Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chương 195: Sirin’s Resolve (2)

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"But... Mom~ Why is Kouro-sama staying at our place later? After all... Our house is quite small." asked Sirin with an innocent expression.

She implied her mother subtly that Kouro couldn't live in their house.

"What are you saying, Sirin? Although our house is quite small but accommodating one more person is no problem." Serina retorted while patting Sirin's head.

Sirin opened her mouth to reply but in the end, she closed her mouth and looked down to let her mother pat her on the head.

'Hmph! I'll let you off this time, Kouro. But I'll make sure to keep an eye on you! If you show any suspicious looks towards my mother, I will definitely make you regret it.' Sirin thought with her eyes shining brightly.

"Oh right. This is your birthday present, dear. " Serina said and fitted her with a light purple hair clip.

Sirin picked up the mirror and took a long look at the hairpin.

"Sorry dear, the gift I gave you must have made you-"

"I like it." Sirin said with a sincere smile.

Any gift given by her mother was a priceless treasure to her even if it was just a cheap hairpin.

"Ah! You really are a little angel." Serina replied while hugging her and stroking her hair.

"Stop~ Mom, you're making me ticklish~" Sirin said but did not stop her mother's actions. How long had it been since she felt this warm embrace?

As she was enjoying her mother's embrace, she then heard Kouro calling her.

"Sirin. " Kouro called out to her.

"Guess what birthday present I got you?" Kouro said while hiding something behind him.

"A super-duper big HOMU doll." Sirin said with a flat expression.

"Hm? How did you know that?" Kouro asked with a surprised expression.

Sirin gave him a blank stare, 'How would I not know, that HOMU doll alone can be seen clearly behind you.'

"You're really have sharp eyes." Kouro praised and handed her a super duper large HOMU doll that was equal to her size.

"Thank you." Sirin said, she certainly wasn't going to refuse the gift.


'This Kouro... Seems a bit stupid.' Sirin thought as she blinked her eyes.

Well, of course she didn't lower her guard, after all it was possible that what Kouro was currently showing was just a facade.

After celebrating Sirin's birthday, they rested for a day before informing the doctor about Serina's recovery.

"After examination, you have indeed recovered from your illness, congratulations, you may go home." The doctor said after checking Serina's health.

Sirin felt a little strange when she saw that the doctor was not surprised by her mother's recovery as if her mother was just suffering from a common illness like the flu or something, but she didn't think much of it as her mind was focused on Kouro.

She was currently glancing at Kouro who was paying for her mother's medical expenses.

"Kouro-kun?! We've already inconvenienced you;  you don't have to pay for it!"

"What are you saying, my duty is to cure you, that means paying for your medical expenses is also my duty."  Kouro said calmly while taking out his credit card. 

'*Rolling eyes*, you're just after my mom.' Sirin thought while looking at Kouro with a wary gaze.

Even so, Kouro really did help them, because from what she remembered, her mother was hospitalized for almost 1 month, the costs incurred to treat her mother must have been expensive for Sirin considering her family was poor.

"Even though you say that..." Serina had an uncomfortable expression, after all Kouro had helped her without asking for anything.

Seeing Serina's expression, Kouro simply sighed before saying, "If you feel uncomfortable, just think of this as my rent."

Serina's expression still looked unconvinced leaving Kouro no other choice but to say, " Huh, Honestly Serina-san, I've already been paid by Sirin, so you don't have to feel worried."

"... Alright." In the end Serina could only nod with a heavy expression, she had such an expression because she didn't know what to give Kouro, after all she didn't have anything valuable.

As if knowing about what she was thinking, Kouro then looked at her before saying seriously, "Serina-san, as I said you don't have to worry about it. Let me say this clearly, you and Sirin are important people to me, so you don't need to feel reluctant."

Serina's cheeks became slightly flushed at Kouro's blunt words.

"Kouro-kun..." she was touched by Kouro's words.

'Kouro is really after my mother!' Sirin thought with certainty after hearing his ambiguous-sounding words.

'This bastard! If it wasn't for mom right now, I would've kicked your ass!' Sirin thought with her fists clenched tightly.

Meanwhile, the doctor who received Kouro's payment was staring at the two of them with an expression like she was constipated.

Sirin and the doctor felt very irritated by Kouro's behavior.


Sirin lived in a remote village in Belarus, and it took them several hours of train travel to get there.

The village where Sirin lived was also quite small for a village, with less than 200 residents.

Sirin walked while holding hands with Serina, she looked around while humming a song.

It had been a long time since she felt a peaceful feeling without any tension, the breeze that brought fresh air and the sound of people greeting each other without any cries of pain and despair felt very foreign to her.

Ever since she was used as a guinea pig in the Lab tower, her memories of what 'happiness' meant were blurred, since the only thing she remembered were the screams of fear of her friends, the death of her best friend, and the pain of being a guinea pig.

Sirin looked down at her hands and thought doubtfully, 'Is this what they call peace? I don't know how to describe it, but... It feels very relieving. '

'Well... I would be calmer if Kouro wasn't here.' Sirin glanced at Kouro who was carrying the suitcase beside her.

She then looked at her mother who looked back at her with a smile.

Sirin also smiled, except that her head was full of complicated thoughts.

'If... Kouro is the one who apparently made this super-real illusion to trick me... Would I be able to destroy this illusion?'

As she thought this, she didn't realize that Kouro was currently looking at her with an unknown gaze.


"We've arrived. " Serina said and stopped in front of a 'simple' house.

Sirin stared at the house before her with a speechless expression, she rubbed her eyes a few times before saying hesitantly.

"This... Is this our house?"

In front of her was a large two-story house with a swimming pool and a fountain.

She quickly turned to look at her mother and asked, "Mom, is this really our house?"

Serina nodded her head as she took out the key, "I know you're disappointed that our house is just a simple house. There's no need to feign ignorance like that, Sirin, since Kouro-kun is with us."

'No, that's not what I meant. What I mean is can a two-story mansion with a swimming pool and fountains really be called 'Simple'?' Sirin thought with a strange expression.

She remembered her house was not like this before.

"It's okay, Serina-san, I don't mind a simple house like this." Kouro said with a calm expression not noticing Sirin's strange expression.

Sirin looked at Kouro and her mother back and forth before thinking in confusion.

'Was my previous understanding of the concept of 'simple' wrong?'


Inside the house, Sirin took off her shoes and looked around while following her mother to the living room with Kouro.

The living room was on the left and was well furnished, there was a soft cream-colored sofa, a TV, a vase with dandelions, a painting and an air conditioner, it was also directly connected to the swimming pool which was separated by a sliding glass window.

Whenever she saw her expensive-looking furniture, Sirin would unconsciously scratch her hair and think, 'Isn't something like this only for the rich? But mom says these are just simple things.'

Sirin sat on the soft sofa and listened to Kouro and her mother talk.

They were actually just exchanging pleasantries although Sirin herself felt uncomfortable seeing Kouro get along with her mother.

'If... Kouro becomes my father? What should I do?' This thought only flashed for a moment before she quickly shook her head.

'Sirin! Don't let yourself be fooled by Kouro! He is a bad person who is after your mother, you must be vigilant!'

"You can stay upstairs Kouro-kun, there's an unused room up there you can use."

"Thank you for accepting my request, Serina-san." Kouro bowed his head slightly to her.

"It's alright." Serina said while waving her hand.


Sirin's stomach suddenly made a rumbling sound making her blush slightly.

"Mom~ I'm hungry."

"Oh, right, we didn't lunch earlier, you guys wait here, I'll cook." Serina said before going to the kitchen room on the right side.

Kouro and Sirin who were left alone then looked at each other.

They looked at each other for a few minutes before Sirin asked first with a serious expression mixed with caution, "What is Kouro-sama's purpose here? Didn't I already pay you?"

Seeing Sirin's expression, Kouro's expression instantly turned calm.

"I know I definitely won't be able to fool you forever."

'I was right! Kouro has a specific motive for following us!'

Kouro then looked right and left before putting on a serious expression and whispering.

"Do you really want to hear it?"

'Judging from his movements, the thing he's hiding must be very important! It's a relief that he doesn't seem to have any inclination to attack me.'

"Yes." Sirin replied.

Kouro motioned for her to come closer before saying with a serious expression.


'Yes! yes! yes!'



"I actually fell in love at first sight with your mom."

Sirin's expression instantly froze for a few seconds before her eyes glared at Kouro.


You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

The possibility she was thinking about was true.

Kouro was indeed after her mother.

But not this possibility she wanted to know. 


"What's wrong, Sirin? I heard your scream." Serina asked worriedly.

"N-nothing mom, I was just surprised by the scary story Kouro-sama told me."

"Oh, I see... That's good, you just made me worry." Serina said after letting out a sigh of relief and returning to the kitchen.

After seeing her mother again, Sirin immediately gave Kouro a sharp look and even a white spear was behind Kouro like an arrow about to be released.

"You're in love with my mother? Are you crazy? My mother is already 30 years old; your age and her age are far apart!"

"Love doesn't look at age." Kouro said with a serious expression and a cool pose.

"Moreover, I like older women!" Kouro pointed at himself with a thumbs up and fiery eye.

Sirin was dumbfounded by how blunt Kouro was, she pointed shakily and wanted to say something, but no words could come out of her mouth.

"Therefore Sirin, I hope you can accept me as your future father." Kouro said in a hushed voice.

"I refuse!" Sirin shouted while shaking her head quickly, but then she paused for a moment before asking doubtfully.

"You want to marry my mother without dating her? Aren't you still too young?"

Hearing her words, Kouro then snorted, "Hmph! You still underestimate my love for Serina-san too much."

He then hit his chest and said seriously, "My love for her is as deep as the ocean and as vast as space! Dating? Hah! My love for her is sincere and serious! That's why I'm sure to marry her!"

"No! I will not accept you as my father!" Sirin shook her head continuously, rejecting Kouro's words.

Seeing her refusal, Kouro thought for a moment before saying, "Then how about we make a bet."


"Yes. Betting whether I can make Serina-san love me or not." Kouro said.

"If I can't make her love me, I'll get out of this house, and I won't go near your mother again."

Sirin thought for a moment before asking with a cautious expression, "Is there a time limit? "

Seeing that Sirin did not immediately reject his bet Kouro immediately smiled confidently and raised his index finger.

"1 Month, my time limit to make Serina love me is 1 month, you are also allowed to interfere my approach to her, of course in a way that does not harm others, yourself, or even Serina-san."

Sirin seemed to have a thoughtful expression before seeing Kouro's hand extended to her.

"How about it, do you agree?" asked Kouro.

Sirin stared at Kouro's hand for a moment before sighing helplessly, "Huh... Even if I reject you, you'll still do it."

After that she then shook Kouro's hand.

"I agree."

"Ara-ara~ Looks like you guys became very close after I left for a while. "

"Kyaa! Mom!" Sirin shouted slightly before turning to look at Serina who was looking at her and Kouro with a happy smile.

"Fufufu~ Come on you guys, let's eat together. "

Sirin looked at her mother who walked into the kitchen before looking at Kouro who followed her mother.

A small smile involuntarily formed on her face.


The days quickly passed.

Three weeks later.

"SIRINNN! COME HERE YOU!!!" Kouro's loud shout could be heard even scaring the birds outside.


Sirin was running while laughing mischievously before looking back at Kouro who ran after her with his face full of scribbles.

Serina who was preparing breakfast just stared at the two of them while shaking her head.

This was not the first time the two of them had chased each other like that. A week ago, Kouro was also chased by Sirin for doing the same thing.

Even so, she felt a little happy after seeing Sirin able to laugh freely like a child in general.

Ever since she got sick, Sirin had always worn a gloomy expression and tried to act calm like an adult.

Now, with Kouro's arrival, she could return to being a normal child.

Sirin was dodging Kouro who wanted to catch her skillfully, but in the end no matter how much she dodged, she still ended up getting caught.

Kouro who caught Sirin then tickled her, making Sirin laugh out loud and shed a few tears.

"No! Hahahah~ Stop! I give up! I give up! Hahahah~"

"You two! Breakfast is ready!"

Hearing that, Kouro stopped tickling Sirin, he looked at Sirin who was lying on the floor with a slight giggle before saying, "You go first, I want to wash my face. "

After saying that, he went to the bathroom.

Sirin who was giggling on the floor stood up, her expression seemed to change to calm mixed with hidden worry as she looked at Kouro's back before going to the kitchen.


Sirin sat on the dining chair, she was staring at the many dishes of food despite the fact that she was thinking.

"Sirin, where is Kouro?" Serina asked while sitting on the chair.

"He's in the bathroom, washing his face." Right after saying that, Kouro's voice sounded nearby.

"I'm back, wow! The breakfast looks delicious." Kouro who had washed his face and become handsome again then sat down next to Serina.

Serina welcomed Kouro's arrival before her expression changed slightly as he looked at Kouro's face.

"Kouro, why is your face hurt? "

She then stood up and approached Kouro before touching his face or rather his cheek.

Sirin who saw this just put on a normal expression.

As you can see Kouro had won his bet.

He was going to marry her mother next month.

Sirin never expected how quickly her mother would fall in love with Kouro.

She remembered a few days ago when Kouro proposed to her mother.


Kouro with a serious expression looked at Serina before him who looked at him in confusion as to why he was wearing a formal black suit before bending his knees and taking out a box and opening it to reveal a ring encrusted with red diamonds.

"Serina, will you be my companion through thick and thin forever? "

"K-k-k-Kouro-kun! You're kidding right? To propose to an old woman like me..." Serina first blushed like a tomato before muttering sadly.

"Serina! Do I look like I'm joking? I love you for who you are and right now I'm serious about proposing to you."

"So Serina... Do you accept?" Kouro asked nervously.

Serina visibly trembled before tears escaped from her eyes and finally said in a trembling voice, "Yes! Yes I accept it!"

(E/D: *Takes out popcorn* It's time for some soap... and Indian TV dramas.)


Sirin stared at the scar on Kouro's cheek that looked severe with a pensive expression, she knew more than others that the wound came from a sharp object, her white spear.

But... Sirin remembered, although she was sometimes annoyed by Kouro's actions, she did not go as far as to attack him with her white spear.

Moreover, Kouro who possessed the power of the Gem of Serenity was strangely unable to remove the scar on his cheek...

She wasn't sure where the scar came from, but she knew that every week at midnight, Kouro would go out of the house and return 2 hours later.

Every time he returned, he seemed to have an exhausted expression. Sirin was curious about what Kouro was dealing with and perhaps... It was related to this super-real illusion.

After being with Kouro for these few weeks, she hated to admit it but... She was starting to like Kouro now.

Therefore, she had decided to follow Kouro secretly.



Sirin who was pretending to be asleep heard the sound of soft footsteps approaching the door of her room before the door opened slightly for a moment and closed again.

Sirin then opened her eyes and stood up from her bed with a serious expression.

She glanced at her window to see Kouro with an 'Edge of Abyss' katana in his hand and was running towards a certain direction.

Sirin opened her bedroom window before levitating and following Kouro.


One hour later.

The moonlight revealed Kouro sitting in the middle of the forest panting, his body riddled with sharp wounds.

He looked down at 'Sirin' who was lying stiffly on the ground not far from him, her chest looked to have been stabbed and her neck had even been slashed.

'Sirin''s body slowly turned into dust.

"Damn it... Hah... Hah... They acted faster than I expected..."

He rested for a moment before suddenly hearing the sound of a twig snapping from behind, he immediately looked back.

Sirin with a serious expression mixed with alarm stood before him, dozens of white spears appeared above Sirin's head and pointed towards him.

"Who are you?"

(A/D: Your future Father XD) 

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