Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 820: 824

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In summer, as a famous summer resort in New York area, East Hampton on Long Island has a cool and pleasant morning.

It's more than nine o'clock in the morning. In an estate near the sea southwest of East Hampton, angri Davis is personally ringing a bedroom on the second and third floor of the villa to wake up the girls who played until early last night.

There were more than 60 tenants sleeping in the villa last night.

Fortunately, there is enough space.

This 15 acre manor, not to mention the attached building for security and waiters, is just a country resort style main villa with an area of more than 3300 square meters. The total building space of the three storey villa is close to 10000 square meters. There are only 26 bedrooms with matching bathrooms.

The original intention of the developer who built this manor is to build a top-level party venue, mainly for the rich and celebrities around the world to rent. Unfortunately, the global economic downturn in recent years led to business failure, so it had to be listed for sale and soon fell into the hands of the Westeros.

This is just one of Simon's three properties in East Hampton. Over the years, Simon has owned a total of 11 properties in East Hampton, Southampton and other luxury residential areas in Long Island.

Angri, who is in charge of these properties, occasionally feels that her boss may be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, just like the hostess who used to serve those families habitually buys a lot of bags and shoes. Of course, this kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, like buying a bag, can only be afforded by Simon westrow.

It's too expensive.

Knock on the door of a bedroom again. A moment later, the door opens. This is a girl with sleepy eyes. Her flaxen hair is a little disheveled, her amber eyes are a little brown, and her mouth is very special. Her young face has a soft baby face tendency, and there is no lack of elegant and exquisite high-end fashion style.

Standard supermodel embryo.

Although she never shows up in front of the host's house, in fact, angri has a very good memory. In addition, the girl in front of her is the only special one among the goblins last night. Therefore, she knows the girl's name is Fernanda Lima. The housekeeper still remembers the girl's general file.

It was angri who helped Simon with the party.

Her boss decided that she would be busy for several days. Unlike the ordinary parties organized by small stars and models in the circle, the girls who can come here have to go through several layers of selection in advance. First, they must be 18 years old and sign confidentiality agreements. This is to avoid public opinion and legal risks.

The qualified list is sent to a man for screening, then sent back, and finally a physical examination.

This is the obsessive-compulsive disorder of my boss.

Angri, who has rich experience, finds that his boss is similar to Howard Hughes, the legendary tycoon who died 20 years ago. Because of his childhood shadow, Hughes has lived in fear of disease all his life, and in his later years, he has completely isolated himself.

However, there are obvious differences between them. The housekeeper knows that her boss has a lot of courage. It's only because she takes care of the people around her that she has this strange obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It's a very rare quality that angri sees from Simon that he cares about the people around him very much.

For many years in this profession, angri has met many people who are really cold to the bone.

In fact, her boss has a cold and even cold side, just like the three mothers and daughters she initially served. However, the housekeeper thinks that her boss's indifference is more inclined to a strange alienation with strong personality charm, like a god overlooking all living beings, and also has a fatal attraction to the opposite sex, which will make women unconsciously fall into it.

At least, when she gets along with a man occasionally, angri can't help but have some strange ideas. She likes to deliberately turn her back to him and pretend to be busy. Then she quietly holds her breath, expecting a big hand behind her to come over and press her anywhere, just like those women who are often full of strawberries.

I've been speculating for so many years to make sure my judgment is correct.

The housekeeper thinks so.

Some little man can't help it one day.

Seeing angri at the door, Fernanda Lima cheered up and said with a smile, "good morning, Ms. Davis."

"Good morning," said the housekeeper politely. "It's over nine o'clock, miss. I think it's time for you to get up. Besides, breakfast is ready."

Fernanda Lima nodded and saw the housekeeper go to the other bedroom before returning.

On the big bed in the bedroom, two other girls were hugging each other. The right temperature made them not need to cover anything. When they went to bed last night, the only bikini was not sure where it was. Fernanda pushed them forward and called, "peper, Ellie, get up quickly."

One of the girls instinctively opened Fernanda's little hand, grabbed a pillow, directly covered their heads, and said, "no, I haven't slept for a long time. It's so comfortable. Don't call me. I still have to sleep."

Fernanda urged again. Seeing the two girls clinging to each other and insisting on not getting up, she had to give up. She turned to the bathroom and came out after washing. Then she realized that she was just a bikini from last night's Carnival. Her clothes were collected in the dressing room downstairs, and even her shoes were there.Hesitated, or did not put on the bathroom that CK bathrobe.

Fernanda is confident of his figure. Maybe, when he goes downstairs, he can get Simon westero's attention again.

When he left, he called out to the two slackers on the bed again, but there was no result, so he didn't try any more.

Most of these young models can only live in the dormitories arranged by the company in Xiacheng District, and many of them have to squeeze into the basement. Fernanda comes from Brazil and has a good family condition, so she can rent an apartment, but the dilapidated apartment in Dongcun district is quite different from this luxury house near the sea.

Not only in the manor, but also in the party that started yesterday afternoon, a lot of delicious wine and food are the first time girls have tasted.

If he can, Fernando also hopes to stay here forever.

It's a little frustrating to think about it.

Yesterday, I tried very hard to attract westero's attention. Men are also special to her. They not only know her name, but also say that they like the corners of her mouth very much, so they are very suitable to play witches. However, it seems that it is only limited to this, in the end, there is no result. Last night, when they went to bed, the three girls were still waiting for westrow to attack at night, so that they might be able to ascend to the sky.

Worst of all, I heard westero was very generous.

Unfortunately, until they fell asleep, a man who made them look forward to awe did not appear.

Leaving the bedroom, it happened that there were girls going out in other rooms.

I do not know whether intentionally or unintentionally, the other girls are wearing yesterday's swimsuit.

They politely greet each other and go downstairs together. As soon as they walk out of the stairs, they find that there are already waiters waiting here, leading them to a temporary cloakroom on the first floor.

It's all over the place.

This is the first feeling of the girls entering the room.

All kinds of famous brand clothes, shoes, satchels, accessories and all kinds of unopened cosmetics are all over the room of 200 square meters. Some girls have been happily choosing to match them, and some people are sitting in front of the temporary dressing table to make up, just like the backstage of some fashion shows.

The difference is that those big shows can only be clothes shelves. After wearing clothes and going to the runway, how can they get here and leave? According to the waitress, the luxury goods here can be taken away.

In fact, they were only allowed to wear a long skirt and not even a satchel when they came to the party yesterday. Even so, they had a simple security check before boarding the helicopter in Manhattan.

Girls know that this is to prevent some restless girls from secretly carrying tape recorders and cameras. The more high-end parties have these rules. Simon westero did it, and they took it for granted.

There are even girls who think it's going to be an s-party.

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However, it turns out that it's really just entertainment carnival, music, wine, food, dancing, games, Balabala. Yesterday, many girls took the initiative to paste westero, but they didn't succeed until the end of the party. No one knows which lucky girls westero was sleeping in last night.

now, simultaneous interpreting, Simon Westerlo is as generous as rumours.

In this circle, most girls have been invited to all kinds of parties, but at those parties, men only want to take advantage of them, and few are willing to give anything.

I found that a girl who had just come downstairs had gone to the shelf full of satchels, and directly picked out a Hermes, even if it was not the top platinum bag. In the style of Hermes, it was thousands of dollars at least. Fernanda had no resistance to these, so he went forward and picked it up.

First of all, I also robbed Hermes.

The name of Hermes "king of bags" is not in vain. Compared with other brands, Hermes has a strong value preservation capability. Even the basic satchels can be sold for a lot of money if they are short of money in the future.

And then up and down in and out of the field began to match.

Gucci shirt, CK jeans, Carine Gilson underwear, Chanel belt, Manolo Blahnik high heel shoes, and finally picked up a set of Lancome make-up and a bottle of Dior perfume. When he came to the dressing table and began to dress up, Fernanda thought of two lazy people who were still sleeping in the bedroom upstairs. There were many clothes, shoes, bags and bags on the shelves, but the styles were obviously different. They were basically single items, and the prices were naturally different.

After they get up, the good things must have been selected.

After another hour, Fernanda was led to the villa restaurant with the pink Hermes bag that she liked more and more. It was past ten o'clock.

In my mind, I can't help quietly calculating that the whole body will cost at least tens of thousands of dollars.

Every girl in the villa is like this.


I'm looking forward to another party like this.

There is enough room for 30 people on both sides of the long table in the villa restaurant. Fernanda walks over and sits down. The waitress presents a delicate menu with several sets of breakfast to choose from. Fernanda chooses one of them at will. Waiting for the break, she finally remembers another thing: where is westero?Looking around, a waitress just noticed her eyes and asked.

Fernanda hesitated for a moment, but asked, "Miss, I want to know where Mr. westrow is now?"

Fernanda just asked, and there was a clear silence in the restaurant.

The waitress just laughed, shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, miss, I don't know. But the boss should have left. "

A sigh of regret floated from the dining room.

So is Fernando.

Since the men are no longer here, and they don't have to stay too much, after lunch, a Black Hawk helicopter that has sent a group of girls back again, Fernanda and some girls get on the helicopter and rush to Manhattan.

Arrive at the apron by the East River, and there is a special car here.

Near noon, I finally returned to my rental apartment in Dongcun district.

After entering the door, looking at the small apartment in front of her, I just felt a sense of loss that the pumpkin car and crystal shoes had all disappeared. Hearing the news, the sharing girl went to her room and was about to say something. Noticing her clothes, she asked curiously with an expression of surprise. She signed a confidentiality agreement in advance and was solemnly told by her agent. Of course, Fernanda would not tell the truth Then, just perfunctory home to give her a living expenses.

Of course, the sharing girls don't believe it, but Fernanda doesn't say it and she doesn't ask a lot. Then, their agent, Ms. grace spelt, asked Fernanda to call her as soon as she came back.

Fernanda nodded, knowing that instead of calling in the living room, he turned to his bedroom and picked up the phone to dial.

Fernanda switched from Ford's agency at the beginning of the year and signed with grace spelter, a member of elite. Because of her excellent conditions, grace took the initiative to contact her and Ford tried to keep her. Everyone in the circle knows that grace spatter, who rose suddenly last year, has a lot of contacts in the fashion industry and Hollywood. It is said that she may also know Simon westero, so she made a decision.

The rise of several girls, Tracy Goff, makes us sure that grace spatter has a lot of connections. It's just a rumor about westero that we didn't believe before.

After yesterday's party, Fernanda was honest with the rumors.

Because she was born on June 25, 1977, one week before her 18th birthday.

Originally, according to the standard that westero's party must be over 18 years old, she would be brushed off in the first ring.

At first, Fernanda was very sorry to miss a party that was said to bring a great turn to their career. Unexpectedly, later, the agent lady suddenly informed her that she could attend. After signing the confidentiality agreement, Fernanda learned that it was actually the Party of westero. Fernanda was more and more glad that she refused to stay at the beginning of the year and insisted on job hopping.

Otherwise, she may not get the chance until the end of her career.

Fernanda's room, dialed Grace's mobile phone, after a long time to connect, there the voice of the agent lady seems a little strange, just let her go to the company in the afternoon, soon hung up.

Upper east side of Manhattan.

Simon is located in the bedroom of his apartment on 68th Street East of Fifth Avenue. Grace wrapped a sheet and hung up her mobile phone. Then she looked at the little man on the bed and said angrily, "I still want to have lunch with you. I didn't expect that you would bully me at noon. Wasn't it enough last night?"

Simon grinned, reached out and pulled the woman over, put her arms around her and said, "I didn't do anything last night."

Grace's face immediately showed the expression of "you lied to the little girl.".

Simon in the woman's smooth shoulder kiss, explained: "mainly, um, no feeling, so later simply left, I was sleeping alone last night."

Think about just half an hour, grace has actually believed that listening to Simon say so, also gave birth to some inexplicable sweet.

Men have no feelings for those young girls.

For her, it was obviously different.

Without delving into the meaning of the difference, it's enough to make sure. Leaning contentedly in the arms of a man, grace quickly asked, "when are you going back to Los Angeles?"

"It's going to be a few days. There are still some things to do here."

Grace didn't really care what happened to Simon. She was even happier when she heard that he could stay for a few more days. She just asked subconsciously, "what's the matter?"

Simon said: "the acquisition of ABC has just been negotiated. It will be announced tomorrow morning that I will stay here and watch to prevent other companies from rebounding."

Grace also knows that danilisi entertainment is preparing to buy a TV network. She is surprised to hear that: "ABC, so it's not CBS?"

"Well, CBS is just a smoke bomb."

"In this case, Larry Tisch may turn against you. Recently, the stock price of CBS has gone up a lot. If you suddenly turn to ABC, CBS will definitely go down. And NBC, it seems that you are planning to buy this TV network during this period of time, which is obviously false. "Simon nodded with a smile: "that's why I want to stay here and watch."

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