Honey Badger’s Ascension (Species Evolution Progression Story)

Chapter 32: HBA – Chapter 31 – Arc 3 – Everybody should have special names, right?

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“A Community always starts with two Individuals.”


“A Male and a Female.”


“Only after those two do other Individuals count.”


“Though, sometimes it's hard to find the dissimilarity between a Pair and others, especially when children are involved.”

#13 Quote - Book of Races and Species.




Central Continent - Inner Sea

The Central Continent had a few sites that would garner the attention of any Sapient, but none did so as the Inner Sea.


If one is technical about it. It could, actually, be called a vast freshwater lake fed by a few rivers coming down from the Mountains surrounding parts of the Central Continent. 


Still, its vast body of water defied the word Lake, so it became an Inner Sea.

On the southern side of the Inner See, in between the Southern Forest, where all manners of Insectoids existed and thrived, and the Eastern Grasslands, where herbivores lived out their lives, existed a relatively smaller patch of forested grounds.


It was neither thick, damp, nor dry. But it did possess a delta of small rivers passing through it.


Overall it was a decent patch of the living environment, except that one simple creature declared this territory theirs.


This creature was big and round. It had a big head and a jaw when fully extended could easily grab an adult male lion's head and crush it. 


At least, in theory, it was so. 


At the same time, it sported large canines that rivaled many big predators. 


Still, the most notable thing about these creatures was that despite being land animals, they preferred to live in a watery environment that was neither too shallow nor too deep.


And this small deftly or rivers inside this small but patchy forest was the perfect environment for the Hi’Po’s.

Yet, they were not the attraction this time. 


No, for a few centuries now, one other animal had taken a liking to this environment. 


They were much smaller than the Hi’Po’s, but that did not deny them their uniqueness.


In recent times it has become renowned as the White Streak Fury, but if a Certain existence had its way, Honey Badger’s was the name it would use.

Among the Honey Badgers, two unique individuals just met, a male and a female.


Still, things were not as simple as one imagined. Unusual characteristics denied potential love stories between these two individuals.


Those characteristics stemmed from the fact that one was bigger than the other. And contrary to the common sense of Honey Badgers, it was the female that was bigger.


The male was very sure of that fact as he stared at the big female that had appeared beside it from out of nowhere.

It all happened so quickly that this male honey badger knew not how it happened. 


One moment he was sniffing the ground for some snacks, and the other, something popped behind him. 


It scared him quite a lot when a sudden sound appeared like that. 


Instinct scared him away slightly before those same instincts calmed down. 


Then he returned to see what snuck up on it like that. 


And maybe take revenge upon it. 

Yet, no matter how he looked. That which had suddenly appeared and scared him away was one of its kind. 


But when he looked better, it was a female and big. At least double his size.

Seeing both characteristics threw him off quite badly. Those characteristics made him remember his mother when he was a cub.


However, this male did not know that this female Honey Badger was very special. And that it had a name, although it was unaware at the moment. 

Magi, the female Honey Badger, who was in the second stage of Ascension, trembled slightly. Her body, which had been sleeping for so long, finally realized that it was running out of fat reserves. 


Once that happened, Magi’s body began to tremble harder and harder before her Consciousness finally reached a waking state. 


With drowsiness, Magi opened her eyelids for Light to finally reach her mind and kick start more of her bodily functions into waking up.


Twitching muscles here and there got followed by a big ‘Yawn’. 


But just one was not enough. Only after a few more Yawning sessions happened did Magi finally stand up on her own legs. 


Her head shook left and right to see where she was.


The grass looked slightly different. The bushes looked slightly different, and even the trees looked slightly different.


Ultimately, her mind concluded that she had no idea where she was. 


However, when she turned around, she spotted something very familiar.

A big female stared at a smaller male.






What ensued was a short interaction between the two before Magi approached the smaller male. 


“Hnng” With some snorting on both sides and plenty of sniffing and touching, Magi immediately assured the dominant state between the two.

This was something she had found out after her size had increased. No matter the male she sought, all of them would submit. 


Yet, when that was not the outcome she imagined, it only threw her off. 


It threw her off, as from the point she assumed a dominant state, she became far more motherly to the males than just a partner to make babies. 


The problem was that when she became dominated, the males automatically refused the courtly rituals of showmanship, and no trophies got sent her way.

Knowing it would be soo, Magi assumed her motherly role once again, though she had not borne any cubs since she had grown in size.


With her dominance established, Magi finally assented to her stomach advising her to find food, and together with the male by her side, she began her Journey. 


Though she knew not where to go, it mattered not. 


She would dominate no matter the environment.




Dream Realm - Grand Observer and Librarian of Dreams aka Goldy

Goldy watched its new Master waving his front paws here and there as the clouds at the top of the Dream Realm followed his Will into assembling into a form made of Obsidian and Gold glass.


The first thing Goldy had seen its Master create was a Great Obsidian arching door with golden lines establishing the shape of two Honey Badgers. 


One for each half of the door, and both were standing on their hind legs as their front ones yearned to touch one specific motif split in half between the two parts of the doors.


The motif itself was very straightforward, at first glance. 


It appeared to be a Sun. 


However, when looking closer, it was much closer in looks to the Galaxy Core at the center of the Dream Realm, where the warping effects on the light it procured made it hard to decipher the true top or bottom, much less its sides.

When the Arching Door of Obsidian Gold Glass got done, Nebulous Clouds began to gather around the door, and clouds soon became stone blocks made out of obsidian gold glass. 


Stone glass blocks followed stone glass blocks to stack on each other. A wall emerged only to be enforced by columns of the same material. 


Only after the columns, the wall, and the door were finished did Goldy see its Master point at the door, and it opened inwards. 


After that, an entryway began to manifest with every step its Master took. Then more columns, walls, doors, rooms, and staircases, both up and down, manifested.

Once Master was done, a Temple appeared with one huge main area in the center and three separate entryways leading to other parts of the temple not yet built. 


But Goldy knew without a doubt that this was the central part of the Temple, just as it knew without a doubt that it was a Temple and not a Library where its Duty would enfold.


The reason why Goldy knew that fact was the opening at the end of the chamber where there was no wall. However, there was a small platform sticking out of the main chamber of the Temple, and at the end of that platform, Goldy saw three floating tubes. 

You are reading story Honey Badger’s Ascension (Species Evolution Progression Story) at novel35.com


They were not big, but they were just the right size for Goldy to grip on them in his Mirror Form, and it even got proven when its Master had it tested out.


With the Master's instructions, his vision once more pointed at two individuals in question. 


With his new Spiritual Form, Goldy observed the Truths regarding those two individuals, and its Master saw and read those Truths on the back side of its see-through mirror.

“Master!” Goldy spoke as its current state brought forth a question.


“What is it, Goldy?”


“Why has Master created this platform?” Goldy asked for one simple reason. 


Now that it had already done it once, it mattered not from where he sought out the Truth. The Truth would always be reflected in its mirror.


“It's not complete. Goldy.” Its Master replied. “Once the building gets completed, I will be defining the Existence and Role of this building, just as I have done with you. The Name will give it all that.” 


Its master replied. But Goldy knew its Master's explanation was not over. “At that time, this building will become my Laboratory. And if there is one thing a good Laboratory needs, it's proper Tools, and you will become part of those Tools from time to time.”


“Yes, Master.” Replied Goldy, not that he could refuse it, but being referred to as a Tool again did dim its recent achievement when Goldy heard its Master speak again.

“At the same time, this little platform will become the main Observatory.” The Master declared. “If my idea is correct, The Observatory will strengthen your base observatory skill, so even without me, you will gain the same clarity as you have now with me at the helm.”


With that said, the displayed vision on Goldy’s mirrored surface sharpened as it focused on the male variant of the Honey Badgers. At the same time, clear Intent from its Master began interacting with the relayed information it was observing. 


The vision zoomed in, zoomed out. It rotated clockwise, anticlockwise.


Then the vision became three-dimensional. And the Master repeated the same exercise. 

Every time Goldy relayed what it observed, and every time the Master’s paws touched its backside, it felt a strange feeling. 


Feelings were new to Goldy, but these could be classified as good feelings. Then it got even better when its Master's Intent interacted even deeper. 


The relayed vision began losing colors. It became black and white. Then it gained one color, then two, then three, then four, etc, etc.


But Goldy cared not at that point. The feeling on its backside mirror grew and grew until eventually, all the realizations from all these new methods of observations clicked together into one big uniformed expansion of its existence.


“Aaaahhhhh” Echoed out of Goldy.


It trembled slightly. Its relayed vision blurred as Goldy rode out this unfamiliar expansion of its existence.

WHAT THE FUCK! Echoed in Mir’s mind. 


Did the Mirror just have an orgasmic experience from being used? Oh, goodness, I hope I am wrong. Don't want to have an ecstatic moaning Mirror every time I use it.

A few moments passed, and Mir waited for whatever happened to pass by. 


Mir did not retrieve his paws from it or the Auril he was pouring inside it. As whatever was happening to Goldy used his Power as fuel. 


Some more time passed when Goldy finally returned from its unexpected inner expansion. 

Still, in the afterglow of what happened, a question reached Goldy. With all the words it knew, Goldy explained everything it experienced. 


Hearing everything, its Master shrugged its shoulders slightly and continued expanding Goldy’s observational capabilities.


The good feelings never vanished, but unlike the first time, they accumulated slowly.


Soon, Goldy realized it could see through things in a weird black-and-white setting, but that was not the end. After that, Goldy realized that strange fields extended around its targeted male Honey Badger.


The fields were different from those observed outside the Honey Badger. Unlike the enormous but dispersed fields encompassing the World, and Goldy was sure of that fact, these fields originated from the male Honey Badger.

“Hmmm!” Master murmured. 


“Master, what are those fields originating from the male Honey Badger” Goldy wondered.


“That is a good question. What indeed?” Master replied inquiringly. 

For a moment, Goldy split part of its vision and observed its Master in detail as he pondered for the very answer that it wanted to know. 


Then Goldy’s attention returned to the main objective with a swipe of its Master’s paw. The observational target switched to the bigger specimen, Magi, the female Honey Badger.


She also exhibited the same phenomena of various fields emanating from her body. Only hers were stronger yet weaker at the same time. 


Goldy tried its best to understand things as its Master isolated the fields. One vanished, another appeared, that one vanished, a third manifested.


“These fields remind me somewhat of the Auras from the Chakra System.” Goldy heard its Master speak. “Yet, despite being there, I don't see the famous Chakra Nodes. Not that I ever saw those existing in my memories, but this feels more… haphazardness to me. Goldy, add another observation vision and cast it on me with the intent of seeing if I exhibit the same kind of fields.”


“Yes, Master.” With a tiny bit more glee in its reply, Goldy did as asked and beside the image of Magi, a vision appeared of its Master. 

Within moments the vision gained clarity as it tried its best to find the same phenomena. Yet, no matter how hard it tried, Goldy could not find them. 


It was as if they did not exist at all. 


Neither surprise nor disappointment emanated from the Master, but there was a frown as he noticed something. 


Following that hunch, Goldiy’s Master manually interacted with the projection itself. 


This time he did not seek a detailed examination. No, this time, the Master expanded the vision to encompass the whole Dream Realm.

“Now that makes sense.” The Master answered with an understanding as he nodded. “Of course, I don't have the fields as I already am exhibiting one. One that fused with the whole Dream Realm.”


“Will have to experiment to see what else I can do.” With that said, Goldy felt its Master's intent, and it dismissed the vision of its Master before once again focusing on the Magi. 

Moments later, the male Honey Badger got added by Master, and he began comparing the two.


“Hnng, Ok, I give up for the moment.” Its Master said frustratingly. “This will take much more understanding than I currently have.”


With a swipe of his hands, both visions ended. “I'll finish my Laboratory before actually building the Library. You, Goldy, on the other hand, can stay here. Watch over those two. There should not be any problems, but tell me if something interesting happens.”


“I will, Master.” Goldy replied.

With that said, Goldy once more began observing the two Individual Honey Badgers. Only Goldy could not exhibit the same amount of details without its Master. 


Still, Goldy observed as the two frolicked through the patched forest and delta of rivers when a thought occurred to it.


Not interrupting its duty of watching them, Goldy split a part of its observational powers and manifested it on its Master. 


Through that, it sent forth a question.


“Master, may I ask something?” Goldy asked.


“Yeah, sure. Anything interesting happening?” Came the reply.


“I am unsure what counts as an interesting Master, but the two Individuals are in perfect condition.”

“Oh” The Master uttered. 


It was as if it just now occurred to him that Goldy had no true reference points regarding what he defined as interesting.


“We'll work on that later. What did you want to ask?”


“As I Observed the two Individuals, it came to my attention that one of them did not have a designated calling.” Goldy extrapolated.

“Oh” Once more, its Master uttered the word. “Umm, right. Since they are probably sticking together from this point on, I should give him a name. Actually, since we are talking about names, maybe I should name the other two too.”


A moment passed as the construction of another wing of the Laboratory/Temple got interrupted. 


The Master of the Dream Realm appeared beside Goldy on the Observation Platform.


For a few moments, Master’s beady eyes observed the male in question before an idea reached his mind.


“Our male courtier will be called Maximus. He will need his maximum effort if he wants to make babies with Magi.” Goldy nodded as the observation made sense. 


Then two more images appeared. 


These two males were bigger than even the female. However, despite being excellent mating material, the distance between them nullified any chance of their mating.


“The one in the insect jungle will be Scar. Those numerous scars prove his character already. The one wandering the grasslands shall be named… ugh… I don't see anything special about him..” 


“Let's just call him Wand. Short from Wanderer”


“Yes, Master.” Goldy obeyed, but deep down, it felt a slight bit of pity that its name meant nothing special.


Everybody should have special names, right? Goldy’s mind echoed.

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