Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 759: 763

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In 1994, Ukraine's annual GDP dropped by 20% again, from 65.6 billion US dollars in 1993 to 52.5 billion US dollars, which is far from the peak of 82.7 billion US dollars before the disintegration, and the overall decline has reached 37%.

The only thing better than Russia may be the recovery of food production in Ukraine.

Relying on the most fertile black land in Europe, Ukraine's annual grain output was 27 million tons in 1994, up 145% from the lowest 11 million tons in 1991. However, this figure is still barely more than half of the highest 52 million tons before the disintegration.

The serious economic recession has made the Ukrainian people in addition to barely able to feed, all other living materials are seriously scarce. The whole country, even the capital, Kiev, is in a depression. Store shelves are empty and closed one after another. There are few vehicles and pedestrians on the streets. The second-hand market is full of all the things that residents can sell at home, such as books, records, tableware, cameras, pianos Just in exchange for some expensive living materials in the middle of winter.

At the coldest time of the year, the depression is even more alarming.

Celia Miller left Kiev on the morning of January 10, local time, and rushed to Rovno along the broad national road built in the Soviet era. The vast cities and villages covered with snow all along the way were such desolate scenes, even giving people a sense of death.

As a public official in the Pentagon who used to confront the former Soviet Union directly by the US government, Celia could not help feeling pity in the face of such a scene.

At noon, we arrived in rivney, the capital of the state of Rovno. It was a fine day.

Compared with the scene of decline seen all the way from Kiev, there are more pedestrians and vehicles on the streets of the capital of the northwestern state of Ukraine in the sun. Even if the temperature is still below zero at noon, people's faces wrapped in thick clothes are not as numb as Kiev's to the status quo and the future, but with a kind of life that can be easily felt power.

This is a city of hope.

The key to Livni's success is money.

At the beginning of 1994, Ukraine signed an agreement with the United States and Russia to give up nuclear weapons, only in exchange for the official US special fund of 175 million US dollars and economic assistance of 155 million US dollars, totaling 330 million US dollars.

In contrast, in the past year, only the vestro system has invested no less than US $200 million by purchasing military supplies, supporting the team of Ukrainian front-line military service companies, investing in Ukraine, and so on. A large part of it has gone to the border city of this state capital in Northwest Ukraine.

As the home of umfs mercenaries, westero system has directly brought thousands of "high consumption people" to Livni. Westero system's large investment in Livni has also created tens of thousands of job opportunities for the city. All these have finally made all walks of life in Livni rejuvenate.

When Simon came to the city in August last year, a large number of residents fled because of poor economy and material shortage. The number of residents in livny city has dropped from 290000 at its peak to 220000.

In less than half a year, due to a large number of job opportunities brought by the presence of umfs mercenaries and the investment of westero system, a large number of people from four states and counties swarmed in, and the number of livny residents has rapidly exceeded 300000.

Looking at everything around her, Celia realized that she was doing a good job to get rid of all the game factors. Only by removing those unscrupulous blood sucking moths, can the city with hope develop better, and the residents can see the future.


Celia is well aware of the strong personality of her young boss.

If he fails to achieve his goal, he will really give up his layout in Ukraine.

If the vistro system is completely withdrawn, everything here will only fall into a dead silence again, just like the rest of Ukraine.

Celia and her party went through the city with a special team from Kiev authorities and directly arrived at the government building of Livni. After meeting Ken Dixon who arrived here in advance, the incident started quickly without waiting for lunch.

Yuri miloslav, the governor of Rovno, who came to greet him, was released from custody on the spot. Andre Smirnov, the mayor of livny, who had already had contact with the westero system, took over the post of governor ahead of time. The police system of Rovno, which was controlled by the Klim jellyvyanko family, the president of umfs, took action and arrested miloslav according to the list listed in advance RAF's family and lineage.

In the evening, the rapid official earthquake in the state of Rovno has come to an end.

When people in livny watched TV in the evening, they finally saw the news from the TV station which had been acquired by westero system.

Looking at the large amount of cash and property searched from governor miloslav's family mansion on the TV screen, covering a whole villa living room, the panic of ordinary residents soon subsided, and then turned to anger. After the director of the president's office personally announced the determination of Kiev authorities to combat corruption and restore the economy, the residents' mood completely calmed down.Simon's task for Celia is not to clean up the bureaucracy of livny, but to remove the biggest obstacle that may hinder the development of westrow system in this state.

Kill the monkey and make an example of the chicken.

So Celia and Dixon had a party in person at a hotel in livny that evening, when the TV station featured on the governor's resignation.

It's mainly to appease people.

In the face of the thunderclap means of the westero system, the government system of the state of Rovno, like a bird in shock, has also settled down after Celia's personal statement. There is no need to make any further explicit statement. Everyone has formed an idea that the westero system has the absolute green light right in this state and county and can not be provoked.

Combined with some words when communicating with her boss, Celia also understood another meaning of Simon's arrangement.

The westrow system needs the state to obtain absolute authority, but it will not protect other foreign investors. As long as the officialdom of loveNo does not provoke the westrow system, it doesn't matter what else it wants. Judging from the current signs, Livni is expected to become the economic center of Northwest Ukraine. In addition, it is very close to other European countries, which will certainly attract more investors in the future.

Then, those people will find that the investment environment here is actually not so good.

Only the westero system can get through.

Accordingly, the state will be more dependent on the westero system.

It's not over to take the governor and some of his cronies.

After cutting down the government level and reaching out to the biggest hand of the westero system, there is also the cleansing of the westero system's own power in Rovno.

January 11, early in the morning.

In the west of Livni City, there is a residential house with a separate courtyard. This is the besonoskov family who just moved to Livni at the end of last year.

Eve besonovskova accompanied the two girls back before Christmas last year. Originally, she wanted her parents to move here from Kiev. After paying a salary in advance, Eve claimed to her parents that it was a reward for this business trip. She negotiated with her family and bought the property not far from umfs family community. All the family moved here after Christmas.

The main reason is that there are many job opportunities in livny.

After the new year, her father and brother smoothly entered the factory of aldec company. In fact, Eve, who is very thin skinned, made a thank-you call to Sergey komorov. When looking for a job, she didn't depend on her relationship with a man, so she didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

Eve doesn't know. Her other identity has been reported to Livni after confirmation. She has also become the head of the security service team of Chengnan villa. After returning, she is equipped with an additional car and a mobile phone. These are not owned by anyone in Livni. The six girls in Chengnan villa don't have their own car and mobile phone .

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Because it's a weekday, the besonosovs get up early.

Eve has her own room in the villa in the south of the city, and there is another apartment nearby, but she prefers to come home when she is not on duty.

Before eight o'clock, the family sat at the table.

She helped her younger sister Lyudmila, who was called up in a daze, fill a bowl of rice. She also helped her set the table for her thoughtfully. Eve listened quietly to her parents' discussion about her brother's marriage. She was very satisfied.

My brother Vladimir had a very stable girlfriend when he was in Kiev, but because he had never had a job, his wife's family never agreed to marry them. Now things have finally turned for the better. The girl will move to Livni from Kiev in the near future, and they plan to get married in March.

Eve secretly discusses with her father that some of her money can buy a house for her brother, but she is rejected. Her father thinks that her son is lucky enough to find a job, and the rest should be his own business.

After breakfast, father and brother went out first and rode to the building materials factory in the suburb. There was an imported black Mercedes Benz in the courtyard. Neither father nor brother wanted Eve to send him away. The main reason was that father was afraid of polluting the car. Alexander besonosov had to change his clothes and shoes before taking the car a few times.

Little sister has no such worries.

After her father and brother left, Lyudmila took her sister and asked her to drive her to school.

Lyudmila, 16, had dropped out of school two years ago, and Eve knew that her sister's grades were poor and she liked to play.

However, when they came to Livni, the whole family agreed to send their sister back to school.

The members of the besonoskov family are very tall. Although 16-year-old Lyudmila is not as tall as her sister, she has reached 182cm, but she is slim and has no heroism like her sister's, but her face is more beautiful. Because of her height, Lyudmila is very resistant to going to school, because girls who are very mature both physically and psychologically don't want to stay in the classroom with those little kids at all.

But can't resist father mother elder brother elder sister's unanimous decision.Lyudmila wanted to become a model. A year ago, she was bewitched by an unreliable model agent and almost ran away to Poland. Fortunately, she was stopped by her father at the station. Since then, the family has been very strict with girls.

Watching her sister, who is on the co pilot's side, bid farewell to her full-time housewife's mother, Eve drives away from her yard.

My sister's school is the umfs family children's school invested and built by Simon. It officially opened on January 9. It only provides a full range of education from kindergarten to high school for umfs family children. Anyone familiar with the inside story of this school knows that the school's "faculty" can even be described as shocking. It's just a collection from all over Ukraine and used to have university professors There are more than 100 teachers with titles.

No matter in any country or region, parents with a little foresight will not neglect their children's education.

As a result, many government officials are trying to send their children to this school.

Although most of them are legitimate children, the education style of this private school is not laissez faire at all. On the contrary, it is very strict. In the future, all students above junior high school are expected to have a military training for as long as one month every year. No one will be given preferential treatment because of their parents' position. The school has also set up a strict assessment and scholarship system, which only takes academic performance as the standard Yes, I will not tolerate students who violate school discipline.

It took Mercedes Benz less than ten minutes to get to the campus.

Eve didn't drive directly to the school gate.

However, looking at the passing students paying attention to the car, Lyudmila still enjoyed it very much. She pretended to pack her schoolbag for a long time, and finally turned to Eve with a smile: "sister, can you give me some money?"

Eve looked at her sister, with some doting in her eyes, but didn't take out her wallet: "I'll buy you what you want."

Lyudmila opened her mouth and said, "a classmate of mine is going to have a party at her home this evening. I'm sure I'll buy a birthday present, isn't it?"

Eve is not a sociable person, but she hopes her sister can have her own circle of friends. Even though she thinks she may be lying, she hesitates and takes out her wallet from her satchel.

Eve's satchel is very ordinary, but her purse was a gift from two girls, Ekaterina and Natalia, who gave her on her last trip. She accepted it without much thought.

Lyudmila saw that her sister took out Chanel's wallet with double C logo from her satchel, and the little star lit up in her eyes immediately. Her slender body wrapped in down jacket directly came over, and her small hand was holding Eve's arm: "sister, will you give me this wallet?"

Eve wondered, "well?"

When Lyudmila saw her sister's expression, she probably understood it. Her eyes turned and she immediately took out her empty wallet from her schoolbag: "sister, I'll change it with you."

Seeing that her sister handed her wallet over, Eve didn't think much about it. She just took out her wallet's documents and banknotes, put them in her ordinary wallet and handed the pink Chanel to her partner.

"And money, money."

Lyudmila took her purse, held it in her hand and touched it. Then she thought of it again and quickly reached for it again.

Eve didn't have much money in her purse, a few large Ukrainian gryvnas, and about a hundred dollars in change.

Today's Livni, because ufms mercenary salaries are settled directly in US dollars, the US dollar is much more common than griffner's, and people don't like the devalued local currency, so there are even various discounts for shopping in US dollars.

Lyudmila's eyes were very sharp. She collected all the money in her sister's hand. Grifner didn't move a cent. She pretended to be cute and was about to push the door to get off the car, but Eve caught her.

Looking at her sister, who holds the purse to her chest like a kitten, Eve doesn't mean to fight for it. She just takes Lyudmila's hairy white fur cap off her head, puts on her knitted hat, and whispers, "you're going to school. Don't wear this kind of hat in the future. And don't waste money. "

Lyudmila nodded her head again and again, like a good baby, waiting for her sister to let go of herself, got out of the car quickly, and finally waved to Eve and ran to the school gate.

Eve kept watching her sister enter the school gate before she started the car again.

As soon as she turned around and planned to go to the villa in the south of the city, her mobile phone rang, stopped again, picked up her mobile phone, listened to the urgent words from the other side, Eve explained, hung up quickly, started the car in a hurry and went all the way.

Arriving at the villa in the south of the city, two groups of people here are confronting each other at the entrance of the villa.

Seeing Eve's car coming, the female bodyguard on duty immediately came over and pointed to some men and women standing at the gate of the villa: "that's them. They are going to take three of Annika."

As they were talking, another black Benz of the same model as Eve arrived.

It's Celia miller who got off this time.

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