Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chương 210: Like Father like Son

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On a night filled with starlight, there was a large, luxurious mansion with a light brighter than the stars in the sky.

There were so many people that it almost filled the highway because of the queue of various people in formal attire who wanted to enter the mansion.

To celebrate the victory of mankind, Welt with the cooperation of Schicksal and World Serpent did not hesitate to invite anyone regardless of caste, race, occupation, and so on.

As long as they are dressed decently, neatly and do not disturb the comfort and safety of other guests, even a beggar is allowed to enter.

Of course, thanks to Welt's invitation, people from all over the world flocked to the celebration, so many people, the government, Schicksal, Anti-Entropy and even some local residents had to discipline traffic because of the crowds.

The purpose of these people is actually only one, to meet directly with the guest of honor of the celebration.

The savior of the world, [Savior of Light], Hanagami Kouro.

By the way, Kouro did not say his last name so only World Serpent, Higokumaru and Sakura knew who he really was.

Sagaki was a little suspicious but only vaguely, because Kouro's hair and eyes were different from his child Kouro.

Inside the mansion, it seemed that the furniture was really complete and luxurious and there was even a very large assortment of food and drinks with a variety of choices and accompanied by soothing music.

There were also various people in various kinds of formal attire according to their respective countries and cultures.

Officials, presidents, businessmen, lawyers, the unemployed, beggars, and various groups were in the room talking to each other without regard to differences.

After seeing how the earth was about to be destroyed in front of their eyes and being saved by Kouro, Welt, Ashborn and others.

They were here purely to thank Kouro and the others.

After all, without them, the human race would have been destroyed.

 Welt who was wearing a formal light brown suit and was currently looking at his watch with a slightly worried expression.

"Just a few minutes left, they won't be late, right?" he muttered to himself.

As he muttered this.

In came Tesla who was wearing a red One Shoulder Dress with a slight sheen and red high heels, she also took off her glasses and used eye lenses instead, her red hair which was originally twintails style turned into a straight hairstyle.

The vibe she exuded was completely different from before, at first glance she looked like a graceful and elegant woman who could capture the hearts of many men with just a glance.

"Why are you so worried?" said Tesla with folded hands.

"Yes, why are you so worried? Sirin's with him, he can't be late and can teleport directly here." Einstein said as she approached them.

Einstein was currently wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt with a black vest and shorts, her hairstyle was not much different from before except it looked cleaner and smelled better.

(E/D: Readers can you do a sniff check. I got a cold so I can't smell.)

"Well... You're right, I'm probably too nervous." Welt said as he looked at some of the guests present that some he recognized such as, Otto with Theresa and Fu Hua, Ryouma with his wife and daughter.

Then there were also Sagaki and Siegfried, the two of them also brought their wives and children, there were also members of the World Serpent Members such as Aponia, Mobius, and Griseo, finally there were Higokumaru and also Sakura.

It was a bit strange to see Sakura and SAKURA as they had a similar appearance, moreover Rin and Higokumaru also had the same appearance.

It was like looking at a mirror, fortunately people were only slightly interested and didn't think much of it, they just thought that Sakura and Higokumaru had twin sisters.

For the people Welt didn't know there were Cocolia, Bronya's family, Ayame's family, Rita's family, Susannah's family, and some Schicksal Valkyries.

"Mom, mom, I want that..." said little Kouro who was holding hands with his mother, he pointed to a piece of cake that looked very delicious.

"Okay, I'll get it for you. But you're not going anywhere, okay? Just sit here." said Luna before going to get the piece of cake.

Little Kouro nodded his head with an innocent expression and sat on the bench with his legs moving up and down kicking.

After waiting for a few minutes, he was confused as to why his mother hadn't come yet so he turned his head to look at his mother only to see his mother chatting with a group of ladies.

It looked like they were gossiping, and usually according to the law of the universe a woman gossips for a very long time.

He pouted slightly and turned to look at his father who was also apparently gathering with the men which finally made him sigh helplessly.

"Hey, can I sit here?" someone's voice sounded from beside him making him spontaneously turn his head only to see a girl with green hair and green eyes talking to him.

"Sure." Little Kouro nodded his head, after all the seats nearby were empty.

The little girl then sat beside him while eating candy, looking at little Kouro who sat silently without saying anything, she then reached into her small pocket revealing some candy and showed it to little Kouro.

"Want some?"

Staring at the candies, little Kouro took one and unwrapped it before eating it.

"These are delicious, thank you." praised little Kouro with a slight smile

The little girl smiled happily creating dimples and laughed at his praise.

"Hehehe~ I'm Ayame by the way, what's your name?"

"Kouro, Hanagami Kouro." replied little Kouro.

After being introduced, probably because there were no other children around, the two of them then talked to each other or rather Kouro listened to Ayame's stories and often asked questions.

After all he had been in the hospital for more than a year, it could be said that the first thing he remembered was the ceiling of the hospital. So after recovering from his chronic illness, this was his first time going out and seeing the world.

As they got closer, two girls then approached them with curious expressions.

"Hey~ What are you guys talking about? Can I come along?" said a girl with white hair and blue eyes with a childish smile.

"What did she say, Kouro-chan? " asked Ayame in confusion, after all the language the girl spoke was different from the two of them who were using Japanese.

Little Kouro was strangely able to understand what the white-haired girl was saying and opened his mouth to say something before being interrupted by the other girl next to the white-haired girl.

"... She said if she could come with you guys..." said the little girl who had long black hair and black eyes.

Little Kouro and Ayame blinked and looked at each other and nodded their heads.

Ayame took out the remaining candies and showed them both with a smile.

"Do you want some? I'm Ayame by the way and he is Kouro. " she said.

The two girls looked at each other before taking the candy and not forgetting to say thank you and tell them their names.

"Thank you, my name is Raiden Mei, but you can call me Mei instead." said the dark-haired girl who was one year older than them.

"Thank you, I'm Kiana, hello there!" said the white-haired girl while eating a candy.

Little Kouro then translated Kiana's words to Ayame leaving her amazed and staring at him speechlessly.

"Kouro-chan, amazing! You can understand what she's saying?"

"Well... Yeah."

The four of them would talk to each other and tell stories, mostly Ayame telling stories while Kiana would always ask questions curiously making little Kouro the translator as Mei didn't really understand foreign languages.

As they talked about their past, the three little girls felt pity and sadness for little Kouro's experience.

But at the same time, their relationship grew.

As time passed, there would be children who would come to them out of curiosity and over time the original four had become nine now.

The five who came were Rita, Susannah, Alvitr, Lin, and Griseo, the oldest being Griseo who was decades older than little Kouro.

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

Of course all the children were girls, only Kouro himself was a boy.

Otto, who saw this turned to look at his favorite granddaughter while smiling and joking, "You're not coming to hang out with them, Theresa?"

"Huh?!" Theresa's eyebrows twitched slightly and replied, "Grandpa, even though I look 12 years old, I'm twenty years older than them.

"Really?" muttered Otto while drinking a glass of wine looking at Griseo.


Siegfried, who was chatting with Ryouma and Sagaki, unconsciously turned his head to look at little Kouro and almost spit out his drink.

"Hey, Sagaki look, your son is already building a harem at such a young age." he said jokingly, but when he saw that Kiana was also there, his eyes bulged and instantly his expression changed to wanting to run over to them only to be held back by Sagaki.

"Damn it! Step over my corpse first if you want to get my little princess!" Siegfried shouted angrily and tried to break away.

"Calm down, Siegfried, calm down! You will only bring shame to your wife and your daughter." Sagaki said persuasively.

Fortunately it seemed like his persuasive words worked and made Siegfried calm down.

"Oi, Ryouma don't you feel alert? Your daughter is there too?" Siegfried asked.

"What's the need for caution? He's just a child who doesn't really know the difference between a man and a woman. Right, Sagaki?" replied Ryouma with a calm expression.

Sagaki nodded his head.

"Right, what do you expect from a child anyway? What's more they also seem to be having fun." he said looking at little Kouro who was sitting in the center surrounded by little girls with a calm expression.

Staring at little Kouro, Ryouma was then seen saying with a doubtful expression, "It seems like that your son has a 'dense' personality?"

As he said that, a short-haired girl approached them or rather towards Sagaki.

"Hi, long time no see, Sagaki, do you still remember me?"

Sagaki looked at the girl who was about a few years younger than him before guessing doubtfully.


"Thankfully, you still remember me." Ragna said with a sigh of relief.

"Of course, you were one of my juniors who helped me back then."

Sagaki looked at the clothes Ragna was wearing, noticing his gaze Ragna played with her hair a little embarrassed and muttered.

"I do look strange, don't I? I don't seem to fit into this outfit."

Ragna was currently wearing a dress similar to the one worn by Maids in black and white except that her smooth white collarbone was visible.

"No, you look really good in that, you look really charming." Sagaki said bluntly with a calm expression.

Ragna lowered her head with her ears reddened at his words and muttered under her breath.

"Thank you..."

"Hm? What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly." Sagaki said and approached her, but Ragna took one step back each time Sagaki took a step forward.

In the end, Ragna ran away without saying goodbye to Sagaki with a flushed face.

Sagaki blinked in confusion at Ragna's sudden escape.

Siegfried and Ryouma, who saw this, looked at each other and whispered.

 "Oi, Ryouma."


"Sagaki, that guy... I seem to understand why his son has a 'Dense' personality."

'The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree', was a fitting metaphor for little Kouro and Sagaki.

"Like Father, like Son." Sagaki muttered with a slightly jealous expression.


Cocolia, who was wearing a green dress that exposed her collarbone and black high heels, looked at them all with her eyebrows slightly raised and shook the glass in her hand filled with red wine.

"I can't believe it... Those people would hold this event a week after the catastrophe... Don't they think of the people who have died?" She muttered softly.

She glanced at the reporters not far from them, although they were not doing anything disruptive, she felt that the people who were watching might be feeling hurt.

Not that she blamed Kouro and the others, she knew very well this celebration was organized to celebrate the victory of humanity.

But people who might have lost friends and family to the Herrscher of the End's radiation attack and not only that, their possessions might have also been destroyed leaving them destitute as well as drowning in the sorrow of losing someone dear.

Perhaps when Kouro came here, those who had lost everything would likely vent their emotions on him, despite knowing that he was someone who had resolved the earth from catastrophe.

'What are you going to do, oh, [Savior of Light]?' thought Cocolia with a calm expression drinking the red wine slowly.

Some people like Otto, Einstein, Welt, Mobius, and Sagaki, also thought the same thing as Cocolia.

After all, the death of 30% of the world's population scattered around the world was no joke, it broke a little bit of the world order and the world economic chain.

They also wondered a little if Kouro had realized this.

At this time, Welt, who was looking at his watch, suddenly turned to the side where Sirin and Bella appeared from the teleportation portal.

"Huh? Just the two of you? Where's Kouro, is he here yet?" he asked in confusion.

Sirin patted her clothes slightly before clearing her throat and saying to him, "He's already here but in front of the entrance, Kouro said he wanted to make a 'Grand Entrance'."


A few sharp-eared people raised their heads and turned to stare at the entrance. They faintly heard the sound of music mixed with the sound of drums.

And they were indeed not wrong.

[~Insert Kizuna Ai - Grand Entrance]

The sound became clearer before the door opened to reveal Kouro who walked in with a calm and stylish expression.

The reporters who saw this were slightly dumbfounded and froze in place, fortunately the cameramen did not waste the golden opportunity and filmed Kouro.

Kouro then stopped and adjusted the hem of his shirt then turned to look at Welt with a calm expression, "Mr. Welt, is there any unused space? I'd like to do a press conference."

"Huh?" Welt said a little dazed by Kouro's sudden request, but he quickly nodded his head.

Otto and the others looked at him with interested gazes.

Welt then invited Kouro to follow him.

Kouro then turned to look at the reporters and cameramen who were staring at him in a daze before saying to them in a clear voice, "Aren't you here because you want to ask me something? So let's leave."

The tone that Kouro used even though it seemed calm there was a dominance in it making the people who heard him subconsciously follow what he said.

The current Kouro really looked like a leading cold CEO in a fictional romance novel.

Except that there was the addition of the harem genre.

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