Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 145: Faster than the Cheetah

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In the end, they did not take the boxers even though they might be more than two thousand years old, after all just imagine if this underwear were found by an archaeologist and then displayed in a museum... 

The owner of the underwear would have been very embarrassed because his underwear would be on display and shown to the public. 

So they didn't take them and left them alone. 

And then all of their eyes fell on the 'Sphere' in the center of the display case.

Ana and Lin didn't know what it was but since it was on display, it must be something important. 

Ragna and Kouro actually knew what it was, it was the 'Sphere', a black sphere that held knowledge from the previous era.

Ragna previously had been ordered by Overseer Otto to collect these objects in a certain location. 

Well, it can be said that the 'Sphere' can really be called a precious treasure for them. 

Ana, Lin, and Ragna did not realize that Kouro's eyes had become unfocused for a moment staring at the air when he saw the 'Sphere'.

Kouro then picked up the 'Sphere' and right after he picked it up and suddenly the floor- no, the whole place shook, and then a voice from above their heads. 

"[Unknown intruder has taken the Sphere. Initiating self-destruct program.]"

They all saw a screen appear beside the wall showing red countdown numbers. 




Seeing that, their expressions suddenly changed. 

"Quick, we have to get out of here!" Kouro said, pointing at the door where they entered from. 

Ragna quickly took the lead followed by Lin and Ana, Kouro followed them behind while carrying the few remaining blueprints. 

He then stared at the 'Sphere' in his hand with a thoughtful expression before raising his head to stare at the backs of the three of them who were currently focused on escaping. 

Good, this was his chance. 

Unnoticed by the three of them, the 'Sphere' in Kouro's hand disappeared into his 'inventory' and then in the palm of his hand, a black mist was seen condensing into a ball before completely turning into a 'Sphere'.

Kouro made a fake 'Sphere' that he created using the authority of [Death and Life] based on the blueprints he just bought from the system. 

Of course to completely trick Otto, the 'Sphere' he made also had a piece of knowledge from the previous era. 

That knowledge was how Kevin the strongest MANTIS really liked instant noodles. 

This is included in the knowledge of the previous era, right? 

Hmm... He was now curious about Otto's expression when he sees this knowledge, of course, that would be after he was able to get out of this temple, alive. 


Kouro and the others had arrived at the room with 3 hallways.

Kouro who was behind them saw that Ana, Lin, and Ragna were currently panting and their bodies were even covered in sweat. 

Moreover, the fact that they were carrying heavy bags full of blueprints and daily necessities made their situation even worse. 

This was unavoidable considering they had expended all their strength against Kevin's ELF.  

Ana was failing with her legs shaking, it seemed like she was still exhausted after using all her Honkai energy. 

But compared to the two of them, Ragna was the one who felt the most tired, it was because her body had previously been possessed by Alter Ji Xuanyuan and that required a lot of energy. 

She was still able to stand up and run quickly because of her determination that had been forged by life and death situations. 

"Damn! My legs, they can't move... " Ana said biting her lip, she felt her legs go numb. 

Feeling that she would be a burden, Ana looked at Kouro and the others with determined eyes, "Leave me! I'll be a burden to you all!"

"No! We won't leave you here!" said Lin firmly and then carried Ana despite being exhausted herself. 

Ragna who saw this then quickly looked at Kouro. 

"Kouro-kun! Can you summon that horse?" 

What Ragna meant was to summon Alter Ji Xuanyuan's horse to carry Lin and Ana. 

Kouro then nodded and then summoned the Xuanyuan sword, after which he quickly asked Alter Jixuanyuan to possess him, but what did he get from Alter Jixuanyuan's answer... 

["I can't."]

Hearing her refusal Kouro's brows furrowed, he didn't understand why Alter Jixuanyuan refused. 

As if knowing what he was thinking, Alter Jixuanyuan then quickly replied, ["Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to do it, but as I said, I can't"].


Ji Xuanyuan and her Alter looked at him strangely before quickly saying, ["It's because of your body Kouro"].

'Huh? My body?' Kouro had a confused expression, was it because he was male that Jixuanyuan couldn't possess him? 

Ji Xuanyuan then continued her alter's words, ["More precisely we can't possess your body Kouro when we wanted to do so, your body... No, your soul has a barrier so strong that it almost eliminated us..."]

Hearing her words Kouro seemed to have a thoughtful expression.

Is it because of [Unknown]'s ability? It seems that this ability not only eliminates bad effects but also protects him from mental attacks (being possessed). 

Thinking about this, [Unknown's] ability was indeed very good but this ability was now an obstacle for him to help Ana, Lin, and Ragna. 

'Now how do I get them out? Is there no other way?' Kouro asked the two of them. 

["There is, instead of possessing you, I can lend you my power."]

'Really? Then use it quickly!'

Ji Xuanyuan and her Alter looked at each other before sighing, Ji Xuanyuan's Alter body then visibly enlarged before standing before Kouro. 

'What should I do?'

["You need to calm down and more importantly don't fight anything I do."]

'Okay.' Kouro then seemed to relax his body. 

Alter Ji Xuanyuan approached Kouro before raising her head, Alter Ji Xuanyuan's height was actually only at Kouro's shoulder height. 

["Lower your head."]

Kouro with a confused expression lowered his head to face Alter Jixuanyuan before his eyes suddenly widened. 

Right, when Kouro lowered his head, Alter Jixuanyuan kissed him, he could feel Alter Ji Xuanyuan's soft lips and the scent of Osmantus flowers? 

The scent is similar to fresh peaches, is this how kissing feels? It feels very comfortable... No, wait! Wake up Kouro! This is not the time for this! 

Due to the sudden change in the situation, Kouro almost pushed Alter Jixuanyuan away before remembering her words, so with a resigned expression, he let Alter Jixuanyuan kiss him. 

'It's okay Kouro... They can't see me.' Kouro tried to calm himself. 

Ragna and the others couldn't see this scene because Ji Xuanyuan was a spirit, they only saw Kouro's changing expression before he finally put on a resigned expression. 

What exactly is going on with Kouro? Wait... Isn't he tired too? 

The three of them recalled the slash he had made at that time. 

Thinking of this they wore worried expressions. 

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

If they knew what was really going on with Kouro they definitely wouldn't have that expression. 

The kissed Kouro was currently thinking about a philosophical question, does being kissed by a spirit count as a kiss? 

After all, this was his first time being kissed by a girl on the lips, wait... Does that mean his first kiss was taken by a ghost? 

Kouro's mind was filled with meaningless questions. 

Fortunately, the kiss only lasted a moment, after kissing him, Alter Ji Xuanyuan with a downcast face immediately returned to the sword followed by Ji Xuanyuan. 

Kouro had a confused expression before the system interface appeared in front of his eyes. 

*DING! *

[Alter Ji Xuanyuan has lent some of her power to the user.]

[The user can temporarily use all of Alter Ji Xuanyuan's abilities for 15 minutes]

Kouro held his head due to the knowledge that suddenly appeared, a moment later he opened his eyes revealing a purple color mixed with pale yellow. 

He didn't realize this and quickly summoned a black horse, after which he then looked at the three of them. 

"Ragna-san! You take Lin and Ana away on this horse!"

"What about you?" asked Ragna. 

Hearing her question Kouro smiled confidently, "Don't worry, I'm faster than a cheetah."

He was confident that with his speed to escape coupled with his [Sprint] ability, he was sure to get ahead of them. 

"Captain this is no time for jokes!" Lin shouted. 


"I'm not joking, you guys hurry up and leave, I'll catch up soon. I'll be right behind you!" replied Kouro. 

Lin felt that Kouro said that just to calm them down so she wanted to say more before being quickly interrupted by Ragna. 

"Lin, we don't have much time, hurry up and get Ana on the black horse. "

"But, Leader! -"

"This is an order." Ragna said firmly. 

Lin bit her lip and with an unwilling expression, she carried Ana to the black horse. 

Ragna looked at Kouro with a serious expression, seeing him still wearing a calm expression after summoning the black horse, it seemed like he really wasn't joking. 

She then approached the black horse before mounting it.

After that, she looked at Kouro with a serious expression before saying. 

"Don't die, Kouro. "

The horse ridden by Ragna then galloped off like the wind into one of the hallways leaving her alone. 

Kouro looked at Ragna's distant back before muttering, "Take it easy, Leader, death is nothing new to me."

He stood still for 2 minutes before quickly activating [Sprint] and sprinting with all his might in a Naruto pose into the center hallway. 



Kouro's speed accelerates rapidly until it reaches the speed of sound and even emitted a supersonic boom. 

With his current speed, he could easily avoid all the traps in this room. 

It took him 5 minutes to reach the starting room and as he expected the exit door was still closed, he looked around and didn't see Ragna and the others so he quickly used his [Death and Life] authority to destroy the door. 

It only took 15 seconds for Kouro to destroy the door and coincidentally after he destroyed it, Ragna and the others arrived. 

"Yo, I've been waiting for you guys." Kouro waved at them with a cool pose. 

Lin and Ana who saw him already in this room had surprised expressions, 'Was he really not joking about him being faster than a cheetah?'

The four of them then quickly exited the temple, seeing the sunlight they felt happy but then remembering the temple was about to explode, they quickly evacuated the people around. 

The suddenly evacuated citizens were confused by the sudden order to stay away from the ancient temple, fortunately, after Ragna and Kouro quickly explained, the people and the Valkyrie branch staff stayed away from the temple. 






The temple was then shattered under a huge explosion that shook the mountains. 

Fortunately, there were no casualties from this explosion. 

Afterward, Ragna, Lin, and Ana collapsed from exhaustion, they were quickly taken to the hospital, while Kouro went to the Schicksal branch office with Nina and her twin sisters. 

(E/D: Instead of "twin sisters" it was written, "twin brothers" Author that's kinda sus. Maybe we will actually get genderbend. Wooooo. Baby!)


At Night. 

At a food stall, Kouro was sitting alone while eating 'Gado-Gado'. 

The stall was filled with customers who had also come to eat Gado-Gado.

The owner of the stall looked very busy handling the orders. 

But even so, she was happy, because this was the first time her stall was full of customers like this. 

Of course, she knew why her stall had become like this. 

She glanced at Kouro who was eating alone. 

Her grandmother's words were true, 'As long as there is a handsome boy, the money will come.'

As for the situation of why Kouro was eating alone, it was actually simple, as a foodie, he just wanted to enjoy some food that he had or had not eaten. 

Of course, he also bought some for Ragna and the others in the hospital. 

After finishing the meal, he then put on a thoughtful expression while drinking warm tea. 

He thought about the 'Sphere' he picked up earlier, unlike what he thought the content of the 'Sphere' was not knowledge but a coordinate point. 

And fortunately, the coordinates were not far from Indonesia so after reporting and rejecting Nana's offer to eat together, he immediately left alone following the coordinates. 

Using the car he borrowed from Nina he arrived at a quiet valley, he then walked for several hours before arriving at the coordinates. 

He dug for a few minutes before finding a treasure box. 

Kouro opened the box before his eyes opened wide. 

Inside the box was a Divine Key. 

The Key of Blanknees.

(E/D: Kouro has the Gem shard of the Herrscher of the End and the Key of Blankness allows one to use the powers of any Herrscher as long as they have the shard or core. I gave one Op weapon idea to the Author and now he pulls this s*it. Clap!Clap!Clap!Clap!)

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