Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 119: Handsome is Law

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Early morning, in downtown Singapore. 

Kouro and Fu Hua stare at one of the TV screens behind the electronics store. 

The TV was broadcasting the explosion that happened earlier and then Fu Hua's photo was shown. 

["This unidentified woman escaped from the Royal Queen Hotel last night. Police suspect that she may be connected to the explosion. Please contact the police if you see her. "]

Seeing her picture on TV, Fu Hua raised her eyebrows. 

"I didn't expect the Singapore police to have my picture. "

"Maybe Anti-Entropy gave the photo to them. " Kouro replied. 

"Well... Then we can't just contact Kiana. "

Kouro watched the broadcast for a few minutes before raising his eyebrows, because it turned out that he was not broadcast at all unlike, Fu Hua. 

"Strange. Why am I not there? "

Fu Hua glanced at Kouro for a moment before saying, "...Maybe because you're handsome. "

Kouro laughed a little at her words, "Hahaha you must be joking.... There's no way the Singapore police are that unprofessional."

"... " Fu Hua's expression did not change. 

"You're joking, right?"

"I'm not joking, as long as you are a healthy and handsome young man, you will be given special privileges. "

Kouro somehow remembered a certain country in his previous life, as long as you are good looking, rich, and powerful, you will always be protected by the law. 

'Looks like being handsome isn't bad either.' 

"By the way Kouro..." Fu Hua turned her head to look at Kouro, or rather his upper body. 

"What's wrong?"

"Aren't you cold? From last night you didn't wear any clothes at all. "

"Not really, my body is strong, anyway no police will arrest me for not wearing clothes, right?"

Hearing Kouro's words, Fu Hua's mouth twitched slightly, "...Maybe. "

Not far from their location, a child who was holding her mother's hand pointed at Kouro. 

"Mom, look, that handsome man isn't wearing a shirt. " 

"Shussh, don't just point at strangers." The child's mother pulled her child away though her eyes occasionally glanced at Kouro's body. 

"Looks like we'll have to find new clothes for you soon Kouro."

Glancing at the few girls who were looking at him with strange eyes, Kouro quickly nodded. 

He had forgotten to buy new spare clothes and even the spare clothes in his inventory did not fit. 

"Follow me." Fu Hua walked followed by Kouro towards a deserted seedy alley not far from their place. 

Fifteen minutes later, they came to a door with a picture board on it. 

Fu Hua without much talk went straight into this bar followed by Kouro. 

It turned out that the room they entered was a small bar, Kouro looked around curiously.

The bar seemed to have just opened because there were no customers at all other than a male tender who was cleaning a glass. 

Fu Hua immediately sat on a chair near the man. 

Kouro sat next to Fu Hua before looking at the bartender strangely. 

The bartender first glanced at Kouro strangely before looking at Fu Hua in confusion, "Sir... Or miss?"

Kouro blinked before thinking, 'Is Fu Hua's face that masculine?'

"Give me a glass of water and the latest intel. " Fu Hua looked at the man with a serious expression. 

Hearing Fu Hua's words, the man quickly said, "S-sorry, ma'am. But we don't sell water here. This is a place for alcoholic beverages, and we definitely don't sell intel-"


An object was thrown at such a high speed that it cut the bartender's cheek. 

The object turned out to be a silver coin. 

Fu Hua, who threw the coin, then looked at the bartender once more. "Happy already, Wraith?"

"Stop wasting my time and give me the intel. "

The bartender smiled then put down the glass he was cleaning before saying, "How did you know? I've disguised my smell with perfume. "

The bartender then put his hand to his face and pulled it away. 

It turned out that the bartender was a woman in disguise. 

The woman had long brown-black hair in a ponytail with bluish-green eyes. 

Seeing the bartender, Fu Hua then introduced her to Kouro. 

"Kouro let me introduce her. She is Wraith, a rank-A Valkyrie operative, HQ Intel Department."

"Wraith, he is Kouro, an Einherjar trainee. "


Wraith handed Fu Hua and Kouro a glass of water before glancing at Kouro with an interested look. 

"Is this your boyfriend Fu Hua? I didn't know you had such a good taste. But... Why isn't he wearing clothes?"

Hearing Wraith's words, Kouro put on a bitter expression before Fu Hua quickly said, "Don't ask. " 

"Alright... I'll find out later."

Wraith then turned her back to the two of them and took out her cosmetic tools before venting her frustration to Fu Hua. 

"Grr! You always ruin my perfect disguise! That's why people say you're mean."

Fu Hua did not care about Wraith's words, she simply drank a glass of water before saying, "Give me intel or I'll do it again. "

"I'll fix this first. "

A moment later, the bartender's face changed completely into Himeko and not only that, even her body and voice were similar to Himeko. 

"Is Fu Hua-chan going to be a good girl and give mama a kiss? " 

"Intel, if not..." Fu Hua still wore a calm expression. 

"Ughh... Okay. The Singapore government severed contact with Schicksal after that hotel explosion incident, and now you are a criminal, Fu Hua. "

Hearing Wraith's words, Fu Hua then rubbed her chin, "Hmm... I see, it seems like Cocolia made them an offer they couldn't refuse, but... Why would she keep that core here? What's her plan exactly? "

"Maybe she wants to create an artificial Herrscher. " Right after Kouro said that he was immediately stared at by Wraith and Fu Hua seriously. 

"That possibility can indeed happen. "

Fu Hua then looked at Wraith, "Any news from the Overseer? If Singapore favors Anti-Entropy, coupled with the possibility that Kouro said, I think we can ask for support. "

"News from the Overseer?"

Before Kouro realized it the Wraith's face changed to Otto. 

"Let's see... I, the powerful Overseer, sent a message to Fu Hua about 10 minutes ago. Yada, yada, yada, sorry HQ won't be sending support, but continue your mission."

Fu Hua raised her eyebrows, "Continue? Even if we are already get exposed?"

Wraith who had transformed again into Theresa sat on the table and said to her by raising her small hand. "That's right, grandpa Otto said things would be 'exciting' if you fail."

"I guess the explosion incident yesterday made him excited. "

Hearing that, Fu Hua then stood up before saying calmly, "Tell Overseer Otto that I never fail."

The Wraith disguised as Theresa then puffed up her cheeks, "Hmph! Can't you at least praise my Disguise skills?"

And suddenly-


The chest of the Wraith disguised as Theresa expanded, as big as Himeko's booba. 

Kouro's eyes immediately bulged, it only took a few seconds for Wraith to completely disguise herself as someone else, even her body seemed to be able to adjust at will whether it was tall, short, small, and large. 

Wraith shook her suddenly enlarged chest, "Kyaa! Unlike someone, Teriri has a pair of big oppai. "

Kouro whose eyes were still bulging suddenly felt an aura of death from beside him so he quickly cleared his throat and turned his attention away. 

He then looked at Wraith and asked, "How can I learn this power?"

"Technology, dear, if you want I can teach you specifically. " Wraith winked at Kouro. 

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

Kouro felt the Aura of death again, "Later. " 

Fu Hua glanced at Kouro for a moment before looking at Wraith coldly. 

"I don't have time for your jokes, Wraith. Give me intel on Kiana and the Gem of Serenity. "

Fu Hua then whispered with coldly, "And get rip them of or I'll do it for you... "

Wraith's body trembled before her chest suddenly deflated. 

She then quickly hugged Kouro and disguised herself again as Kiana. 

"Help me Kouro-kun, Fu Hua is getting angry!"

Fu Hua looked at the Wraith hiding from behind Kouro very coldly. 

Kouro raised both hands signaling calmly. 

"Fu-Fu Hua, let's calm down first. "

Wraith who was behind Kouro then looked at Fu Hua with her head on Kouro's shoulder. "Are you jealous, Fu Hua? You must be jealous, right?"

Fu Hua's eyes became even colder. 

"Wraith-san, please don't make trouble..." 

Seeing Fu Hua's increasingly cold face, Wraith quickly retreated and removed her disguise, "Alright, it just joke, I don't mean to be rude, but searching for intel takes time."

Thens she looked at Kouro and Fu Hua, "By the way, you guys had better change your clothes while Im work. "

"Change clothes? Here?"

"Come on, that suit you're wearing isn't bad, but it can't allow you to move freely. "

Staring at the suit she was wearing, Fu Hua confirmed Wraith's words, "You're right, this suit really hinders my movements. "

"Although I don't have a Valkyrie battlesuit, I have something suitable for you in my room. "

Fu Hua then went to Wraith's room leaving Kouro and Wraith alone. 

After saying that, Wraith then looked at Kouro and threw him a shirt, "Here put it on quickly, I'm a bit annoyed to see you not wearing a shirt. And for your information, the police here can arrest people for sexual harassment. Although... I don't know if that law applies to you, Kouro-kun. "

Catching the shirt which turned out to be a long black t-shirt, Kouro quickly put it on. 

The shirt was rather tight making Kouro's body muscles clearly visible. 

"Don't you have anything bigger?"

"Dear... It wasn't an ordinary T-shirt, it didn't tear easily, and it provided enough defense to withstand a pistol shot. But... As I suspected it's good."

Wraith nodded her head looking at Kouro's body. 

"Ok... Ey, then can you teach me that disguise skill of yours, while Fu Hua changes her clothes. "



A few minutes later, Fu Hua who had finished changing her clothes then met Kouro and Wraith. 

She saw Wraith wearing a numb expression staring at Kouro. 

Feeling Fu Hua's gaze, Wraith then approached her and said while pointing at Kouro. 

"Fu Hua! Where did you find this monster!"

"Mhn?" Fu Hua wore a confused expression. 

"Hey it's rude to call someone like that. " Kouro was currently speaking using Otto's tone. 

In just a few minutes, although Kouro could not disguise his face, he had at least been able to disguise his voice. 

He also found a Disguise [Beginner] skill in his status interface, then he used the last upgrade coupon (Intermediate) he had. 

Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 32

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer  [+]

[HP: 24,400/24,400]


Fatigue: 0

Strength: 182

Agility: 122

Vitality: 122

Senses: 100

Intelligence: 103

Honkai: 108

Point(s): 15


Cooking(Advanced), Stealth(Advanced), Weapon Mastery(Advanced), Parkour(Master), Martial Arts(Master), Mechanical Mastery(Advanced), Riding(Advanced), Swimming(Advanced), Acting(Master), Singing(Advanced), Painting(Advanced), Learning(Advanced), Survival(Advanced), Hacking(Advanced), Disguise(Intermediate). 

Suddenly, a memory, an experience related to disguise appeared in his mind, even muscle memory also appeared to facilitate the use of this skill. 

This improvement is quite big, he can already disguise his face although it is not perfect, he also cannot change his body size at will like Wraith, and more importantly it takes a long time. 

Kouro estimated that to be able to have the disguise ability like Wraith it would take a [Master] or even a [Grandmaster] because it seemed like she still needed cosmetics to be able to disguise herself, otherwise the level would be higher. 

Seeing that Kouro could quickly learn something, Fu Hua just smiled calmly, as if this wasn't her first time seeing that. 

"Isn't that great Wraith? Kouro will be joining Schicksal later, so you should treat him well. "

"Heee... Then Kouro you'll be the first man to become a Valkyrie. "

"Einherjar, not Valkyrie. "

"Alright, alright. "

Kouro looked at Fu Hua, she was currently wearing a tight white t-shirt with a black blazer, short tactical pants with black stockings, and a pair of black gloves with blue stripes.

"That looks good on you Fu Hua. "

Wraith also chimed in, "It's a carbon fiber battlesuit just like the t-shirt you're wearing Kouro-kun, it feels comfortable, right?"

"It fits well enough, it won't block my punches, how about its defense Wraith?" 

"It's not as strong as the Valkyrie's Battlesuit, but it's tough enough. "

Wraith then opened her comm screen and said, "Oh, I might have some intel you might want to hear. "

Fu Hua raised her hand signaling to stop.


"Mhn?" Wraith wore a confused expression. 

Fu Hua glanced at the door with a calm expression. "We have guests. "

"What?! No way! If there was an intruder, the alarm should have gone off!"

Without the two of them realizing it, Kouro had taken out a Xuanyuan sword from his inventory with a serious expression. 

"Be careful, our guest is very strong. "

Wraith stared at Xuanyuan's sword with a surprised expression, "That sword is... Divine Key?!"

Wraith was surprised, because from what she knew only those with the Honkai gene could use the Divine Key.


Like Theresa who has the Honkai 'Wishnu' gene allowing her to use the Oath of Judah.  

She then looked at Kouro with a pensive expression before the sound of footsteps came from the door. 

"Never thought of increasing the salary of your security technician, Schicksal's lackey?"


At the same time in a certain hotel building, in one of the hotel rooms. 

"Kyaa!" Kiana woke up quickly, she first looked at her apparently unchanged clothes before looking at the man beside her. 

The man looked at her with interest before saying. 

"You finally awake. "

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