Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 68: 068

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Coolidge, Arizona.

When "Lola Run" was just released, in the face of the media's praise, most of the crew still just thought Simon was a slightly more talented young man.

However, with the release of the box office data of the film, in recent days, everyone's eyes on Simon are obviously different, even Catherine.

The box office of the first week was $6.97 million.

This kind of data, put in 20 years later, maybe even the box office of the first week of a super blockbuster is not as small as a fraction. But in the 1980s, especially when the number of screens was only 207, it was enough to surprise many people.

You know, in 1986, of the 451 films shown in North American Theaters, less than 90 films with a total box office of more than $6.97 million. In other words, in this era, more than 80% of Hollywood's films are sold every year, and the total box office in North America is less than that of "Lola Run" for more than a week.

Moreover, for "Lola Run," the first week's box office is obviously just the beginning.

Judging from the film's current public praise and media popularity, "Lola Run" has been successfully promoted to a standard "event film". This is Hollywood's general term for those films that have achieved far more than expected social repercussions and box office data.

Before "Lola Run", only films such as "Exorcist", "Star Wars", "great white shark" and "et" could be called event films. However, films such as "Star Wars" still belong to Hollywood standard commercial films.

Although Hollywood also has such low-cost successful films as crazy max, the total box office of Mad Max in North America was only more than 8 million US dollars, which is quite impressive, but far less than the miracle that the box office of Lola Run in the first week had exceeded the production cost by 10 times.

Now, "Lola Run" is ahead of time to create a similar time and space in the original "the witch Blair", "ghost record" and other low-cost high box office films.

In addition, what scares some people even more is the prediction made by some media on the box office prospects of "Lola Run".

150 million to 200 million dollars.

It's still a box office figure that won't look too special in 20 years.

However, in the whole of North America, even if we count the "field platoon", which is only expected to break the 100 million mark, in fact, it has not yet broken the 100 million mark. In 1986, only five Hollywood films broke the 100 million mark in North America.

Among them, "top gun", which promoted Tom Cruise to a world-class superstar, only made $176 million in North America.

Now, let's see Lola Run.

The total box office of North America is expected to reach 150 million to 200 million US dollars, which means that if the next Hollywood films released this year are a little less competitive, the North American box office champion in 1987 will probably be taken away by an independent film with a production cost of only 650000 US dollars.

18 years old.


The first movie in my life.

North American box office champion.

Many people seem to be watching a legend being born.

The hotel where the crew of "blood corpse night" stayed.

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It's February 21, Saturday.

In the simply transformed projection room, several film creators are watching the sample shot just taken this week.

As a director assistant with a fixed weekly salary, Simon didn't have to and didn't have the qualification to appear on such occasions.

However, last week, Catherine personally took him to watch the sample film. However, Simon didn't have any say at that time, basically just watching.

This week, however, producer Edward Feldman spoke in person at noon, hoping that Simon would take part in the work. He also offered to change his assistant director position to deputy director, just like Catherine's position in "Lola Run".

Simon naturally didn't mind helping, but he also understood that Edward Feldman wanted to use his name in the process of film release in the future. Although he agreed to watch the sample film together to participate in the discussion, he didn't accept the other party's proposal to re sign the contract.

In the screening room, after playing a scene of calebo kneeling in front of May to absorb her blood, Catherine presses the pause and subconsciously looks at Simon sitting on the other side of the film viewer.

"There are still some small problems with the lighting, but it can be adjusted later," Simon said, adding: "it's just that I think the emotional changes of the two people in this shot are too frequent, and it's hard for the audience to understand what kind of emotion you want to show."

After listening, Catherine said, "this is a progressive and sublimation of the feelings between kalebo and may."

Simon thought for a moment and said, "well, it's more necessary to convey a strong emotion to the audience. Maybe we can do this, and make a more intimate part. "

Catherine listened to Simon's n "maybe it can be like this" after he entered the group. She felt some inexplicable emotion in her heart, but said: "I'm afraid it can't be done. Adrian and Jennie's contract doesn't involve the terms of intimacy."Catherine said, looking at producer Edward Feldman.

Edward Feldman also shook his head regretfully and said: "Simon, the crew's funds are very tight. It's necessary to increase the money to amend the contract. They should not easily agree."

Simon said with a smile: "I don't mean the one who needs to take off his clothes. I just want to kiss, hug, and feel the burning sun in the rising sun. It's like a dying couple. They don't hide themselves in the dark until the last moment."

So Simon picked up his pen and simply drew a sketch in his notebook.

Katherine and Edward Feldman listened carefully, and soon agreed to Simon's plan and decided to shoot more of the scene.

In the evening, the door of the projection room was knocked, and then Janet's figure appeared at the door.

Simon had some accidents. Jennie didn't mention that she was coming, so she got up to meet her. Catherine, Edward Feldman and others also stood up.

Simon and Janet hug each other, smile and ask, "why do you want to come here all of a sudden?"

Janet blinked and looked at Simon. "Don't you know?"

Simon also had some doubts: "what do I know?"

Janet stares at Simon for a moment, confirms that he really doesn't know why, and then changes the subject with a flash of cunning. "I'm not alone. Mr. Peter Sanders of fox is here too."

With that, Jennie motioned behind her, released Simon, and went to say hello to Catherine.

Simon was not so surprised by the arrival of Peter Sanders, vice president of fox, and it was easy to guess the intention of the other party. So he just stepped forward and shook hands with the other party with a smile.

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