Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chương 228: Miyagi Aya

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Influenced by Kiana, they then sped up so that in less than 10 minutes they reached a skyscraper and landed there.

Upon landing, Kiana could be seen rubbing her forehead while letting out a sigh of relief before turning to look at them with her chest puffed out.

"How was it? Who's last?"

Kouro descended and the others quickly landed beside him before Ayame raised her hands slightly and said with a helpless expression.

"It's me. Huh... I'm really not used to flying..."

Seeing her expression, Kouro immediately comforted her, "It's okay, you'll get used to it later."

'You're more aerodynamic compared to Mei and Kiana anyway...' Kouro thought with a calm expression.

Ayame suddenly glanced at Kouro with a sharp gaze, "Did you just think of something rude about me?"

"No, maybe it's just the wind." Kouro replied unhurriedly.

'She really does have a sharp intuition, no, every woman should have an intuition this sharp...' Kouro thought while slowly avoiding her gaze.

Kiana then suddenly asked, "By the way, how do we get out of this place without attracting the attention of many people?"

She looked down where the cars and people looked very small.

"You don't have to worry, as the one who is buying the food, I have a plan." Ayame replied, then took out her cell phone and called someone.

"Yes. It's me, can you pick me up with my friends? We're... In the xxx, xxx building. Yes, that building, the sooner the better, bye." Ayame then closed her phone, she then turned to look at them with a smile.

"I've called someone to pick us up, just wait a bit and she'll come."

Kouro's expression looked strange, his eyebrows looked raised as if remembering something before asking, "Wait... Don't tell me that you called-"

Kouro's words were interrupted by the sound of Helicopter propellers flying towards them from behind him.

"Oh, they came pretty fast." Ayame muttered.

Inside the helicopter, a woman waved her hand at Kouro and Ayame with an expression full of pleasure.

"Young master! Young lady!"

Hearing the woman's voice that felt both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time made Kouro's expression look like he was constipated.

The childhood memories that he had long wanted to forget involuntarily reopened.

"Aya-san..." Kouro muttered the woman's name.

Mei, Kiana and Bronya looked at each other and blinked.


"Young lady! How long has it been since we've met? You've grown up..." Aya said with a polite smile but it was clear from her eyes that she was excited.

Miyagi Aya is a Japanese woman who looks about Himeko's age, she has black hair tied in a bun, a pair of black-brown eyes adorned by round glasses, a sharp nose, smooth white skin, G cup, and wore a Maid outfit similar to the Victorian era.

She was Kouro's nanny back when he lived with his uncle and aunt.

His uncle and aunt were rarely home as they were world-famous businessmen so they were always busy.

She also had a strict personality so Kouro doesn't feel at home, this is also one of the reasons why Kouro ran away from home and lived with his grandfather.

Although in the end his grandfather also had a strict personality as well, moreover living with his grandfather felt even more crazy and challenging- Challenging lust.

"Ara~ Look at you now, young master. You have grown into a very handsome and mature young man. The Master and lady will be relieved to see you've grow up so well." Aya said as she stood before Kouro and smiled.

"Uhm... Long time no see... Aya-san."

Aya smiled amusedly at Kouro who gave her a stiff smile, she then turned to look at Mei, Bronya and Kiana.

Seeing her gaze, Ayame then cleared her throat and introduced the three of them.

"From the right, she is Raiden Mei, Bronya Zaychik, and the last one is Kiana Kaslana."

Aya glanced at the three of them one by one before closing her mouth with a surprised expression, "Ara~? Are you all young master's girlfriends?"

The three of them blushed slightly when they heard this, they didn't say anything, but judging from their reactions, they seemed to be happy to be called Kouro's girlfriends.

Aya smiled with relief seeing that Kouro's phobia was gone. It was just that her smile was immediately stifled for a moment when she heard Kouro's statement.

"What do you mean, Aya-san? They are not my girlfriends." Kouro said.

Aya, including Mei, Ayame, Kiana, and Bronya immediately turned to stare at Kouro with a frightening look.

Somehow a premonition of danger arose when they looked at him like that so he frantically explained.

"I-I mean, potential girlfriend! Yes! Prospective girlfriends!" Kouro said in a cold sweat and smiled stiffly.

Here Kouro typoed, at first he wanted to say that one of them was his future girlfriend, but due to panic his words became abbreviated unconsciously and formed another meaning.


Kiana and the others stared at Kouro dumbfounded with flushed faces, their mouths looking slightly open.

Kouro turned to look at them with a confused expression, for some reason he felt the atmosphere suddenly change which felt uncomfortable for him.

"Etto... Are you guys okay? Your faces are as red as apples, you know."

Kouro's words made them realize and immediately avoid his gaze, Kiana lowered her head to hide her flushed face while playing with her fingers but inwardly feeling very happy.

'Hehehe~ I'm considered by Kouro as his future girlfriend...'

Mei on the side was playing with her hair using her fingers with her lips pursed as if she was holding back a smile.

'Don't smile Mei... Or you'll be considered weird by Kouro...'

Ayame was lowering her head while holding both cheeks trying to stop the strange smile that looked both cute and adorable that she was currently showing.

Bronya on the other hand was just staring at Kouro with a blank expression, strangely her expression was currently flatter than before her emotions were healed by Kouro.

Kouro scratched his neck with a confused expression looking at them.

Aya who saw this could only shake her head with a helpless expression before turning to look at Kouro with a complex expression.

'Young Master is really just like his father, able to attract girls with just a glance and words. Unfortunately his 'dense' blackhole-like personality was also inherited from his father. Indeed... The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.'

"Young master." Aya said.

"Yes?" Kouro turned to look at her only to see that Aya was currently smiling satirically at him.

"You really are a world-class Playboy."

"What does that mean?!" Kouro shouted only to be interrupted by the sound of someone's stomach.


They all spontaneously turned to look at Kiana who was currently smiling embarrassedly while holding her stomach.

"Sorry, I... Haven't had breakfast yet..."

Mei and the others then laughed and chuckled a bit before Aya replied. 

"Hahaha, no need to be shy, Kiana-san, let me take you to the best restaurant in the Far East."

"The best restaurant..." Kiana looked to be drooling at the thought of lots of good food, but considering that the best restaurants were usually expensive, she then asked doubtfully.

"Isn't it expensive? I don't want to upset Ayame's finances..."

"Hahaha, Miss Kiana is joking, all the food businesses around the world belong to the Master and Lady. The point is that you can eat for free at the best restaurants anywhere." Aya said, making the eyes of the three of them widen.

"Woah..." x3

Bronya immediately entered the internet trying to find the biography of Kouro's uncle and aunt.

Mei looked a little dumbfounded, so Kouro was actually the descendant of a rich conglomerate? No wonder he doesn't blink an eye when spending money!

On the other hand, Kiana's eyes were sparkling and roasted, she immediately turned to look at Kouro and quickly approached him and held his hand tightly.

"Kouro, let's get married!"

It was the most sincere confession Kiana could think of as her hungry stomach controlled her.

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com


A few minutes later

"Nom... Nom... Nom..." Kiana was eating heartily at a fancy restaurant along with Kouro and the others.

Mei and the others also ate but not as ravenously as Kiana who was eating as if there was no tomorrow.

They only looked at Kiana who was eating voraciously while shaking their heads and smiling because they felt their appetite had increased.

Aya was not by their side as she was currently the cook.

Kouro looked at the four of them with a puzzled expression. For some reason, he felt that they were getting along better, but that was strange... Didn't they get along well from the beginning?

He immediately shook his head and stopped thinking about this before focusing on the food.

They then had a full breakfast, of course unlike Kiana whose stomach was almost bulging from all the food she ate.

"As usual, the dishes you make are always delicious, Aya-san." Ayame said while patting her full stomach.

"I feel honored. By the way, may I know why you guys are here?" Aya asked.

"We're here for the reunion of St. Freya Academy. That's why we were actually looking for a suitable gift for our friends there." said Mei.

Kouro wiped his mouth with a tissue before calling out to the waiter, "Wrap me up the best cake you have."

He was currently buying a gift for Kallen because he remembered that Kallen loved to eat just as much as Kiana.

"Yes, sir." The servant then walked into the kitchen before returning and bringing a small box containing several pieces of cake to him.

Kouro turned to look at them and said calmly while holding up the small box, "I already have one."

"Hmm... Perhaps I can help you guys in finding a suitable gift. Tell me what your friends like?" Aya asked.

Kouro seemed to think for a moment before saying, "Alcohol but preferably Sake, fried tofu that is still warm and crispy, and... Hmm... A nice and pretty pink kimono."

Cake for Kallen, Alcohol for Himeko, fried tofu for Higokumaru and Kimono for Sakura.

He already had everything needed.

"... Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Kouro saw them all looking at her with strange expressions.

"It's okay, we're just surprised that you know their preferences." Mei replied.

"Young master. For the first two things are already prepared, but for the last one-"

"That's fine, I can look for the kimono with Kiana and the others." Kouro interrupted while taking the parcel from Aya's hand.

"If you say so." Aya turned to glance at the four of them and winked.

'Have fun.'


In a mall.

"Hey... Wait a minute, do I really have to go in there?" Kouro pointed to the room in front of him that showed women's underwear and so on specifically for women.

"Yes. So what?" asked Kiana while pulling Kouro with the help of Ayame, Mei and Bronya towards the room.

Kouro being pulled by the four of them looked very conspicuous making him a little embarrassed.

'Calm down Kouro, you're not there to do anything weird... Focus, focus!'

Kouro let his focus take over before exhaling, in the end he walked into the room forbidden to single men with a confident expression.

He also occasionally followed the direction of their gazes such as Kiana who was staring at the light blue bikini-style swimsuit. Mei who was staring at the navy blue Bottom-Heavy model swimsuit, Bronya on the other hand was staring at the children's model swimsuit.

For Ayame herself....

[Breast enlargement device]


Kouro with a calm expression turned his attention naturally without attracting Ayame's attention.

"Alright, Kouro. You wait here."

"H-hey wait!? " Before he could say anything, he was immediately left by them near the changing room while being stared at by several girls and women.

"... Hi?"


The four of them were walking a little far away, somewhere that Kouro could not reach and hear anyway.

The four of them looked at each other before Ayame said first, "Alright, let's be honest, who here loves Kouro raise your hand."

All four of them immediately raised their hands with embarrassed expressions.

"I guessed it." Ayame said while nodding her head.

Mei and Bronya also did not have a surprised expression about this except for Kiana who was currently looking at the three of them dumbfounded.

"You guys like Kouro too?"

"What woman wouldn't like Kouro?" asked Ayame back.

Kiana scratched her hair while remembering Kouro before nodding her head to Ayame's question.

After all, what woman wouldn't like Kouro?

He was well-established, handsome, had a kind-hearted personality, not to mention strong and... his 'd*ck' was also big....

"So...?" Kiana muttered.

"I hate to admit it, but for someone like Kouro it's normal to have multiple girlfriends." said Ayame.

"Because of that, instead of fighting each other for Kouro's heart, how about we just work together?" she continued.

"After all, you guys know, right? That Kouro is dense, dense as a black hole, rather than bothering to give him the code, it's better for us to take the initiative. Moreover, since there are no competitors we don't have to bother worrying about other girls."

"Hmm... Right, alright, I agree!" Kiana said.

"Bronya agrees!"

"Hmm... I agree." Mei said suddenly.

"Eh?" Ayame looked surprised that Mei could easily agree.

"What's wrong, Ayame?" asked Mei.

"No, I really didn't expect you to agree so easily. After all, you are the one most likely to be Kouro's girlfriend." Ayame said honestly.

Mei smiled in response to her words, she glanced at the three of them before saying softly, "It would be a lie if I said I wanted to share Kouro's love... But... I also know very well how much you guys love Kouro. I don't want our relationship to be damaged because of this either."

Mei closed her eyes remembering their memories together before opening her eyes again and saying clearly.

"That's why I agree."

"Mei-senpai... " Kiana said tearfully.

"Mei Nee-sama…"  said Bronya.

Hearing Mei's words, Ayame smiled admitting her defeat, she admitted that Mei had the best personality to be Kouro's girlfriend.

"Oh, yes! By the way, Bronya, you're still small, so wait 2 more years." Kiana said jokingly while patting Bronya's head.

Bronya's eyebrows were twitching angrily, "Don't try to touch Bronya. Bronya is already an adult and will soon be 15 years old."

After that the four of them laughed together harmoniously and momentarily forgot about Kouro who was currently in the forbidden room for single men.

'Where are Kiana and the others, anyway? Why are they taking so long?' Kouro thought, ignoring the heated gazes of dozens of girls and women who were either married or widowed.

(E/D: Sounds like a perfect NTR plot to me.)

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