Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chapter 80: Blood Rose

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Himeko' decidedly raised the sword in her hands, smoldering flames began enveloping the blade that Kouro and the others could even feel the scorching heart coming from the blade.


She began attacking and targeted Kouro first, he could feel a very deadly sense of danger from the attack alone. 

Seeing the attack getting closer, Kouro pushed Ayame away, then jumped to the side and rolled to avoid the attack.


The strike left a mark on the cave wall behind Kouro, leaving behind it signs of the rocks melting into lava because of the heat.

Witnessing this, Kouro has his eyes wide open and thought, "Damn it! The power of the Divine Key, Xuanyuan Sword, is greater than what I imagined!'

His senses warned him again of danger and without hesitation, rolled to the side to evade the incoming strike.


Kouro regained his footing quickly and got up, he turned his head to 'Himeko', approaching him slowly while giving him a sadistic smile.

In reality, Kouro has more than enough power to defeat this 'Himeko'. The problem is that Kouro would have to put all his strength into it. If he did do it, he is worried that 'Himeko' would be seriously injured.

Kouro stared at 'Himeko' dourly and then activated his [Sprint] before running straight at 'Himeko' with his sword pointing at her.

Noticing this, 'Himeko' slashed with her sword horizontally.




Katana and Greatsword meet each other and formed sparks whenever they clashed, Kouro's hands shook violently experiencing the power of the Greatsword, but he held it back, he gritted his teeth and looked at Himeko as he shouted, "Wake up! Himeko!"

The sword in 'Himeko's hands was suddenly shrouded in a blue colored haze that was extremely cold to the point the it even froze the surroundings and Kouro's katana.

Seeing this, Kouro activated [Power Strike] and he could feel an enormous amount of power gather inside of him, he tightly gripped his katana with one hand and swing a fist with his other hand towards 'Himeko's abdomen.



'Himeko' vomited blood and was knocked back before hitting a wall, smashing through it and crashing into another wall behind, this repeated for three times before stopping on the fourth wall, leaving a crater on it. 'Himeko' has her head lowered and her stomach had a mark of Kouro's fist on it. Even so, 'Himeko's hands wouldn't let go of the 'Xuanyuan Sword'.

Kouro paused to catch his breath hastily while maintaining his posture, right after that, he glanced around and realized that Kiana and the other three had not helped him since.

"…Mhn? Wait a minute, why haven't those girls helped me yet?"

Kouro turned around and glanced to the side, there he saw Kiana and the other three with their mouths agape in shock.

The reason was, the fight between Kouro and 'Himeko' only lasted a few minutes, from the start, Ayame and Mei had wanted to help, but by then, 'Himeko' was already smashing through the walls, and regarding Kiana and Bronya, they didn't want to attack 'Himeko' directly because their weapons are specialized for destruction. (Cannon and Pistol)

So, for the sake of 'Himeko's safety, the both of them only focused on supporting.

After a moment, 'Himeko' slowly stood up, her body already badly injured internally and was unsteadily walking forward, her bloodshot eyes solely focused on Kouro.

She proceeded to raise her sword high and then stabbed it hard into the ground, suddenly, 'Himeko's body was enveloped by a large red crystal and three different colored humanoid creatures appeared around it.

The creature has no face nor physical body, they look like elemental constructs adorning Himeko's figure. They each use attacks related to their respective elements, purple is lightning, blue is ice, red is fire.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Kiana and the others quickly approached behind Kouro.

After reaching close enough, Kouro gave them orders without looking back, "Kiana, you and Bronya will fight the red creature. Mei and Ayame will face with the purple one. I'll take the blue one."

They didn't question his commands because they trusted him, so they answered in chorus.

 "Understood!" 4x

After receiving their answer, Kouro once again activated [Sprint] and ran towards the blue creature, the humanoid seemed to have detected something and began walking over to him. Seeing this, he deactivated his skill and ran normally to lead the creature away from the other 2 elementals.

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A small missile fired and headed tot eh red elemental, the elemental did not move even when the missile was very close.


The missile hit the elemental and instantly exploded with a large bang, thick smoke filled the cave before dispersing and revealing the red elemental undamaged as if nothing had happened.

The crystal protecting Himeko was undamaged as well, apart from the slight shaking because of the impact, there are no visible damage to it.

Bronya saw that her attack had no effect, she analyzed, "Unknown Humanoid Creature has immunity to fire. Analyzing weakness. Weakness detected. Start 'Fire extinguisher' mode."

The Bunny 19c cannon behind Bronya changed shape and becomes a fire extinguisher cannon. 

Kiana who heard Bronya's words then looked at the red creature. 

"Mhn? That thing is immune to fire? Luckily Kouro has given me this high-pressure Fire extinguisher modified into a grenade." 

(PR: I don't know where he got that, so I'll assume he got that from the system. But damn, the system is very convenient, it's like the item creation in overgeared, but instead of making it, he just needed to buy it.)

The creature stared at them and then swung its sword, which was its own fire, at them.


Feeling the intense heat rushing at them, Bronya then activated her energy shield to fend off the attack. 

*BAMM! *

The slash was successfully blocked by Bronya's energy shield, even though the shield looks like it's about to break.

After that Kiana ran to the creature and threw her grenade at it.

 *BOOM! * 

"Activate the shield." 

What the grenade exploded out wasn't fire, but rather something white that looked slimy and sticky. Unfortunately, Kiana wasn't too lucky and hadn't avoided getting hit by the white, slimy, sticky substance.

(PR: To be honest, I was extremely tempted to write some extra sentences on the paragraph above. But in the end, I still didn't do it. As horny as I am, I can't risk adding additional sentences just for my satisfaction for the sake of the quality.)(P.S. I just got confirmation and am certain that the white thingy landed on her face. Which means… Bukkake! Oh, Yeah!!!!!)

Kiana looked at her body covered in white sticky substance and spoke disdainfully.

"Ew! What is this!? This is so disgusting. Damn it! That Kouro, he didn't even tell me that the grenade would contain something disgusting like this!"

Bronya, fortunately(PR: Or unfortunately), had activated her shield just in time. She stared at Kiana covered in the questionable white substance with a delicate expression and secretly took a picture.

(PR: Nice Bronya! Now, send it to me!)

Bronya glanced at the place where the elemental was blown up. 

The elemental apparently is not dead yet even after being blown up with the 'slimy stuff', the only thing that changed is that the size of its body had shrunk to the size of ELF Kallen.

So Bronya shot it with her transformed Bunny19C cannon, and the elemental is completely defeated after that.

Meanwhile, Mei and Ayame could fight the lightning elemental with relative ease. Mei, with the help of the 'Lightning' attribute lent to her by Herrscher Mei, couple with Ayame's lightning whip binding the elemental, they successfully defeated it very easily.

Compared to the other 2 groups, who used strange and powerful means. Kouro is fighting relatively normal, he only used his katana and physical strength while spamming [Alloy Boomerang] to overwhelm the elemental while evading its attacks at the same time.

In just under ten minutes, they had quickly finished defeating the three elementals. And right after defeating them, the crystal enveloping Himeko suddenly shone and shattered into pieces, revealing a completely transformed 'Himeko'.

The clothes she was wearing had completely changed, she was now wearing a red dress like a rose with exposed blade shading. She wore a small black hat and black tight stockings.

'Himeko' raised her head and stared at the group, her eyes no longer red and is back to normal, only her eyes were blank and empty as if being controlled by something or someone.

Kouro and the group gathered and observed Himeko.

Especially Kouro, he looked at Himeko with a complicated gaze and muttered, "Blood Rose…"

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