Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 604: 607

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For the sake of safety and privacy, Simon doesn't intend to show girls' lives for long. A week after the live webcast of the London villa girls started, igritte portal issued a notice on March 8, saying that the live broadcast will end on March 31 and last for one month.

Simon initially planned to live only for two weeks.

Considering the promotion effect of this phenomenal video live broadcast on AOL, igrit and the whole computer and Internet software and hardware industry, the live broadcast time was extended to one month. A month later, the popularity of the girls has cooled down, and igritte has completed detailed testing and data collection of the webcast technology.

During the period from the end of February to the beginning of March, accompanied by the storm caused by the London girls, a number of Companies in the westrow system successively released a series of financial report data, either the annual financial report of 1993 calculated according to the natural year of the financial reporting cycle, or the single quarter financial report of the last natural quarter of 1993.

Danilisi entertainment group, Cisco, AOL and igritte, which are promoting the IPO plan, have become the four most concerned companies in the westero system without any doubt. The financial reporting cycles of the four companies are calculated according to the natural year.

Cisco was the first to report.

On February 25, Cisco released its 1993 financial report through igritte portal.

With the rapid growth of the Internet industry in the world, Cisco completed the global wide distribution of its products in 1993.

Even in order to avoid the influence of monopoly accusations and protection policies of overseas countries, Cisco's market share in the global router and switch field decreased from more than 95% when it was launched three years ago to about 75% in 1993.

However, with the rise of the world wide web, this new technology company still achieved 135% revenue growth in 1993. The annual revenue increased from US $2.63 billion in 1992 to US $6.19 billion in 1993.

In the early stage, for the sake of technology research and development and market development, Cisco's net profit margin was maintained within 10% in 1991 and 1992. With the completion of the global market layout, the company's net profit margin increased to more than 10% in 1993, reaching 12.6%, realizing a net profit of $779 million for the whole year.

Compared with the net profit of 252 million US dollars in 1992, the net profit in 1993 increased by 207% year on year.

In fact, the net profit margin of 12.6% is still seriously low compared with the comprehensive cost of Cisco products. Both inside and outside Cisco know that if it pursues profits as much as possible, the company can easily achieve a net profit margin of more than 20%. However, Simon himself, the management of Cisco and the majority of external shareholders do not lack long-term vision. Therefore, we understand that Cisco needs to focus on expansion at this time, Instead of rushing for profits.

The capital market was affected by the 135% revenue growth and the same amazing profit figures of Cisco. On the day of the financial report, the share price of Cisco rose by 3.6%, with a closing market value of US $57.6 billion, surpassing the food and tobacco giant Philip Morris, and becoming the second highest in North America after the old industrial giant Ge group with a market value of US $79.1 billion Companies.

After a series of large and small mergers and acquisitions and management equity incentive operations, westero's shareholding in Cisco decreased to 46.3% in early 1994. According to the market value of $57.6 billion on February 25, Simon's Cisco shares are worth as much as $26.7 billion, more than any other rich person on the Forbes rich list.

On February 28, the last day of February, AOL followed Cisco to release its 1993 results.

AOL has also launched a global expansion plan, but unlike Cisco, an Internet equipment manufacturer with a relatively low overseas threshold, AOL, which focuses on the telecommunications field, has a relatively slow overseas expansion and basically appears in the form of a joint venture, so its business focus is still in North America.

As of December 31, 1993, the total number of users of AOL in the United States has reached 32.61 million, with a year-on-year increase of 88%, lower than 125% in 1992. This is mainly due to the gradual increase of Internet penetration in AOL's original business area. Although the growth potential of follow-up users is still great, due to the influence of infrastructure, economic conditions and other factors, the speed of residents' access to the Internet has begun to slow down.

Even so, more than 30 million users account for 71% of the total users of the world wide web in the United States, far larger than any other Internet service provider in the United States at this stage.

Relying on such a large user base, AOL achieved a total annual revenue of 9.15 billion US dollars in 1993, with a growth rate of 136% compared with the revenue of 3.87 billion US dollars in 1992, which exceeded the expectation of most Wall Street analysts.

However, because of the huge investment in infrastructure and ADSL network upgrading, AOL's loss in 1993 was as high as $769 million, an increase of 194% year on year.AOL's loss has long been expected, and the capital market has not reacted too strongly to it.

You know, after AOL issued $1.2 billion of corporate bonds last year, the total amount of debt is still only $2.6 billion. Compared with the company's huge market value of more than $50 billion, the corporate debt ratio is less than 5%, far lower than other companies in the same industry.

With AOL about to launch fierce competition with local operators in the Great Lakes, the south of the United States and other regions beyond the East and west coasts, the loss in 1994 is expected to expand, and may even exceed $1 billion.

Simon was aware of this expectation last year, and the capital market knows it well.

As a result, the huge losses in AOL's financial data on the day of its release still did not affect the rise of its share price. At the end of the afternoon of February 28, the share price rose by 2.7%, with a total market value of US $56.2 billion, which also surpassed Philip Morris, ranking third in the list of US companies' market value after Cisco's stock price continued to rise, with a market value of US $59.1 billion.

Also because of various equity operations, westero's stake in AOL dropped slightly to 65.5%. Simon's stake in AOL reached $36.8 billion on February 28.

Just after a weekend, the value of Simon's shares in Cisco increased from $26.7 billion on February 25 to $27.3 billion on February 28, with a Book income of $600 million in three days, more than his private spending of about $500 million on real estate and women in the past year.

Simon's personal expenses, in fact, do not need to get through the reduction of shares in hand.

Next, for igrit, which is not listed for the time being and has no IPO plan in the short term, Simon doesn't really want to publish the financial report of this Internet company, just like the growth of nearly 400% last year. Even after the outbreak in 1992, the growth began to slow down, but it is only relatively speaking.

Igritte's specific financial data is still very eye-catching.

Moreover, the media that pay close attention to new technology enterprises also pay the most attention to this last one among Cisco, AOL and igritte, which are three Internet companies under the westrow system. In order to avoid unlimited media exploration and produce all kinds of exaggerated fictitious data, igritte released a relatively simplified financial report on March 7 after careful consideration.

In 1993, based on a series of popular Internet businesses such as software sales, YWS service, e-commerce, online advertising and software store, igritte gained a total revenue of US $5.41 billion, with a year-on-year revenue growth rate of 179%, and a net loss of US $393 million, a year-on-year increase of 182%.

Although the annual revenue growth rate of 179% is far lower than that of 394% in 1992, it is also higher than that of Cisco and AOL.

The loss of $393 million, compared with the revenue growth volume of igrit, is completely within the acceptable range. For people familiar with the more detailed financial data, igrit's cash flow is healthier than AOL and Cisco's. according to the current capital consumption rate, only the $1.5 billion that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley paid to buy 10% of igrit's shares last year is enough for the company to maintain its operation for at least another two years.

Therefore, the current debt ratio of igrit, an Internet company whose revenue volume has been able to squeeze into the list of top 500 US enterprises, is still "zero"!

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Anyone with a little business experience knows how rare this "zero" is.

Now igritte is almost the same as the complex of Netscape, Yahoo, Amazon, Google and other new technology companies in Simon's memory. The total revenue of 5.41 billion US dollars can be described as horror compared with the company's establishment years. However, if the business is subdivided, several of them have the potential to grow into a single giant.

The outside world can only guess the specific revenue of igrit's various businesses. Simon has already got very specific data before the financial report is released.

Of the total revenue of US $5.41 billion, the annual turnover of Amazon online mall increased from US $620 million in 1992 to US $1.36 billion in 1993, with an annual growth rate of 119%.

Carol Bartz's YWS division was subdivided again last year.

Ygritte Dreamweaver, ygritte fireworks, ygritte flash and other world wide web basic tool software have been reclassified as special software departments. With the rapid increase in the demand for basic tool software by Internet companies all over the world, the sales volume of igritte's basic software increased sharply from US $280 million in 1992 to US $810 million in 1993, with an annual growth rate of 188%.

Instead of directly publicizing it as a cloud computing service, we continue to insist that ygritte web service, which is also the independent YWS department after the split, has a revenue of US $790 million due to the substantial increase of market demand.

The reason why the revenue of cloud computing business, which is more core than basic software, can't exceed that of software department is that igritte doesn't want to expose the huge scale and cost advantage of its cloud computing technology too early, so it only provides slightly lower price when competing with traditional data center service manufacturers, so it doesn't show much attraction for users for the time being As a result, many Internet start-ups prefer to buy their own servers to build websites.The Internet bubble will eventually break down.

Because of the broad market demand, at this stage, many technology companies, including IBM and other old computer manufacturers, have begun to set foot in the most basic data center services, and have invested heavily in the construction of traditional large server data centers.

can imagine that once the Internet bubble bursts, Internet companies will compress costs or even go bankrupt and fail directly, which will inevitably lead to a serious excess of resources in the data center, and the competition pressure of the service providers will increase sharply. At that time, the flexibility and cheap advantage of the cloud computing service of igritt will be revealed, and the accumulation of technology will be more mature.

In fact, IBM and other manufacturers have noticed igritte's cloud computing technology, and see the huge cost advantage.

However, in order to protect its hardware and service business, in the case of igritte hiding its talents and not pressing step by step, the old manufacturers are not keen on following up the technology, even instinctively resist it. After all, the rise of cloud computing will inevitably lead to the impact on the hardware sales of traditional server manufacturers, which is exactly the core business of many old technology enterprises such as IBM.

On the other hand, for the cloud computing business, the old companies are not willing to keep up, and even if the start-ups see the broad prospects of this technology, because the larger the cloud computing business scale, the more obvious the advantages of the technology attribute, the small company industry does not have enough strength to compete with igrit.

Therefore, the future igritte YWS is bound to be as big as Amazon AWS in Simon's memory.

Just as Kodak refused to move closer to the digital era in order to protect its own film camera interests and eventually went bankrupt, it still has the same truth that if it can't eliminate itself, it will only be eliminated by others.

Taking into account the revenue of $120 million from other businesses such as e-mail technology authorization, Carol Bartz is responsible for the Internet basic software and services business mainly for enterprise users, with a cumulative revenue of $1.72 billion, a year-on-year revenue growth of 295%.

Simon has always attached the most importance to the advertising business. Relying on the igritte advertising alliance plan launched last year and the sharp increase in advertising demand caused by the Internet explosion, the total online advertising revenue of igritte's four advertising business boards, namely portal, social network, search engine and advertising alliance, has also reached us $1.15 billion in the past year.

Although there is still a huge gap between the total value of the advertising industry, which is as high as US $40 billion a year, and the annual revenue growth rate of 313%, once exposed, will definitely make the operators of the traditional media industry more like enemies.

With a growth rate of 313%, igritte also takes the lead in its huge business matrix.

In addition, the sales revenue of IE browser, which has been listed separately for a long time, relied on the pre installation of hardware manufacturers, the sales of operators' channels and the sales of ystore stores in the past year, and brought a total of US $310 million to igrit worldwide, with a year-on-year increase of 33%. This growth rate is not only the lowest among all businesses of igritte, but also the proportion of IE browser software revenue in igritte's annual total revenue has dropped from 12% last year to 5%.

The slowdown of IE browser software sales is mainly due to the openness of the Internet, which leads to the rampancy of pirated IE browser. In order to save the budget, some PC manufacturers who refuse to pay for pre installation and many small Internet service operators inside and outside the United States simply privately or encourage users to take the initiative to use pirated ie software.

Igritte's management is focused on HP, Compaq and ISP giants such as AOL. Meanwhile, it tries to block the network pirated software resources as far as possible.

Even so, Simon's annual revenue of $310 million has benefited a lot from Simon's $10 pricing strategy.

The original Netscape browser sold for as much as $50, which is one of the important reasons why Netscape browser lost to Microsoft ie. Even without the emergence of IE, the high price of Netscape browser and the open nature of the Internet will inevitably lead to users' tendency to pirate or free browser software.

Now, igritte's 10 dollar price for Internet Explorer is basically within the easy acceptance range of most users. Even overseas users who need to consider the exchange rate factor will not feel too heavy a burden.

Tim Berners Lee and other management are still very interested in the revenue brought by ie, but Simon saw the feasibility of free implementation of this software from the gradual marginalization of IE browser in the total revenue of igrit, and formally submitted the proposal to igrit management for discussion after the financial report.

Internet Explorer software is free. At present, the most important role is not only to promote the world wide web, but to fight for the initiative in the future antitrust investigation.

At present, many competitors and professional media have realized the irrationality of IE browser's fixed igrit portal home page, and proposed that users should have the freedom to set the home page at will if they have paid for this software.

As long as Internet Explorer is free, similar excuses no longer apply.

Just like the Android operating system in my memory, igritte invested a lot of money in the development of IE browser and gave users a free trial. Naturally, it can get some compensation in other aspects.In fact, although Android is nominally free, the potential revenue that this mobile operating system brings to Google every year reaches tens of billions of dollars, and even allows Google to successfully complete the transition from PC end to mobile end, which is even more crucial. In the era of mobile phones, another search engine giant on the other side of the ocean gradually fell out of the top ranks of Internet giants because of frequent failures in the transformation from PC to mobile.

In Simon's free scheme of IE browser software, only the download of the official website is free, and the hardware manufacturers and telecom companies pre install it. Even if they no longer charge according to the price of about $10, igritte can still charge a certain fee through the authorized service fee and other reasons. Therefore, the free scheme will not make this part of revenue disappear completely, and even with the development of PC and telecom companies The Internet industry continues to explode and grow.

Finally, the total revenue of software game stores such as ystore, steam and ypay and online payment tools was US $870 million, up 141% year on year.

This part of the business, in addition to the online payment tool ypay, is very important. The other business is only carried out to enrich the Internet content resources, so it does not spend too much energy in it, and even can be used as a chip to give up when necessary.

In addition, a series of Internet enterprises supported by the venture capital Department of igritte company are generally less than 50% of the shares, and the revenue data is not included in the overall revenue of igritte. In fact, these start-ups do not have much revenue for the time being, and the venture capital department itself is in the stage of pure money burning.

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