sense only accounts for 56% of the seven day box office of the whole week. Driven by the continuous spread of word-of-mouth, a large number of audiences still entered the cinema after the weekend, and the box office share of the film on weekdays obviously exceeded the average.

In addition, "the sixth sense" has become the first summer film with an average of more than $20000 in the first week. A total of 1673 screens, with an average of $24716 at the box office.

In contrast, the box office figure of the first full week of "Raider 3" is only $19773, while the box office figure of "ghost hunters 2", which has a larger screen, is only $18635, even though it has reached $44.91 million in the first week.

What's more, the number of opening screens of "Raiders 3" and "ghost hunters 2" has stimulated the box office potential of the films once and for all. In recent weeks, neither film has expanded in size.

When we look at the sixth sense of the supernatural, the number of opening screens of this film is only 1673, which is significantly different from the 2327 of "Raiders 3" and the 2410 of "ghost hunters 2". In the first week, the average price of the pavilion was close to 25000 US dollars, and the phenomenal trend of watching movies had been formed. There was no reason why danilisi entertainment did not increase the film arrangement.According to the box office data in recent weeks, the industry's forecast for the total box office of "Raider 3" in North America is about $200 million.

Many people originally thought that this film was expected to break the "monopoly" of danielis entertainment. After "Lola Run" in 1987 and "Rain Man" in 1988, it won an annual box office championship. Now, few people will mention that again. We are just paying attention to the box office potential of the sixth sense in admiration and curiosity.

On July 7, the release of the sixth sense entered its second week.

Due to the shortage of screen resources for the summer program, after urgent consultation with the cinema, danelis entertainment just managed to get an additional 256 screens for the sixth sense in the new week, with a total of 1929 screens.

At the same time, three new films are coming out this week: Warner Bros.'s lethal weapon 2 '; Fox pictures'; boss on holiday'; and Columbia Pictures'; sex, lies and videotape '.

The first movie of "lethal weapon" was a surprise success in March two years ago. Although it didn't make it to 100 million, it also became the highest box office movie of Warner that year. However, because the success of the first song was unexpected, Warner didn't have 100% confidence in the sequel, and only gave 1803 opening screens.

Fox film's "the boss on holiday" is a comedy. Simon has never heard of the film, and the number of opening screens is only 1134.

In the final film "sex, lies and video", Columbia film clearly knows that the audience of this low-cost independent film will not be too wide. Although the film is likely to be favored by westero, Colombia does not have excessive self-confidence. In the first week, only 517 screens were arranged.

However, for art films, such a large-scale release has been very considerable.

When three new films hit, danelis entertainment did not dare to take it lightly. It launched a new marketing campaign of the sixth sense, and coordinated with the crew of good guys to postpone the shooting of Robert De Niro, so that he could continue to participate in the publicity of the sixth sense. Other creators of the film were constantly running around North America.

Perhaps it is the expectation that the dark horse can intercept the strength of the sixth sense, and the North American media's attention to the three new films has also increased significantly.

After the painting started on Friday, the media evaluation came out soon.

"Lethal weapon 2" has successfully continued the excellent reputation of the first film, with a comprehensive score of 8.3 points, which is only 0.2 points lower than "the sixth sense" in May.

Maybe it's the discussion about the degenerate lazy people in the film that causes emotional resonance, or maybe it's the artistic property of the film itself that is easy to please critics. "Sex, lies and video" has been unanimously praised by the media, with a comprehensive score of 9.6.

In contrast, fox film's "boss on holiday" is silent, with only 5.3 points, a look of self abandonment. However, as a gag with some elements of crime brother comedy, "boss on holiday" also has its own fixed audience.

With the release of three new films and a large number of old films in May and June, the seven days from July 7 to July 13 can be said to be the most competitive week in summer.

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