Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 309: 309

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On December 1, Japan on the other side of the ocean, after another interest rate increase by the Bank of Japan in November, the Nikkei 225 index still maintained an upward posture in the shock, and broke through the 40000 mark in the afternoon of this day

as of the closing of local time in the afternoon, the Nikkei 225 index was finally set at 40039.

When people in Japan cheered for this record setting moment, a grapevine from Wall Street quickly began to spread.

It is said that according to very reliable sources, cersei capital, which has attracted much attention from the financial sector in recent months, has actually secretly withdrawn from the Japanese market.

The portfolio of financial securities related to the Japanese market held by cersei capital sub funds 1 to 5 were all packaged and sold to the Japanese consortium by Simon westero. Therefore, during this period, many hedge funds that follow cersei capital's operation around the Japanese market are actually not following Simon westero, but the Japanese government!

Over the past few months, there have been at least tens of billions of dollars in the whole financial market, and cersei capital has been chasing up the Japanese stock market. Everyone knows what it's going to mean if it turns out to be true.

The news was released after the Japanese stock market closed on Friday. Due to the time difference, it was still Friday morning in North America.

The Lehman team had planned to ferment the rumor over the following weekend in order to have enough panic effect before opening next Monday.

However, the news spread far faster than Lehman Brothers imagined. It took only one day, not just Wall Street, to be exact, but all the people who should know and should not know.

The first thing that the local media in North America thought of hearing the news was to contact cersei capital's related people to confirm the authenticity of the news.

Then, many media found that Simon westero was not in North America, and even James Leibold, President of westero, was far away in Europe. Another important person of cersei capital, Janet Johnston, also failed to get in touch. Try to contact the senior management of danielis entertainment company on the west coast, but still can't get any useful reply.

Compared with the media, some investment bank executives and even senior government officials have tried to contact Simon westero, but also failed to contact Simon himself. James Leibold, who can be contacted, is also a cliche of unknown words, which is undoubtedly a very obvious default.

So while the news spread faster than the team had expected, there was one thing they were right about.

Panic is spreading!

Cersei capital's goal is too obvious, there are too many insiders, and there are all kinds of hard to hide connections during the period. Simon didn't think this matter could be concealed forever from the beginning, and the Japanese obviously didn't expect it. The most important clause in the agreement reached by both sides is that Simon no longer participated in the short selling of Japanese stock market after the Japanese stock market turned.

Greece, Athens.

Because it's so cold in London at this time of year, Simon and Janet only lived there for three days, so the women couldn't bear it. They flew to Athens, the capital of Greece by the sea.

Simon and Janet had just returned from Johnston's private island in the Aegean Sea when they received the news from North America about the inside information of cersei capital's sub funds 1 to 5. They were resting in the luxury house in the rich mountainous area of northern Athens and were planning to go to Finland next Monday.

Westero's acquisition team has negotiated final contract details with Nokia, which will be signed next Monday.

Simon was not surprised because he had expected it.

Originally intended to remain silent as planned, the sudden visit of former president of Bank of Japan, harukio Maekawa, which he met in Melbourne at noon Athens time at the end of June, interrupted Simon's leisure.

Apart from himself, Yoko Kosugi, the "gift" Simon has been refusing, is still following. The reason for the introduction is that the translator of Maekawa and others, and the other two are Maekawa's assistants.

After a brief greeting, Simon and his party came to the terrace in the backyard of the mansion.

The 6-acre mansion is also built on the mountain, with a specially built viewing terrace overlooking the whole city of Athens, only because it is too far away from the sea to see the sea level. However, since the surrounding area can become a rich area, the view is naturally excellent.

But Kawabata didn't enjoy the beautiful scenery. Simon, Janet, Kawabata and Yoko Kosugi sat down at the round table, waiting for the servant to bring coffee. With a tired look, Kawabata chuckled and said, "Congratulations, Simon. That game of" the bear turtle "seems to sell well these days."

Simon sipped his coffee, nodded with a smile and said, "thank you."

"Before I came here, I learned in advance that Yamauchi's royalty system for Nintendo in recent years is a bit excessive. Since Denise entertainment intends to enter the field of video games, and has made such outstanding achievements, I think Nintendo should give Blizzard studios an ex gratia place overseas besides Capcom and klome "Yes."

Nintendo's royalty system, in short, is to review the content of game manufacturers, and extract the royalty equivalent to the licensing fee from each game cassette.In addition, Nintendo also monopolizes the production of game cassette, which further reduces the profit margin of game manufacturers.

Because kapukong, klome and other six game companies were the first to become Nintendo's game content suppliers. After Nintendo's rise, they were granted a preferential policy. Kapukong and other companies deliberately produced their own game cassettes, and the royalty they had to pay was far lower than that of ordinary game manufacturers who could not enjoy the preferential policy.

Ninja tortoise, released last month by danielis entertainment, is a $60 cassette. Nintendo will take $20 away from the cost of making the cassette and the royalty. After deducting the profits from the distributors, danielis entertainment can only get 30% of the gross profit from each cassette.

By contrast, Capcom, klimer and other companies, because of the preferential policy, the gross profit of each game cassette can reach 50%.

Nancy had expected ninja turtles to make $100 million in profits for the company in the next year, which could be increased by at least 50% if Nintendo's preferential policies were granted.

There is little foreshadowing for Maekawa to offer such rich chips. Simon can't help but be surprised. He doesn't doubt that this is an empty promise. Although Nintendo's president Yamauchi Pu is strong, Japanese companies are basically under the control of various consortia, Nintendo is no exception.

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If the high-level pressure of the Japanese financial group, Yamauchi Pu again strong can only obediently submit.

Nintendo will still be at its best for at least another five years. Such an ex gratia quota may mean hundreds of millions of dollars for danielis entertainment.

However, Simon didn't show too much emotion on his face, and didn't immediately accept harukio Maekawa's promise. Instead, he said, "in fact, I still very much approve of Nintendo's royalty system."

After hearing what Simon said, harukio Maekawa realized that he was too eager and followed the young man's voice: "this surprised me a little, Simon. In recent years, people have been criticizing Yamauchi's decision. Last year, there were also two preferential manufacturers that broke with Nintendo. "

Simon said: "if there are no constraints, a lot of business areas will be in rapid prosperity and then rapid decline, just like the great collapse of Atari. Nintendo's system is a kind of restriction on the market, which can make the field of video games move towards a sustainable benign development state. So, Nintendo's system is not wrong. If the manufacturers who break with Nintendo have the chance to become the rule makers, they will be the same

Kawabata nods, smiles and asks, "Simon, what about you?"

"Of course I'm the same," Simon said. "In fact, everyone has the ambition to be a rule maker, but most people don't have the strength."

"Simon, do you want to beat Nintendo?" he asked

Simon shook his head and said, "Denise entertainment is not going to get involved in the field of mainframe, we will only focus on the development of game content. However, both Atari and Nintendo have proved the huge profits in the field of game console, and this industry is destined to usher in many new players. What's more, Nintendo's sluggishness in the new generation of game console is well known. Sega's 32-bit game console has been launched for nearly a year, but Nintendo's SFC is still delaying. Therefore, it is doomed to decline, this decline is only because of its own lack of progress, not because of the royalty system. "

Simon said that, but Apple came to mind.

In the past, Apple's revenue from app sales was actually imitating Nintendo's royalty system. On the other hand, compared with Nintendo, Apple has always been able to surpass Android, which makes it difficult for the Android camp to compete with apple.

"I'll tell you what you said in the mountain," harukio Maekawa took a sip of coffee in front of him and began to talk about the main topic. "Simon, I'm here this time. I hope you can make some public statements."

Simon nodded and waited for harukio Maekawa to continue.

"We have found out. The news is from Lehman Brothers of American Express," he said. In the past two days, the situation in North America and Asia has been very bad. We hope you can publicly express your optimistic remarks on the Japanese economy in some media. "

Simon said, "what about cersei capital sub fund 1-5?"

"This is also a key point. We hope you can tell the media that you have changed the portfolio of cersei capital sub funds 1 to 5 in June, but the Japanese stock market did not show any decline in the following six months, which is enough to show that the Japanese economy is more dynamic than many people predicted."

Simon didn't care that harukio Maekawa unknowingly moved the transfer time of cersei capital sub fund No. 1-5 forward to June. Strictly speaking, that's right. The two sides really confirmed the deal at the end of June: "in fact, Maekawa, you should understand that my position is not significant now. Now that Lehman Brothers has released the news, they must have established a large number of short positions, and perhaps many financial institutions have also done so ahead of time. "

"But there's also more long capital left," harukio Maekawa said. "Simon, as long as you make a statement, those funds that are still long will certainly make a contribution. We will also try our best to maintain the stability of the market. "Simon said, "you should know that the Japanese economy does have a very serious bubble, and Japan's stock market turn is inevitable."

"I understand, Simon, we just hope that this turn can be mild and give us more time to relax."

Simon rubbed the coffee cup still in his hand and weighed it.

Japan's stock market has broken through 40000 points and has obviously peaked. It is impossible for it to go up. It is inevitable for it to go down.

In my memory, it took four months for the Japanese stock market to fall from a high above 38000 points to 28000 points. This is indeed quite moderate. It also shows that the rescue measures of the Japanese government at that time were very effective.

Now, if he doesn't do anything, with the panic accumulated in the market in the last two days, even if the Japanese stock market has a rise and fall limit, there will be no black Monday like that in North America in 1987, but after the opening of next week, it is likely to be a continuous collapse.

Once this happens, some hedge funds misled by cersei capital in the early stage are likely to suffer heavy losses, and Simon will inevitably be blamed at that time.

On the contrary, if Simon now shows some optimistic tendencies towards the Japanese market, delays the decline of the Japanese stock market, and gives those hedge funds time to flee, he is actually trying to save himself from the possible target. Now that the Japanese stock market is sure to go down, it's not wrong for him to just let those short sellers make money later.

Making up his mind, Simon raised his head again, looked forward and said, "well, what should I do?"

Harukio Maekawa beckoned the two assistants who were waiting not far away. He took out a piece of information from their handbags and handed it to them, saying: "we have prepared some information. You can have a look first. In addition, we have already spoken to the media in Japan and North America. As long as we confirm the manuscript, we can make headlines in many newspapers and periodicals tomorrow morning. And if you're willing to be interviewed on TV, that's even better. "

Simon picked up the information, looked at it, shook his head and said, "let's forget the interview. I don't like to appear on TV very much."

"Well, as long as we can make a statement in the newspaper," Maekawa chunxiong also volunteered, "in addition, all the press releases we have completed will be given to you in advance to ensure that there will be no unexpected differences between us."

Simon nodded.

I am very satisfied with the Japanese arrangement.

He doesn't want to have opinions in the papers that he doesn't know at all.

At the same time, I also know in my heart that the Japanese are so cautious, not how much respect they have for him, more should be worried that he will suddenly turn back and refuse to admit his debt.

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