Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 888: 893

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February 2, Friday.

It fluctuated in the 2900 point range for a week in a row. When the capital market was closely watching whether the Nasdaq market could break through the 3000 point mark on the last trading day of this week, another ladle of cold water from the westrow system was poured down this morning.

After January 22 announced the reduction of Cisco shares less than two weeks time, westero company issued a reduction statement again.

No surprise.

This time it's AOL's turn.

The reduction is still about $2 billion.

In order to suppress the NASDAQ index, two weeks after the announcement on January 22, westero company has completed the reduction of Cisco shares, which is actually an important reason why the NASDAQ index fluctuated up and down this week but failed to break through 3000 points.

Because the two announcements were too close to each other, with the announcement of Westeros, on Friday, the NASDAQ index fell by 2.9%, significantly more than the 0.7% market decline on the day of Cisco's announcement. As a result, the NASDAQ index fell back to the range of 2800 points again, and was fixed at 2879 points at the close of the day.


Many people have been speculating about Simon's motives since last December, when westlow system cashed out danielis entertainment shares for the first time.

If we just have a premonition that the market will reach its peak and cash out at a high level, it doesn't make sense.

With the current influence of the westero system, as long as you say you need money, a lot of financial institutions will cry and shout and rush to send money. If the market is about to turn, in order to maintain the overall situation, Simon westero should do is to stabilize the market sentiment as much as possible, rather than risk catalyzing the collapse of the market.

After three consecutive reductions, everyone finally responded.

There is no doubt that Simon westero is suppressing the NASDAQ.

The reason for doing so is also very simple.

People with a little financial background can understand that once the market overheats, speculation will inevitably prevail, and people who really want to do things will be run. Therefore, avoiding market overheating is actually beneficial to the long-term development of an industry. Otherwise, a large number of speculative capital will toss in and out quickly, leaving only chicken feathers and even destroying the whole industry.

I understand, but everyone is looking forward to a series of technology stock prices continue to advance by leaps and bounds, looking forward to all kinds of technology stock book income has reached a new high unconsciously, looking forward to the high cash out, leaving the mess to the last loser. Simon westrow, you are so blatantly breaking everyone's financial path, it's not authentic.

As a result, after the closing of the afternoon, various forces began to challenge the Westeros system.

The SEC has been asked to investigate whether the company is suspected of manipulating the market.

There have been calls to the federal government for measures to ban Simon westrow's vicious sell-off.

Someone contacted Simon privately, hoping that he would stop at the right time.

Some people say that Simon can directly state how much he intends to sell to cash out, and we can trade privately without causing market fluctuation by selling in the secondary market.

Some people take advantage of the opportunity of the election year to try to lead the topic to Simon's personal wealth, which has nearly exceeded one trillion, and think that it is very unreasonable for a person to have such a huge amount of wealth.

Not only that, but also the technology bears who have been waiting for the opportunity have not missed such an opportunity. As evidence, the announcement of westero company's shareholding reduction once again exaggerates the public opinion that the NASDAQ index has peaked and is about to turn, trying to really promote the collapse of technology stocks.

Even the White House called Simon.

Obviously, the president was entrusted by others. He took out an analysis report he didn't know where to get it from and discussed it with Simon for more than half an hour. The main idea was that the current fundamentals of new technology industry were more than 4000 points, and Simon didn't have to be so cautious at 3000 points.

Frankly speaking, the wave caused by this reduction was unexpected to Simon.

However, Simon was not surprised. After all, the Westeros system's behavior of suppressing the rise of technology stocks blocked the way of too many people's money, but Simon thought it would take another two or three times to reduce their holdings.

In the face of huge interests, people's eyes are red, and they can do anything if they are in a hurry.

Since it has aroused everyone's dissatisfaction, Simon did not want to be the enemy of the whole world. In the face of lobbying from all sides, he took advantage of the situation and promised that he would not reduce his holdings in the short term.

This is actually a kind of big tail.

From small enterprises to large countries, there is no lack of discerning people in the world. In the face of all kinds of disadvantages, it is not that no one wants to change, but it is hard to return. When a huge machine collapses and runs in one direction, the people in front of it trying to save are often dead.

However, Simon has no intention of giving up completely.

The core objectives of this year's stock reduction plan are actually two. One is to curb overheated speculation in the new technology market, and the other is to cash in.Simon's original goal was to cash out 20 billion US dollars in 1996.

Now that he has promised not to cash in the open market in the short term, at least in the next six months, Simon intends to choose to carry out block stock transfer transactions with institutions directly, as suggested by some people.

In addition, it plans to issue a westero corporate bond at the right time.

Prior to that, when the company needed additional funds in private, it basically sought loans directly from the bank. The main reason is that it's convenient and quick. It doesn't have the complicated process of issuing bonds, and it doesn't need to disclose too much information. Moreover, with the credit rating of Westeros, the interest rate of getting loans is often very affordable.

However, if you want to raise 10 billion US dollars in one time, and have long-term liabilities of more than 10 years, it is not appropriate to continue the loan.

The main reason is that the flexibility of bank loans is too poor, there are many restrictions, and there is no room for repayment. Once an enterprise has problems, bank debt collection will often become the last straw to crush the camel. After an enterprise goes bankrupt, bank loans usually need to be paid off first.

In contrast, the flexibility of corporate bonds is very high. As long as we get the funds, there are few restrictions. In case of problems, we can negotiate with the creditors to restructure the debt.

With the current size of westrow system, the possibility of meeting repayment difficulties is very low. Therefore, the core of choosing to issue bonds is cost.

Banks are in pursuit of profits, so it is inevitable for enterprises to pay relatively high interest costs.

As for bond investors, especially high credit rating bond investors with low interest rates, they only seek the most stable minimum investment, or even fight against inflation. On the contrary, they don't pursue too high profits, which in fact means that the cost of the issuing party will be very low.

In fact, many enterprises in the westero system, such as Daniels and AOL, have been issuing bonds in recent years, but westero, as the core of the westero system, has not done so. After all, if you want to issue bonds in the past, it means you need to disclose a lot of information publicly.

This is something Simon has been reluctant to do.

Now, the westrow system is strong enough to choose to issue bonds and disclose selectively.

Believe it or not.

Buy it or not.

As a result, after promising not to reduce its holdings in the short term, Simon released the news in the following weekend.

Since some people say that they can privately undertake the sell-off of the westrow system, Simon plans to sell $3 billion worth of shares of daenerys entertainment, Cisco and AOL to institutions in addition to the $2 billion AOL shares announced on Friday that will continue to flow to the secondary market.

Let's discuss it.

Put in the money.

Of course, because it is a block transaction, Simon will not be unkind to set the original price, and directly give the institution a 10% discount on buying.

Danielis, Cisco and AOL have reduced their holdings three times and cashed out more than 6 billion yuan.

We're going to sell another three billion this time.

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In addition, tincobail, melisandro and Verizon Telecom will cash at least more than $1 billion in the next listing process. In the first half of the year, through these cash reduction, excluding the capital gains tax, westero is expected to get no less than $10 billion.

Then, in the second half of the year, westero will launch a $10 billion corporate bond issuance program.

All together, 20 billion dollars, just finished Simon's plan to hoard money.

In addition, Simon does not intend to completely give up the plan to suppress the Nasdaq market, but the means will be more hidden and do as much as he can.

In fact, all these actions of drawing funds from the market are suppressing.

Smart people always hesitate when they see Simon westrow constantly taking money and rushing into new technology.

Simon let out the wind and soon got a response.

A group of Wall Street giants such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and overseas financial giants such as Credit Suisse are very interested in Simon's planned cash out of these shares, but they just hope that the discount can be lower, and Simon will not give up.

However, the two sides soon started formal contacts.

Simon also brought in cersei capital's black rock asset management company, planning to give at least 10% of the shares. After all, as long as the transaction is not too greedy, the buyer's huge profits can be expected as long as it is not too greedy and has been holding fast to cash out at the right time in the future.

Of course, we should not forget our own people.

Simon just told Lawrence Fink that once the half year sales restriction period for buying these stocks had passed, he would sell them all immediately in terms of the market trend.

Maybe it's because many people have received Simon's promise. After the weekend in early February, the NASDAQ index quickly returned to the 2900 point range, and the obstacle of hitting 3000 points basically disappeared, leaving only a matter of time.

The plan to crack down on Nashi was premature in the beginning, and Simon was not depressed. He pushed the other plans of the westero system forward step by step.In any case, in the future, the market value of the enterprises held by the westrow system may fall sharply due to the collapse of the Nasdaq stock index. However, due to sufficient preparation in advance, the real impact will not be too serious, and they can also expand their strength at low cost in the process of market chaos.

February 7, Wednesday.

Just after the AOL stock reduction incident, another news related to the westrow system burst out.

This morning, Gilead science, a start-up pharmaceutical company in foster, San Francisco Bay area, suddenly held a press conference and announced that it had reached a financing plan with westero company with a total amount of 120 million US dollars. According to this, westero company will obtain 4 million shares of Gilead, with a shareholding ratio of 32.8%, becoming the largest shareholder of Gilead.

Gilead science is a listed company. With the release of this news, it is already a few hours in the afternoon on the east coast. The stock price of the company has soared by 17% and its market value has reached US $535 million, but most people are still in a circle.


What is this?

Fortunately, within a few hours after the news was released, the company's information was dug out.

Of course, Gilead took the initiative to let the wind out.

However, after some research, we soon found that the details of this pharmaceutical enterprise established in 1987 are not flattering.

In the eight years since its establishment, Gilead has focused on the research of immune deficiency and antiviral drugs. It has spent nearly US $100 million, but basically achieved nothing. It can only earn a small amount of revenue by outsourcing contracts provided by pharmaceutical giants such as GlaxoSmithKline.

However, it is a miracle that such a company successfully launched its IPO in 1992 and has survived so far.

This is, of course, a superficial message.

Going deeper, the company's behind the scenes connections, such as the youngest former defense secretary in American history, are obviously one of the main reasons Gilead has been able to maintain up to now. In addition, you can find that the biggest reason why westero company took a stake in this enterprise is probably that Gilead is finally going to launch its first new drug.

According to the information provided by FDA, the new drug, named cidofovir, submitted by Gilead for review, is mainly used to treat a kind of cytomegalovirus retinitis caused by AIDS.

What the hell is this?

Eight years after its establishment, it burned hundreds of millions of US dollars to produce such a new drug with non mainstream complications. Although Gilead has a bright future, it can be directly injected intravenously to replace several existing drugs that can only be given by surgical intubation, and it is estimated that it will contribute more than 150 million US dollars to Gilead's revenue every year after its launch, it still has a long way to go, When everyone is so easy to cheat?

Soon someone broke Gilead's lie.

According to the market demand of this drug, it is a miracle to have a revenue of 15 million US dollars after it is launched, not to mention 150 million US dollars per year.

It's all kinds of unreasonable.

In that case, why did Simon westrow spend $120 million on a stake in such a company?

Although we also found that when 120 million people bought more than 30% of Gilead's shares, Simon westero only paid 20% of the share price before the information disclosure, but if the company is worthless, let alone 20% off, even 40% off, it's just the result of a drift.

Is there anything else we don't know?

So all kinds of gossip began to spread.

After careful study, the good doer finally thinks that he has found the key.

Gilead's focus is on AIDS.

Since the 1980s, AIDS has been widely concerned, and soon become the most feared incurable disease in all sectors of the society.

The poor have nothing to do with it, but the rich are eager to overcome it.

This is probably another important reason why Gilead has been able to get research funding all these years.

Simon westero, perhaps just another rich man who has invested in the fight against AIDS.

After all, there is no shortage of money.

Besides, someone is a well-known playboy.

Even if

It's a precaution, isn't it?


Let's break up.

With the influence of the westero system at the present stage, the mainstream media certainly dare not get involved in this kind of evil lace. It's just that some gossip tabloids or gossip websites are blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatantly blatant.

Simon didn't want to make it too public for westrow to take a stake in Gilead, so he specifically refused a phone invitation from Donald Rumsfeld, who was about to take over the post, to personally invite him to attend the signing ceremony.

It's just that I didn't expect that the public opinion would be skewed here, but it's a little sad.There is no shortage of smart people.

If Simon westero really just spent 120 million dollars to buy insurance for himself, he would do it as quietly as possible. How could he let outsiders know? In this case, does it mean another signal, for example, that westrow plans to enter the medical industry?

If that's true, then it's a good time to follow up in private.

The popularity of the Internet has been too high. Now entering the market, not only the risk increases, but also it is difficult to get high-quality investment projects. Relatively speaking, the medical industry is undoubtedly an opportunity to find a new way to follow Simon westero.

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