Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 633: 636

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As one of the least developed countries in the world, the number of television sets in Rwanda is almost negligible, but because the country is small enough, the broadcasting network is all over the country.

The racist massacre that broke out on April 7 was largely the result of the national incitement by the Rwandese government using radio stations. Not only did the Hutu army launch a clean-up, but also many civilians became thugs under the government's instigation, holding up butchers' knives to their Tutsi neighbors. In just ten days, hundreds of thousands of people were killed.

After the arrival of Ukrainian mercenaries, the first military operation was to clear the radio headquarters in the capital of Rwanda and the broadcasting stations in the surrounding four provinces.

This is not only a training exercise to test the strength of the pilot team recruited by Simon, but also can make the Rwandese government completely dumb, so as to avoid the other party's subsequent incitement of public hostility to the westero mercenaries through radio, and even lead the westero mercenaries to fall into the situation of the US Army in Somalia last year.

The operation was very successful.

All the 12 Mi-24 armed helicopters, divided into five teams, went to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, and the capitals of the four provinces. Without any preparation, the Rwandese government troops easily blew up all the radio equipment.

But there are also some problems.

Simon follows Celia Miller to a specially opened office on the west side of the villa, where five people are waiting.

Three men and two women.

The three men are Peter Mendelson, a 50 year old African expert, and two former U.S. military officers, major Dan rubir and major Martin Stillman, who have participated in peacekeeping operations in Africa. The latter two are now retired.

Two other young women, who wear ol suits like Celia Miller and are about 25 years old, act as interpreters and secretaries in Simon's personal military assistant office. Emily Joplin, a tall, slender girl with brown hair, is good at Russian and Ukrainian. Zoe hee, a young, curvy blonde, is no less than Celia Miller Lester, who is proficient in French and some native African languages, happens to have Rwandese in the list.

Six people, including Celia Miller, are Simon's team after the outbreak of the Rwanda massacre.

As long as the performance of these people in recent operations can satisfy Simon, this office will be maintained in the future to assist the long-term expansion and layout of westero system in Africa.

Since yesterday, this small team has been working to assist the local high-level mercenary team in Rwanda to conduct a preliminary assessment and rapid reorganization of 3000 Ukrainian soldiers through remote video contact. At present, 3000 Ukrainian mercenaries in Africa have been integrated according to the establishment of an enhanced regiment. According to the former arms of Ukrainian soldiers and the westero mercenary force, the team has been able to carry out a preliminary assessment and rapid reorganization Some weapons are equipped with combat units divided into 30 companies.

In addition, the office is equipped with state-of-the-art satellite communication equipment, and a wall mounted TV on the wall is also broadcasting live pictures of the westrow refugee camp on Lake Kivu. Just for the purpose of this webcast and long-distance communication, westero system expects to pay about $3 million a month for the rental of communication satellites.

After a brief greeting, Simon sat down at his desk and Celia Miller began to give a detailed introduction to the whole process of the targeted clearance operation on the afternoon of April 19 local time in Rwanda.

The 12 Mi-24 armed helicopters of vistro mercenaries were divided into five groups, four of which went to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, and the other eight of which were divided into four groups and flew to the capitals of four provinces of Rwanda respectively. The whole operation started at 2:30 p.m. local time and lasted for one and a half hours. At 4:00 p.m., all 12 armed helicopters completed their tasks and returned smoothly.

In the course of the mission, only four armed helicopters flying to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, were counterattacked during their retreat, which was quite threatening.

In the office, Celia Miller played a 30 second video shot by an airborne camera through a projector. In the video, eight individual air defense missiles successively attacked four helicopters. Through the projection screen, people could feel a strong sense of crisis. Fortunately, the pilots of the four helicopters were the most elite Air Force soldiers of the former Soviet Union who had retired for less than two years. The Mi-24 was thrown in time He sprinkled heat lures and made an emergency dive to avoid all attacks.

"This is the former Soviet Union's 9k32 individual air defense missile, which was equipped in the 1970s. Because of its low price and simple operation, it has always been the best-selling ultra short range air defense weapon of the former Soviet Union," Celia Miller said after the video broadcast: "according to the information we collected, the former president of Rwanda's plane was shot down by this missile. Fortunately, the pilots of this operation were all from the former Soviet air force. They were very familiar with the characteristics of 9k32, so they were not in danger. However, in our next military operation, we may have to consider the threat of this missile. We are not sure how many 9k32s the Rwandese government army still has, or whether it has other types of air defense weapons that are enough to pose a serious threat to armed helicopters. "

Simon looked at the picture on the projection screen and asked, "what about the forecast?"

Celia Miller shook her head and said, "it's not possible. Maybe just this time, the Rwandese government army has exhausted all 9k32 reserves. Maybe the other party will continue to receive relevant military equipment assistance from the French army or the DRC army."It is no secret that Hutu armed forces have been receiving assistance and training from the French army for more than ten years.

Moreover, the Hutu government has a very close relationship with neighboring DRC.

Although the Rwandese government forces used the Soviet made 9k32 man to man air defense missiles this time, it is difficult to say which side these weapons came from, or, frankly, the French are most likely to provide assistance. According to the intelligence collected by the local team in Rwanda, up to now, there may still be a small number of French advisory groups among the Rwandese government forces who have not had time to withdraw.

Simon knows better that this is true.

Many years after the end of the massacre, the Rwandese government continued to denounce France's contribution to the massacre in that year. Many investigations have shown that the plane of then Rwandese President juvenar was probably shot down by the French army and then planted by the Tutsi armed forces.

Because the French do not want the Rwandese government to negotiate peace with the Tutsi armed forces supported by Britain and the United States, which leads to the re infiltration of British and American forces into the Rwandese country which has been controlled by France. Even after the exposure of the massacre in Rwanda, which shocked the whole world, the French army quietly carried out small actions against the Tutsi armed forces in Rwanda.

Celia Miller didn't shy away from this in her words, because we all know the truth.

Of course, we can't say that in public.

For the peace loving French Republic in the civilized world, it is a very serious accusation to point out that the other side has behind the scenes supported an anti human government that committed the crime of genocide. Just because of a few criticisms from the then president of Rwanda, the French government immediately protested solemnly like a cat trampled on its tail and announced that it would withdraw from the Holocaust commemoration.

Since it is impossible to judge the number of anti-aircraft weapons held by the Rwandese government forces, Simon no longer asks questions, but continues to listen to Celia's introduction on the integration of Ukrainian mercenaries.

About 20 minutes later, Celia finished her introduction. Dan rubir, a former US military lieutenant colonel who had participated in peacekeeping operations in Angola and nabimia, first asked, "Simon, I want to know if the westero mercenaries are going to really take military action against the Rwandese government forces, or just keep a deterrent and stop the genocide in Rwanda?"

Simon looked at rubir with a smile: "is there a difference?"

Dan rubir said: "if it's just deterrence, this goal has been achieved. As the world's eyes turn to Rwanda, the massacre will surely stop quickly in the next few days. The westero mercenaries can now consider withdrawing, and the UN peacekeeping forces will take over the next thing, which can also save a lot of military expenses."

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Simon said: "Dan, the fact is that I've paid a month in advance for both EO mercenaries and Ukrainian legions, and I've bought a lot of military equipment from Ukraine at a high price."

Dan rubir understood Simon's intention and said, "well, I suggest we make a quick decision."

Simon nodded slightly to Dan rubir to continue.

Dan rubir told Emily Joplin, who operated the projector, to switch a map of Rwanda, get up and go to the projection screen, and said: "the main reason why the civil war in many African countries is protracted is that most warlords are very good at guerrilla warfare. They will continue to run around the country to fight against the government forces, and many African countries are also in power It's all in this way. "

Simon's face flashed a little queer, but he didn't interrupt Dan rubir.

Dan rubir then said: "the current situation is that there are about 50000 troops in Rwanda, of which 20000 are militia distributed all over the country, whose combat power is not worth mentioning. These people may not even have enough guns, so they can only bully civilians. Another 30000 government troops with relatively complete weapons and equipment and received certain military training. At present, there are about 8000 people in the city of bivinba in northern Rwanda confronting the Tutsi Rwandese Patriotic Front, and another 22000 people. Because of this turmoil, all of them are concentrated in the capital Kigali, which is the best opportunity for us. "

Simon shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Dan, we can't attack Kigali, where there are at least a million civilians. And even if the combat power of Ukrainian mercenaries is very strong, once we fall into street fighting, our end may be similar to that of last year's US military in Mogadishu, Somalia. "

The territory of Rwanda is very small, only 26000 square kilometers, but it has a population of more than 8 million. The population density is very high. Kigali is the capital of Rwanda. Before the massacre and riot, the population was more than 1.5 million. Even now, many people flee because of the riot, and the population is in the million level.

Just as UN peacekeeping forces are often tied up in Africa for fear of civilian casualties, Simon does not want to be accused of causing a large number of civilian casualties by attacking Kigali. In the future, the task of attacking the capital and seizing power will only be left to the Rwandese opposition itself.

Dan rubir clearly anticipated Simon's attitude and said, "well, Simon, we have only one choice now." The former U.S. lieutenant commander said, raising his hand to a city called gutarama in Western Rwanda: "before the Rwandese government forces send troops to gutarama, fight a Sniper War."The depth of Rwanda's territory is only about 150 kilometers from east to west and north to south, which is about two or three hours' drive.

Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, is located in the middle of the territory, about 70 kilometers away from the westrow refugee camp by Lake Kivu in the West. Dan rubir points out the city of gutarama, right in the middle of Kigali and vistro refugee camps.

Simon, hearing what Dan rubir said, could not help picking his eyebrows slightly, waiting for the other party to continue.

Dan rubir began to explain his intention: "based on my experience in peacekeeping operations in Africa, the Rwandese government is likely to send 5000 to 10000 regular troops to the city of gutarama to confront us. If we don't stop the layout of the Rwandese government, once it is stationed in gutarama, the Rwandese government army will set up its barracks in the city to integrate with the civilians. This is the most commonly used means for African warlords to deal with the peacekeeping forces, because they all know that the peacekeeping forces dare not attack the civilians easily, but they have no such scruples . Not only that, government forces will destroy all bridges and road facilities from Lake Kivu to Kigali as much as possible, and lay large minefields on the main roads. Most of Rwanda is hilly. Although it is not steep, it will be very difficult for thousands of troops to avoid the main roads and March between the mountains and hills. They may also encounter guerrilla warfare harassment by the Rwandese government forces who are familiar with the terrain. The end result is likely to be that no matter how elite our troops are, they can only face off with the Rwandese government forces honestly, unless they completely eliminate the government forces regardless of their own and civilian casualties, but no one can afford to do so. "

Simon added in silence from the bottom of his heart.

Then, the United Nations intervened, and all parties held peace talks and reached a peace agreement. And then, when everyone didn't notice, the war broke out again.

This is the classic cycle of civil wars in many African countries.

If you can fight, you will fight. If you can't fight, you will call the United Nations to come into the peace talks. Once the result fails to satisfy all parties, you will continue to fight. If one side is pressed too hard, guerrilla warfare will be carried out. They will run around in Africa's vast primeval forests and fight after recuperation.

During the half century when African countries gradually broke away from colonial rule, many countries were basically in such a state.

The last thing Simon likes is muddling.

When Dan rubir finished, he looked at himself. He was very satisfied with the highly paid military adviser. After glancing at the other people in the office and looking at Dan rubir in front of the projection screen, Simon said, "Dan, and everyone, if you don't mind, maybe you can stay with me for a while tonight."

Everyone was stunned. After a short period of doubt, they immediately realized something, but subconsciously felt that it was impossible.

There is a seven hour time difference between Rwanda and the east coast of the United States.

It's more than six o'clock in the afternoon on the east coast of the United States. It's one o'clock in the morning in Rwanda. About four hours later, it will be daybreak there. It's eleven o'clock in New York.

Stay up all night. What's Simon westrow going to do?

Looking back on Dan rubir's description, now that he has felt the threat of westero mercenaries, if the Rwandese government forces want to send troops to confront westero mercenaries, it will not take long, perhaps in recent days.

More likely, a few hours from Rwanda.

After all, the military affairs assistant office here is a newly recruited team. Neither Simon nor westrow can be stupid enough to tell Celia Miller and Dan rubir all the intelligence and related military plans without reservation.

Perhaps the top team in Rwanda also took into account the situation Dan rubir had just described, and made the same counter plan for Dan rubir.

A sniper fight.

If we can wipe out a large number of Rwandese military forces in the wild at one time and disrupt the potential layout of the other party's attempt to maintain a long-term confrontation with the westero mercenaries, then the Hutu government in Rwanda will completely lose its initiative.

It's just that.

Ukrainian mercenaries, who plan to be the main force of military operations, just arrived in Africa yesterday.

Although most of these soldiers are elite special forces and scouts in the former Soviet Red Army, they have generally left the army for one to two years.

Even though relatively strict screening has been carried out in the recruitment stage, these people have not fallen behind in terms of personal fitness or familiarity with weapons and equipment. After all, they have not received any military training of running in nature. Is it really appropriate for them to go straight to the battlefield?

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