Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 321: 321

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The black mask was defeated after several fierce battles and detonated a cargo ship intended to escape from Gotham.

Batman left the battlefield at the critical moment, hanging under the bat fighter, watching the black mask and the freighter smash to pieces in the explosion.

Back on the shore, a large number of police are coming from all over the city.

Cat woman subdues the death shooter and leaves after saying goodbye to Batman. Batman doesn't stop her.

The plot begins to end with the soothing music.

Gotham City calm, Wayne group took over Janus, announced the cancellation of angel's listing plan.

The dead shooter and crocodile man were sent to Arkham psychiatric hospital.

In the street, Selena Kyle pulls out a Gotham times from a white-collar bag, which is a front page article affirming Batman. The girl smiles, puts on her sunglasses and joins the city crowd.

Director James Gordon was busy at the beginning of the Lantern Festival. Near the end of work, he received a note and came to the top of the police station. A huge searchlight was installed here.

Turn off the switch.

The soundtrack turned back to excitement.

In the light of the searchlight, a huge bat was silhouetted between the clouds in the sky.

The residents on the street look up one after another, passers-by point and whisper, children show surprise scream, criminals give up trading and escape into the dark.

The camera gradually widens.

At the top of a bell tower in the middle of the city, Batman stands tall, his black cape flutters like a flag.

Frame the picture.

It's dark.

The music didn't stop, it was more loud.

When the subtitles slowly rise at the end of the film, applause soon rang out in the holy citizen auditorium.

The applause lasted more than three minutes, until the big screen unexpectedly lit up again, and everyone soon calmed down.

In Arkham mental hospital, a fat black woman looked through the information of the death shooter and the black mask, photographed the folder on her desk, and said to the middle-aged man opposite: "they are strong, but I need more."

As the voice dropped, the switching close-up shot scanned the document on the desktop, revealing the words "project X".

Without giving too many people a chance to react, the camera flashed again and the music started again.

Many people in the hall began to whisper.

Viewers familiar with DC Comics recognize that this is the suicide team just launched in the last two years. The fat black woman is Amanda Waller, the founder of the suicide team. Task force x is just the official document code of the suicide team.

Is Denise and Warner Brothers going to work together on "suicide team"?

All kinds of ideas are still floating in the hall, the subtitle is over, and the picture lights up again.

Novel double color egg setting.

A lot of media people can't help thinking that. Combined with all kinds of news released by Denise and Warner Bros. in the past year, it's obvious that Simon westero is going to play a big game.

On the big screen, this time it was a room in a mess.

A thin figure stood with his back to the screen. In the corner of the room were two minions who were tied up with eyes full of fear, whining and begging for mercy.

"I've been trying to make this city better with justice, but in vain. Now, let's leave it to fate. "

As the voice said, the camera slowly turned to the half normal face of the thin figure. When he showed a coin scratched on one side to the two minions on the ground, the camera finally aimed at the person, revealing his completely damaged face on the other side.

Ding -

the coin is thrown into the air.

Without waiting to fall, another object flew quickly and collided with the coin.

In close-up, an iconic bat dart fastens the coin to the wall.

The picture flashed and completely darkened.

In the applause again, almost everyone in the hall had a name in their mind.

Double faced!

Compared with the less well-known black mask and suicide team in recent years, the history of double faced man is almost as long as Batman, so it is also as well known as clown, Catwoman, penguin and other supporting roles in Batman Series.

Others familiar with the comic plot also think that Sal Maloney, who disfigured Harvey Dent by pouring sulfuric acid on him, has died in this film. How will the double faced man in the sequel be born?

However, they are not too entangled in this issue.

Although the film is based on comics, it will certainly be adapted. The just concluded Batman: the moment of war has made a lot of adaptations in detail. After all, if you copy comics completely, you will lose a lot of interest in movies.

All kinds of thoughts did not affect the applause in the hall.

The applause did not stop until all the film creators gathered backstage and waited for the next media interaction.

The staff set up a row of chairs on the stage. Simon was about to lead the crowd to the stage when he saw Nicole coming from the entrance of the hall with a kind of strange blush on her delicate face.Seeing Simon, Nicole's figure froze like a mouse with a natural enemy.

Simon smiles strangely and signals a little in one direction. Nicole is forgiven and moves to the bathroom with a small step.

Leading the crowd to the stage, the applause in the hall, which had begun to fall back, was once again warm and mixed with cheers.

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Simon sat down in the middle, with Adam Baldwin, Valerie Gallino, William Dufour, Tommy Lee Jones and Anthony Hopkins on the left and right.

Billy Cristo, who was in charge of the media interaction, waited for everyone to sit down, pressed his hand on the audience, and the hall gradually quieted down.

"Just a moment, everyone. I'll deal with some personal matters first," said Billy Cristo, who was quiet around, winked at the audience with a microphone, then looked at Simon and said, "Mr. director, the film just now is really amazing. Since you still want to make a sequel, can you arrange a small role for me even if it's a bit of a stunt?"

Billy Crystal's voice dropped, and there was a burst of laughter in the hall.

Of course, everyone knows that this is a disguised compliment to the film just now.

However, Billy Christo's words also expressed the feelings of many filmmakers in the hall.

Look at the people around Simon westero.

Except Valerie Gallino, who played in rain man, who knows who it is.

If they could turn back the clock, they would never let Adam Baldwin, the second and third tier characters, get the chance to play Batman.

Now, you can almost be sure that with the release of the film, these little characters, who were not well-known in Hollywood, will surely gain a lot of money and then snatch the resources that should belong to them.

On stage, Simon naturally agreed.

With a few gags, when Billy Cristo indicated that the audience could ask questions freely, almost everyone in the hall raised their hands.

In order to avoid some unexpected problems, some things are arranged in advance.

Billy Cristo skillfully picked one of Simon's acquaintances, Peter Butler, a reporter and critic for the Los Angeles Times.

Peter Butler got up, took the microphone from the staff, and said, "Simon, first of all, congratulations on creating another excellent film. I'm curious, how do you come up with the details of the film that we've never seen before? For example, the bat motorcycle is really cool, and Batman searches the identity of the cat woman according to the hand-painted portrait, the bullet slow motion of the death shooter, and most importantly, those action designs that are more wonderful than Bruce Lee Kung Fu in those years? "

Peter Butler's question is probably also in the minds of many people at the scene.

The development of film models can be traced, because it involves millions of dollars of investment in action, and the producers usually dare not carry out too large-scale innovation.

However, Simon's new film almost completely breaks away from the muscle man sweeping action film mode led by Stallone, Schwarzenegger and other stars in recent years. The action design with full realism and full of visual beauty seems to suddenly bring Hollywood action movies into another generation.

Bat motorcycles, portrait retrieval, touch-screen operation, video calls and so on are full of sci-fi details in this era, which also make the audience refreshing.

Simon waited for Peter Butler to finish, raised the microphone and said with a smile, "maybe there are a group of ghosts who are really giving me advice."

The audience was stunned and then laughed.

The unexpected release of the Summer Edition of the sixth sense of the supernatural triggered a discussion that Simon is a psychic, which is often mentioned by the media, of course, we have not forgotten.

As a joke, Simon soon straightened out and said, "in fact, the main reason is that the preparation time is enough. I've been thinking about this movie since two years ago. In order to show my imaginary Batman perfectly on the big screen, I've looked up a lot of materials and come up with countless ideas. So, what you see is just a part of my many ideas. I believe the sequel in the future can bring you more surprises. "

Such an explanation does not satisfy many people, but it is also a common practice in the circle.

After all, Peter Butler's question is too general.

Another female reporter with glasses got a chance to ask questions quickly and stood up and said, "Mr. westero, I'm Jane Trevor from variety. I had the honor to attend the premiere of" Lola Run "and then" vulgar novel "in park city two years ago. This is my third Premiere of your new film. Besides, I'll watch most of your screenwriting movies for the first time. "

Simon couldn't remember each other, so he politely said, "thank you for your support, Jane."

Jane Trevor didn't expect the more dazzling young man on stage to remember himself. She habitually held her glasses and turned to the main topic and asked, "Mr. westrow, is your budget for this movie really only $50 million? In my opinion, Batman: the moment of war is much better than some action blockbusters with a budget of about $50 million in recent years"Yes, it's only $50 million," Simon nodded. "I'm a very cost conscious person. Once I set a budget ceiling, I'll try my best not to overspend."

Simon's answer clearly did not explain Jane Trevor's doubts.

It's just that this matter can't be said in detail.

There are many high paid celebrities sitting in the hall, which offends people directly. Simon doesn't like to create conflicts in words. He prefers to do nothing but say nothing.

However, although Simon didn't point it out, many people in the hall actually understood the reason.

With the same $50 million budget, "Batman: the moment of war" and other movies of the same budget magnitude have different spending structures.

For example, Sylvester Stallone's new film "fierce tiger and wild dragon", which was released one week ahead of Batman on Friday, has a budget of 55 million US dollars. It is said that Stallone alone took 15 million US dollars. Kurt Russell, who is also a front-line supporting actor, and Andrew concharovsky, an old Hollywood director, won't be paid too much. There are also other reasons The supporting role, just as the main producer, accounts for more than 50% of the film budget.

By contrast, Batman: the moment of war doesn't have a star worth more than $1 million.

As for Simon himself, he will continue to earn $1 base salary plus 10% of the North American box office share and 5% of the video sales share.

In addition, because Simon is the first producer who has the absolute say in the film, just the second producer who plays an auxiliary role, Joe silvo's salary is also not high, only $2 million, and there is no sharing clause. This is Simon's offer in person.

Simon is well aware of the potential benefits of the project, so he will not make the same mistake that Warner promised Nicholson.

Although he has been promoted to the first-line gold medal producer after "lethal weapon" and "die hard", Hollywood producers' pay is not high, far below the level of first-line directors and stars.

At this time, a group of gold medal producers in Hollywood, such as Jerry brookheimer, who produced "top gun" a few years ago, is higher than Joe silvo, and his fixed salary is only $1 million. However, gold medal producers often enjoy profit sharing scheme

Simon pays Joe silvo $2 million in one lump sum, which is equivalent to prepaying the other party's profit sharing.

Because it's just the second assistant producer, although there's no sharing clause, Joe silvo's salary is already generous.

The final result is that Simon, the core creator of the project, only gets a basic salary of US $1. Adam Baldwin and other stars are paid only a few hundred thousand US dollars. Joe silvo, the highest paid actor, only takes us $2 million. Batman: war time's total expenditure on production, directing and acting is less than US $5 million.

As a result, Simon spent more than 90% of his budget on film production. By contrast, the quality of the film naturally far exceeds other blockbusters of the same budget level.

When Simon finished answering this question, Billy Christo didn't give Jane Trevor a chance to ask. He asked others.

Then there were all kinds of questions about the sequel, about the eggs, about the box office, and so on. The lively premiere and the subsequent Afterparty continued into the night.

The next day, Simon took Janet to Australia early in the morning.

At the same time, "Batman: the moment of war" media popularity and film review reputation quickly burst.

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