Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 158: The Great Doctor

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"What?" The doctor was clearly dumbfounded by Kouro's domineering words.

Kouro's face has completely changed thanks to his disguise(Advanced) skills.

He currently had the appearance of a rough man in his twenties, his hair half white and half black with red eyes.

(E/D: So kind of like Arlecchino from Genshin.)

Looking at her who was standing still as if frozen, Kouro with acting skills(Master) shouted at her with a serious expression.

"What are you wasting your time on!? Don't you see these seriously injured patients!? Hurry back to work!"

Hearing his domineering shout, the doctor immediately apologized to him and went back to helping the seriously injured patients.

"Purple color and C cup... Not bad." he muttered glancing at the doctor.

Kouro wasted no time, he looked around for the most seriously injured or patients whose lives were at stake.

He quickly found a few that looked seriously injured.

Kouro then approached the one closest to him, he squatted down to stare at the young girl who was lying stiffly clutching her bleeding stomach, her expression looking very distorted.

".... Doctor?" said the young girl with trembling lips.

The girl looked about the same age as Kouro.

'Hmm... D cup and black color, no! Focus Kouro!'

He looked at the woman's abdomen which turned out to have a very deep wound, he saw that the woman's intestines looked messy to the point of bleeding heavily.

'It's a miracle to be able to survive even after sustaining a severe injury like this, I can't imagine how she is able to endure the pain...' Kouro thought with a serious expression.

"...Doctor... Am I.... going to die?" said the girl again with a bitter smile.

Honestly, the girl was really almost unable to bear the pain she felt in her stomach.

If she could... She wanted to die without pain...

Hearing her words, Kouro's expression was calm, but his hands were clenched tightly.

The ordinary citizens were the real victims of the Honkai disaster.

They weren't told anything about Honkai, they only knew that it was a deadly disaster, they just lived in ignorance about Honkai.

Thinking of this, Kouro then smiled at the girl and said softly.

"Don't worry, you will definitely survive."

The girl could only smile helplessly, thinking that Kouro's words were just to comfort her.

The girl then felt her consciousness and vision getting blurred, she slowly could not clearly see Kouro's facial appearance.

Seeing the girl's expression, Kouro then unceremoniously touched her stomach and activated the [Life and Death] authority.

Unbeknownst to the doctors who focused on treating the patients, Kouro cured a patient who had no hope of survival in the first place in just a few seconds.

Looking at the girl who seemed to be unconscious, Kouro then stood up and was about to help another patient before he coincidentally saw several doctors who were stitching up a patient's abdominal wound.

Kouro stared at them especially the doctor who was stitching because the doctor's stitching technique was.... Very slow and not very professional.

'Are they new doctors?' Kouro thought.

He then approached them before saying with an annoyed expression, "You guys are so slow! Look at the patient you're treating, she's in pain, let me do it!"

"What!? Who are you!?" the young doctor said in confusion before putting on an annoyed expression.

'Who is this person? Why did he suddenly come and scold me right away?'

Kouro unceremoniously took the sewing tweezers in the doctor's hand before speedily and precisely stitching up the patient's abdominal wound.

In just a few seconds Kouro had finished stitching up the patient's wound perfectly.

Although Kouro was not very profound in medical science but due to having the authority of [Life and Death] and the 'System', he is still able to do things like stitching wounds with ease thanks to his 'See-Trough' glasses and high body control.

"See? This is how you should stitch up a patient's wound, your stitching technique is so bad that even my grandmother's stitching technique is better than yours." Kouro said.

The young doctor looked dumbfounded and speechless, either because of Kouro's amazing sewing skills or because of his piercing words.

"Thank you, doctor!" said the patient, she no longer feeling much pain from the stitched abdominal wound.

Of course, that was because Kouro activated his authority [Death and life] while stitching up the patient's wound.

Kouro simply nodded before glancing at the Doctor again who was still dumbfounded.

' Cup E and Pink color... That's good too.'

After observing thoroughly using the 'See through' glasses, Kouro then healed some very injured patients while 'teaching' some young doctors.

And of course, seeing some 'beautiful sights' in a hellish place like this.

10 minutes later.

"Fyuuh..." Kouro wiped the sweat off his forehead.

This was not surprising as he had used the authority of [Life and Death] to heal nearly a hundred severely injured patients.

Behind him, there were several doctors chatting with each other while intentionally or unintentionally looking at Kouro.

"That doctor... He's really very good."

"I agree. He has really outstanding sewing skills."

"Yes, he is amazing, he has treated all the patients in this room until they were no longer in critical condition." said a female doctor while glancing at some of the patients sleeping on the mattresses.

"Not only that, he is the most handsome male doctor I have ever seen." said another female doctor with a flushed face looking at Kouro's back.

"..." All the doctors seemed to be silent together, before opening their mouths simultaneously.


Kouro who heard their conversation then pretended not to hear their words.

Suddenly the entrance door opened with a female doctor entering, she looked around before shouting.

"The emergency surgery center has a shortage of doctors! I need a doctor who has great surgical or suturing skills here!"

The doctors who heard her words then looked at each other, just as they were about to open their mouths, Kouro was seen raising his hand.

"You?" the woman asked.

"My name is Kuuro, I am the best doctor that Overseer Otto has sent. " Kouro quickly introduced his fake identity.

"The best doctor? Then that's good, follow me quickly!" said the girl as she turned around and walked out in a hurry.

Kouro then quickly followed her.

"You said 'Emergency surgery center', what kind of center is that?"

"It is a place specialized for seriously injured patients who need surgery, unfortunately, due to the sudden disaster, it is very difficult to gather qualified doctors." said the doctor quickly.

Hearing her words, Kouro then put on a pensive expression, 'Is it possible that Tianwu's parents are in the emergency surgery center?'

He thought about this while walking.

Not long after, the two of them arrived in front of a room with an iron door.

Beside the door were Tianwu and his sister who were sitting on chairs with worried expressions.

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Kouro did not see the others, who knows where they went.

Tianwu seemed to raise his head, when he saw the female doctor, he immediately approached her and asked worriedly.

"Doctor! How are my parents!?"

"You have to calm down, the patient's condition is currently very critical."

"Please!... Please save my parents." Tianwu said in a pleading tone.

Tianwen looked at her brother before looking at the doctor with an innocent expression.

Feeling Tianwen's gaze, the female doctor's lips seemed to tremble, she seemed to open her mouth before closing her mouth again.

"We... Will try our best." said the doctor before quickly entering the room followed by Kouro behind her who glanced at Tianwu and Tianwen.

'Don't worry, as long as your parents haven't died, they will definitely survive!' Kouro thought.

Inside the room, several fully equipped doctors were seen, trying to treat two patients.

Kouro looked at the two patients, who seemed to be a couple before his eyebrows furrowed.

With his 'See-Trough' glasses, he could see the severe internal injuries suffered by the two patients.

It was truly a miracle if they were still alive after suffering such injuries.

"Quick! Both of their heartbeats are starting to weaken again, quickly use the 'pacemaker'!"

"How should we remove the iron pipe fragments near the patients' hearts? Are there no surgeons left?"

The female doctor who was beside Kouro then came forward and shouted, "I've found a surgeon! Hurry up and start the operation!"

Hearing her shout, the attention of all the doctors then fell on the female doctor.

"Really? Who did you bring?" said one of the doctors.

"Him." The female doctor pointed at Kouro who was beside her.

The attention of all the doctors then turned to look at Kouro.

Kouro didn't feel awkward at being stared at, he took the sterile gloves and put them on immediately, he raised his head to stare back at all of them, "What are you looking at!? Don't waste any more time! Hurry up and start the operation!"

Hearing Kouro's domineering words, they looked at each other before quickly preparing the place for the operation.

A few minutes later, in the prepared operating room, Kouro who was fully dressed, and the other specialists looked at the two comatose patients in front of them.

"Have they been anesthetized?" a doctor asked.

"Yes, doctor." said a nurse.

"This operation is to remove the fragments of iron pipes near their hearts, am I right?" asked Kouro, raising his hands which had been clasped together.

"Yes. To be honest, we had actually given up, because removing the iron pipe fragments is almost impossible, the fragments have been slightly stuck into their hearts, it's really a miracle they are still alive." said one of the doctors.

"It takes a lot of speed and precision to do that..." muttered Kouro.

He then continued, "Please calm down and focus! We start the operation now!"

Kouro then went through the motions first, he is seen using a scalpel and slashing the left chest of the male patient with great focus, he also didn't forget to prepare to use the authority of [Life and Death].

With his 'See-Trough' glasses, Kouro knew very well the location of the iron pipe fragments from the largest to the smallest.

After slashing, he then took a pair of tweezers and prepared to pick up the iron pipe fragments.

"One." Kouro removed the largest piece of iron pipe from the patient's chest, he then placed the piece in a warm basin.

"A good start." praised the doctors who saw him in action.

With the passage of time, Kouro slowly removed the iron pipe fragments until he finally got to the smallest one.

They were so small and the problem was that they were so sharp that if he wasn't careful, they would pierce the patient's heart.

Kouro with a serious expression then used the [Dominator's Touch] ability inconspicuously to carefully remove the fragment.

"Last one." He said removing the smallest iron pipe fragment with tweezers before putting it into a basin of warm water.

The doctors' expressions became relieved when they heard his words.

After that, Kouro then stitched the patient's wound back together with great speed and precision, not forgetting to use his authority.

He did it all in 20 minutes.

"Next!" said Kouro while looking at the mother of Tianwu.

15 minutes later.

The operation was very successful, the lives of both patients were no longer critical.

Kouro as the most meritorious person in this operation was undoubtedly hugged by various female doctors.

He didn't know why but they hugged him very tightly.

Kouro who was hugged at this time still wore a calm expression even though his brain was currently full of other thoughts, 'E cup, D Cup, F Cup, C cup,... Woah big, G cup.'

After feeling all that tenderness, he then said calmly, "Can you guys let me go? I need to go to the bathroom."

After being released by them, Kouro went to the exit with a calm expression before wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"It's really troublesome acting as a doctor..." he muttered.

After that, he then walked out of the room to tell Tianwu and his sister that their parents' condition had been fully stabilized.

Seeing Kouro coming out of the room, Tianwu quickly went to him.

"Doctor! How... My parents are doing?"

Kouro turned to look at him with a calm expression before he then patted his shoulder.

"Your parents are already in stable condition, it's just that..."

Hearing that the parents were fine, Tianwu breathed a sigh of relief, but when he heard his last sentence, he put on a worried expression again.

"Just... What, doctor?"

Kouro visibly sighed and patted his shoulder again, "It's just that your mother is too beautiful. I wonder how she fell in love with your father."

Tianwu immediately fell silent due to the sudden change in the emotional turmoil he was having.

Kouro patted his shoulder back with a disappointed expression and walked away leaving Tianwen to stare back and forth at the two of them in confusion.

Seeing Kouro who had completely left, Tianwu finally regained his senses and went after him with an indescribable expression, "Wait!"

Unfortunately, Kouro had already taken off his disguise.

Tianwu looked around before finding Kouro, he approached him before asking, "Kouro-san! Did you see a man with half black and half white hair around here?"

"I saw him go that way." Kouro pointed to a random place.

"Thank you!" Tianwu immediately went running following the direction he pointed.

Staring at his back, Kouro then muttered, "Why is he that serious? I was just praising his mother."

Said a man who almost destroyed someone's household.

(E/D: Hmm... Genderbend Nakuru and add him(her) to harem.)

(A/N : No.) 

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