Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 619: 622

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Because of the huge potential benefits involved, the success of "happy farm" naturally caused a dispute within igritte about whether it should open its own platform to third-party game developers.

Even if the success of "happy farm" has phenomenal contingency, according to the current sustained outbreak speed of the Internet, with more game content coming out one after another, igritte's internal prediction is that this is likely to be an emerging field with an annual output value of no less than 10 billion US dollars.

At the present stage, igritte company almost monopolizes the field of Internet society by relying on services such as Facebook and ICQ. The difficulty of developing web games relying on flash animation technology is very low, and the cost is even negligible relative to the return. This is the most direct proof of "happy farm". Therefore, igritte company can set up its own game production team for development .

Even if we cooperate with foreign countries, we'd better not let EA's rich water flow to other people's fields.

Otherwise, it would be a bit too generous or even stupid to give away a large part of the revenue generated by the huge number of users of the platform to unrelated game manufacturers.

It wasn't until Simon came to San Francisco that it was settled.

Continue to open up and cooperate.

Not only in the field of online games, maintaining an open attitude towards foreign cooperation should be the fundamental development strategy of the whole igrit company.

The Internet is destined to be an open information platform.

If you choose to close, the result will only lead to enterprises and users constantly escaping from the igritte ecosystem, and eventually lead to their own gradual decay like trees lacking nutrients.

Once China's early Internet portal giants, later basically turned into online game companies.

For igritte, the great success of "happy farm" has obviously led the management to find a more clear way for users to cash in. However, Simon does not want igritte to become an online game company in any case. Has a broad layout at this stage, if eventually reduced to a game company, it is a tyranny.

Simon, on the other hand, doesn't want igrit to become an advertising company, even if he attaches great importance to search engines and social networks.

Simon's most fundamental vision is to hope that igrit will always maintain its position as a technology company and promote the sustainable and long-term development of the enterprise through continuous technological innovation.

For example, in this time's "happy farm", the game was mainly realized by relying on the latest flas * * page animation technology developed by igritte company. Maybe later people have become accustomed to this technology, and even in the Internet environment, it is as common as air and water in reality, but in fact, for the Internet at this stage, flash is a huge innovation New.

Because this seemingly uncomplicated innovation has brought a brand new industry with an output value of billions of dollars, which is the ultimate power of scientific and technological innovation.

"Of course, I'm not against you getting our due benefits from the game industry. You can discuss the specific implementation terms yourself. However, I would like to emphasize that for igrit, we should have a broader pattern. Our goal is the entire Internet, and we should not be blinded by the interests of a single field to hinder our own pace of continuous innovation and exploration. "

Palo Alto, a small conference room at igritte headquarters.

Simon faced Tim Berners Lee, Jeff Bezos, Carol Bartz and Alice Ferguson, who has been promoted to the fourth giant of igritte. After that, seeing that no one raised any objection, he directly turned to another topic: "the free plan of IE browser needs to be advanced, Jeff, which manufacturers have not reached an agreement now?"

In the original plan, IE browser will be officially declared free by May after completing the repricing communication with major pre installed manufacturers and network operators. In other words, the plan will be formally implemented by the end of April.

Because of the recent market and public opinion situation, Simon does not intend to wait any longer, but decides to implement it smoothly.

A few people in the conference room looked at each other, and Jeff Bezos said: "it's mainly IBM, Toshiba and other PC giants. In terms of operators, at-t's attitude is relatively persistent."

IBM and other manufacturers are in Simon's expectation. As for at-t, as a telecom giant that still maintains nationwide coverage after the split in 1984, because of its contempt for emerging Internet access services a few years ago, at-t also chose to outsource relevant services to small operators all over the country.

Until last year, at-t finally responded and began to seize the power of outsourcing operators and join the competition in the field of Internet users.

Although compared with AOL, which has a market share of 70%, at-t has been left far behind, no one dares to ignore the existence of this old giant.

Simon doesn't want to know whether there are other games, whether manufacturers or operators want to fight for more concessions, or several large companies of westero system jointly intend to make a stumbling block for at-t, or some senior executives deliberately delay trying to get more benefits from Internet Explorer. He just quickly said: "PC manufacturers and network operators, on both sides, According to the agreed cooperation plan between Compaq and AOL, the last three days will be given to those enterprises who are still hesitating. After three days, either sign up or they won't have to use our software any more. I want you to officially announce ie free next Friday. "Carol Bartz couldn't help saying, "Simon, is it a little too urgent, the anti Well, the pressure of litigation is not that serious? "

The others couldn't help laughing when they heard the obvious pause in Carol's words.

Obviously, what Bartz wants to say is anti-monopoly pressure. However, because of Simon's punishment some time ago, this pungent female executive is obviously allergic to this word.

It started with an email.

In an email to Simon, Carol Bartz described in detail the monopoly advantage of igrit basic tools software at the present stage, and how to maintain this advantage in the recent market public opinion environment.

Simon agreed with Carol's point of view, and then fined the female executive one tenth of her annual salary.

The reason is that Bartz uses too much of the word "monopoly" in his email.

Simon then made it clear at the small meeting of igritte's core executives that whether it is e-mail, telephone communication, high-level meetings or even private conversations in the future, it is necessary to explicitly avoid using the word "monopoly", because if you don't pay attention to it, it may be used as evidence for the authorities' anti-monopoly investigation against igritte in the future.

This is not without precedent.

In the 1970s, Warren Buffett bought a newspaper named buffalo evening news in Buffalo, New York. In order to crush its competitors and monopolize the buffalo newspaper market, he asked the newspaper which had no Sunday edition to publish the Sunday edition in order to attack the messenger express which could barely survive only by monopolizing the Sunday edition Only these two newspapers with a little strength are left.

In order to avoid being squeezed out, Messenger express sued buffalo evening news for unfair competition to try to monopolize buffalo newspaper industry.

This lawsuit was originally unreasonable, because the core of the federal anti-monopoly law is to encourage competition rather than inhibit competition. The publication of the Sunday edition of the buffalo evening news can increase the competition among the Sunday print media. In theory, it can promote newspapers to improve the quality of news service and retain customers as much as possible. Therefore, the buffalo evening news is fully qualified to launch the Sunday edition.

As a result, Buffett lost the lawsuit.

The reason is that the investment tycoon made a public statement about "bridge toll station" during that period, saying that owning a newspaper that monopolizes a regional market is like owning a bridge toll station, and the operator will be able to raise the price at will.

Because of this obvious monopoly speech, a lawsuit that was easy to win ended in failure.

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Although the judge did not prevent the Sunday edition of the buffalo evening news, a series of very strict restrictive measures were formulated for Warren Buffett's newspaper in the judgment, which almost led to the failure of the former leading buffalo evening news.

The $35 million investment in the acquisition of the buffalo evening news by Warren Buffett was the biggest investment of the other party at that time. At that time, the tycoon's personal wealth was only $70 million. Once the buffalo evening news goes bankrupt, it may not have the current Berkshire Hathaway.

The reason for this disaster is only the careless words of Warren Buffett.

Therefore, it's not just the case of Warren Buffett. The most important rule of Simon's behavior brought by more than a dozen life experiences in his mind is that you can do a lot of things, but absolutely can't say them.

It's like the real monopoly of igritte.

It's like deep-rooted racial discrimination in the United States.

And so on.

There are too many politically correct norms in western countries. In Simon's view, they are in fact "can't say" norms. You may not be in trouble if you do it, but if you say it, it's giving someone a handle.

Simon is very satisfied with Bartz's outspoken female executive's timely braking. Otherwise, he plans to deduct another 10% of the other party's annual salary. Although according to the equity award agreement signed at the beginning, it has almost been confirmed that all of the core executives of the multimillionaire are not concerned about the current base annual salary of several hundred thousand dollars, his young boss's attitude is not optimistic But the degree can not be ignored.

With the same smile, Simon quickly regained his expression and seriously said, "Carly, this matter has nothing to do with the recent public opinion and the investigation of the authorities. If ie keeps charging, it's very important for igrit. Even after ten years of litigation, I will not easily give up what I can't give up. However, the most important reason for IE's free program is to fundamentally determine the market position of this browser software in the world, in addition to facilitating igrit to instantly push our latest technology. Now everyone has realized the importance of browser software interface. In the Federation, we have an absolute advantage, and we don't have much urgent worry for the moment. However, in order to avoid the Internet interface being controlled by igritte, some countries around the world are considering using the public power of the government to ask us to give up the exclusive right of ie. you should be more careful than me Clear. The implementation of the free plan will enable us to maintain a strong market position even if we lose the exclusive right. So, it's only a week, and I'm going to see the results next Friday. I don't want any of you to delay this for any more reason, do you understand? "Simon stares at Bezos and others with sharp eyes. When they nod their heads one by one, he withdraws his eyes, looks down at the memo in front of him, looks up to the female supervisor and says, "Ellie, about the Wisconsin Senator Craig Ames' accusation that our logistics distribution center under construction should take the initiative to give up the tax relief provided by the local government, don't pay attention to him. However, the recruitment plan of the distribution center needs to be advanced. Someone will contact you about the specific operation of this matter. You know why, so I need your absolute cooperation. OK? "

Alice nodded.

The housekeeper, who has been paying attention to what happened recently, certainly knows that there is no room for negotiation.

Last month, Democratic Senator Craig Ames of Wisconsin, who proposed an "asset tax" plan almost exclusively for Simon, has not stopped attacking the westero system. Recently, he has also pointed to the tax relief plan for a large logistics distribution center being built by Amazon online mall in Wisconsin.

As one of the seven most important large-scale logistics distribution centers in Amazon's next stage development plan, once opened, it will directly bring about 1500 long-term jobs to Wisconsin, and the indirect job opportunities are numerous.

What's more, unlike Silicon Valley engineers who need high threshold professional skills, the recruitment requirements of distribution centers are very relaxed on age and education, which is just right for a large number of unemployed blue collar workers on the traditional rust belt. However, it is even more difficult to provide long-term stable job opportunities with comprehensive security such as retirement medical care.

1500 long-term stable jobs can support almost 1500 families.

However, although the congressman did not ignore all this, he still stressed that the westero system should pay more, such as voluntarily giving up the tax breaks and other incentive schemes provided by the local government for this project. This is obviously making a fuss, which is even more disgusting than those who often stand on the commanding heights of morality and force donations from the rich.

Tax relief plans for emerging enterprises and large-scale projects are very common in all States of the United States. The preferential treatment that igritte gets is just a kind of convention. If it gives up voluntarily, on the premise that other enterprises enjoy the tax relief plan, it is equivalent to improving the operating cost of igritte and reducing the competitiveness of enterprises.

In fact, Simon can cancel the construction plan of the distribution center in Wisconsin. Even if he has invested tens of millions of dollars, he can afford to watch the water drift. But of course, Simon is not an impulsive person. The location of the seven logistics distribution centers under construction by Amazon has been carefully considered in many aspects. The rash abandonment will even affect the next development of igrit's e-commerce business.

After that, Simon looked at his memo again and began the next topic.

So busy all day, until more than six o'clock in the afternoon, Simon took girl a back to his villa in the Woodside mountains in the west of the bay area from the construction site of igrit headquarters park in mountain view city.

The villa is quite lively.

Naga Allman and Yasmin Garry experienced a little scare on Monday. They took a man's Boeing 767 private plane to Tokyo under Simon's arrangement to go shopping and relax. Today, they returned from Japan and learned that Simon was in San Francisco, so they flew here directly.

In addition to two goblins, Claire also brought a goblin to rub dinner.

Plus a girl and recently responsible for Simon living Indian girl aliya and D girl Deborah, a total of seven women in the main villa.

One man and seven women.

If this scene is spread out, it will definitely be lively in the media.

When Simon got home, at least the seemingly harmonious girls were preparing dinner in the kitchen.

After a busy day, Simon went upstairs to take a bath and change his clothes. Although she didn't give any orders, aliya quietly followed him and followed Simon into the master bedroom upstairs.

Just planning to take a shower, there is no need to put water, Simon told aliya to help himself to prepare for a change of clothes, then enter the bathroom.

About ten minutes later, Simon wiped his wet hair and walked out of the bathroom with only a big towel around his waist. He found that aliya, who had already prepared her clothes for herself, had not left. He bent down and folded a shirt repeatedly by the bed, pretending to be very busy.

Because of the long-term practice of yoga, the girl's figure wrapped in a slim white shirt and black trousers when she bends down and bows has a special charm.

Seeing Simon walk out of the bathroom, aliya straightens up with a man's shirt in her hand and comes up to her and says, "boss, here you are."

After that, the girl thought it was not right. She quickly turned around and found out the ready men's shorts from the big bed and handed them to Simon. Her eyes looked at Simon's strong chest, and her face was already flushed unconsciously.

Simon is not indifferent to the delicate vases around him. He just takes into account the possibility of changing the working attitude of the girls, so he can't eat them easily. After all, once the servant girl gets on the bed of the man, it's hard to avoid wanting to go further or even covet the position of the woman.Then there's the house.

Looking at the Indian girl's reaction, Simon realized that although she would not refuse her request, it was obviously not seduction, so he asked, "what do you want to tell me?"

After hearing this, aliya obviously felt guilty, but she nodded subconsciously.

It looks like business.

Simon smiles, takes the shorts from aliya, grabs the girl's delicate chin, pinches it, and says, "turn around first, and then we'll go to the study next door."

Aliya obediently turned around and waited for Simon to put on his trousers. Then she turned back and helped her man put on other clothes.

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