Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 558: 561

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Simon believes that as long as the hursts don't lose their heads, it will be over.

The family that has accumulated for a hundred years may be deeply rooted, but it will inevitably lose its spirit.

It is very difficult for the current Hurst group to make such "pioneering efforts" as provoking the war between the United States and Spain. When it comes to opponents who are not playing cards according to common sense and are strong enough, it is inevitable that they will feel a bit timid that they are porcelain and do not care about tiles.

What's more, the opponent this time is not a tile, it's more like an iron pimple.

A few days later, news came from North America that William Hurst III had fired most of his servants. The incident was not only in the newspapers, but also in an attempt to initiate a lawsuit.

It's obvious that the hursts are responding.

Of course, it costs $1 million for Hurst to bribe the people around Simon. Simon bribes the people around him to deliver gifts to the Hurst family, and the price is much cheaper.

Some newspapers focusing on anecdotes reported that a couple in San Francisco were captured by aliens when they were dating, woke up in a remote seaport town on Argentina's Tierra del Fuego, and were still in their original car.

The southern hemisphere is in a cold winter, and Tierra del Fuego is already within the Antarctic circle.

It's said that the two people who had been sleeping for a week were extremely weak after waking up, and even nearly frozen to death. Many people in the harbor town proved that they saw the white Toyota car with San Francisco photos and the two people on the car.

But the news did not spread on a large scale and quickly disappeared.

It seems that a big hand is preventing the further expansion of the matter. Even the photos taken by the residents of the port town of Tierra del Fuego have been bought away, and the identity of the couple has never been exposed.

Obviously, the evil government is monopolizing the news of alien kidnapping.

Traditional media can't get more information. Many mysterious events on the Internet are discussed in a systematic way, and some people call on the federal government to disclose the truth.

Naturally, there is no response.

Simon and his wife arrived in Melbourne on June 15 and left for Melbourne on June 25.

Meanwhile, another box office week from June 18 to June 24 is over.

Superman, which was released in the third week, shrank to 32% this week, and continued to earn $41.33 million, easily topping the box office in a single week. In three weeks, the cumulative box office officially exceeded $200 million, reaching $214.76 million.

No. 2 on the list is not phantom hero, the most popular movie, but Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, who star in the Love Movie Sleepless in Seattle. Relying on its excellent reputation and popularity, the 2369 block love movie won $33.81 million in the first seven days of the week, with an average of $14000 in the museum.

What most complicates the mood of other Hollywood Studios is probably the cost of sleepless in Seattle.

As a love movie, although Tom Hanks's pay reaches the first-line $8 million level, the final cost of the movie is only $25 million.

Only the box office in the first week has exceeded the production cost of the film. Considering the long-term nature of the topic love film, the film starts with 33.81 million US dollars, and it is not difficult for the local box office to break 100 million US dollars. Denise entertainment and Disney can make a lot of money only through the local box office.

This week's No. 3 movie, phantom hero, is in sharp contrast to sleepless in Seattle.

With the production cost of 85 million US dollars and the publicity budget of 30 million US dollars, the box office in the first seven days of the week is only 21.93 million US dollars, and the opening of the gallery is even less than 10000 US dollars.

Compared with the low box office, the film's reputation is bleak.

Media generally predict that the box office of "phantom hero" will drop by more than 40% in the next week, and the final box office in North America is likely to be only about $50 million.

With a total investment of US $115 million and an expected North American box office of US $50 million, it is obvious that the huge loss of the project can not be avoided. Even if Schwarzenegger's overseas box office appeal can double the overseas box office to US $100 million, Columbia film can only recover more than US $60 million, and Colombia will bear a huge loss of at least US $50 million in the next year.

With the huge loss of "phantom hero", Sony can no longer let the film company, which was bought with a huge amount of money, take the initiative to send a working group to Los Angeles. Hollywood media predict that Peter Cooper, who is in charge of Columbia Pictures, is not far from stepping down.

The box office of the last new film "shudder plot" opened last week was 11.69 million US dollars. Compared with the opening scale of 1517 screens, the box office performance of the museum was 7705 US dollars. It was not too bad, but it was far less than that of "shaking the cradle's hand" three years ago.

According to the box office and word-of-mouth of the film, it is preliminarily estimated that the total box office of the film in North America is about 30 million US dollars.

The production budget of "shudder plot" is 12 million US dollars, and the box office in North America is 30 million US dollars. In such a hot summer season, it obviously does not meet the expectations of the new world film industry, but the profit of the project is certain.On June 25, Simon returned to North America. On the same day, the summer season released three new films, including Disney's "superstar dad" starring Michael fox, MGM's "hot edge" starring Nick Kidman, and gaomen's rock star Tina Turner's "what do you want to do with love?".

"Superstar dad" and "edge of body heat" are both typical commercial films in summer season. Simon pays more attention to Tina Turner's biographical film "what to do with love" produced by gaomen pictures.

Tina Turner, a rock star in her fifties this year, is a typical late bloomer. As a black Indian hybrid, Tina Turner, who started her career at the age of 16, didn't get a big hit until the early 1980s, when the singer was over forty.

Then it became popular throughout the 1980s, during which he also starred in Mel Gibson's Mad Max 3.

The movie "what do you want to do with me" is not about Tina Turner's experience after her popularity, but her 16-year-old bumpy marriage. The singer married her mentor and bole Ike Turner at the age of 16. The marriage lasted for 16 years, during which Ike Turner raped Tina Turner for a long time. After the last conflict, the actress finally decided to leave, and even failed to get two A share of property during a person's marriage.

Later, when a lot of people thought that Tina Turner would be down without Ike Turner's resources and channels, after several years of silence, Tina Turner, who was over 40, became popular again, which surprised everyone.

"What do you want to do with love" is one of Tina Turner's best-selling albums in the 1980s. Because it fits the theme of the story, it is used as the name of the film.

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Music biography is a very important subject in Hollywood. However, two years ago, the box office failure of Oliver Stone's movie "gate" about the big band was just around the corner. When the project "what do you want to do with me" was first set up, the gaomen film team was not sure whether the project would succeed. The budget of the film was $15 million, which was not high in the whole Hollywood level It's not low for gaomen film, which is a low-cost art film.

In the end, Simon made the decision himself.

It's a risk.

Because I don't have much information about the film in my memory, the film obviously didn't reach the sales level. However, with an investment of $15 million, even if the box office fails, gaomen film will be able to bear the loss.

Because of the uncertainty about the box office prospects of the film, "what do you want to do with it" has only 107 screens, which is a very conservative distribution strategy in this summer season.

In the end, the box office of what to do with love didn't disappoint.

In the first three days of the first weekend, the average price of the museum exceeded 17000 US dollars. From June 25 to July 1, the average price of the seven days of the first week of "what do you want to do with me" reached 33000 US dollars, and only relying on 107 screens, we got 3.61 million US dollars at the box office.

You know, the Disney comedy super star dad, which was released in the same period, had 1366 screens, more than ten times the number of "what do you want to do with me?" and the box office in the first seven days of the week was only $4.39 million.

Nick Kidman's "edge of body heat" has the best box office performance among the three new films in the same period, with $16.38 million in the first week, exceeding MGM's expectation. The total box office of the film in North America is expected to be between $40 million and $50 million. The budget for the production of "edge of body fever" is 20 million US dollars, and the budget for publicity is 8 million US dollars. Only relying on the box office in North America can we basically recover the total investment in production and publicity.

In terms of old films, after more than 30% decline for two consecutive weeks, "Superman" finally narrowed its box office decline to 23% in the fourth week of its release, earning $31.83 million this week, maintaining its position as the box office champion in a single week for the fourth consecutive week. In four weeks, the cumulative box office of the film also reached 346.59 million US dollars.

Because none of the new films were strong on Wednesday, the box office of "sleepless in Seattle" fell only 21% the next week, earning another $26.72 million.

Within two weeks, the cumulative box office of "sleepless in Seattle" has reached US $60.53 million. So far, the project has begun to make profits. The total box office of the film in North America is expected to reach US $120 million to US $130 million, becoming another Hollywood work with a domestic box office exceeding US $100 million in 1993.

Moreover, with the success of "sleepless in Seattle", the video of Hollywood classic love film "Golden Jade alliance" which is frequently mentioned in the film is suddenly popular.

Just two weeks after the release of the film, "Golden Jade alliance" videos quickly sold 300000 boxes. In this unexpected best-selling video event, blockbuster, relying on Nancy Brill's continuously optimized enterprise information feedback system, responded immediately. In the previous two weeks, more than 200000 boxes of 300000 "Golden Jade alliance" videos were sold or sold through blockbuster channels lease.

Of course, the biggest winner is fox, who owns the copyright of jinyumeng.

In two weeks, he has sold 300000 video tapes. With the popularity of "sleepless in Seattle", the total sales of "Golden Jade alliance" video tapes are expected to reach 2 million. Fox is totally picking up tens of millions of dollars in profits. Hollywood Reporter even joked that "golden alliance" might be Fox's most profitable film this summer.To Simon, it's almost true.

Fox has a total of four new film release plans this summer. The original 3D animated film "past forest" has failed, and the other three are not the box office projects in Simon's memory.

On July 2, North American cinemas entered the most important week of the summer vacation. Although this year's Independence Day holiday is on Sunday, according to the Convention, the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies in North America will increase significantly this week.

The sugar coated trap, invested and released by Denise pictures, was released on this day, with 2393 screens.

The other two new films are heavyweights.

Fox's the rising sun, starring Sean Connery, has a budget of $35 million and 2177 screens.

Columbia Pictures' SamSung company's comedy "honeymoon in danger", starring Mike Meyers, is also the star's first film outside the "fight against smart stars" series, with a budget cost of $20 million and a total of 1731 screens.

In addition, after winning an average of $33000 in the first week, the number of screens of "what do you want to do with love" produced by danelis Entertainment's gaomen film industry increased from 107 to 863 this week, and it is planned to reach about 1500 next week.

Competition intensified sharply, and Superman, which maintained the box office champion for four weeks, was finally squeezed out of the first place.

However, from July 2 to July 8, influenced by the dramatic increase of audience during the Independence Day holiday, the weekly decline of Superman narrowed again to 19%, and it closed another $25.76 million in the fifth week, with a cumulative box office of $272.35 million, which is expected to break through the 300 million mark in the next two weeks.

As a result, the Warner Bros. distribution team adjusted its North American box office forecast for Superman to a range of $350 million to $370 million.

The three new films, Sean Connery's "the rising sun" and Mike Meyers's "the dangerous period of the honeymoon", which opened on July 2, seem to be the most likely to sell well. As a result, Keanu Reeves's "sugar trap" has won the highest box office and squeezed Superman out of the box office champion in a single week.

In the first week of painting, relying on the popularity of the original novel and the $20 million publicity budget directly invested by Denise pictures, the box office of "sugar coated trap" reached $36.18 million in the first seven days of the first week. As a large-scale commercial film, the museum has achieved a very successful $15000.

At first, from her weak boyfriend in "Lola Run" to the cute boy in "the adventures of abiadi" to the tough guy in "shock point", this time, Keanu Reeves successfully created a struggling and contradictory lawyer image.

With the success of the sugar trap, the well-informed Hollywood media will inevitably add fuel to the flames or stir up the flames, indicating that Keanu Reeves has replaced Tom Cruise as a popular student in the 1980s.

As long as the North American box office of "sugar coated trap" exceeds 100 million, this matter will basically become a reality.

The box office of the first week is 36.18 million US dollars, and there is no doubt that "sugar trap" will break 100 million US dollars.

In contrast, despite the glory of "top gun", Tom Cruise's downhill tendency in recent years is very obvious, and there is no new film released this summer.

Sean Connery's "the rising sun after the murderer" was ranked third in the list of the week of the Independence Day holiday, after "sugar coated trap" and "Superman", with a revenue of $22.08 million in the first seven days of the week. The specific box office prospects still depend on the follow-up trend.

Mike Myers' honeymoon is a complete failure.

In the first seven days of the first week, honeymoon in danger only received US $5.36 million at the box office, less than US $3000, far lower than the producer's expectation. It is expected that the cinema will be launched in two weeks.

Mike Myers was still in the box office performance of "honeymoon dangerous period" in order to fight for more initiative in the salary negotiation of the third film of "anti resourceful star". With the failure of "honeymoon dangerous period", he could not prove his box office appeal outside the "anti resourceful star" series. Instead of gaining the desired initiative, the comedian became more passive.

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