Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chương 203: Savior of Light (2)

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Kouro's punch that destroys space was not affected by distance because 'space' had been destroyed.



The supersonic impact of Kouro's blow shook space, no, the earth shook violently as if it was experiencing an earthquake, huge endless cracks like the 'San Andreas' fault appeared in various corners of the earth due to the vibrations delivered by his blow.

With such power the Herrscher of the End should definitely not have survived the blow, but...

Kouro's expression looked ugly, he stared ahead where thick dust was flying before a strong wind blew in exposing the Herrscher of the End who was sweating coldly, but even so there were no wounds at all on her body.

"Hmm... You do deserve to be called the Herrscher of the End... You transferred the impact of my attack." Kouro said calmly.

The Herrscher of the End flew away but kept a vigilant stance, never taking her eyes off Kouro with a serious expression.

As Kouro said, she slowed down time and created a portal to change the direction of Kouro's punch and he hit himself.

But it backfired because even as she slowed down time, Kouro had a very fast reaction time that could even keep up with her movements as she sped up time herself.

She was only able to transfer half the impact of Kouro's punch to another dimension using [Space] authority before experiencing half the impact of Kouro's punch herself.

Fortunately she had accelerated her time so her Honkai energy recovery had also been accelerated, in just a few seconds her lost Honkai energy was instantly replenished.

The impact of Kouro's punch reduced the durability of her energy shield by 30% and that was after she reduced the impact of the punch which was then quickly replenished.

But from this blow, the Herrscher of the End realized something.

"You... You're holding back, aren't you?" she said in a guessing tone.

Kouro rubbed his wrist without saying anything as if confirming his words.

"Hmph! I was right, it seems that your physical enhancement is too high to the point that it can destroy this planet easily. But, you're having trouble controlling it."

Although the Herrscher of the End said in a high tone, the cold sweat on her body did not disappear.


"With just the impact of his punch, he can create an earthquake that nearly destroys the planet?" Siegfried said in a surprised tone.

This is not surprising, after all it completely defies common sense, just with physical strength you can destroy a planet?

What are you? A monster!?

Mobius only raised her eyebrows when she heard the Herrscher of the End's words, she wasn't too surprised because there were some MANTIS who could produce the same results, the basic example was Kevin in the special form [Honkai Active Reactions].

Even so...

Kouro did not use all his power.

Sirin who was watching the screen interface seemed to have a strange expression, she raised her head hearing the voice of 'God' in her mind.

The 'God' said that Kouro had become very, very strong to the point that her blessings were useless to him so she returned to herself.

To think a 'God' said that to him, how strong was Kouro really now?

But even so, this might just be her feeling but she felt that the 'God'... was afraid of Kouro?


"Hmph! Even if you can keep up with me in terms of speed, in the end you can't move faster than 'time'." The Herrscher of the End said before appearing in front of him and attacking him.

Kouro did not dodge her attack but instead responded with his fist, but the Herrscher of the End quickly dodged his attack and attacked him again.

Kouro also did the same but it was useless, no matter how strong his punch was, as long as it didn't hit the Herrscher of the End it was a wasted attack.

What Herrscher of the End said was true, although he was fast, he could not be faster than 'Time' unless he had the speed of light.

Following the theory of relativity, if he had the speed of light, then time would 'slow down' which is referred to as 'time dilation'.

Well... But is it possible for a living being to move at the speed of light?

The Herrscher of the End might be able to do so because she has the authority of [Time].

As for Kouro himself, who was a human, the answer was...


He is able to move at a speed equivalent to light.

There wass a reason why Kouro dared to face the Herrscher of the End one on one.

That's because of Herrscher of Salvation's unique ability [Savior of Light].

This ability allows the user to temporarily get an increase in all his statuses according to the person he wants to save and give hope to him.

That means if he wants to save 1 person and that person gives him hope, all his stats will temporarily increase by 1 point.

Now imagine the increase Kouro gets from 70% of the earth's population watching his and the Herrscher of the End's fight, if for example the earth's population was 6 billion and then subtract 30%...

That means all of Kouro's statues have entered the 9 digits now.... Not only that there was a 50-fold increase when he turned into the Herrscher of Salvation...

Even Kouro could be sure that Kevin didn't have as much physical strength as he did.

That was because no matter how many times the body was strengthened, whether it was genetically modified and so on, the human body had a limit.

If there was someone who had the same physical strength as Kouro, their body would have already exploded because it was unable to withstand the pressure of their strength.

But that was different with Kouro, as he had a system that allowed him to be able to strengthen himself indefinitely.

That meant that no matter how high Kouro's strength increased, he wouldn't explode because his body had the potential to expand infinitely.

And also the reason why Kouro's body doesn't expand is because of the resonance obtained by the balance of the core of the Herrscher of Shadows, the Herrscher of Human: Ego and the core fragments of the Herrscher of the End.

Kouro also did not summon Ji Xuanyuan and her alter because their bodies would likely not be able to withstand his physical strength.

Then the reason he held back was to avoid accidentally destroying planet earth.

After all, with his current strength, he can easily control thousands of planets using [Dominator's Touch], and he can even make planets into Lato-lato toys if he wanted to.

Kouro and the Herrscher of the End fought each other at high speed, as they moved to and from various countries and places only revealing yellow-gold and silver-black rays of light due to their speed.

Every time they pass by, natural disasters were also created as a result of their battles such as earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanoes erupting and so on.

If it weren’t for Kouro's staff emitting a green aura to reduce the damage done by the two of them fighting, planet earth would have been destroyed long ago.


"He... Is he really human?" muttered Tesla with a dumbfounded expression seeing Kouro who could keep up with the speed of the Herrscher of the End.

"They move at near-light speed, to think I could see a living being that could move that fast..." Einstein muttered while rubbing her chin.

Her grandfather, Albert Einstein, had once coined the 'Theory of Relativity' whose formula she later perfected, she didn't know whether to feel sad or happy now to see that her grandfather's theory that she perfected turned out to be correct.

"But... If they continue like this, planet earth will definitely be destroyed." muttered Sagaki, not far from them.


In the battle between the two of them, Kouro currently had the upper hand although it could not yet be declared who would win because the Herrscher of the End was always able to barely dodge all of his attacks.

'If it continues like this, the earth will be destroyed! I have to take her into my [Imaginary Space] immediately!’ Thinking like this, Kouro narrowed his eyes before letting Herrscher of the End's attack hit him.


Right after that he grabbed the Herrscher of the End's hand and shattered the energy shield before flanking her waist with his legs.

"You! What are you doing!?" The Herrscher of the End shouted, trying to escape from Kouro by punching him.

Kouro blocked Herrscher of the End's punch before activating his [Imaginary Space].

Both of their bodies seemed to be sucked into something before quickly disappearing.

The floating European continent then slowly began to fall.

Sirin who saw this immediately exited her [Imaginary Space] before using her [Space] authority and creating a portal letting the European Continent be sucked inside.

She was sweating profusely from maintaining her focus, Sirin then wiped the sweat off her forehead before creating a portal taking out Mobius and the others.

"Alright... With this, we just need to wait for Kouro." Sirin said before opening her palm to reveal a screen that was a reflection of the reality where Kouro and the Herrscher of the End were.

She was able to create this because of the help of the 'God'.

Mobius and the others stared at the screen attentively, Vill-V also connected the screen using Mobius' watch camera into the Ark.


You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

Kouro [Imaginary Space] turned out to be an endless space with countless shining stars.

If not for the fact that there were no planets here, the Herrscher of the End would have thought that they had teleported into space.


The Herrscher of the End punched Kouro in the face several times before finally letting go and teleporting away by holding her body.

"You pervert! To think you touched my body parts indecently!" she shouted at Kouro with a look of shame mixed with anger.

KOURO alone while fighting against her did not do anything indecent to her.

Inevitably, Kouro flanked the Herrscher of the End's waist with both legs tightly, not only that Kouro also hugged her from the front in an ambiguous position before forcibly opening [Imaginary Space].

Kouro rubbed his face speechlessly, although his face was not injured, but he could feel the pain.

'Is this what Emotional Damage is...'

Even the strongest body would not survive 'Emotional damage'.

Kouro then sighed helplessly before assuming a fighting stance.

"Well... About that I apologize. Well, as compensation for my apology, I'll let you hit me 3 times. I won't dodge." Kouro said calmly while raising his three fingers.

The Herrscher of the End's expression faltered slightly, she gave Kouro a long strange look before asking.

"... You're serious?"

"I will not take back my words." Kouro said with folded hands.

"Well..." The Herrscher of the End did not know how Kouro could be confident like that.

'Is he stupid? No, actually I already know the reason, but I don't want to admit it...!'

Kouro, he is confident in himself or rather his current strength that he has! He believes that her attack on him would not have the slightest effect!

Sensing Kouro's confidence, the Herrscher of the End gritted her teeth.

"Hmph, you arrogant bastard! Die for your own foolishness!"

The Herrscher of the End was enveloped by terrifying energy and controlled it into her palm before aiming it at Kouro and shooting out a gigantic green-colored radiant light that almost glowed like the sun in space!

[Gamma Ray Burst!]

As the name suggests, [Gamma Ray Burst] is an explosion that occurs at the end of a giant star's life. It is the largest and most powerful explosion ever recorded in the Universe.


Kouro was heavily hit by the attack and was swallowed up by the green light that emitted high levels of cosmic radiation.


"This... This explosion is hundreds of times more powerful than Hypernova!" muttered Mobius looking at the Herrscher of the End's attack.

"Kouro?!" Sirin shouted with a worried expression as she saw him get hit.


Small stars were seen disappearing into the darkness after being hit by Herrscher of the End's attack.

"Did I succeed?" She muttered.

To be able to make a Herrscher raise a flag...

Kouro was indeed extraordinary.

The Herrscher of the End's eyes contracted at the sight of Kouro in front of her who had no wounds at all, he even had time to yawn.

"Hoam... Is this all you have? You have two more chances."

(E/D: At this point, I think of Kouro as Sukuna.)

The Herrscher of the End subconsciously gritted her teeth, she was really surprised Kouro could take her attack without being injured at all.

'Alright... I admit it. You are the second strongest opponent after KOURO, therefore I will be serious!'

The Herrscher of the End opened her hands creating opposing cosmic energies from both of her hands before closing her hands together to combine the energies.

"Mhn?" Kouro seemed to have a slightly serious expression towards the Herrscher of the End's attack.

"What is she doing?" asked Siegfried looking at Herrscher of the End's actions.

"... She is compressing cosmic energy and Honkai energy together into a point... Don't tell me!" Mobius said with a serious expression.

"Feel this!" Herrscher of the End then extended her hand towards Kouro before opening it creating an explosion that illuminated the universe.

[Big Bang Bomb!]

The Herrscher of the End created a Big Bang explosion and aimed it straight at Kouro.


The explosion literally set the [Imaginary Space] universe on fire.

"Haah... Haah... Haah..." Herrscher of the End panted before speeding up her time to recover his stamina and Honkai energy.

'I'm sure with that level of explosion he will definitely die!'

But just as she was thinking that.

"Hmm... Not bad, but not enough. You have one last chance." Kouro said with his body having a few scratches before quickly healing.

'No way!' thought Herrscher of the End with her body trembling, seeing that Kouro was still fine after being hit by the [Big Bang Bomb] whose explosion was hundreds of times stronger than an ordinary Big Bang.

The Herrscher of the End for the first time thought about running away but that was immediately noticed by Kouro.

Kouro with a cold expression then raised his fist and said in a calm tone.

"You'd better stop that silly thought of yours and attack me with your fist. Are you really the Herrscher of the End who is called the bringer of doom?"

His words put tremendous pressure on the Herrscher of the End, this was really the first time she had met someone like Kouro.

KOURO alone when fighting her did not use his physical abilities but his supernatural abilities...

But even so, she had an intuition that KOURO was stronger than the Kouro in front of her.

She did not know where this intuition came from, but what was certain now was that she had to bring out all her strength!

The Herrscher of the End took a deep breath before exhaling, not caring that she was currently breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Fine. I will attack you with all my strength."

The Herrscher of the End then flew towards Kouro slowly before grabbing his shoulder.

Kouro raised his eyebrows at this time against her actions.


"What is she doing?" asked Sirin.

Welt who saw his actions instantly changed his expression, "She wants to blow up her Herrscher core!"

"What?! Isn't doing that very dangerous?" said Ashborn.

“She seems to have no other choice but to attack Kouro with that." said Mobius.


According to what Welt said, the Herrscher of the End was indeed planning to explode her Herrscher core which had almost unlimited energy.

If she detonated the Herrscher core... Who knows how big and powerful the explosion would be.

This action was indeed very risky because the user must have a high focus to flow the core in reverse and this technique had a high probability of killing the user before it could detonate itself.

Fortunately because of the promise Kouro himself made, he would neither move nor attack her.

"I'll make sure you regret your words, Kouro!" said the Herrscher of the End as her body began to have reddish-purple streaks and spread to Kouro's body as well.


Kouro's pupils shrank slightly.


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