Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 661: 664

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Since Mr. and Mrs. Simon arrived at the headquarters of the New York Stock Exchange at 7 a.m., the atmosphere inside and outside the building of this century old stock exchange has become increasingly hot with more guests coming.

Not only Amy Pascal, Robert egger and other core executives of danielis entertainment group, but also a large number of senior executives in various fields such as igritte, cersei capital, Verizon Telecom and so on have arrived in succession. As an entertainment giant rooted in Hollywood, a large number of movie stars, pop singers and supermodels invited to the ceremony make the New York Stock Exchange, which used to focus only on a large number of people from Financial Street, shine brightly.

As usual, igritte portal broadcast today's listing ceremony live.

By 9 a.m., more than 26 million people had watched the live broadcast of the launch worldwide.

All the attention is not enough to describe this grand occasion.

At 9:15, a group of danilisi entertainment core executives interviewed by the media in turn began to gather at the bell ringing ceremony stage, and danilisi entertainment CEO Amy Pascal delivered a speech on behalf of danilisi entertainment.

Simon was supposed to be in charge of the job.

However, according to a joking saying in my memory, although his strength does not allow him, Simon still adheres to a low-key public strategy to the greatest extent, and can not appear as far as possible without throwing his head.

In fact, Simon's current position as chairman of danielis entertainment group was originally intended to be given to Amy Pascal.

In fact, if we do so, it is equivalent to the rotation order, which will make room for many people's promotion.

However, after the matter was put forward, the entire danilisi entertainment management opposed it. Although everyone knows that even if he does not hold any position in danilisi entertainment, Simon will not turn a blind eye to the company. However, public investors do not necessarily think so. With the growing vistro system, they are likely to think that Simon intends to put danilisi down completely Entertainment management, which will inevitably affect the company's market after the listing of the enterprise's confidence.

As a long-term investor, Simon doesn't care so much about the short-term stock price fluctuation of the enterprises in the westero system, but he has to consider the interests of many other people.

At 9:30, the New York Stock Exchange opened.

Simon and his wife, Amy Pascal, Robert egger, Nancy Brill and other high-level members of the westrow system, under the gaze of tens of millions of viewers in the trading hall, live television, live Internet and other media channels, pressed the button symbolizing the beginning of trading of danielis Entertainment Group's shares, officially completing today's bell ringing ceremony.

But for most of the people who are paying attention to it, an exciting day has just begun.

After the bell ringing ceremony, the shares of IPO companies will not be traded freely in the secondary market for the first time, but enter the inquiry stage of investors all over the world, so as to reasonably determine an opening price according to the real purchase intention of the market, so as to ensure that there will not be a large number of orders in a short period of time in the formal trading stage, causing congestion in the trading system.

Usually, the IPO of an enterprise will only go through two or three rounds of bidding. Generally, the market will open at 9:30, and it will be officially traded before 10:30.

After the bell ringing ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Simon, a group of senior executives of westrow system, a large number of media reporters and many guests on the scene did not rush to leave. It was just an hour to make an inquiry. Everyone did not lack the patience. Everyone wanted to witness in person how much the share price of Denise entertainment would reach when its IPO valuation reached $53.1 billion.

Through the IPO roadshows, media reviews and other feedback before the listing, the share price of Denise entertainment will rise again on the basis of the offering price on the day of listing, which is a fact that everyone has recognized. It's just that on the first trading day of the listing, the forecast given by the media and industry analysts is quite different as to how high Denise Entertainment's share price can hit.

Conservatives believe that the closing market value of Denise Entertainment Group on the first day of listing should be between 60 billion and 70 billion US dollars. After all, this is the top market value of American enterprises at this stage.

Some people believe that Denise entertainment can break the No. 1 market value of Ge in the United States on its first day of opening.

As of yesterday's close, GE's share price also hit a new high with the U.S. economic recovery, reaching $81.7 billion.

If the market value of Denise entertainment on the day of listing wants to surpass that of Ge, the first day's share price rise needs to reach 53%. Even if the market value of Denise entertainment is too large, it is not very difficult to achieve this goal based on the recent expectation of the capital market for denise entertainment.

The most optimistic argument is that Daniels entertainment will break through the $100 billion mark on the first day of listing, becoming the first listed company with a market value of $100 billion in the history of the United States.

This is not aimless.

According to the financial report of the first quarter of 1994 previously released by Denise entertainment, from January to march at the beginning of the year, Denise Entertainment's single quarter revenue was US $5.627 billion, an increase of 37% compared with the same period last year, and the net profit in the first quarter was US $653 million, an increase of 16% compared with the same period last year.According to this financial report, it is estimated that in 1994, Denise Entertainment's revenue will reach about $22.5 billion, and its annual net profit will not be less than $2.6 billion.

Therefore, even if the market value of Denise entertainment on the first day of listing exceeds 100 billion, it is only equivalent to a price earnings ratio of 38 times.

The U.S. stock market, which has been recovering since the Gulf War, is full of companies with a price earnings ratio close to 40 times. What's more, Denise entertainment, a super entertainment giant, has been suppressing all other Hollywood film companies.

The first round of inquiry takes a long time.

At 10 o'clock, the results of the first round of inquiry were finally displayed on the electronic display board of the trading hall of the New York Stock Exchange, with the quotation range of $24.75 to $25.25.

Compared with the issue price of $22.50, it directly increased by 10%.

Inside and outside the stock exchange, many people can't help thinking. According to the three rounds of inquiry calculation, when the share price of Denise entertainment opened, it might have to rise by 30% compared with the issue price, which is equivalent to directly breaking through the market value of $70 billion.

However, the development of things is still far beyond people's expectations.

After the second round and the third round of polling at 10:15 and 10:30, the quotation range has risen to US $27.5 to US $28.5, about 24% of the three rounds of inquiry increases are slightly lower than some people's expectations. However, feedback from the exchange soon came that investors' inquiry applications are still very active. That is to say, the three rounds of inquiry is not the end, things have to continue.

Many of the guests who originally planned to leave the New York Stock Exchange after the opening of the stock market were unaware that time had slipped away for an hour.

Everyone chose to stay and wait.

The live audience of igritte portal not only did not decrease because of the end of the bell ringing ceremony, but continued to increase in this one hour. At about 10:30, the total number of viewers has exceeded 31 million.

Subsequently, the inquiry continues.

The fourth round: 30.25-30.75

the fifth round: 31.5-32.25

the sixth round: 32.75-33.25

the seventh round: 33.75-34.75

the eighth round: 35.25-35.75

in 1994, although electronic trading has become more popular, in order to reduce the data processing load of stock trading, the stock quotation still takes one eighth of each share as a fixed unit, that is to say, in order to reduce the data processing load It's no less than $0.125 per price change.

Until 11:45, the audience, who had been waiting for more than an hour, finally looked forward to the eighth inquiry result of the last round.

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The U.S. stock market doesn't stop trading at noon.

So, at 12 o'clock sharp, the New York Stock Exchange finally announced that Denise entertainment shares would open at $35.50, officially starting trading.

By this time, compared with the issue price of $22.50, danilisi entertainment stock has increased by 57%, with an opening market value of $83.3 billion, directly turning General Electric to the second place and promoting it to the first place in the market value of Listed Companies in the United States.

If GE's record is easily broken, will 100 billion be far away?

With this kind of doubt and some strange expectations, countless eyes are still paying close attention to the change trend of Denise entertainment stock after the official opening.

Simon and his wife originally thought that they could leave the New York Stock Exchange at about 10:30, but they didn't expect to wait until noon.

Danielis entertainment has prepared a lunch reception at Hilton Hotel, which is not far from the New York Stock Exchange in the lower urban area, to entertain the guests and media present today. Because of this delay, everyone arrived in the hotel ballroom around 12:30, which has been delayed for an hour since the planned 11:30 reception.

However, no one cares about such details at this time.

Even after arriving at the hotel, the topic of discussion is still how the share price of Denise entertainment will fall at the end of the day. Some guests have to sneak into the corner to answer a phone call or two between the drinks.

Last night, she had a late rest. Today, she got up early again and kept up the excitement for a whole morning. Instead of coming to the reception, Janet went back to her fifth Avenue apartment from the New York Stock Exchange and planned to have a good sleep in the afternoon.

Simon can't leave together and rush to the Hilton Hotel alone.

"Our market analysis team has collected the first batch of audience questionnaires on the east coast in the morning. Everyone's feedback on Forrest Gump is very positive. They think it's very interesting and worth seeing. More than half of the audience said they would recommend it to the people around them. Although the specific results will not be released until tonight, it is already a very good omen, and the box office of the film should not be too bad. "

In the ballroom.

There has been too much discussion about IPO. Simon and Amy talked about the story of Forrest Gump, which was officially launched on a large scale today.

We all know that the box office success or failure of Forrest Gump at the same time will greatly affect the box office trend of Denise entertainment in the next period of time.Since it has been listed, even though Simon still firmly holds the absolute control of Denise entertainment through the dual ownership structure, many things must be carried out according to the rules. Maintaining the stock price of an enterprise is a matter that shareholders and management of a company must do their best.

In order to achieve the phenomenon level effect of word of mouth, the most important recommendation in audience feedback can only be achieved when more than half of them recommend to the people around them.

Although Amy's attitude is still conservative, in the morning questionnaire, this index has reached the standard.

Simon was relieved and said, "now we can discuss the issue of additional publicity budget. You can arrange it in the afternoon. First, add 10 million dollars."

Amy thought about it, nodded, but said, "I'll share this part of the budget with other movies."

Sharing the loss budget is a common way for many film companies to whitewash their financial reports.

Before the IPO, Denise entertainment did not have this practice, because it was unnecessary. Simon also asked the management to provide 100% accurate financial data for themselves.

Now, since it has become a listed company, many times it has to take some special financial measures.

When the water is clear, there is no fish.

Simon doesn't resent the disguise that companies take when necessary, but this time he vetoed: "no, just put it in the budget of Forrest Gump. Amy, Denise Entertainment's efficient management system over the years has not come easily. I don't want Denise entertainment to make unnecessary changes in order to meet the market rules so soon. Sometimes it's very difficult to get something back when it's lost. "

Amy felt the serious eyes of her boss and nodded solemnly.

After a few words of conversation, Raymond Smith, CEO of Verizon Telecom, came to say hello, and Amy took the initiative to walk away.

In recent years, Verizon has been focusing on the layout of mobile communications and the expansion of overseas markets.

Now, the layout of the two aspects has reached a considerable degree. Verizon wants to go further and can only look forward to the further deregulation of the U.S. telecommunications.

The westrow system had been very successful in promoting the relevant bills of telecommunications reform, but due to the disturbance of the Hurst family some time ago, danilisi Entertainment's layout in lobbying for the relevant bills has been severely frustrated, and has attracted the wide attention of many candidates in the mid-term election. This matter can't make any further progress in the short term

Raymond· Smith can only envy AOL.

This Internet service provider, which relies on the emerging Internet industry to exploit the legal loopholes of the U.S. telecommunications industry, does not have to be subject to the legal restrictions that Verizon can only carry out its business in several fixed States, and can spread its business all over the United States.

Compared with AOL, the investment in basic equipment of pure Internet access service is much smaller, but as long as the regulation of American Telecom is relaxed, AOL can easily expand its business to the field of cable TV and fixed line telephone by using the hundreds of thousands of kilometers of optical fiber network it has laid in the United States, which will inevitably have a serious impact on traditional cable TV and fixed line telephone Fixed line operators.

It is reasonable to say that the traditional telecom manufacturers should hold a negative attitude towards the relaxation of telecom regulation.

The opposite is true.

Regional telecom companies such as Verizon also have the ambition to expand to the whole United States. If they want to do this, they have to participate in the reform of federal Telecom regulations even if they understand that the relaxation of Telecom regulations will make AOL more powerful. Otherwise, they will be trapped in a slow decline.

Westrow system has completed the potential layout in Internet services, cable TV, fixed line telephone and other fields through AOL. Raymond Smith understands that Simon can no longer support a second similar telecom giant, and the US government can not allow it. Therefore, Verizon's development focus can only point to the emerging mobile communication field.

According to the rapid growth momentum of the mobile communication industry in recent years, Raymond Smith also determined that the market scale of this field in the future will not be much worse than that of the traditional telecommunication industry.

After the official opening of the New York Stock Exchange, Denise Entertainment's share price rose sharply, but still did not stop rising.

The high opening stock price not only does not inhibit the trading activity of this stock, but also further stimulates the purchase desire of investors around the world.

When the reception lasted until about 1:30 p.m. and opened for one and a half hours, exciting news came from the New York Stock Exchange, with the share price of Denise entertainment up 88% to $42.375. According to the total share capital of 2.363 billion shares of Denise entertainment, the market value officially exceeded the $100 billion mark.

Then, the miracle did not stop.

After breaking through the market value of US $100 billion, the share price of danielis entertainment finally fluctuated, but the overall trend remained upward.

At 3:46 p.m., in the shock upward, the share price of Denise entertainment broke through the high of $45, realizing a 100% increase on the first day of listing.Then, in the last 40 minutes of trading this week, the trading of this stock became more and more active.

Finally, it's 4:30 p.m.

At the end of the U.S. stock market, the share price of daenerys entertainment was finally fixed at $47.75. Compared with the issue price, the share price rose by 112% on the first day of listing. The final closing market value not only broke through the $100 billion mark, but even went further, reaching an amazing high of $112.8 billion, unstoppable!

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