Honey Badger’s Ascension (Species Evolution Progression Story)

Chapter 50: HBA – Chapter 49 – Arc 4 – The F*ck is it with this Will stat?

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“To be a Hero, you need Conviction, Purpose, Desire, and most of all, Stubbornness.”


“Stubbornness to consistently improve upon yourself.”


“Desire, because Stubbornness is not enough motivation.”


“Purpose, because Stubbornness and Desire fuel your current action while Purpose provides the mental cohesion of the Individual imitating the actions of a Hero.”


“Conviction to go through all the hardships that would come in the future, as Purpose can be entangled, Desire suborned, and Stubbornness destroyed.”


“Only after overcoming all those will a Hero be born.”

#6 Quote - Book of Life and Death - Chapter - Heroes and Villains.




Dream Realm - Goldy


It came instantly and without any previous indicators.


The Dream Realm he found himself in shifted slightly. 


It shifted into a familiar direction, yet it did not go all the way to how it had once been.


That being the case, Goldy’s head whipped in one direction. 


His gaze penetrated the Library of Dreams and landed on the Galaxy Core. Then it penetrated that too and landed on his Master and Maker of the Realm he lived in.


He observed and looked at the Truths his Master represented, which he had yet to truly understand, and realized one simple thing. 


Something had triggered his Master. Yet, the exhaustion felt in both body and mind heavily pressuring his Master remained due to the meager amount of Potential Chaos the Dream Realm possessed.


Master is still asleep. Yet, part of him is aware. 


I wonder if this means that Master will awaken soon?




Alexander’s Dream


The presence echoed in his mind with pure nostalgia. 


The nostalgia of something that had existed within him in his previous Life and, at one point, had guided him from time to time.


The voice itself also manifested nostalgia, but it was far more benign. 


The calming effect had left a much bigger dent in Alexander's actions and thoughts than the voice. Not to mention that he had never truly understood what the voice had been saying. 


All it had done was nudge him in the right direction.


Now, however, it would be different. Now, Alexander could talk too. 

Alexander, in his old and small body, turned around to face the presence and voice that came to bother him with nostalgia. Once he did, his eyes stared wide and nothing. Not understanding, Alexander glanced around for a few moments, but he still found no trace of the origin, even though he felt it affecting him.


When a few more head twitches afforded him no more help, Alexander did the only thing that came to him at this very moment. Yet, it was more out of habit acquired in this new life rather than the old one.


“Where, Are, You? Who, Are, You?” Alexander spoke. Totally ignoring the fact that his old body should not have been able to produce the sounds. 


Then again, he was Dreaming. If he felt like it, there was no reason he could not. However, while it became something Alexander wanted and did, that very action broke somebody else's immersion.

It was not Alexander speaking that broke the immersion. It was the question that reached somebody else. 


The question reminded somebody that his name was Mir.


At that moment, Mir realized something was going on, and when he did, a certain script entered his mind, out of nowhere in particular. Once it had done that, Mir realized where he was and what he was, but at the same time, he also realized something else.


The place where he and Alexander found themselves was a Joint Dream of two Individuals. One where both could influence the Dream in whatever way they wanted. 


Another realization came from the fact that Mir felt himself in a distant location. That location held his true body. Making the current Mir just a tiny split of Mir’s awareness. 


A projection bound by a certain script, or at least would have been if he was not the one that made the script in the first place. It took but a want, and any bindings on this Dream Projection of Mir broke free of the script. 


Nonetheless, just because Mir broke from its influence, it did not mean that the script had no more purpose. In fact, it was the opposite. The script kept him in this place, and as long as it had not run its course, he would have an anchor to this Joint Dream.


With that being the case, this split of Mir did what Mir would have wanted and manifested himself as a body. 


In moments, a Humanoid Honey Badger appeared beside Alexander. Once he did, Mir once more projected calmness and began to rub and scratch the adorable Alexander in his old form.

“Grrrrrrr” Alexander, on the other hand, leaned in on the calming effect, and his throat began a sort of purring from the scratches under his chin and rubs on his head. Without even realizing it himself, Alexander’s left behind leg began tapping on the ground from enjoyment.


Yet, everything had to have an end, and this one came from Mir tapping on Alexander's forehead and sending a certain thought into Alexander. 


A moment later, Alexander began to change as well.


Within moments, Alexander resembled his new form out there in Reality, yet unknown to Alexander, his current shape resembled the being in front of him heavily, and Mir noticed that instantly. 


Mir made no mention of it, but he did smile, as it was, kind of obvious, with how close the relationship between them was.

When Alexander returned to being a humanoid version of a Honey Badger, Mir’s voice reached his ears once more.


“Let's start from the beginning again. Alexander, my buddy. How is life treating you?”


Alexander looked at the being requesting something simple, yet there was something different as well. The sounds he received were different from what he had grown used to, but he still understood them. 


Still, it took him a moment to parse through the meanings of the sentence as the structure was different from what he was used to.


Once he got it, he nodded and answered the only way he knew. “Fine”


“I see. I am happy to hear that.” Mir said. “Then, why don't you tell me a few things about it before we begin the main topic of the Dream.”


Once more, Alexander took a few moments to decode the meaning of the words the being before him said. That done, he began to say a few words about this and that. 


However, not once did thoughts of not doing so manifest in his mind. 


That had to do with the calming effect projected by Mir. It was super effective on Honey Badgers, and it made every Honey Badger trust him almost unconditionally, but that unconditional trust relied on the framework of Mir's intentions.


Still, it took but a few words coming out of Alexander’s mouth for a frown to appear on Mir, as he distinctly remembered something else than what he heard right this moment.


“Alexander, why don't you show me where your Home is?”


“Home?” Tilting his head left and right, Alexander wondered before replying. “Don't, Know, Home, Where.”


“Silly, Alexander. Close your eyes. Imagine your home in your head and desire to be there.” Once more, Alexander wondered what to do, but the trust he received from Mir nudged him in the right direction. 


When that happened, his mind remembered his Den. Once he recalled his Den, Alexander desired to be there. In the same instant, he felt something happen, but when he opened his eyes, the old scenario of the Savannah remained.


Not seeing what he wanted to see, Alexander felt slightly betrayed, but then he saw the Humanoid Honey Badger before him, pointing to something to his right. Gazing in the same direction, Alexander saw a familiar entrance, and when he did, his feet unconsciously moved towards the entrance.


Beside it, he looked inside once, and more familiarity appeared, and Alexander went inside. Once inside, a slight shift transpired, and the smells of the Den and the Forrest returned. 


Moments later, he exited his Den to see the Tribal Clearing. 


However, unlike how he remembered it just before arriving in Savannah, what he was seeing right this moment was less Real and far more Dreamy. 


That there were no other Badg’Er around only exacerbated the feeling, all while giving the impression of loneliness Alexander had not felt before this exact moment. 


The loneliness that stemmed from being the only one in the Tribe.


Those feelings lasted for a few moments before being interrupted. “Oho. So this is what the final design looks like. Did not think the transformation would extend that far.”


A sense of curiosity manifested from the words. 


Then Alexander saw the being pass him by and walk up to the Tribal Spirit in the center of the clearing. Once there, he placed his palm upon the black surface and the golden lines shined on it for a moment. 


Alexander watched it happen with wonder. The only other time he had seen that happen was during the Ritual of Adulthood he underwent just before sleeping. 


But that was not all. After the golden lines shined for long enough, the Tribal Clearing somehow gained a clarity it had not had before. Observing the changes for a few moments, Alexander saw the being that made it all happen, retreating from the Tribal Spirit. 


Moments lottery, it was back beside him. 


“There. I've reinforced this Joint Dream to the Totem. From this point on, whenever you sleep and whenever you desire it, you will appear here.” Alexander heard, but his mind began wondering how all this was possible. “However, don't take it for granted, as this will only remain for as long as this Joint Dream exists. Once it has done its purpose, this Dream will be gone, as will I, at that point.”


“As such. We will stretch this opportunity as much as possible.” The being nodded. “Therefore, let's have a seat.” 


Just as Alexander heard the words, the earth before him rose from the ground. 


The ground took on a weird form, but when the being in front of him sat down with his butt and his back rested on it, he immediately knew what it was for. 


Alexander mimicked the being and rested his body in the same way. The moment he had done that, he felt far more relaxed than he should have. 


Alexander instantly realized there was something about the way he was seated that spoke deep inside him. When another lump of dirt rose from the ground, in the middle of the two seats, only to harden into a circular form, that feeling only strengthened. 


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It was as if it should have been that way from the start.


With that being the case, Alexander enjoyed every moment of this Dream, but then he got interrupted again.


“Now that we are seated, as Men should when conversing with each other, the only thing left to be desired is food and drinks. Let me take care of that.” 


Moments after, more strange stuff appeared on the circular platform in the middle. But those were instantly sidelined when the smells began to emulate the things that emerged.


Alexander had no idea what they were, but they smelled extremely delicious. He cared not for anything else at this moment and grabbed the… or at least he tried before pain echoed from his right paw.


“Yelp.” By instinct, he drew the arm back quickly. 


A small betrayal manifested inside him, but it was gone the next moment, as his eyes instantly locked onto the being in front of him and the stick in his right paw. 


However, it was the smile that unnerved him the most.


“Don't rush for the food. It's there to be enjoyed and not wolfed down instantly. Here let me show you.” That being said and placed the stick across its lap before, leaning forward and only picking up a small part of the meat instead of the chunk Alexander had desired. “See, you only take a small part to enjoy the flavor. Besides, no matter how much you eat here in the Dream, it won't fill your stomach. So just enjoy it.”


“Not, Fill?” Alexander inquired. 


“Yes, Real food and Dream food are two different things. So slow down and enjoy it.” 


Hearing and understanding were two different things, but that much Alexander understood. Back on his best behavior, his right paw slowly approached the thin slices of meat while occasionally glancing at the being sitting across from him.


 His right paw picked it up a small bit, and soon Alexander enjoyed the flavor and texture of the meat.


The texture was familiar to him, even if it was a bit strange. However, the flavor? That was something that filled and exploded into his mind. 


It was tasty beyond anything he had ever eaten before. 


Once Alexander realized that point, a primal instinct inside him awoke. It spoke of longing and desire for more of this type of snack. Without even realizing it, his right paw inched closer for more, but then another primal part of him surfaced. 


This part of him was far newer and seeped with pain. 


Therefore, when the experiences echoed inside him, his hand stilled. Alexander came to himself and glanced at the being in front of him. 


With eyes forged in pain and experience, he pleaded for more.


The nod came, and Alexander’s eyes settled on the meat in question. He carefully picked up one slice. Alexander chewed and explored the flavor reaching his mind before realizing he still wanted more. 


Once more, his eyes made the same pleading expression for more, and the nod came. But what Alexander did not realize while being consumed in tasty flavor town was the small frown that arrived upon the being sitting in front of him.

Mir gazed and observed Alexander with every shred of focus he could spare. That being the case, it wasn't hard for him to notice how well-behaved Alexander was. 


Well… well behaved for a Honey Badger that just entered civilized Tribal Society. Still, there is more going on. Especially, since Alexander was born here instead of Savannah.


Must be Goldy’s intervention. 


With that understanding, Mir looked at Alexander slowly enjoying smoked and flavored beef, recreated with the best memory he possessed of it. 


Alexander enjoyed it, slice by slice, And that was the problem in Mir’s mind.


There is no way the stubborn and reckless Alexander I knew would behave himself with just one small tap on the… paw. 


There must be more to this. Oh, well. Goldy would not have intervened if he actually did not see the benefits. 


He knows of my connection to Alexander. So whatever the reason, I am sure it's justified in some way.


Before I have Alexander tell me of his new life, let me have a look at his Status.


It took but a thought for a connection to form itself between Mir and the System Interface embedded into Alexander’s Consciousness.

User Status; 


Name - Alexander 


Gender - Male


Age - 5 [Young Adult] 


Species; Badg’Er 

[Base - Humanoid Honey Badger]


Physical Status - [Healthy]


Moral Alignment; 






Conqueror of Land and Females


Scourge of Lions;




Tribe - Sur’Vi’Val


Ascension - Chakral System


Stage of Ascension - First Star - Root Access


Node - Extremities [Hands and Feet]


Resource Status;


Type - Aural


Capacity - 5%


Basic Status;


Body - 5 


Instinct - 7


Mind - 5


Will - 9 


Wisdom - 5


Luck - ???



Ascension Perks; First Star


Elemental Alignment - Earth [Kinetic Force Absorption]


Elemental Perk - Physical Toughness [Bone/Muscle/Skin]



Special Ability;







Umm… the Interface could stand for an upgrade, but it doesn't matter right now. 


Anyway, it looks like The Chakral Seed manifested adequately. 


Capacity works just as imagined. 


Hmm, Stat… The Fuck is it with this Will stat? Instinct is higher as well? And what is it with the Luck question marks? Luck should be… Oh, it's because of his connection to me.


Either way, could there be a fault in the metrics? 


Nah, doubt it. More time passed than I expected, if I take into account the size of the Tribe, so Cirsy probably fixed those problems with the increased number of samples to examine and compare.


If it's not a mistake. Then it would justify Alexander’s self-control. 


Now it's certain. I need to know why such a big deviation occurred. 


After that, I can take advantage of this Joint Dream and teach more than just Interface knowledge and the… potential Chakra System.


However, then I will have to space out the teaching program quite a lot.


Yea, let's do that. This way, I can explore my current state more too.

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