Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 180: RARE ITEM!!!

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'What should I do!' Kouro thought frantically.

His original intention of just wanting to see the Herrscher of Shadows' Core had led him to disaster!

Thinking of how Mobius and the others attached so much importance to the Herrscher of Shadows' Core, Kouro couldn't imagine what punishment he would get, especially Mobius!

Kouro suddenly felt goosebumps and even broke out in a cold sweat, if not for Ashborn behind him, he would have wanted to run away by now.

'What about the Mission? F*ck with that! My life was more important, and being captured by Mobius was worse than death!'

"Are you planning to run?" Ashborn's voice behind him made Kouro stiffen as if he had been splashed by cold water.

'Calm yourself, Kouro! Calm yourself!", Kouro tried to calm himself down. He took a deep breath before exhaling.

He did this more than ten times before his heart finally calmed down.

Right after he calmed down, a system notification appeared in front of his eyes.

[You have obtained the item 'Black Keys']

(E/D: I don't know if this is intentional or not but the Author just awakened some bad memories.)


Kouro blinked with a blank expression.

'The core of the Herrscher of Shadows... Has turned into a key?'

The incredulous Kouro then stared at his 'inventory' interface with round egg-like eyes.

Seeing that the item 'Black Keys' was really in his inventory, Kouro's pupils instantly turned into stars.


Kouro really wanted to scream like that, unfortunately, because there was Ashborn behind him, he could only hold back his overflowing emotions.

This key was his first item that came from a Herrscher, moreover, this item seemed to only be usable using the system function.

Kouro who couldn't help but feel curious, wanted to see the description of the item, but unfortunately, the situation was not in his favour-

"Kouro." Ashborn said from behind him in a cold tone.

"Y-Yes!" Kouro like a cat whose tail was stepped on immediately turned around with his body upright.

He saw Ashborn approaching him in a hurry to stand in front of him at a very close distance.


Kouro saw Ashborn raise his hand before bringing his hand down at high speed towards him.

'So fast! I can't dodge him!' Kouro thought with his eyes wide open.

Just when he thought that he was about to be slapped by Ashborn, he felt someone pat his shoulder.

"Eh?" with a dumbfounded expression he saw Ashborn patting his shoulder while saying in a moved tone.

"You... You really are the heir... I'm really touched."

Seeing that he was not angry, Kouro could only sigh in relief, but he also could not help asking in a cautious tone.

"That's... Are you not angry with me? I mean, the core of the Herrscher of Shadows from your world has probably been absorbed by my Herrscher core."

Although he said so, he didn't feel any changes other than the item 'Black Keys', even his own authority didn't increase.

"You don't need to worry, I will explain it to Mobius and the others later." Ashborn replied.

'Well... Although you will be examined by Mobius intensely later...' Ashborn thought to himself.

"Now, let's go back, we'll finish your request." he said before turning around.

Kouro's expression instantly turned happy before following Ashborn with a serious expression.

'Sirin... I finally have a chance to save you! But before that, let's take a look at this 'Black Keys' item.'

[Item: Black Keys]

[Rarity: ???]

[Type: Key]

???? (Insufficient authority, level restriction: 100)

Seeing this, Kouro's expression became subtle this was the first time he had seen an item restricted by level. Moreover, since this item came from the core of the Herrscher of Shadows, then its importance could not be doubted.

Kouro had a hunch that this key... Is directly connected to the 'truth'. The truth about his reincarnation, the truth about his senior, and the truth about the purpose of the Herrscher of Shadows...

Even Kouro had a strong premonition that about this key...

He might even be able to meet directly with 'KOURO'.


On the other hand, in the Lab tower, two hours after Sirin declared his message.

"Welt, we have analyzed the meteor debris in the East Sea of America." Einstein said with a report to Welt who was currently staring into space.

She then gave the report to Welt.

Welt read the report with a calm expression, he looked silent for a moment before raising his head.

"...Ein, call Siegfried, Higokumaru and Theresa here."

A few moments later.

Siegfried along with Higokumaru looked at Welt with a serious expression.

"How did it go? Have you made a new plan or are you still using the old plan?" asked Siegfried.

Their previous plan was to 'secure' Sirin with the power of Kouro, Welt, and Higokumaru.

In the plan, Kouro was the core of the plan, but since he was now captured by the World Serpent, inevitably they had to improvise their plan.

The problem was that there were some who were not convinced by the plan, so Welt himself ended up having to formulate a new plan.

Welt looked at Siegfried before calmly answering his question, "Yes. I will still go to the moon."

"Then I'll come along." Higokumaru said.

Welt nodded his head in response to Higokumaru's words before then turning to look at Theresa, "But before that, Miss Theresa, I have one request of you. I would like to meet with your Overseer, there is one... thing I want to discuss with him."

"With grandfather?" said Theresa with a surprised expression.


In the Lab tower, in the leader's lobby.

There were Welt and Einstein sitting on the sofa because this was a political matter of Anti Entropy and Schicksal, Higokumaru and Sakura wisely did not participate, while Siegfried himself did not like this meeting.

"Grandpa said he was on his way and would arrive within 5 minutes." Theresa said with a little nervousness.

Welt just nodded his head.

After saying that, Theresa then left, knowing that this conversation was private.

In a quiet room, there was only the sound of the clock ticking every second.

4 minutes later.

Welt, who was sitting quietly, suddenly became a little alert and glanced to the side.

Otto in formal attire was seen walking towards them with his trademark smile.

He looked at Einstein who was currently looking at him calmly, "It's been years since I've seen you, Dr Einstein."

"Unusually you came earlier than scheduled." Einstein said calmly.

"Well... It can't help it, my dear granddaughter called me. So I must leave a good impression on her." Otto replied.

He then turned to look at Welt, "And you must be Welt, the Sovereign of Anti Entropy. I'm sure this isn't the first time we've met."

After that, Otto sat on the sofa and then looked at the two of them before asking, "So, I heard from my granddaughter that you wanted to discuss something with me?"

Although Otto himself had already guessed what they wanted to discuss.

This time it was not Welt who answered but Einstein.

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

She nodded her head and said, "Overseer Otto you must already know that Anti Entropy has discovered ruins from the Previous Era, in North America."

"Honkai was created from the first law of Thermodynamics that can neither be created nor destroyed." Otto continued her words calmly.

Einstein's eyes lit up slightly before nodding her head.

"Yes. In addition, the records in the ruins mentions a scientist who identified the 'Meaning' inside the 'Honkai'."

Einstein continued, "We searched for that 'Meaning' note throughout the ruins, but unfortunately we couldn't find anything. During the Moon mission, we found a 'Lunar Palace' (Altar) that contained Honkai energy, proving that the technology of the Previous Era did exist."

"And I thought you guys wanted to use that technology again.  But just so you know, Anti Entropy is not the only organization looking for it. But unfortunately, that technology doesn't exist on earth." Otto said calmly.

The technology they were referring to was the 'Selene' or 'Moonlight Throne', an airship that was used against the Herrscher of the End in the Previous Era.

Selene has the ability to convert Honkai energy into Conventional energy.

Conventional energy here means electric energy and heat energy.

"Right, that technology exists on the moon." Einstein said.

"We also found data about Solium, analysis shows that meteors have Solium content in them. But since the meteor has been smashed to pieces, we can't find any useful data. We need a whole sample to recreate the technology. " she continued.

After which Welt then stood up and added, "I'm going to the moon. I hope you order someone to collect Solium while I divert the second Herrscher."

"Very interesting Mr Welt, you always surprise me. But your plan is too risky, even though we have Solium. Are you sure you can recreate that technology?" Otto asked calmly.

Welt did not change his expression at Otto's question, he approached him before saying calmly, "Otto, we know that you are not interested in fighting against Honkai. I'm sure you're more interested in an Herrscher's ability itself. But that girl now is on the moon... and throwing rocks at the earth."

He then glanced at him calmly, "I am sure you have no solution to this problem, Otto. Therefore listen to my offer, believe me, only you will benefit."

Hearing this, Otto seemed to have an interested expression.

"Continue, I'm listening."

Welt whispered something to Otto.

Otto looked silent for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Hahahah! Are you serious? Really? Hahahah!"

Realizing that he had been rude, Otto then cleared his throat and apologized before saying, "Mr Welt... You indeed never fail to surprise me. Very good, we will follow this plan."

He looked at Welt and continued, "You can trust me that my troops will not attack you. I will also give you Siegfried Kaslana as a favour."

Otto then stood up and whispered to him, "Mankind will not thank you for your sacrifice, Mr Welt."

"I know." Welt said calmly.

"You turned into a powerful enemy and a formidable villain. I apologize, both intentionally and unintentionally, Mr Welt. His second name holder."

After saying that Otto turned around and went out.

Welt stared at Otto's back before him with a calm expression even though his heart was currently churning with anger.

It was this person who caused his father to die and also killed the first Welt indirectly.

If he could, he wanted to kill Otto in front of him now, but he knew that this was not the time for that.

Saving humanity was more important because 'Welt' was the one who fought for humanity and he who inherited his name and power would definitely fulfil that obsession of his.


Otto who came out from the leader's lobby saw Theresa who was currently waiting outside and looked at him with a worried expression.

"What about the meeting? Did grandfather approve it?"

Otto smiled gently in response to her question before saying, "Yes. I agreed to ally with him, after all under the threat of the Second Herrscher, mankind is in danger."

Hearing Otto's answer, Theresa breathed a sigh of relief, but she then heard Otto's voice again.

"But I don't allow you to follow them-" Otto hadn't finished his words, but Theresa was already shouting with a sullen expression.


Otto looked at her for a moment before continuing his words, "-But if you want to help them, then you must train to use the true power of the Oath of Judah."

He knew that forbidding Theresa from following them was futile, so instead of bothering to forbid her, it was better to make her stronger so that he wouldn't have to worry about her.

Theresa blinked her eyes a few times in confusion, she did not expect that her Grandfather did not forbid her.

"The true power of the Oath of Judah?"

"Yes. Follow me to Schicksal headquarters first, I'll tell you more details there." Otto said before turning to leave.

Theresa stared at his back with a hesitant expression before finally following him.


A few minutes later.

Welt went to see Higokumaru and Siegfried, he wanted to explain his plan to them.

"Oh? Mr Welt! How was the meeting? Did he agree to your offer?" asked Siegfried.

Higokumaru also looked at him.

"It went well, we cooperated on a few things. Your Overseer has ensured that Schicksal will lend full assistance."

Welt then continued, "As planned, Higokumaru and I will go to the moon. And you Siegfried... You will be coming with us."

After that, he then looked at Higokumaru, "I'm sorry Higokumaru, but I can't bring Sakura."

Higokumaru nodded her head in understanding, "I understand, she is here because of my selfishness, so I don't want to endanger her any more."

Siegfried seemed to smile happily, "Finally! My time has come! We must teach that girl a lesson!"

He then looked at them both and said confidently, "I promise! I will do whatever it takes to stop her and end this war!"

Welt paused before saying to the two of them, "Then you must prepare immediately, we don't have much time. The airship is waiting for us."


Yellowstone Anti Entropy Headquarters, United States.

On a large runway with several fighter planes parked there, Siegfried and Higokumaru could be seen following Welt.

They saw not far from them, a man who was saluting Welt.

"Welcome to the United States, Sovereign " said the man respectfully.

The man looked to be around 30 and had long black hair tied up and violet eyes, he was Raiden Ryoma.

The founder of a prominent ME company and moreover the father of Raiden Mei.

Welt nodded his head to him, "Thank you for taking care of our business in this region, Mr Raiden."

He then continued, "Please wait here, Mr Raiden. There are some matters I wish to discuss with Miss Higokumaru and Mr Siegfried in private."

'Raiden? Is he Raiden Ryoma, the owner of ME company?' Siegfried thought as he looked at him.

At the same time, Ryoma was also staring at Siegfried but with a sharp gaze.

'This must be Siegfried Kaslana, Schicksal's useless bum. I don't know why the Sovereign would trust such an unreliable person.'

As Siegfried and Ryoma looked at each other, the hovering Higokumaru suddenly glanced in a certain direction with a serious expression.

"Hm? This aura..." Higokumaru's expression turned very serious.

From the shadow of the airship, Ashborn who walked out approached them along with Kouro.

Hearing the sound of someone's footsteps, Welt, Siegfried and Ryoma immediately turned to follow the source of the sound before putting on a serious expression.

Ashborn glanced at all of them before looking at Welt and saying, "May we join your plan, Mr Welt?"

Kouro, who was beside him, looked extremely exhausted, as if he had been 'squeezed' out. 

[69 hours before Sirin's ultimatum came]

(E/D: Almost Heaven... West Virginia. Blue ridge mountains, Shenandoah River.(Sing with me))

 (E/D: Also, anyone lost their 50-50 to Jean and is broke now and most of all it was an early 5 star at 60 pity.)

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