Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 189: Furious Kouro (1)

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Imaginary Space, is an independent dimension between reality and illusion that is also the main source of energy for Herrscher.

And also don't you remember, "Even one's memory is enough to create a 'Bubble Universe' from the Sea of Quanta" so technically someone's subconscious is also included.

The Imaginary Space created by a Herrscher will connect with the Imaginary tree giving them an almost unlimited amount of Honkai energy and at the same time the 'Will of Honkai' can also watch over them.

Not only that but the Imaginary Space is also connected to the Sea of Quanta because it is an independent dimension so when the Imaginary Space 'falls', it will fall in as the nutrients of the Sea of Quanta before finally being absorbed by the Imaginary Tree.

An Imaginary Space also has its own characteristic form according to the personality of the creating Herrscher and they have absolute control over the dimension.

There is also a dimension similar to the Imaginary Space, but it will be explained later.

By the way, although it's hard to admit but Himeko's victory was just a coincidence, okay!


Kouro opened his eyes and a beautiful but strange scene where giant purple-black coloured debris was floating in the air, the lighting in this place was also a little bad.

"This place... an Imaginary Space?" he muttered with a serious expression.

Kouro had not expected that Sirin's 'Void' ability had greatly improved to the point of being able to create an independent dimension.

Was this a good thing? Kouro did not know.

He only knew that because of him, Sirin had become like this, because of him, the future had turned out differently. If... If he hadn't done the [Job Change Quest] would this world...

'No, I can't give up, I've vowed to make a beautiful future! I can't give up, I really can't!' Kouro quickly shook his head dispelling these negative thoughts.

(E/D: #typicalanimeprotagonist.????⛏️????️. And yes I am speaking the language of god you peasants.)

He could only hope that this world... was really a simulation created by the System.

Kouro then looked down only to realize that he was floating now, no clear foothold other than the giant debris that soared into the sky.

He turned his head to look around before finding Welt who was floating not far from him, he tried to search again but he did not find Higokumaru and Ashborn.

Kouro then flew towards the Welt.

"Urgh..." grumbled Welt before slowly opening his eyes, fortunately due to Kouro's emergency handling, his condition was not critical but his body was still not recovered and had only recovered about 30%.

"Where is this...? " he muttered looking at the scene in front of him.

"We are in an Imaginary Space, a dimension created by the Second Herrscher. " Kouro said after confirming that Welt was fine.

"Can you walk on your own?" asked Kouro.

"Yes. Thanks to your concern." said Welt before stabilizing his body in the air, he looked around to find nothing so he then turned to look at Kouro and asked, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Less than 2 minutes." said Kouro while looking around for the whereabouts of Ashborn and Higokumaru.

"Strange... I don't sense Higokumaru and Ashborn's presence here... Not even Sirin. I remember that they were also sucked into this dimension." Kouro muttered.

Sirin as the ruler of this dimension should be around here, but... Where are they? Kouro could not even sense their presence at all as if they were not here.

A bad feeling started to fill him, damn it! Why are his bad premonitions always right!?

"Then let's try and find them." said Welt beside him.

Kouro seemed to think for a moment before nodding his head.

"I hope they're okay." he murmured.


On the other hand, somewhere in a Siberian city, inside a detention room with surveillance cameras.

There was a beautiful woman in her twenties, she had drill blonde hair in a ponytail with violet eyes.

She was Cocolia.

Cocolia was currently sitting on a hard bed and leaning against the cold wall with her face slightly flushed while drinking Vodka.

She sighed helplessly, remembering how she got into this prison.


27 days ago, on January 10, 2000.

In the material supply warehouse of the B17 material support regiment of the Serbian military district, which is a place where weapons for military needs are stored.

In the middle of the night.

In the dark warehouse with no lights, a person was quietly taking out weapons one by one before a bright light suddenly shone from behind and highlighted him.

"Alright thief. Raise your hands slowly before turning around. You are brave enough to steal from our great union." Cocolia said with a confident smile looking at a man whose back was facing her.

Cocolia had previously received reports that the weapons in the warehouse had been reduced and found to have been sold to the black market. Even after that, the warehouse had been heavily guarded but there were still weapons missing and being sold on the black market.

Cocolia who sensed the slow action of her regiment finally tried to catch the thief by herself, she waited inside this warehouse to catch the thief red-handed.

The caught thief looked calm before saying, "Tovarisch, Captain Cocolia... It's me."

Hearing the thief's familiar voice made Cocolia's expression change, "No way! Colonel Alexey?! You're the one who stole the weapons and sold them to the black market?"

Alexey was a man in his thirties with silver hair and eyes with a sharp face.

He was Bronya's father.

Alexey turned around before trying to explain his actions, "Listen to me, Cocolia. This wasn't my idea! All the district Colonel Generals and army headquarters from Novosibirsk to Ulan Ude also took part in this!"

Cocolia raised her eyebrows at this.

Alexey continued, "This is bigger than you think, Cocolia. I suggest you just go and I promise you will get something out of this as well."

"What the hell is that? An attempt to bribe a Red army officer on the job? I'm sorry, Alexey. I know all the people you mentioned." Cocolia said in a mocking tone.

She then continued, "You are now under arrest for theft of military property, corruption, and of course slander against your superiors. Save your words for the court martial, Tovarisch."


She initially thought that when she reported Alexey to the military court for theft, she would be rewarded by her superiors but all she got was a false charge of 'catching a fake thief' and this prison.

"To think my homeland would become this corrupt..." Cocolia muttered in a disappointed tone.

She then took another swig of Vodka trying to ease her disappointment.

"Put down that Vodka and stop getting drunk before I report it to your mother. " someone's voice sounded behind the door of her holding cell, making Cocolia lift her head and turn around.

Her expression became ugly and annoyed when she saw the person who spoke, "You again Alexey... Hush! Get lost, you filthy creature!"

Alexey looked at the sulking Cocolia before saying in a helpless tone, "Oh, come on, didn't I tell you before to leave, Cocolia? But you just made it even more complicated."

"You're a filthy beast, Alexey." Cocolia said coldly.

She then stood up and continued, "All those people in the court are greedy animals who stole money from the people! They ignored your crimes and arrested me on the charge of 'attacking' a fake thief."

Seeing Cocolia's stubbornness, Alexey then said again in a calm tone, "Think carefully Cocolia. This place is Siberia, we are in the middle of nowhere, and even Moskva hates us. Colonel Ivan gave me the order to sell those weapons to make our lives better."

"Look around us, Cocolia. What are we fighting here? Frozen mud? You need a shovel, not an AK47 and you are the only lunatic in the court."

Alexey's head bowed slightly and continued, "The unbreakable unity of the republic is just a dream. There are cracks everywhere. We just want to survive."

He then raised his head and looked at Cocolia from outside the prisoner's door, "Even though you attacked me during the trial, I still did you a favour and gave you this cozy prisoner's cell instead of a frozen prisoner's cell."

"To hell with your cozy cell Alexey. I'd rather freeze to death in a cage than look at your filthy face!" said Cocolia with her eyes glaring.

"You're the reason why the Komsomol can no longer help the orphanage! Do you know how many children are starving on the streets of Novosibirsk? I used to be like them!" Cocolia shouted at Alexey.

(A/N: Komsomol was a young political organization in the Soviet Union.)

Hearing her shout, Alexey gritted his teeth without being able to hide his anger anymore, "Enough! Tovarisch! Cocolia! That's the reason why you're here and not in the Spetsnaz unit!"

After that he panted before calming himself down, he looked down and took out a pendant from his neck.

The pendant had a picture of a charming woman with long hair tied into a twin-tail and silver eyes.

That woman was Bronya's mother.

Staring at the image of the woman, Alexey then said in a calm voice, "My wife will give birth to a daughter in August, I can't feed them with our union fee. Therefore... I'll do whatever it takes to keep them!"

After saying that, he put the pendant away before turning to look at someone with an apologetic expression before bowing his head.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control my temper earlier, I hope it didn't bother you guys."

Seeing Alexey who spoke respectfully to someone made Cocolia's eyebrows raised, previously when in court he did not speak this respectfully even to the leader, this made her curious but unfortunately, she could not see the person.

Alexey then seemed to raise his head again before turning to look at Cocolia. "I know that you often send your salary to the local orphanage, how can you protect them if you are confined here?"

Cocolia's expression hardened slightly with her hands gripping the iron bars tightly.

"I know that you need the money. Those children deserve a better life. Therefore, Cocolia, I suggest you accept their offer." Alexey said before approaching the door with a key and opening it.


"Huh?" Cocolia was confused by his actions before she saw Alexey enter her holding cell accompanied by two women she did not recognize.

She looked at the two strangers with a wary expression. "Alexey, what is the meaning of this?"

At the same time, he observed the two women while thinking, 'From their appearance, they are not from here, one looks like a girl from east Asia, while the other is a woman of European nationality even more so from her strange nun outfit... Is she not afraid of freezing in such revealing clothes?'

"We are here to recruit you, Cocolia." said the nun in a calm voice.

Hearing her words, Cocolia's expression spontaneously changed and turned to look at Alexey angrily, "Alexey! Not only did you sell weapons to the black market but now you betrayed your homeland?! I will definitely tell Moskvo about this!"

"Cocolia! Mind your manners!" shouted Alexey.

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The eastern girl who had been silent raised one of her hands to signal for silence before turning back to look at Cocolia.

"Miss Cocolia, haven't you opened your eyes yet? Don't you see that the union you are proud of doesn't respect you? They are like greedy pigs who only want wealth. They don't care about the children or even that orphanage you care about."

Cocolia's expression hardened when she heard this, she was speechless because what the girl said was a fact.

"But we're not like that, we value your abilities." said Aponia.

"...On what basis, should I trust your words?" said Cocolia cautiously.

"We can assure you that we will help the local orphans here have a better life if you join us."

"If you are not satisfied, we can even move them to a better environment that is more suitable for a child to grow up in." Aponia said calmly with her [Discipline] ability activated.

"Join us, Cocolia." Alexey said firmly.

Under the influence of [Discipline] Cocolia initially wore a reluctant expression before looking thoughtful and finally nodding her head.

"Alright, I'll join you guys."


Ji Xuanyuan let out a sigh of relief when she heard Cocolia's agreement.

After that they then walked out of the place. 

Outside Cocolia looked around she only saw snow as far as the eye could see before glancing at them suspiciously. "Didn't you guys use a transportation to get here?"

They smiled in response to her question, a moment later the sound of engines from the sky made Cocolia spontaneously raise her head before her pupils shrank. 

A large sophisticated flying ship was flying overhead before landing slowly in front of them and opening the cockpit.

"That is our vehicle, Cocolia. Let's go." Ji Xuanyuan said before walking into the flying ship followed by Aponia, Alexey and finally Cocolia.

Inside the warm flying ship they each sat in the passenger seats.

 Ji Xuanyuan turned to look at Aponia before saying, "Thank you for helping us, Aponia-san."

"No problem. It's okay." said Aponia.

Ji Xuanyuan asked World Serpent for help to protect Cocolia, Alexey and his wife as it was safer.

After that, she was then walked towards where the pilot was.

In the pilot's seat was Ji Xuanyuan Alter who turned to look at her and asked, "Did it work?"

Ji Xuanyuan smiled and nodded her head before sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

"Great, then let's take off now!"

The flying ship then rose slowly into the air before taking flight.

Ji Xuanyuan glanced at her with a smile before raising her head to stare at the sky or rather the moon with an anxious expression.

For some reason, she had a bad feeling that made her anxious. She just hoped that it was just her feelings.

On the other side, Aponia who was sitting in the passenger seat glanced at Alexey before Cocolia with a thinking expression.

She saw the catastrophic fate of the two of them including Ji Xuanyuan and her twin.


In the Imaginary Space created by Sirin.

Kouro was seen floating upside down and indeed his chin with a worried expression, "We've been wandering around for half an hour but didn't find anyone here... I think they're on the other side, so what should we do Mr. Welt?"

Not far from him could be seen Welt who was staring at the floating giant Honkai metal mineral chunk before he then glanced at Kouro and said, "Wait a little longer, I'm using my abilities to try to 'understand' this place and find its weak points."

"Alright..." said Kouro before glancing at his status.

Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 55

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer [+]

Authority: Death and Life.

[HP: 44,000/44,000]

[SP: 19,008/19,008]

Fatigue: 0

Strength: 310

Agility: 236

Vitality: 220

Senses: 190

Intelligence: 220

Honkai: 285 --> 297

Point(s): 0

He had fully recovered himself, Welt had also recovered 40%.

'With my current status will I be able to defeat Sirin?' Kouro thought.

"Here!" shouted Welt.

Kouro immediately raised his head and saw Welt flying in a certain direction before stopping.

Seeing this he then followed him before asking, "Is it here?"

"Yes. I'll open the rift a bit after which you can attack the rift using your sword after my signal."

"I see."

The hovering Kouro then set up an attack position before the Abyssal Edge in his hand was enveloped by purple flames. He charged his ultimate attack for fifteen minutes waiting for Welt's signal.

Welt created a small black hole at a certain point which made a small gap in Imaginary Space before shouting.


Following Welt's command, Kouro swung his sword towards the small gap.



The dimension they were in suddenly saw cracks all over the place before shattering into pieces like glass.


Kouro and Welt shielded their eyes from the blast and dust before slowly lowering their hands.

They could see that they were still in the original Imaginary Space.

"Uhuk! Uhuk! Looks like we're in an illusory dimension that Sirin created earlier." Welt said, feeling quiet, she then turned to look at him who was strangely standing still as if frozen.

"Mhn? Kouro? What's wrong?"

Kouro did not respond to Welt words his purple eyes trembled to reflect the Ashborn who was badly injured to the point his right hand was missing before looking at Sirin.

No... That wasn't 'Sirin'...

'Sirin' before him had a golden yellow halo on top of her head, she seemed to glance at Kouro with a cold gaze showing her pupils that had changed shape into purple rectangular stars.

But that's not what makes him freeze, what makes him freeze was Higokumaru who looked lifeless strangled by 'Sirin'.

'Sirin' glanced at Kouro and Welt before saying in a flat tone, "I didn't expect you guys to be able to get out of that dimension so quickly." After saying that, she threw Higokumaru at Kouro.

Kouro spontaneously caught Higokumaru's body and quickly used his authority to heal Higokumaru.

Seeing Kouro's actions, 'Sirin' said coldly, "That's useless, I've destroyed her Herrscher core, she's dead."

Kouro ignored her words, he continued to use his authority to try to 'revive' Higokumaru.

"Kouro..." murmured Welt with a worried expression.

[SP: 4,321/19,008]

But even after trying many times it was all in vain.

Higokumaru was dead, her soul had disappeared.

Kouro stopped healing Higokumaru and fell to his knees and hugged Higokumaru's lifeless body tightly with his head bowed.

"Sorry... I'm sorry... because of me... Because I of me, you..." Kouro mumbled like a broken record.

"Hmm... I'm really curious about the expression you're wearing now that I killed that coward." said 'Sirin'.

"Kouro, Welt! Be careful, the Herrscher in front of us is not the second Herrscher! But the Herrscher of the End!" shouted Ashborn with a serious expression.

Kouro was silent with his head bowed, his expression could not be seen because of the black mask he wore but judging by his purple eyes that glowed horrifyingly even to the point of giving Welt goosebumps...

Kouro was furious now.

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