Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 783: 787

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The media's heated discussion on igritte's $25 billion equity incentive plan has directly led to the soaring sales of personal computers and Internet users' access in the world these days. The Wall Street Journal also put forward the concept of a "new gold rush era" in an article on February 20.

Because not only many employees of igritte will become rich with the IPO of the new technology company, but more and more Internet entrepreneurs are starting to get rich overnight.

During the "information age" marketing plan at the end of last year, westero system has focused on publicizing many cases of relying on the Internet industry to earn huge wealth. The recent discussion on igritte equity incentive plan has once again led to many inspirational stories of starting from scratch in the Internet field.

One of them is an ordinary restaurant chef in central Iowa, who only knows some basic computer knowledge. After more than a year of self-study, using the full set of basic tools and software and easy-to-use data center services launched by igritte company, the food sharing website created in his spare time unexpectedly won the popularity of a large number of users, and recently won 20% of the shares In Silicon Valley, a venture capital company invested a huge amount of 15 million US dollars, and the website was valued at 75 million US dollars.

This middle-aged man in his 40s, who used to earn only $50000 a year, thought that he would be unknown all his life, but in a flash, his personal wealth jumped to $60 million.

There is definitely more than one such case.

Therefore, while proposing the concept of "new gold rush era", the Wall Street Journal further commented that this is a new round of wealth redistribution without violence and plunder. Moreover, the threshold of wealth redistribution is also very friendly to ordinary people, just like the gold rush in San Francisco that anyone could rush to San Francisco, as long as If you have a computer connected to the Internet, you have a chance to create a wealth miracle.

Such news is good for stimulating the development of the Internet industry and diverting the outside world's attention from igray's large-scale employee stock ownership plan. The westero system will soon start to add fuel to the flames.

Simon and two jennies returned to the west coast from Florida on February 20.

Then Simon's 27th Birthday.

She held a party in a low-key way. She only invited some people close to her, but received a lot of gifts, many of which were from the women around her. Janet didn't get jealous to let these gifts disappear this time. Instead, she opened them in person and commented on them.

The production of the song "young and beautiful" continues.

At Janet's instigation, this time we plan to release it to the public, and we will also bring another piece of Bach's last day, which is also being produced, and the pure music that Simon has quietly collected for a long time from "prelude to the dead" to "blizzard".

I didn't want to make money.

So I plan to make it into MV and put it on the network platform directly, which can be regarded as increasing the traffic for igrit.

Among them, the last day of Bach for Yulia schulthina takes women's solo as the MV, while the other two songs can't make two jennies appear.

Simon soon came up with a good idea.

Video mix cut.

This is a common splicing and editing mode of many video websites in my memory. According to the tone of a song, I choose a variety of shots from many movies and TVs to form MV, which is very popular.

At this stage, because the network has just been popularized, film piracy is not so rampant, video websites are out of the question, and few people can see wonderful video clips.

However, all these problems are not problems for Simon.

Simon not only owns the copyright of thousands of films and TV dramas accumulated by danielis entertainment group through acquisition and production in recent years, but also, if necessary, borrows the lens from other studios, obviously no one will refuse.

Of course, Simon doesn't plan to let the fertilizer flow into the field.

Not to mention the long-term copyright reserve, only the films produced by Denise entertainment in recent years are enough for Simon to make two wonderful mixed cut videos.

The plan was soon finalized.

The first song "young and beautiful" will focus on the beautiful scenes of famous Hollywood actresses.

However, in order to avoid editing all the female stars associated with him, Simon plans to start with the female stars of Hollywood golden age, such as Vivien Lee, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and so on, until recent years, and plans to capture all the most classic scenes, and to focus on Denise entertainment film library films as far as possible.

After all, after the mixed cut video MV is released, it is likely to drive a wave of movie sales related to MV shots.

Even if we don't plan to make money directly from this song, we will not let go of this kind of peripheral benefits.

Another song "blizzard", Simon plans to make a DC movie universe highlights mixed cut, from the initial "Batman: the moment of war" to "suicide team" at the end of last year, the tune of "blizzard" itself and the epic temperament of DC movie universe series fit again, but also as a warm-up of "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of justice" at the end of this year.Simon's 27th Birthday was followed by the release of the long-awaited "this man from the earth" on February 24.

Because it's an unpopular schedule at the end of February, and there are no other high-quality films, all major cinema lines are willing to put forward more screen resources to release this film. Gaomen film has raised 3107 open screen at one time.

Before that, the action movie "broken arrow" starring John Travolta, which is scheduled to open on Valentine's day, had been released for two weeks.

Simon was a little disappointed by the film's reputation. He only got 5.3 points in all, but failed to pass.

Fortunately, with Denise Entertainment's strong publicity, watching movies on Valentine's Day is just a need. As the only blockbuster on Valentine's day, white dove Wu's unique aesthetic style of violence has also brightened the eyes of North American audiences. With 2638 screens, the film made $24.53 million in the first box office week from February 10 to February 16, The average weekly price of the museum exceeded $9300, though it failed to exceed $10000, but it also met expectations.

Then, in the second box office week from February 17 to February 23, when Valentine's Day was over and there were still no strong competitors, the next week's decline of the film remained fairly good, with a revenue of $17.86 million. The total box office in two weeks is 42.39 million US dollars, which is about 8 million US dollars away from the production cost line of 50 million US dollars.

Considering the impact of "this man from Earth" on the box office week that opens on February 24, the publicity team of danelis pictures predicts that the total box office of the film in North America will be about $70 million. According to the opening situation of overseas paintings in the same period, the total overseas box office is roughly the same as that in North America, and the total global box office is about 150 million US dollars.

The production cost of US $50 million, three times the box office in the world, is just cost recovery.

If it's other second - and third tier film companies, it will be sad to face such a situation, because the capital chain of small studios is usually tight, and they rely heavily on box office revenue. Once they lose at the box office, even if they just don't make money, they may encounter trouble if they can't wait for the later video and TV earnings.

A behemoth like daenerys entertainment has no such problem.

Because of its huge volume, the perfect Omni channel operation has become sustainable, which can not only keep as much profit as possible in the omni channel range of a film in the studio system itself, but also make its films get rid of the box office dependence to the greatest extent.

All in all, relying on the box office has recovered costs, later directly into the profit stage, this project is a success for Denise entertainment.

With the advent of Hollywood's blockbuster era, more and more film companies find it difficult to recover money directly from the box office. Most of them have to rely on the surrounding channels, which is why it is more and more difficult for Hollywood's second and third tier film companies to survive. Even if they succeed once or twice, such as lion gate summit in Western Mongolia's memory, they will not be able to survive because of the lack of Omni channel operation support The formation of a cycle and soon quiet down.

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In addition to "broken arrow", also released on February 10 was "McMullen brothers", which won the jury award at the Sundance Film Festival in January.

Relying on the fame of the Sundance awards and the good reputation of the film after its release, 513 pieces of money were put on the screen. After earning $3.96 million in the first week, it fell only 19% in the next week, and then received $3.21 million. The good curve means that this small film with a production cost of only $500000 has achieved great success at the box office. It is estimated that the total domestic box office is between 10 million and 15 million.

Simon has always admired Barry Diller's "tent theory" when he ran paramount. The blockbuster is the backbone of the "tent". Other low-cost films are the poles and curtains of the "tent".

For a tent, only the trunk and pole curtain are complete can it keep out the wind and rain.

The same is true for film companies.

The key to the strong anti risk ability of big studios lies in the fact that the "tent" itself is big enough to form a complete system. When the big studios further integrate to form a comprehensive media group, they have evolved from "tent" to "Castle", and are completely fearless of the wind and rain.

Therefore, although the box office volume of "broken arrow" and "McMullen brothers" is quite different, Simon does not despise the latter at all.

And then there's this man from earth.

After its official release on February 24, this man from earth is still full of controversy, as it was during the screening in park city. People who like it like it very much, while those who hate it are disappointed.

However, compared with broken arrow, which failed to reach the passing mark two weeks ago, this man from the earth is still in the majority of recognition, with a comprehensive media score of 8.2, which is already an excellent level. It's only because the film is written by Simon himself, and it's not an adaptation like the DC movie universe project, and it's very personal, so it attracts a lot of different opinions.

After all, criticism of Simon is certainly more eye-catching than praise.

In a word, it's not only the United States, but also all the film markets that started painting at the same time. Countless media are talking about this man from the earth.Because of the content of the film, this argument inevitably extends to Simon himself again.

The immortal who has lived for 14000 years, is that what Simon westero is suggesting?

It's like the sixth sense a few years ago.

Because of this suspicion, some people even began to take an interest in Simon's "biological samples" in private.

A waitress of the family soon quietly reported that someone had offered 100000 dollars to buy one of Simon's hair.

After the original death of Doris Fischer, the Westeros have stricter requirements on the loyalty of the female bodyguards and male bodyguards around them. In the training stage, they directly take Doris Fischer as a counterexample, or, frankly, as a warning. At the same time, he promised that if someone tried to infiltrate the Westeros family through them, he would be rewarded as long as he reported in time.

Simon is not stingy about it at all.

Because of these measures, from the Doris Fischer incident to now, at least within the close monitoring scope of the intelligence team of the Westeros family, no betrayal has been found. Once something happens, all of them have been reported in time. Simon also arranged several "fishing" tests, and all the test objects involved have passed the test.

Of course, instead of telling these people the truth, they directly and generously offered a reward.

This time, I can only say that it made Simon a little sad.

100000 dollars, which is too small to see the loyalty of the Weijia maid team. Moreover, if someone directly contacts Simon, he is willing to sell. Normal people have about 100000 hairs. It's a huge sum of money even for Simon himself to cut his hair for 100000 dollars.

Over the years, Simon believes that his "biological samples" must have been carefully studied by many secret laboratories, even by himself. The conclusion is that Simon's personal physique is indeed beyond the ordinary people, but it is far from reaching the level of "Superman", completely within the scope of human physiology.

Such an episode is just a joke in Simon's privacy, and he even doesn't want to do anything to trace the victims.

In any case, under the strong topic, the North American film market unexpectedly ushered in a film viewing boom in this cold season at the end of February.

In the first week from February 24 to March 2, "this man from the earth" achieved $76.19 million in seven days, with an average of $24000 in the museum, which was a blockbuster grade.

Hollywood can only envy it.

We all know that this kind of success is hard to replicate.

Because the success of this film is rooted in Simon's own strong popularity aura, other studios may be able to produce a similar story, but without Simon westero's popularity, it can only make a small profit at most.

The publicity team of gaomen pictures had expected that the opening performance of this man from the earth would be excellent, but it still did not expect that the first week would exceed $70 million.

You know, the production cost of this man from earth is only $1.5 million.

Because of the popularity of the film's own topics, gaomen film's publicity budget is only 10 million US dollars, a large part of which is the copy cost of 3107 pieces of open screen. The main publicity channel is to let the main creators log in to various late night shows and flat posters of theaters.

And as Ella doechman and Simon said at the beginning, it's used in all kinds of public relations to avoid spoilers.

The most expensive TV ads don't work at all.

It's mainly because it's hard to cut out a trailer that's neither dramatic nor appealing to the audience, so we don't do it at all.

In this case, it's still an unpopular schedule at the end of February. The opening performance of $76.19 million in the first week has directly set Hollywood's highest ever record of opening a film in February, and it can only be described as a miracle if the previous data is far removed.

Impacted by "this man from the earth", the third week's "broken arrow" showed a 43% decline in one week, earning $10.17 million and accumulating $52.56 million at the box office.

If the box office falls into the range of 10 million in a single week, whether it can continue to earn 20 million in the future and reach the expectation of $70 million, it can only see whether the decline of "broken arrow" in the fourth week narrows again.

In addition, "McMullen brothers" has not been greatly affected. In the third week of its release, it dropped by 25% and closed another $2.39 million, with a cumulative box office of $9.56 million, which is about to break 10 million.

Then, another box office week opened on March 3, because the box office of the first week of "this man from the earth" exploded. Many audiences who had not entered the cinema because of the controversy of the film inevitably developed strong curiosity and began to buy tickets.

As a result, from March 3 to March 9, the weekly decline of "this man from the earth" didn't cut as much as many media expected, with a drop of only 26%. The revenue of the next week was still as high as $56.37 million, and the cumulative box office of $132.56 million in two weeks even exceeded the trend of many blockbuster movies.According to this box office trend, it's no problem that the total box office of this man from the earth in North America will exceed 200 million US dollars, and even a dash to the threshold of 300 million US dollars is not entirely impossible.

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