Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 755: 759

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"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the party tonight, George China has beautiful scenery and delicious food. In fact, you can go there in person, as long as you don't bring Quantum Fund Of course, there's no problem with investment, but I don't think your mind in recent years will focus on it. The Mexican Peso war is not much worse than that in 1992 Igritte's IPO, if listed, should be in the second half of next year If you want to short technology stocks, don't be too troublesome. Let's bet directly. How many empty orders do you sell? Cersei capital will follow Who can be sure about this kind of thing? I just believe that my winning face is bigger


"Yes, it's already finished. It's in the later stage It's just an interesting idea I have occasionally. It's just playing with tickets It's nothing new to say now, Terry. If you're interested, you can come and have a look at it in the audition "Game of the brave", I still have some hesitation about the script of the project. Now I have two ideas. I don't know which one is better. Let's discuss it when the outline of the script comes out. Next year's schedule is full. This project doesn't need to be in a hurry. It can't be in a hurry. "


"Rupert, when I see you, I think of one thing. We should take time to talk about Fox's political stance Yes, it seems that you have understood what I mean. You are on the Republican side and I am on the Democratic side. As long as you cooperate properly, it will be good for both of us Not surprisingly, the bill to lift the ban on media integration will be voted by Congress next month, and fox will develop into a real national public television network. "


"Charlie, you can directly tell Mr. Lei Shidong that MGM is not for sale, so he won't think about it. In addition, I'm very interested in Viacom. You can ask him if it's for sale. It's serious. No kidding Oh, it's not appropriate for you, the CEO of Morgan Stanley, to ask me about the trend of technology stocks We have had a very good cooperation over the years. The main underwriters of igritte IPO will be you and Goldman Sachs, which will not change. However, the IPO scale is bigger than that of Daniels entertainment. I also need to consider the risks. It is necessary to introduce some sub underwriters. "


"IE window involves the core of our settlement agreement with the Ministry of justice. It's impossible to take advantage of it. Steve, you need to fight for the traffic of AOL portal through content and services. And again, I have to remind you that online service can only be an auxiliary service of AOL, and you have to focus on ISP service. "


"I did absorb a large number of shares of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The two companies have the credit guarantee of the federal government and the exclusive franchise license of the U.S. housing loan market. They are completely monopolized. Now the real estate industry is recovering again. It is absolutely the best chance to buy. Westero has held 4.9% of the shares of both companies, with a total investment of $1.2 billion Now it's up to $1.5 billion I borrowed the money, but the current book profit is enough to pay the interest for the next three years. It's very cost-effective, isn't it Of course, I don't want to be targeted by the SEC, Fink, so I will still submit shareholding materials to the boards of directors of the two companies. If Heiyan plans to increase its shareholding, I can postpone this Yes, long-term holding, I guarantee at least five years, will not affect your side of the operation


"I'm sorry, Steve. Although I own 20% of ESPN, I can't support your plan to buy out the NFL broadcasting rights right now. It involves billions of dollars. Even if I want to, Murphy and Buffett can't agree. But you can wait another year if you like Well, what did I just say? "


"Nice to meet you, mark. Be nice to B in the future. If I hear you bully her, I'll settle with you Goldman Sachs is talking to you about taking a stake in aliya again So, Friedman's here. I'll talk to him later. That's not how business works By the way, how's the lawsuit with Bloomberg going? Tell me about it? "


"Happy new year, Donald. This is Nice to meet you, Ivanka. You must have inherited more of your mother's genes Who makes your father so ugly? "


"Yes, I've seen the joint venture's plan. It's very good. However, I don't like the name "LIGO" very much. It doesn't sound pleasant at all. If you want to win a reputation, you can call it "Bubugao". Bubugao Electronics Co., Ltd It's new year in China. When are you going to go back I still want to go home for Chinese New Year. Let's go back together and communicate with duanduo face to face Well, your salary should be paid one year in advance, and you can talk to a tomorrow. "


"Yes, I didn't expect that the" information age "marketing plan would be so successful, which only shows once again that a new era is coming. However, Raymond, you don't need to envy at all. Verizon's current focus on the development of mobile communication business will not be much worse than the scale of the Internet industry in the future. As long as the telecommunication act of the Clinton administration is promulgated, Verizon will be able to carry out the next expansion plan. "“……”

"Hello, Paris, Nikki, you look like twins Why do I know you are not twins? Well, it's not good for a girl to be so tricky. It's so cute to learn from your sister So, Miss Hilton, how about a dance? "

When the spotters and Levinsons saw Simon again in the hall of the villa, the man had just left the dance floor with a red faced little girl in his hand.

This is Nikki, the second daughter of the Hiltons.

In fact, the little girl is only 11 years old. She has already begun to draw. She looks graceful and graceful. She was brought over by her parents in violation of the 12-year-old rule in the invitation letter, but no one will pursue this.

In fact, this is true of many children who came with their parents tonight.

She politely gave the girl back to the Hilton couple who were standing beside the dance floor. After a few words of conversation, Simon nodded to the Hilton family as they came by. On the other side, Paris, who was robbed of the opportunity by her sister, turned away in disappointment.

In the process of social intercourse, there are endless wine and delicious food, music, dance, magic and other entertaining programs. The new year's party starts at 7 o'clock. The time is fast for all the people on the scene. In a twinkling of an eye, it's more than 11 o'clock.

In more than half an hour, the New Year bell will ring.

The party is bound to end after the new year's bell, which is why the Levinsons are eager to get on with Simon westrow, or they might not have a chance. After several hours of communication, Levinson and his wife have known many of the core backbones of the Westeros system. However, to get Levinson group out of trouble, Simon still needs to make a decision himself.

He picked up a glass of red wine from a passing waiter's tray. When everyone came near, Simon asked, "are you all having a good evening?"

"Of course, it was a great party," Francis Levinson said, scrambling. "Simon, can we talk about it alone?"

Simon pointed to the corridor on the east side of the hall with a smile: "let's go there."

Then she turned and went to the corridor first. Levinson and his wife quickly followed. Grace and his wife hesitated a little and stopped.

When you come to the small living room on the east side of the villa, which can lead to the backyard lawn, you find Robert egger and his wife, several executive families of the east coast TV Department, as well as the Kardashian family that Simon remembers very well.

Everyone said hello again. Simon didn't need to mention it. Realizing that several people had something to talk about, egger took the initiative to take others away and let them out of the living room.

He motioned to the Levinsons to sit down at will, and Simon himself sat down on one side of the sofa.

I've had a lot of wine tonight. I'm a little drunk now. I'm holding red wine askew in my hand. My body seems askew. I can see Mrs. Levison's body wrapped in black evening dress sitting in the corner of the sofa nearest to me.

Simon likes to hunt for sex, but he is not abrupt. He believes in trying to make things worse. He usually makes sure that women are willing to do it.

So it's just a simple skim, a quick look back, sitting up and looking at Francis Levison, but it's a sign to the other side to speak first.

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What kind of man Simon westrow is, Levinson and his wife have heard about it, but at this moment, Francis Levinson, who is asking for help, can only turn a blind eye to the sight of a young man looking at his wife.

But Mrs. Levinson, Bryce Levinson, folded her legs without any trace, and gave her a look intentionally or unconsciously.

A woman is the one who pleases herself.

Being able to attract the interest of this very young and extremely rich super tycoon inevitably makes Bryce Levison feel a bit vain.

Francis Levinson has contacted James Leibold and several directors of cersei capital before, so he also realized that the westrow system probably has paid attention to Levinson group.

After getting Simon's hint, Levinson sorted out his thoughts and took the initiative to say, "Mr. westero, I think you should already know something about my family company. If you can, I hope westero system can inject capital into Levinson group. I'm not demanding much. It's only $500 million, and I promise you'll get enough in return. "

Simon took a sip of the cool red wine, but his mind became clearer.

This is a new year's party. It was not an occasion to talk about things. However, after just a few hours of communication, many topics about work were unconsciously discussed.

On weekdays, there are few opportunities for people to communicate with Simon face to face, which is inevitable.

Hearing Levison's obviously ambiguous offer, Simon's low interest was reduced. He shook his head slightly and said, "frank, if it's just a $500 million small business, you can find time to talk to Jim and them. It's party time."

When Francis Levison heard this, he was embarrassed.

The main problem that Levison group is facing now is that investors lack confidence in the company. Everyone can see that the real estate market has begun to recover, but no one knows how long the darkness before dawn will last, and whether Levison group, whose capital chain has been tight, can survive until dawn.If we don't make it to that day, the result will be a domino like collapse.

Francis Levinson wants to cooperate with Simon. The most important thing is that the participation of westrow system can bring key market confidence to Levinson group. Therefore, let alone US $500 million, even if Simon only invests US $100 million in Levinson group, when the news spreads, the creditors of the company will immediately stabilize and it will be difficult to refinance It's a lot easier.

Unfortunately, there is obviously no such simple good thing in the world.

After a long hesitation, Francis Levinson finally said, "Mr. westero, for $700 million, you can get 10% of Levinson group. Is that ok?"

Just now, Francis Levinson didn't say whether the specific ownership of the $500 million is equity or debt.

Now it's a step further.

Simon did not hesitate to shake his head again: "frank, I think you are playing with me."

So Simon stood up and said, "that's it. When you think about it, just contact Jim and them."

Simon got up, and the leviathans immediately got up.

Francis Levison also knows that his offer just now lacks sincerity. He just wants to leave enough chips to bargain, but he doesn't want to see that the young people don't want to bargain with him at all.

Seeing Simon walk out, Francis Levison immediately regretted his procrastination and was about to catch up with him. His wife subconsciously stepped forward and took a young man's arm: "Simon, let's talk about it again, shall we talk about it again?"

It seemed that she was too eager to say that. Bryce Levison continued to move forward, and her whole body seemed to be on the man's arm.

Everyone immediately stopped and realized that her actions were not right. Bryce Levison subconsciously wanted to let go, and eventually held back until she confirmed that the man did not want to go out again. Then she slowly released the other person's arm, stepped back and stood beside her husband, trying to let herself gently arrange the evening dress skirt as if nothing had happened.

Simon didn't go back to sit down, but said, "I don't like people who procrastinate. Frank, since you're not sincere, I offer my price of $1.5 billion, 30% of Levison group."

Francis Levison, who was concerned about his wife's action, said subconsciously, "it's impossible."

Levinson family only holds 15% of the shares of Levinson group, because there is no multiple ownership structure. In the past, they only relied on the support of several other important shareholders to firmly control the company. If you sell 30% to Simon westero, you will give up the control of your company.

What's more, the price of $1.5 billion to buy 30% of Levison group is too low.

You know, although the industry's assessed fixed assets are only about US $7 billion, and the debt ratio reaches 75%, Levison group's assets are of high quality, with no unfinished projects and no garbage plots. As long as the federal real estate industry recovers, and sufficient working capital is obtained, existing properties are put into operation and storage plots are developed, these assets will double in value in the next few years None of the above is impossible.

By then, it will be $15 billion at least.

The current debt of 5.3 billion US dollars will not be too heavy a burden compared with the total assets after appreciation in the future.

Instead of bargaining with Levison, Simon said, "I understand your general idea, Frank. I am also very clear about the current situation of Levison group. $1.5 billion, 30% of the shares, which is a very sincere offer for me. Because after the deal, Levinson group can not only obtain sufficient funds, but also become a member of the westero system. Backed by the Westeros system, the company will not only go out of Florida in the future, but also have the opportunity to develop into a global real estate development giant. This is the most fundamental value of this transaction. You have one night to discuss with other shareholders of Levison group. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you can give me an answer, either close the deal or leave it

Simon said, this time without waiting for Mrs. Levison to stop him, he turned and left the living room.

When I came to the corridor, I raised my wrist and looked at my watch. It was more than 20 minutes before 12 o'clock in the morning. The new year was coming.

After greeting the guests, he happened to meet his personal military assistant Celia Miller and his wife. Simon stopped each other, just nodded to Philip Miller and said to Celia, "come here tomorrow morning. I have a special task to give you."

Tomorrow is January 1st, new year's day, or Sunday.

It's a rest day anyway.

Celia, however, keenly noticed the man's drunkenness. She did not retort, nodded and asked thoughtfully, "Simon, do you want me to help you upstairs to have a rest?"

Simon shook his head and refused. He walked alone to the hall.

Not long ago, Janet went upstairs to have a rest because she was a little tired. She said that she would come down again at 12 o'clock. Now she should go downstairs. The new year's kiss must not be missed.

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