Hololive: The Chief Manager

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: New Technology

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"Wow!" Yagoo shouted as he saw the room that Tatsu configured.

One of the spare rooms was cleaned out for Tatsu, who brought out and compared the equipment. Despite Yagoo watching the whole installation process, he was unable to fathom the futuristic pieces that seemly created a perfect virtual space on the little monitor that displayed it.

"What we are using is a typical set-up of [VIRTUAL DOMAIN], where the main camera is at the front for the face and body display of the streamer while the other three cameras will be on each side of a wall to create the virtual space on the computer. Alice-chan programmed this to keep track of all sides of the entertainer from all normal angles." -Tatsu

"Okay, so what are these things in the corners?" -Yagoo

In the room, eight little nodes occupied the top and bottom corners of the space. They flicked with green lasers at the start of the operation like a starting sequence before remaining inactive.

"They are one of my prized creations! Photon phasers compliment the set-up where you can create anything and use it for the recording. As long you can think about it, it will appear."


"Yes, with a single command, you can manifest any prop and even a functioning computer in the space. For example, ET4! Produce mahogany dining table."

The equipment rang with beeps from the command and a brown dining table manifested in the centre of the room. All the staff, that were there to witness the new equipment, were gobsmacked by the appearance of the table. They walked over to the table and inspected it, tapping on its legs. It felt real and sounded just like wood.

"Wait, wait wait! How did that work? What was that, Tatsu?!"

Tatsu hovered his index finger over his lips, signalling Yagoo to slow down on the questions.

"It's just a little toy Alice-chan made when she was messing around with my scraps. Pretty fun for a house but let's not get into the specifics on how this work. Trade secret. The only drawback of this [VIRTUAL DOMAIN] is the space. As you will see, if you drag the object outside the parameters, it will cease to exist."

With a single click on the computer that monitored the area, the table slowly levitated from the floor and barrelled toward Yagoo and Tatsu. When it passed the imaginary boundary, the table slowly disintegrated and flacked away into fine particles then into nothing.

"That scared me!" -Yagoo

"It's to demonstrate the limits of this technology, hence why it isn't widespread. Not only that, you can only command by inputs on the computer because it can only recognise my voice for the time being. Oh, and please don't fiddle around the cameras and phasers as forceful movement on their locations will make them explode. I need to manually configure their position on the computer so, in the meantime, you can experiment with creating objects on the computer. Also, a warning, don't spawn living things as they will appear as a pile of mush, so just use inanimate objects."

"Wow, this is amazing, even with the limitations that are easy to understand, I believe your country has such a strong lead in technology than Japan."

"Um, about that, these are my toys. My company deals in another industry and doesn't have this technology."

"Wah, you even became a successful CEO without this technology! But why would you share it with us as an investor?"

"Firstly, my company is not a part of this industry on virtual technology. Secondly, this is my private investment so the money is coming out of my pocket, not the company. And lastly, I have taken a liking to your fresh company. I don't see a bad work environment and very tolerable work hours. You even pay overtime, which is quite rare in Japan."

Yagoo, very pleased with Tatsu's reasons and compliment, did a 90-degree bow toward him.

"Oh, then thank you very much for choosing to be an investor in our company. Please accept my humblest welcome."

"Haha, no worries. It is very convenient for me to be a part of your team."

"Haha. So shall we get into the business?"


Yagoo guided Tatsu to his private office while the employees were having fun with the new equipment, brainstorming all the exciting experiments to test with.

"Okay, so how much would you like to invest into Cover and what position would you like?" -Yagoo

"1 billion." -Tatsu


"1 billion USD."'


Yagoo yelled after hearing such a huge amount casually offered for the investment, startling other employees outside the room.

"Oh, that's the start. I'll be putting a couple of million over the month."

"....How much is your net worth Tatsu?"

"Dunno, I lost count of the zeros and most of them are material goods."


"So, what position do you have to offer?"

"....I was thinking of a Senior Director of the Board or something around those positions, but the amount you're investing...you might have to be CEO."

"Pah! CEO, that's a pain in the ass."

"...Aren't you a CEO?"

"No, I'm a Chief. Alice-chan easily takes care of the operations of the company so I can look around for investing."

"...Ah-ha! That's it! You can become something like a Co-Founder because of the huge amount you invested and can have a position of 'Chief'." 

You are reading story Hololive: The Chief Manager at novel35.com

"Great thinking! I am way too used to being called 'Chief'."

"I will be looking forward to working with you, Chief! This investment will improve our company by leaps and bounds!"

Yagoo was excited for the new employee to join his company, especially after showing his equipment and flow of cash that would help the company ease payments. He was even proposing Tatsu in becoming CEO just based on the initial investment, he had beaten every other investor in that aspect and the board would have no arguments against a foreigner joining the company. 
Yagoo stretched out his hand to offer the finishing deal handshake. However, Tatsu didn't move and looked him with his piercing red eyes.

"I have one condition though."

"Oh, thought it was too easy to have you join the company nonchalantly. What is it?"

"What is your dream?"


A silence filled the room as Yagoo was trying to comprehend what kind of question Tatsu was asking. 

"What is a dream?"

"Yikes, they don't even understand the word....Okay, what is your goal?"

"Umm, what do you mean?"

"Okay, okay. What do you want to become in the future?"

"Umm, being CEO of this company? I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Ah, this is bad. What do you strive for this company to become?"

"Umm, a technology company that helps with projects that need virtual reality as advertisements and promotions? Is that the answer you were looking for?"

"No, let me word this out a bit differently. In the future, what do you want the company to improve to become? Stronger? More powerful? More connections and influence?"

"To work on more projects? I'm failing to see what you mean."

"....Okay, I need to simplify this even further. Do you want to be stuck as a CEO of a company that only helps others with their projects? Do you want to stay at a stage that only takes little projects? Have you ever felt inspired to take your company to the next level?"

"Um, no? I'm quite fine to be at where I'm at."

"...Yeah, we can't reach a deal if your aspirations are that low."

"What do you mean? Wouldn't you want to invest in something slow and risk-free? I heard hasty investments on risky projects are akin to gambling but everyone hates gambling now."

Tatsu placed his hand on his forehead, thinking in silence for a moment before looking back at Yagoo with strong intentions.

"I need to get a clear answer from you. What is your dream or what will this company become in the future? You can discuss it with your employees, friends, family or whoever else, I'll come again tomorrow and see if your answer is satisfactory."

 Tatsu got up from his seat and left the office, closing the door behind him


{Little Segment}
The Chief used his free left hand to scratch the little fox's ear. She whined in delight and smuggled her head closer to the hand which was scratching deeper and deeper.
"P-p-please use your other hand as well...Chief!" -Kuda Izuna

"Sorry, I'm busy helping with the cooking. I'm already giving you a scratch behind the ear, aren't I?" -Chief

"Yeah! Chief is already busy with helping me and you tagged along!" -Kawawa Shizuko

The little maid with her shotgun tried to shoo the fox away from her private time with the Chief.

"Now now, Shizuko-chan. Izuna-chan just wanted to make sure I'm safe, even though I don't need protection. But I'll make sure to concentrate on helping you with your cooking, Shizuko-chan." -Chief

The little maid let out a little giggle before being flustered when she noticed she was being watched by the Chief.

"Chief's hands are tough and strong, Sensei's are a bit weak but I like both when you scratch behind my ears~~~" -Izuna

"Great to hear your honesty," -Chief

"Chief, please look at me." -Shizuko

"Sorry, I got distracted. Let's decorate these parfaits and taste them together." -Chief

"T-t-together?!" -Shizuko

"Yeah, together. Didn't we just make them together?" -Chief

".....Chief ecchi..." Shizuko blushed as she slowly decorated the parfaits, shyly averting her eyes away from the Chief.

"You little shy bundle of joy!" the Chief cleaned his hands and patted Shizuko's head. She didn't resist and just looked down to her feet, enjoying her head-patting.

"Chief! Rub me as well!" -Izuna jumped around, begging for more attention.

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