Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 327: 327

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Neil Bennett personally opened the guardrail to let Simon into the ring. Ignoring the buzzing around him, he looked at his boss's body-building which is definitely beyond most ordinary people's body-building, and worried: "boss, it's very dangerous if we go back to practice for a period of time."

Simon moved his wrist, reached over and said to Neil, "it's a little loose. Help me put it on again."

Neil Bennett reluctantly across the fence to help Simon tighten his fist, looked up and down, then turned around and ordered the manager of the nearby fighting field to say a few words. The manager quickly asked someone to bring a set of joint protectors, and asked a girl wearing a bikini to help Simon put them on.

Simon sat down on the stool where nilsey came in, and said to the brown haired girl who was eager to come, "wrist and knee pads are OK, just ankle pads."

The brunette nodded and squatted down in front of Simon to see him raise his leg, reach over and pull the man's foot towards him, put it directly on a white thigh, and put on the protective gear while saying, "Mr. westero, my name is Danica."

Simon didn't refuse the bean curd. He said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Simon."

Danica laughed, revealing two nice dimples.

With the ankle protection on, Simon stood up, jumped twice, and raised his hand to the nearby arena manager.

"And this," Neil Bennett, who was still on the other side of the fence, raised his hand guard to Simon, noticed the hesitation in Simon's expression, and offered to explain, "new."

Simon just put it on.

In the fighting field, the audience's disturbance is more and more obvious.

Simon put on his teeth guard, took a final look at Patrick Johnston and James Parker, and began to warm up.

On the other hand, a boxer with a flat head and the same size as Simon also stepped into the ring and took the initiative to smile at Simon.

The expression is obviously with scruples.

Simon westero.

How to fight this?

The field is full of professional boxers, who live on this line.

Who's Simon westero?

The youngest super rich man, the richest man in North America with 6 billion US dollars, a Hollywood director, a genius in financial and investment circles, and the son-in-law of the johnstons

A bunch of halos.

There's no boxer attribute, right?

Against this kind of person, it's not good to win, and it's not good to lose.

More serious.

If it's broken, the end will be even worse.

But the host began to announce the curtain at this time, with trembling voice, and said: "next, Jason Gere and Simon westero

With the sound of the radio, there was an uproar in the field, and the crowd obviously surged to the boxing ring.

Originally, many people were guessing, but they thought it was just the appearance.


It's really Simon westero!

Under the ring, James peck felt the restless mood of the audience around him and said to Patrick next to him: "otherwise, it's better to stop. Simon and your sister are getting married soon. Don't get hurt

With a look of fear, Patrick easily pointed to Neil Bennett and another bodyguard under the ring and said, "someone's watching, and they've told me on the stage that there won't be any problem."

James Parker is more and more regret.

I really shouldn't have encouraged Simon to come on stage with Patrick just now. In case of any accident, he thought his old man would break his leg.

Want to give a few words to the boxer and referee on the stage, but at this time can not find a chance.

On the ring.

The middle-aged referee made a routine inspection of Simon and Jason's protective gear, and finally asked in a low voice, "Mr. westrow, are you sure you want to come?"

In this scene, except for Patrick and the spectators, no one really wants Simon on stage.

You can't joke like that!

Simon nodded again and then said to Jason greyer, who seemed to be thinking about how to deal with it: "let go. I can still afford to lose. Beat me and give you 100000 dollars. "

Jason grayer was inspired when Simon said that.

The referee next to him winked at Jason when Simon wasn't paying attention.

Take it easy. Money is more important. Life is more important.

Jason grayer noticed the middle-aged referee's eyes, immediately understood, calmed down a little, and began to figure out how to win the billionaire without making him lose too ugly.

The hot bikini girl walked around the court for a week, the gong sounded, and the competition officially began.

Simon raised his hand in front of him, bowed slightly and made a skillful defensive.

Having inherited so many people's memories, Simon also has many fighting skills in his mind. In recent years, he has never relaxed to keep fit. What's more, Simon always knows that he has a kind of natural strength that is much higher than ordinary people. Although he has not carried out the limit test, the 200 kg bench press in the gym is easy for him.Therefore, he is confident that he will not be too embarrassed to deal with the free fight without too many rules.

With the defensive put out, the first full three minutes, Simon has been swimming Dodge, almost no hand.

Jason greyer probably understood that Simon was looking for feelings. Moreover, he knew from Simon's professional fighting posture that the billionaire didn't know nothing about fighting, so he was no longer so timid and patiently accompanied Simon.

In the second inning, Simon finally began to try. Jason Claire also read Simon's promise of $100000 and began to fight back.

But the confrontation is still not fierce.

A layman watching.

At the beginning of the third inning, Simon still dodged more than attacked, and Jason greyer seemed to be still playing with the big man, but there were boos in the field.

We're not here to fight fake boxing.

As a player, Jason greyer is more and more surprised, because he has played more than 70% of the strength unconsciously, but his opponent is still at ease.

What's more.

Although the number of hits is not many, but, Simon westrow hit himself, it is really a pain.

The standard five innings soon came to the fourth.

It's been three innings. At the beginning of this time, Jason greyer launched a fierce attack on Simon without reservation. Simon still showed a defensive position, but also began to increase the counterattack.

Such a fierce confrontation, the catcalls under the stage finally subsided, and everyone was staring for one side to be defeated.

In the ring, after seemingly struggling to block Jason greyer's set of combined attacks, Simon took advantage of the opponent's gravity tilt and suddenly made a powerful hook.

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Bang -

this is not a movie.

Not boxing, of course.

It's the sound of a strong man with a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of 90 kilograms falling to the ground like a broken sack.

On and off the stage, people who were worried that Simon would come to such an end were all in a daze. After a few seconds, two doctors rushed to the stage to see Jason greyer lying on the ground motionless.

After a flurry of tests, one of the doctors said to Simon, "Mr. westrow, he passed out."

"Just fainted?"

"There may be a concussion, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

The manager told the staff to lift Jason greyer down, and the referee remembered that he held Simon's right hand up, and the host's high voice came from the radio: "the winner is Simon westero."

There was applause.

Simon didn't step down. He went to the edge of the stage and said to the arena manager, "change the next one and tell them that if you win me, you'll get 100000 dollars. If you lose, you'll get nothing."

Seeing Simon continue, the audience who just didn't feel much gave more applause.


Scene two.

Scene three.

Scene four.


When Simon knocked his 10th Asian opponent from Thailand to the ground with a fierce elbow, with the continuous influx of people into the already full fighting field, there was a warm cry.

"Westero, westero, westero..."

Ten consecutive games, ten consecutive Ko, a lot of fight fans look at Simon's eyes have gone beyond the scope of worship.

Watching a super rich man lose ten opponents in a row, most people feel that although he is just a spectator, it is enough to boast for many years.

Simon himself can't be intact. Neil Bennett, who has been guarding the ring to guard against accidents, looks at his boss's swollen cheek and other wounds. When the referee announces the result, he opens the guardrail and enters the ring road: "boss, we can't continue."

Simon also felt a bit collapsed. He looked up at the electronic clock hanging in the field. It was past midnight, so he nodded.

However, Simon did not step down directly. Instead, he went to the stage and motioned to Patrick, who had been stunned for a long time. He said to James Parker beside him, "go, change his clothes. Let's have a fight."

I know that my brother-in-law didn't have a good heart when he brought me here tonight.

In fact, despite Patrick's instigation, Simon would never succeed if he didn't want to.

However, the lesson still needs to be learned.

Patrick didn't seem to hear what Simon said. He opened his mouth and seemed to ask, "ah?"

Simon makes another gesture to James Parker, and Patrick is pulled backstage.

Neil Bennett looked at the situation and did not dissuade him.

Simon is injured all over the body now. Even if it doesn't matter, he will be disciplined by Raymond Johnston when he goes back.As the originator of the figurines, the most incompetent young master should be taught a lesson.

James peck personally took Patrick to the backstage to change his clothes. In less than a minute, he ran back alone, obviously with a smile on his face and said to Simon, "Pat's running, Simon, do you want to catch up?"

Simon smiles, shakes his hand, holds on to the guardrail, and with a little bit of force, tumbles down.

Seeing Simon leave the ring, the audience who knew that there would be no next game rushed here, trying to find the opportunity to contact Simon.

Neil Bennett quickly signaled the surrounding staff to protect Simon and push away the crazy crowd into the backstage.

Sitting on a sofa backstage, Simon finally felt a sense of detachment. Listening to the cries of "Simon" and "westero" coming from the front desk, he let several bikini girls around him help him take off their boxers and ankle protectors. He was so tired that he closed his eyes and went straight to sleep.

Although there was some intermission in the middle, ten consecutive high-intensity confrontations lasting for nearly three hours had drained Simon's last bit of potential.

I can't remember much of what happened next.

I feel like I've been sent to Johnston's private medical center in the city. After all kinds of frustrations, Janet also appears, seems to say a few words, and then goes back to the mansion.

And then.

The dark dream lasted for a long time. Someone was touching the wound on his face, grabbing it and holding it in his arms.

I feel at ease.

Finally wake up, this is the bedroom of Simon and Janet in Johnston's mansion, with a woman curled up in his arms like a kitten.

Looking out of the dim window, I don't know whether it is morning or dusk.

Feeling his movement, Janet opened her eyes. Her beautiful eyes aimed at him, flashed and flashed, her head came over, and her white teeth bit his ear.

When the pain came, Simon begged for mercy directly: "don't bite it off, it's still you who hurt."

"Motherfucker, I don't care for you," Janet said. After a few gentle exertions, she let him go. Her greasy face rubbed against Simon's face, and then she stood up and looked at him. "Don't do that again."

"Well, I promise," Simon said, looking up, kissing the woman on the lip and saying, "what time is it now?"

Janet didn't answer, holding Simon's face and looking him in the eye: "make sure."

"Make sure," Simon nodded solemnly. "It was your brother who encouraged me. At last, he tried to teach him a lesson and was run away."

"It's none of your business," Janet said, softening down and sticking to Simon. "Dinner will be waiting for some time. Are you hungry? Can we go out to eat?"

"I'm hungry," Simon said, feeling something under him. It turned out to be a button. He threw it aside and continued to say to Janet, "but eat at home. Besides, is the old man angry? "

Janet took the button back, raised her hand and threw it into the gap between the bedside and the wall to see it disappear. She pasted it on Simon's chest again and said, "no, but it's very lively in the media today. The newspapers are full of news about Simon westero's ten consecutive Ko matches. There are also videos streaming out. There are reports in North America that you are already the champion, aren't you Not very proud? "

Simon listened to Jeanette's sarcasm and said, "shouldn't video photos be allowed in the fighting field?"

"Last night you went crazy on stage and the whole of Melbourne was shocked. How can we guard against this kind of thing when so many people squeeze past. Unfortunately, when I get to the city, I can only see you in the hospital. "

Simon laughed and said, "it was said that today's discussion with Tony about cersei capital can only be postponed until tomorrow. Blockbuster will be on the market on the 18th and will stay for another day tomorrow. We have to go back to North America the day after tomorrow. Time is really tight. "

Janet, well, there's an obvious lack of interest.

Simon felt the woman's emotion and stopped talking about it. He held the woman's light body aside and said, "OK, you can lie down for a while. I'll get up first."

Janet wrapped her little arm around Simon's until he sat up and finally scratched him on the back, burying her head on the pillow and watching the man dress.

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