Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chương 221: Second Key (3)

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In the late afternoon.

Durandal stared at a truck bearing the Moth symbol that was already driving away with a dark expression.

It was night, almost midnight.

She walked towards her apartment with her head bowed without showing her expression, when she got to her apartment she went straight to the bathroom.

Durandal turned on the sink before suddenly hitting the mirror in front of her until it cracked into pieces.


She didn't care if her hands were bleeding, her tears just pooled in her eyes and fell down into the sink.

"Damn it! She was only 10 years old... She was only 10 years old! Why can't I save a single person in these 2 years?!"

Durandal let out the thoughts that were in her heart, the failure to save Anne's life had broken her heart.

She then took a shower hoping it would clear her mind a bit.

Almost an hour later.

Coming out of the bathroom, she wiped her wet hair using a towel before putting her clothes back on, she then accidentally looked at the book on the table where she had previously fallen asleep.

Durandal's empty eyes gained a little light and immediately patted her cheeks hard with both hands.

"I have to stop being sad! It's time to get excited! I have to continue my studies. I hope there's something useful I can learn after I examined the corpse this evening."

Her cell phone which was on the table suddenly vibrated showing that doctor Ragna had called her, Durandal then immediately picked it up.


"[Director Ragna, what's wrong?]"

"Sorry to disturb your sleep, Bianca." said Ragna, who was currently leaning against the wall of the hospital corridor.

"[Oh, it's okay, I haven't slept yet.]"

Hearing Durandal's slightly excited voice, Ragna smiled slightly, she was previously worried that Anne's death would disturb Durandal's mind, but it seemed that her worries were in vain.

"I feel like you're still there studying Honkai's disease, right? I don't want to scold you, Bianca. But that youth won't last long. So try to get some sleep, you hear?"

"I know today was a difficult day for you, but listen to my advice once in a while, okay?" she continued in admonishing Durandal.

Durandal smiled slightly and her heart felt a little warm at Ragna's words.

"[Alright, Director Ragna, thanks for the advice.]"

"... There's one more thing, Bianca. "

"[Go ahead, I'm all ears.]"


Ragna suddenly stopped talking, making Durandal feel a little strange, "[Director Ragna? Hello, are you still there? I'm still listening, do you have anything to say?"]

"...No, I just... Keep working hard until you feel better, Bianca." Ragna said after a moment of silence, as purple lines had appeared on her wrist.

"[Thank you, I feel fine now, director Ragna. I'll close, take care]."

Ragna lowered her cell phone and sighed helplessly with a complicated expression.

"And here I thought you were going to tell your protégé to stop learning Honkai. Why did you change your mind? "

Someone's voice sounded followed by footsteps walking toward her.

Ragna raised her head to stare at the blond man with green eyes in front of her. The man also looked deformed with only a right hand.

That man was Otto Apocalypse.

Otto then continued, "And why didn't you tell her?"

Ragna with a calm expression then replied, "You will know if you meet her in person. She is not the type to give up easily. Now tell me, Professor..."

"How much time do I have?"

"6 hours, Ragna." Otto replied.

"Sorry, my friend... From what I can see of your hands... Honkai radiation will infect your organ systems within 6 hours."

Ragna's expression looked desperate, she closed her eyes for a moment before sighing and opening her eyes again.

"... One last request, Professor. Please, I hope you can take care of Bianca for me."


The next day, in the morning.

"Huh?! What's going on?" Dr. Durandal stared at the hospital where she worked that was covered in police lines in confusion.

"This place has been sealed, Dr. Bianca. We Moths have closed this hospital to prevent the Honkai outbreak. But don't worry, all the patients in this hospital have been transferred to our headquarters for further treatment." Paul Long said as he walked over to her.

"This is too sudden, I'll call Director Ragna." Durandal said and tried to call her, but-

"[The number you have dialed is not available.]"

(E/D: Everytime I call a girl. I hear its voice.)

Durandal's expression was puzzled when she heard this, Ragna never didn't pick up her phone especially if she was the student calling.

As Durandal was deep in thought, she suddenly heard the voice of someone she didn't recognize.

"Excuse me... Are you Dr. Bianca?"

Durandal raised her head looking at Otto who was currently walking towards her, "Who are you?"

"My name is Otto Apocalypse of Moth. Director Ragna is an old friend of mine. I can take you to her."

Durandal's eyebrows raised slightly, "I didn't know that Director Ragna had a friend from Moth."

Otto just laughed and said as he opened the police line, "Hahaha, looks like she never told you about me. Come in, don't keep her waiting. "


Inside the hospital.

As the two of them walked in the deserted corridor, Otto suddenly opened her mouth and said.

"Dr. Bianca, I heard that you studied Honkai's disease alone to develop a treatment that can reduce the symptoms of the disease in that girl, what's her name? Oh, right, Anne. "

"What an accomplishment... Even for me." Otto continued.

Durandal's expression did not change once hearing Otto's praise.

"That's not an achievement. The treatment only slowed down the symptoms of the disease but did not treat it. I failed. None of my 52 patients recovered from Honkai's disease."

Durandal's expression was a little sad as she said this, she remembered the faces of her patients and Anne... was the patient who was most imprinted in her memory.

Otto glanced at her and said, "You're too hard on yourself, Bianca. You've actually done something extraordinary. Even the Moth itself took 5 years and we haven't found a cure."

"But we found the cause of this disease." Otto continued while entering a password to open a door.

"Really?!" Durandal shouted with her eyes wide open.

"Yes. The main cause of this disease is a pathogen. Which are usually bacteria or viruses. We can minimize the spread by avoiding direct contact or using safety equipment such as gloves or masks. "

Otto then turned to look at her with a calm expression.

"There was a time when we believed that a plague of any magnitude could be contained by modern science. But this disease teaches us that we have been blinded by hubris and arrogance."

The iron door before them both then opened.

Durandal looked at the door strangely as it required a special password. But her expression instantly changed as she knew the reason why the door required a password.

"... Director Ragna? Why is this happening?" Durandal muttered with a blank expression.

She saw that inside the room was Ragna lying stiffly on a patient bed with her body full of purple stripes, she was also isolated using glass that covered her body and bed.

Otto behind her was seen looking at his watch before saying, "Cause of death: Medical complications due to the last phase of Honkai disease, time of death 4 o'clock this morning. The patient died while being fully cared for and protected by multiple protections. This proves that the "pathogen" of Honkai disease is neither a bacteria nor a virus."

"But we can recognize it from an etiology: A form of radiation called "Honkai". Being exposed to Honkai radiation is enough to get the disease. And Director Ragna has treated 500 patients in 5 years."

Otto turned to stare at Ragna's corpse that seemed to be fast asleep with an unknown expression, he took out an iron bottle filled with alcohol before saying.

"Even the latest PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) cannot overcome Honkai. If the patient has a lethal dose of Honkai, the patient's chance of dying is 99.5%. Extreme measures such as cutting off tissues, organs or limbs infected with Honkai radiation might save the patient. "

He then shook the bottle gently and muttered, "Although I know of one person who is immune to the disease... No, to Honkai. "

A white-haired man with violet eyes flashed through his mind before he shook his head.

That man, although immune to Honkai, brought bad luck and was a little crazy.

It was a pity that his mutterings were not heard by Durandal.

Otto then cleared his throat and approached Durandal, "Nonetheless, I have good news for you, Dr. Bianca. Starting today, all Honkai patients will be handled by Moth. You won't have to deal with them anymore. You'll be safe."

Durandal looked bent at the knees staring at Ragna with an unknown expression even though there were teardrops on the floor, but when she heard Otto's words, she wiped her eyes and stood up.

"Mr. Otto, let me join Moth."

Durandal looked at Otto with a determined expression.

"I'll do whatever it takes to defeat Honkai!"

Hearing her words, Otto rubbed his forehead with a helpless expression before saying.

"You're making my position even more difficult, Dr. Bianca. I have no other choice but to reject you."

Otto looked at Durandal coldly, "Your medical skills are useless to help Moth. We are the Moths who pursue fire, the guardians of the Elite for mankind. We have no place for a commoner like you."


"Dr. Bianca has gone home, Professor Otto." Paul Long said.

He then looked at him for a moment before asking, "Why did you refuse her, Professor Otto? She has the best medical expertise in this hospital, and-"

His words were immediately interrupted by Otto, "Thank you for the explanation, Paul Long. Shut up and keep that opinion to yourself. "

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

After that, he then drank alcohol from the iron bottle he had shown earlier.

'You're absolutely right, old friend.'

"Meeting the girl in person is your best form of argument. She is indeed not the type to give up easily."

Paul, who saw Otto drinking alcohol then cleared his throat and said, "Ahem. Prof. Otto, didn't you say you weren't going to drink anymore?"

"Shut your mouth, Paul."


"Otto Apocalypse, leader of Schicksal... So this is what Bianca thinks of you." Su muttered, staring at the interface showing Otto earlier who was drinking alcohol.

He then turned his head to stare at another interface that showed a young man with white hair like snow with purple eyes with square stars and also had a prism sheen.

"Hanagami Kouro... So in this world you are being an Einherjar... And have even inherited the power of the Herrscher of Shadows..."

Su seemed to open his eyes and put on a pensive expression looking at Kouro.

"I hope... You don't have anything that the [Herscher of Shadows] is looking for."


2 months had passed since Director Ragna died.

The infectious disease department disbanded the team in charge of Honkai disease so Durandal was transferred to another department.

Even so, she still did not give up fighting Honkai and continued to study and research cases about Honkai.

And... Every time a patient tested positive for Honkai... Moth would always come and take them.


In front of the open door of Durandal's office, Otto knocked on the door while saying.

"Knock knock~ How are you, Dr. Bianca? You look better." Otto looked at Durandal inside her office who was currently holding a research file.

Durandal glanced at him and replied, "Nice to see you again, Prof. Otto. I have prepared a new sample, I updated the dosage of the active ingredients as per your suggestion."

She then showed a serum containing a light blue liquid on the table.

Otto did not look at the serum but immediately picked up the research file and read it with a serious expression.

"Alright, this is just wasting my time. I'll take a look at your new formula... No, this dosage won't work. What are you afraid of? Killing your own patients?"


Otto immediately crumpled the research file and said coldly, "The score is 20. I can't believe you have the courage to make me read this. How many reports have you given? 8 or 9?"

Otto then glanced at the serum on the table and continued, "Sadly, if you are like this, your serum will never cure Honkai's disease. You spent 6 months just to make this lousy medicine, give it up Bianca, you don't have what Moth needs."

"No! I won't give up!" said Durandal stubbornly.

"Every time I close my eyes, I always see Director Ragna, Anne and all the patients I failed to save. I will... No, I must defeat Honkai!"

Durandal then bowed her head towards Otto.

"Please remain my mentor, Prof. Otto. "

Otto tapped his forehead and sighed helplessly at Durandal's actions, "Ugh... Why did I agree to this? Alright. I'll send an email about my judgment later."


At the gate outside the hospital.

Otto walked out before turning to look at Paul who was leaning against the wall waiting for him.

"You took so long chatting with Dr. Bianca. Why don't you make it easier and let her join Moth?"

Otto took out a metal bottle filled with alcohol before answering with a pensive expression, "That girl is too naive, Paul. We both know Moth does not accommodate children. Her efforts to find a cure are still obsessed with her previous patients."

"To fight the incarnation of hell and its army, she must learn to be a killer." he continued in a stern tone.

Otto then took a few sips before saying, "I think it's the time, prepare the troops and start evacuating."

"...That... Prof. Otto, it seems 'that' person will also take part in the battle this time." Paul said with a twitching eyebrow. 

"Seriously... Why didn't you stop him?" Otto patted his head with twitching eyebrows remembering the man with white hair and purple eyes.

"I can't refuse, this is a superior order. " Paul said with a bitter smile.

"Huff... Well... It doesn't matter, he is indeed quite strong and competent for a human." Otto muttered trying to console himself.

"What's more, Moth's strongest warrior is also here, right?" Otto muttered.


A few hours later.

An alarm sounded and broadcasted to evacuate immediately.

"[Immediately go to the shelter right now.]"

People stopped and raised their heads in slight confusion before lining up in an orderly manner.

A man was looking around before muttering, "This is strange. Air raid training in this day and age? Who wants to bomb us this time?"

The woman beside the man then said while looking at her cell phone, "Conspiracy theories on the internet say that this is just like the incident in Nagazora city 5 years ago. It's even said that people saw monsters and other crazy things."

Durandal, who was listening to what they were saying, had a thoughtful expression.

'Nagazora? Monsters? Sounds like a bad movie...'

She really didn't believe there were monsters like the woman said. But just as she was thinking that-


A Seraph-type Honkai Beast measuring over ten meters was seen landing in front of the people and emitting an intimidating aura making the people panic and immediately run away without direction.1

"Kyaa! Run!"

"Wh-What the hell is that?!"

Unlike them, Durandal stared at the Honkai Beast with a wary expression.

'Strange... This thing, I feel like I've seen it before...' But then her attention was drawn to a high school girl who was lying unconscious.

Durandal immediately approached her and picked her up before running to safety.

After feeling safe, Durandal then leaned her against the wall in a deserted alley, the girl was not seriously injured except for abrasions but then the expression immediately changed when she saw that the girl's wrist had purple lines.

"These lines... Honkai's disease! Why? Did that monster cause this? " Drandal then took out the serum she made earlier and muttered.

"I hope this serum works... "

As she injected the serum, the purple lines on the girl's wrist suddenly spread and lengthened making her expression change.

"Damn it! The infection pattern is becoming more and more widespread! My serum... Failed again!"

After a moment of silence, she raised her head to stare at the girl's face which was surprisingly similar to Anne except this girl had almond-colored hair.

"Anne... That's right! I can't give up easily like this!"

Otto's earlier words then echoed back in her mind.

"Yes. I have no choice but to increase the dosage of the active ingredient. "

As she injected the serum again, the purple streaks stopped spreading before slowly disappearing.

"That's it! Finally the lines are gone!" shouted Durandal happily.

But the joy was short-lived as a Seraph-type Honkai Beast appeared beside her and fired an energy slash.

Durandal swiftly dodged while catching the unconscious girl away, she then hugged the girl tightly and protected her.

"Get lost, monster! I won't let you hurt my patient!"

Unfortunately her actions backfired, Durandal contracted Honkai disease from the girl, purple streaks began to appear on her wrists and spread rapidly up to her face.

"My vision... Fading... This must be because of Honkai.... "

Despite that, Durandal did not regret helping the girl.

Then, Otto's voice suddenly sounded from behind her, "It took me a long time to find you, Dr. Bianca. Why don't you go to the shelter? "

Otto then looked at the girl in Durandal's arms, "I see the girl's infection pattern didn't spread, did you manage to do it? Hmm... Pretty impressive, I'll give you a score of 60."

"Prof. Otto, behind you!" said Durandal, seeing the intimidating Honkai Beast behind Otto.

But instead of running away or being frightened, Otto just raised his hand with a calm expression.

"You always worry about the wrong things, Bianca. Rita, we need your help, here."

Right after he said that, the figure of a person suddenly fell from the building before slamming into the Honkai Beast enveloped in burning flames.


Durandal's pupils narrowed at the sight of the figure that defeated the Honkai Beast.



Su stared at the interface showing Durandal and Rita facing each other before muttering.

"Good job, Miss Bianca. You made it through the first test."

He then turned his head to stare at another interface that showed a different figure in the same setting.

The figures were himself and Kevin.

"Anyway... This is just the beginning of our suffering. "

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