Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 168: The Alliance

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(E/D: Waku! Waku!)

Let's go back to yesterday to find out how the chronology unfolded until Patricia was seriously injured like that.


"Just as I expected... " Patricia said after reaching the source of the voice, she raised her head and looked at the several small cage-like prisons on the second floor.

Theresa also raised her head before asking in confusion, "Hm? Why does the Lab have something like a prison here?"

Patricia did not answer her question, Theresa watched her approach a nearby prison and when she was in front of the prison a hand suddenly appeared from behind the prison.

"Kyaa!!! That's the ghost!!!" Theresa shouted while hiding behind Patricia trembling.

"Calm down Theresa! The ghost doesn't exist. Try to look carefully, they are just ordinary girls." Patricia said to Theresa before approaching and holding her hand.

As Patricia said, the hand came from a skinny little girl who looked 11 or 12 years old wearing only a thin white dress.

The girl looked at Patricia and Theresa with tears in her eyes, "Please... Please get us out of this horrible place..."

Behind her, there were several little girls who had the same fate as her.

Hearing that, Patricia let go of the little girl's hand before retreating, her expression looking unchanged after seeing the girls in the prison.

In contrast to Theresa who seemed to clench her hands tightly when she saw these girls locked up like animals.

Filled with rage, Theresa immediately advanced to the front of the prison before tearing the prison door with her bare hands like tearing a piece of paper.


After that, she then went inside and then extended her hand to the girls with a gentle smile without noticing that the girls were looking at her with fear.

After all, what person wouldn't be scared when seeing a little girl can tear open a prison door made of iron and certain metal alloys?

Fortunately perhaps knowing that Theresa only wanted to help them, the girls came out of the prison with a slightly scared expressions.

Seeing their scared expressions, Theresa seemed to realize that she had scared them so she put on an embarrassed expression.

One girl then approached Theresa before bowing her head, "Thank you for saving us."

Seeing this, Theresa frantically waved both her hands and said in an embarrassed tone, "No, no need to thank me! I didn't find the key anyway, so it was a strange way to open the door."

The girl smiled and bowed her head again before leaving to meet her friends.

Theresa looked at the girls' expressions which looked happy and relieved, their dead eyes had seen the light of having found hope.

Patricia also looked at the girls before turning to look at Theresa, "The footage I just found shows that they were in the hands of the lab system developer. Likely part of Honkai's experiments."

There was one more fact that Patricia did not tell her that the Lab system's developer was Hanagami Sagaki, Luna's husband.

After knowing this fact, she finally understood why Luna didn't know about this prison, it was possible that Sagaki hid this place because he didn't want Luna to know about this place.

After all with Luna's kind, gentle, but stubborn nature, she would definitely protest this place to the extreme.

Theresa looked at the girls' bandaged hands and feet with a pained expression, "That explains why they're bandaged, but... Why didn't the intel division staff give me this information?"

"Maybe someone doesn't want you to know, the truth is that Schicksal adopts orphans every year. No one cares if they die anyway." Patricia said in a calm voice.

"No, Pat. I care about them." Theresa said before approaching the girls and said with a gentle smile, "You guys find a safe haven, I'll send help to get you later."

Hearing this, Patricia's expression changed and tapped Theresa on the shoulder from behind before saying in a high tone, "Wait, Theresa! That would be a grave offense. All these girls are test subjects belonging to Schicksal, we have to return them to the base."

She then continued, "Besides, those scientists must have injected Honkai energy into their bodies, it would be dangerous to let them go."

Hearing this, Theresa visibly paused before turning to look at her with a soft confident smile, "Pat, have you ever heard of St. Freya?"

She turned to look at the girls before continuing, "Grandpa finally gave me authorization on an island in the Far East. I plan to build a sanctuary for victims of Honkai experiments."

"It will be a school that will teach them how to use and master their Honkai energy, when they graduate, they will become Valkyries with happy lives like you, Pat."

Hearing her words, Patricia in the end could only sigh, she slightly understood why the Intel division did not tell Theresa.

With her kind, gentle nature, Theresa would have protested, just like Luna.

But in the end, she also smiled, after all at the same time she also felt grateful that she had friends who had a good nature like them.

"Trust me, I promise you'll be safe." Theresa said as she looked at the girls.

"Stupid Valkyrie and her stupid dreams..." muttered a girl with long purple hair who heard all the words.

"Hm? Did you say something, Pat?" asked Theresa looking at Patricia.

Patricia sighed then said in a helpless tone, "Actually I have been given orders to make you comfortable and not interfere with our mission. Since you are our leader... I have no choice but to follow your decisions."

Hearing her words Theresa then smiled happily and gave her a thumbs up, "Thanks, Pat!"

Seeing Theresa's childlike behaviour, Patricia could only shake her head before looking around for new clues.

She had not forgotten that her mission was to investigate the reason why the Staff had disappeared for no reason.

After searching for a while she then found a new clue inside the prison, she found many Honkai fragments inside there.

'Why are there so many Honkai fragments here? The last time I saw it was in...'

Her expression suddenly changed, as if realizing something she then immediately went to the Honkai reactor room.


In the Honkai Reactor room.

There was a little girl with long purple hair who walked up to the reactor, the same girl who laughed at Theresa's dream.

"I almost used up all my power last night... But this reactor will definitely give me more power."

As she thought, this little girl was the second Herrscher, Sirin.

Sirin stretched her hand towards the Honkai reactor and murmured, "I can feel it... They are one with me... With this... I can become stronger-"

"Having fun already, 'Ghost' of Babylon?"

Sirin heard someone's voice from behind her, she then turned around and looked at the person who turned out to be Patricia.

"You... Are the one who wants to send us back to the scientists... How did you find me?" asked Sirin in a calm voice.

From what she said, it seemed like she didn't believe Theresa's words at all.

"Oh? I only saw the remnants of the Honkai fragments you left behind. The fragments inside the prison match the ones I found here, and then there's also the data that disappeared in this place.", Patricia said in a confident tone.

"Looks like they didn't teach you to wash your hands."

After saying that, she then dropped the giant box hanging on her back before patting it.

The box then suddenly turned into a pair of black hand cannons that had 6 barrels in each.

Sirin's expression was still calm even after seeing the cannon as big as an adult's body in Patricia's hands.

"Where is that little nun girl? Did you come here alone?"

Patricia raised both cannons and pointed them at Sirin before saying in a confident tone, "I don't want to scare you little 'Ghost', but I brought my two little friends, want to say hello to them?"

Seeing this, Sirin simply laughed, "Hahahaha! Do you think you can scare me, Valkyrie? You're just the first step of my revenge!"

"Revenge?" asked Patricia with a wary expression, she suddenly sensed a dangerous aura from Sirin.

"Yes, revenge. The one who injected Honkai into our bodies... The one who ran the experiments on us said it was all for the noble cause of creating Stigmata for Valkyries like you."

"They say orphans like us should be proud to die for you, but I can't accept that! I won't die for anyone! Curse Schicksal and its Valkyries!"

Sirin with bright shining eyes smiled and raised her head to look at Patricia, her golden eyes with 'X' shaped pupils.

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

The aura she had given off was completely different.

"You should be grateful that you will be the first to experience my great power ★~"

Patricia paid no heed to her words, the two cannon muzzles in her hands seemed to be gathering energy.

"I take it as a greeting to my little friend."

But right after saying that, Patricia's expression suddenly changed, 'Why does the space around me look distorted?!'

That was her last thought before finally being defeated by Sirin and escaping with severe injuries to Welt Yang.


Current time, at the Honkai Reactor site.

Sirin was seen absorbing Honkai energy from the reactor until the air around her was distorted.

"Yes! Yes! I can feel that power flowing into my body, merging into my soul!"

As she said that, a fly-sized and visible Seraph-type Honkai Beast flew near Sirin's ear as if to tell her something.

"Hm? Is something wrong?" Sirin asked while glancing at the Honkai Beast.

The Honkai Beast seemed to be telling Sirin something.


Outside the tower of Babylonia, on a high plateau filled with snow, Tesla along with Einstein and Welt were looking down at where a group was fighting several Honkai Beasts.

"Are they the best people Schicksal can send? Don't they know? That while they were busy taking care of the Honkai Beast horde, Herrscher must have absorbed all the Honkai energy in the tower." Tesla said with a calm expression.

The group they were looking at were the other members of Team Snowwolf.

Tesla then looked at Welt beside her, "Welt... We don't have much time left, let me use the Titan and hold off the Schicksal warriors if they get in your way."

Welt was still staring at the group or rather staring at a white-haired man with blue eyes who was using a pair of pistols.

"No, Tesla, you must hold your Titan, I have an old friend, Siegfried Kaslana. I need to get him on our side."


The fighting Snowwolf team consisted of three people, two girls plus Siegfried.

Currently, the two girls seemed to have their backs to each other and were focused on eliminating the endless horde of Honkai Beasts.

"These Honkai-Honkai Beasts are really endless. Hey Salome! Let's make this more interesting! How about a competency for the fastest Honkai Beast killer?" asked a red-haired girl who had jagged teeth like a shark with a red-coloured spear in her hand to the black-haired girl saying blue behind her.

"I'm not interested, can you be a little more serious about this mission, Shub-Niggurath?" said Salome with a focused expression, her hands moving to control a disc the size of a greenish-yellow hula hoop.

"Our mission is to keep all these Honkai Beasts away from the tower." she continued.

"But killing them includes keeping them away from the tower, right?" said Shub-Niggurath.

"Well, whatever, I'll eliminate the Honkai Beast horde by myself! Hahaha!" she continued and dashed forward before suddenly a Templar-type Honkai Beast corpse fell in front of her, making her stop.

"What the hell is this?"

Siegfried immediately turned his head to look at the corpse before realizing something, he then turned to look at Salome and Shub-Niggurath, "I think there are other uninvited guests! You two get out of here, now!"

Right after saying that, the three of them suddenly felt a very strong aura from above their heads.

They then raised their heads to see that there was a man floating while holding something shaped like a ball.

Welt with his eyes glowing stared at the remaining horde of Honkai Beasts, the ball in his hand turned out to be energy that had been condensed to the extreme to form a ball.

"Bow down!"

Siegfried along with Salome and Niggurath who were below, suddenly felt their bodies become so heavy that it even made them kneel down, except for Siegfried who seemed to be able to stand upright.


The spherical energy in Welt's hand then suddenly spread into small balls that had a very high speed.

[Cognitive Destructuring]

All the Honkai Beasts were instantly wiped out in an instant with just one attack.

'That man eliminated all the Honkai Beast hordes with just one attack.' Siegfried thought with his eyes slightly widened.

After eliminating all the Honkai Beasts, the flying Welt descended slowly in front of Siegfried.

Siegfried felt that this man in front of him felt familiar to him and sure enough after he saw the man's belt which had a unique emblem, he finally knew the identity of this man in front of him.

He then pointed his gun at Welt, "Stop right there, Anti-Entropy! Tell me what you came here for!"

After Welt descended, Tesla and Einstein also descended and landed behind him using mecha.

Welt then introduced himself to the three of them, "Nice to meet you, Schicksal soldiers. My name is Welt Yang, Sovereign of Anti Entropy. I am not here to harm you."

"Sovereign of Anti Entropy?!" Niggurath said with a surprised expression.

"He is the first Herrscher! Overseer Otto must know this!" said Salome in a high voice while trying to stand up.

Welt looked at them calmly before saying, "I won't mince words, you should know that the existence of the tower could cause a catastrophe that could endanger humanity's existence. Let's ignore our differences and make an alliance to solve the problem."

Hearing his words, Siegfried who was still pointing his gun then said, "I have no hatred towards Anti Entropy, but..."


A bullet whizzed past Welt's cheek.

"Orders are orders. Schicksal cannot accept help from a traitor, now go back to where you came from!" Siegfried said with a serious expression mixed with caution.

Welt just looked at him calmly.

"I repeat, we are 'Not' accepting help from you, even if the price is our lives!" he continued.

Upon hearing this, the still-silent Welt then immediately asked, "Even if the payment is your life? What about the lives of your loved ones? Their lives are also at risk!"

"Siegfried Kaslana, have you forgotten your own oath?" he continued with sharp eyes.

Siegfried's expression instantly changed.

A Kaslana's oath is that they fight to be a shield for their loved ones, for the weak, and for the innocent.

Welt then extended his hand towards Siegfried before saying in a calm but firm voice.

"I know that this will change your destiny and I also know that we must convince you that we are not lying to you, therefore, let our troops camp here, and... I will comply with all your requests."

Hearing this, Siegfried finally lowered his gun.

"Ugh, alright. I don't want to shoot you in the head again either, your attack could have killed us in an instant." He said while scratching his head.

After that, Siegfried then extended his hand towards Welt.

"You have my trust, let's make an alliance and annihilate the problem you mentioned earlier."

Welt then smiled and approached before extending his hand and shaking Siegfried's hand.

Kouro who saw this from the sky suddenly turned his head in a certain direction.

With his enhanced vision he could see a pink-haired girl with fox ears accompanied by a small fox-tailed girl floating beside her.

The two of them were Higokumaru and Sakura.

(E/D: I waited two days for this and I get no action! NO drama! I haven't even slept well. Damn it! Now as payment give me bromance with Nakuru. Brothers should stick with each other. They should be like Karan and Arjun.)

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