Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 29: 029

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Airship bar near Santa Monica Beach.

Leaving wma headquarters, Matthew Broderick arrived with a group of close friends.

At this time, sitting in the card seat overlooking the dance floor on the second floor of the bar, thinking of the events of the past few days, Matthew Broderick was more and more agitated, and suddenly raised his head to fill a bottle of black beer.

He didn't care too much about losing his role in the butterfly effect.

It's nothing more than a slightly better script. Hollywood is not short of scripts. If the boy couldn't be kicked out of the cast at the beginning, he would also take the initiative to quit. I'm already a big star. Of course, I don't need to work with people I hate. That's what Spielberg often does.

However, Matthew Broderick never thought that he was the one who was kicked out in the end.

If it's just like this, maybe it will only be depressed for a while.

Once again, things went beyond his expectation.

Because inexplicably involved in this unfortunate thing, he not only became the one who was kicked out, but also had to sign a fox film contract at a low price.

Three million dollars.

After "war game" three years ago, his pay has reached so much.

Now, the box office success of "the genius of skipping classes" is even in the top ten of this year's box office list, but he still has to sign a contract for only $3 million.

Damn wma.

In Norman Broca's office in the afternoon, Matthew Broderick almost turned over on the spot and fired him directly.

However, he did not dare to do so.

The contract with wma is only the most important. In the past six months, so many people have switched to CAA, but most of them have not expired. The point is, he knew that if Norman Broca was in a hurry, he would probably destroy himself.

In this world, it is his agent who knows the privacy of a star best.


With a low curse, Matthew Broderick could not bear to smash his beer bottle into the crowd downstairs. He almost wanted to go mad because of his pent up anger.

Looking back at the dance floor downstairs, Matthew Broderick wanted to get another bottle of beer. He noticed the blonde girl whispering in the arms of his best friend Alan Satler opposite the ring-shaped card seat, and suddenly remembered the guy who passed by wma headquarters in the afternoon.

It's all because of the damned butterfly effect.

It's all about that kid.

Pushing a girl away from him, Matthew Brodrick raised his hand to Christie Swanson, then got up and walked across.

On the other side of the deck, I saw Matthew Broderick coming, and the others were pushing a little to the side.

Sitting between Alan Satler and mark Stein, Matthew Broderick asked Christie Swanson, "Christie, don't you know that Simon westero?"

When Matthew asked, mark Stein on his left came up to him.

A few days ago, mark Stein was deeply impressed by his experience on the dance floor in the bar. Because of his struggling appearance in Simon westero's hands at that time, some people even began to call him "monkey" recently. This unknowingly spread nickname has made mark Stein a laughing stock in many people's eyes.

As Matthew Broderick's best friend, mark Stein is still very clear about the context of the recent wma series of events.

At this time, hearing Matthew Broderick mention Simon westero, he is acutely aware that the time has come for his revenge.

Different from the ordinary people outside the circle, during this period, many Hollywood eyes began to unconsciously pay attention to a young man named Simon westero.

Christie Swanson also realized that Simon was no longer a nobody a few weeks ago. However, she did not feel that the other side can be compared with Matthew, a Hollywood celebrity.

When Matthew Broderick asked Simon, Christie Swanson didn't even want to mention him. He shook his head and said, "Matthew, it was just a chance encounter that day. All I know is that he works at Griffin supermarket on 25th Street

Matthew brodrickton was a bit disappointed.

If Christie Swanson knew where Simon lived, he would like to take a group of close friends to him at once to clean up the guy and vent his depression and irritability.

Now, that guy has made 200000 dollars with one script. Obviously, he can't work as a salesman in a supermarket.

Mark Stein noticed Matthew Broderick's lost expression and said, "Matthew, maybe we can go to the supermarket. Even if he doesn't work there, other people in the supermarket should know his whereabouts."

Matthew Broderick, however, began to hesitate. He was a man who was afraid of trouble.Seeing this, mark Stein continued: "Matthew, it's Simon westero's play that's responsible for all these things. Don't you want to clean up that guy?"

Mark Stein said at the end of the speech, with an obvious gnashing of teeth in his voice.

Alan Satler, who was hugging his girlfriend, heard mark Stein's words and laughed loudly: "monkey, do you want to clean up that Simon westero?"

The young people around laughed loudly.

Mark Stein rose red, pointed to Ellen Satler and said, "don't you dare call me monkey again."

Ellen setress, not afraid, raised her voice and frowned. "Monkey!"

Matthew Broderick saw mark Stein jump up and about to pounce on Alan Satler. He grabbed him and said, "don't make a damn noise."

So Matthew Broderick got up and said, "that's all for today. Women stay. Men follow me."

After hearing the conversation, several young people had already understood Matthew Broderick's intention. Mark Stein first jumped up again, and the other young people also got up and walked out with Matthew Broderick.

Christie Swanson, who was left in the card seat by her boyfriend, watched a group of boys leave cheerfully, but shrugged indifferently.

It's just a fight.

Or someone will get a beating.

But it's no big deal.

It's already over nine in the evening.

Matthew Broderick and his party drove two cars from the airship bar and soon found Griffin supermarket on 25th Street in midtown.

When a young man who was sent to inquire about Simon westrow's information got out of the car, he could easily distinguish the figure standing at the cash register behind the glass door of the supermarket.

After confirming the target, mark Stein in the car behind immediately ran to the front BMW and knocked on the window. When the window rolled down, he said to Matthew Broderick in the co pilot, "Matthew, shall we go in and drag that guy out directly?"

Before Matthew Broderick answered, Alan Satler, who was in charge of driving, scolded, "you're stupid. You'll be taken as a robbery if you do this. Of course, it's waiting for the guy to get off work. And mark, what the hell are you doing with a baseball bat? You're going to kill people. "

Mark Stein thought that he would get revenge soon, and he didn't agree with Alan Satler. He waved his baseball bat and said, "I know how to fight. You don't have to teach me."

Young people have similar part-time experience. They know that the 24-hour supermarket will change shifts at about 11 a.m.

After spending more than an hour carelessly, Matthew Brodrick and others drove back to Griffin supermarket, and soon saw Simon westero riding a bicycle and turning out from the alley behind the supermarket.

The two cars immediately started and quietly followed.

Walking south along 25th Street, Simon westero turns directly to Santa Monica Avenue, which is still busy in the early hours of the morning. Obviously, it's still not the place to start.

It continued to follow for some time, until Simon westero turned into a narrow street with sparse street lights between residential areas, and the two cars tacitly accelerated together.

"I won't pass," Matthew Broderick thought, looking at the nearer figure in front of him. He cautiously said to some eager friends in the carriage, "you beat him up. I'll invite you to Las Vegas next week."

Hearing Matthew Broderick's promise, the expressions of several young people in the carriage became more excited.

Then, Alan Satler stepped on the brake, the door opened, and the three youths rushed like Simon westero riding in front of him.

A figure behind him seemed to be more impatient. He waved a baseball bat to more than three people and chased him to the back of Simon westero. He waved the baseball bat mercilessly and hit him on the back of his backpack.

Matthew Broderick, who was left in the car, saw Simon westrow on the bicycle in front of him being swung down on the road by Mark Stein. Several other youths then cooperated with him to drag the young man on the ground to the next alley. A trace of worry flashed in his heart, and then turned into excitement. He even regretted that he had just not gone up together.

In the darkened lane, the sound of fists and sticks on the body continued.

Simon almost fainted with the baseball bat that just came out of the blue.

The only instinct left made Simon curl up and put his hands on the key part of his head.

What's the matter?

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There is such a doubt in my mind.

Mercilessly in the fist, a thick stick mixed among them.

This is a baseball bat.Simon could tell.


It's going to kill people.

Is there such a great hatred?

A pool of water under his body seeped into his clothes, and the cold feeling came, gradually cooling Simon's consciousness.

In the dim light, mark Stein's expression is a bit ferocious. All the humiliations he has suffered these days have been recovered. Seeing that the young man lying in the sewage has no resistance, mark Stein even has a feeling of loneliness.

Boy, if you have the ability, get up again!

With such a cry in his heart, mark Stein's baseball bat swung to Simon again, this time aiming at the shoulder, and the dull blow was especially obvious in the sound of fists and feet.

But when Mark Stein habitually tried to lift the Bat again, he found his hand empty.

Then, in the scattered kicking sound, an obvious air breaking sound suddenly sounded.

Buzz -


A clear sound of bone fragmentation.

A young man who besieged Simon fell to the ground, holding one of his legs and screaming, even with a cry in his voice.

"Ah, my leg, aha, my leg, my leg is broken."

The other four were stunned by the sudden change.

Mark Stein was the first to react. He threw himself directly at Simon on the ground and said in a loud voice, "he took my baseball bat."

A companion's leg was broken, not only did not scare the other four people, but also stimulated the ferocity of these young people.

As a result, mark Stein's reminder, the other three also rushed up.

"Hold him, hold him!"

"Get the baseball bat first."

Buzz -


Another young man fell.

"I want you to hold your legs down. Call for an ambulance. I want an ambulance."

"Shut up and stop howling."

"Kill him."

In the narrow alley, the remaining three young people are still besieging the young people who are trying to get up from the ground. One is pressing his body, the other is punching and kicking, and the last one is trying to get back his baseball bat.

Once again, Simon decided to give up the baseball bat he couldn't use. He tilted his eyes to mark Stein who was pressing on him. He suddenly built up his strength and hit his opponent's side face with a fierce elbow.

Mark Stein felt as if a hammer had hit him in the face. His head tilted and he spat out some bloody teeth.

Seeing mark Stein fall to the ground and howl, the remaining two youths finally feel fear.

Simon didn't give them any hesitation time, and without the constraints of mark Stein, he easily recaptured the baseball bat again.

Buzz -


"No, ah!"

Buzz -


"Ah, my leg, murder. You're murder. I'll sue you for murder."

Finally stood up.

Simon raised his head, feeling the light in front of him was a little red. Listening to the young man's words, an idea flashed into his mind: murder, this crime is very good.


1、 Two, three, four.


There seems to be one more missing.

That's not good.

Behind him came footsteps, and Simon turned and ran after him.

When the first scream came from the alley, Matthew Broderick felt something was wrong. He could tell that the scream was his best friend's.





Matthew Broderick began to feel cold in his hands and feet, and some of the original drinking had completely disappeared.

However, the more sober the mind is, the deeper the fear will be.

the noise will be greater and greater, and the lights of some residents' homes around will also be on, and the barking of dogs will ring.

Matthew Broderick touched the door and wanted to get out of the car to check.

I didn't have the courage.

Maybe it's just my own illusion.

His eyes were fixed on the alley not far away, expecting his best friends to come out as usual.


Sure enough, someone came out.

However, Matthew Broderick saw a terrible scene that he could not forget for many years.

Mark Stein, with half of his face covered with blood, just appeared at the entrance of the alley and fell on the ground not far away as if he had been hit by a truck.

Then, the "creature" who was full of stains and could not tell whether it was a human or a ghost, came out with a baseball bat, quietly picked up mark Stein's leg, completely ignored the other party's cry and begging, and slowly dragged mark Stein into the dark shadow again like a dead dog.A moment later, a similar scream came out again.


Matthew Broderick had this word in his head.

Before he knew it, his hands and feet began to shake.

After a moment's brain failure, Matthew Broderick suddenly remembered his situation at this time, worried about being found by the other party, moved to the driver's seat, started the car, and ran away from the place where he was scared to the extreme.

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