Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

Chương 240: Darling~ Darling? Darling!

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After having a full breakfast, they went straight to the reception to check out.

"Here's the room key and the fee."

Kouro handed over the room key as well as the fee.

The clerk seemed to have thick eye bags, hmm... Does this hotel's policy require its employees to work overtime?

Kouro only thought about this briefly and didn't go too deep into it, but still he appreciated the employee for maintaining a professional smile despite being exhausted.

The employee happily accepted Kouro's payment at first, but when her eyes caught sight of the room key number in her hand, her movements immediately stopped for a moment.

Fortunately it was only for a moment so Kouro and Mei didn't notice.

The clerk then put away Kouro's room key while maintaining her smile then raised her head only to see that Kouro and Mei had already left the hotel.

She then let out a long sigh while shaking her head.

"... Didn't expect that the youngsters nowadays would be this violent..."

Don't know why but it seemed like this clerk understood to some extent about what Kouro and Mei did last night.

Even though Kouro had used the authority of [Shadow] and [Void] to create an invisible wall that could muffle the sound...

It's true that people didn't hear Mei's moans because he used his Herrscher authority. But it was a different story for the employees who were on the first floor, they could hear the sound of the bed creaking loudly making several cracks in the wall and roof.

Making a bed like that especially since the place they were working at was a love hotel... What else if not brutal segs?

That's why when the employee found out that the people who did that were Kouro and Mei... She was completely speechless.

"... I should get a boyfriend soon. "


On their way back to St. Freya's academy.

Mei who was holding Kouro's hand could see that he was a little absent-minded or rather lost in thought?

'What is Kouro thinking about daydreaming like that?' She thought worriedly.

After all, since doing that, Mei and Kouro had become confident in each other's feelings so they didn't feel shy anymore when expressing affection to each other.

Such as kissing, feeding each other or even the simplest, holding hands.

The feeling of love within them had fully blossomed, they loved each other sincerely even though Mei herself used slightly dirty methods, no, perhaps it was more like taking advantage of the situation?

But as a saying goes, "Love is war and there is no such thing as cheating in war. "

Mei was simply taking advantage of the situation in her favor which gave her a golden opportunity to confess to Kouro.

Moreover, now that Mei and her Persona Herrscher no longer have the slightest feeling of unwillingness for Kouro to create a harem, this is because they remember how savage Kouro was in bed...

Mei herself was convinced that she could not satisfy Kouro's sexual desires alone even if there was her Herrscher persona taking her place, hence as a wife(self-proclaimed), she did not want Kouro to experience any stress in that regard.

Wait, could Kouro look dreamy like that due to feelings of guilt?

Thinking of this, Mei then turned to look at Kouro and said softly.

"Kouro, you don't have to feel guilty for choosing all of us. I'm sure that you are a responsible man who is capable of making a harem. Remember that your happiness is our happiness too, Kouro."

After that, Mei punched Kouro's chest gently.

"You don't need to be indecisive, Kouro. Just be true to your heart and your feelings."

Kouro was a little dumbfounded, he could see that Mei meant what she said.

He couldn't help but smile, no, instead he burst out laughing at her words.

"Hahahaha!" Kouro held his stomach and even a few tears came out of his eyes as he laughed so hard.

Of course, Kouro didn't know that the reason Mei had the thought to say that was because she felt unable to serve him in bed.

If he knew the reason why Mei said that, then Kouro wouldn't be laughing out loud like now.

"Mou~ Why are you laughing, Kouro?" Mei puffed out her cheeks and put on an annoyed expression seeing Kouro not taking her words seriously.

She wanted to pinch him now for laughing at her but held back because it was the first time she had seen Kouro laugh out loud like that.

Kouro finally finished laughing, he wiped away his tears before saying with a fresh smile, "No, it's okay. I don't know why you said that before. But thank you, your words made me feel better."

He could not tell that he was thinking about what would happen if he died.

This thought came about because Kouro knew there were many obstacles that were sturdy and also jeopardized his life to become stronger. These were just his thoughts about the worst possible outcome he might reach.


Even though he has a system and various 'cheats' at his disposal, in the end he will also still experience dangers that endanger his life.

The easiest example was when he fought the Herrscher of the End in another world. If not for Elysia's help and various other factors, his death would have been a sure thing.

Kouro fantasized... If one day he would face an inevitable death... What expressions and emotions would he show at that time?

He didn't know, but what he was sure of was that his death would bring a great deal of grief to Mei and the others.

Moreover, if he died, it would only signify one thing.

The universe was in ruins.

It would take a cosmic being or a [Higher Being] to kill Kouro and most of the cosmic beings he had seen in comics and movies were monstrous beings without the constraints of morality and rules.

'That's why I vowed not to die. At least not before I can marry Mei and the others.' Kouro thought with a calm expression.

He could also vaguely sense that there was a threat of imminent danger.

Kouro didn't know what that threat was but certainly, this was one of the main reasons Kouro wanted to become stronger besides wanting to protect everyone he cared about.

Mei blushed slightly at Kouro's smile but maintained her sullen expression.

"Humph! If it makes you feel better... Then I feel better too."

Seeing her reaction made Kouro unable to resist giving her a peck on the lips.

"Eek-! Kouro!" Mei was slightly startled before blushing slightly, she avoided Kouro's direct gaze before suddenly kissing him off guard.


Mei smiled triumphantly as she saw Kouro's confused and dumbfounded expression.

"Now we're even."

Seeing her smile made Kouro's heart skip a beat.

Kouro quickly calmed his heart as he cleared his throat.

"Ahem! By the way Mei, since we're officially dating, is it okay if I... Call you 'honey'?"

The moment the word 'honey' came out of Kouro's mouth, something similar to an electric shock suddenly stung her heart, her face instantly turned as red as a tomato and her thoughts became chaotic.

"Ah?... Uhm?... Uh?"

Seeing that Mei's condition was not right made Kouro worried, he pressed his forehead against Mei's forehead to make sure that she was not running a fever.

After all from what Kouro had read on the internet there were some girls who had finished their 'first experience' would have a fever even if it wasn't for long.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"... Ho-honey..." Mei stammered with a face as red as a tomato and eyes rolling in a cartoon style.

(E/D: This chapter is sponsored by hon-*Blacks out*)

Somehow hearing the word 'honey' thrilled Mei's heart even more than when doing segs with Kouro.

Well... It's not surprising since the one who wanted to do that with Kouro in the first place was her Herrscher persona, although in the end she enjoyed it too...

Nonetheless what Mei was most excited about later were the words Kouro was saying now.

"Honey?" asked Kouro.

Mei tried to bite her lip hard to make sure that she wasn't grinning strangely at Kouro's words.

"Ah?! I'm okay! I was just surprised!" Mei said as she waved her hand nervously.

She then took a deep breath and exhaled a few times before calming down a bit.

"Is-isn't it a big deal to call your boyfriend 'darling'?"

"... Fine, then call me darling instead." Kouro said while scratching his hair with a happy and slightly embarrassed smile.

"... Darling!" said Mei with clenched fists and a flushed face.

Those words were like a huge hammer that directly hit Kouro's chest, he held his chest with his mind shaking.

'Damn it! I almost died...' Kouro thought with his breath catching, but even so...

"Honey... Can you say it again three times?" said Kouro while raising three fingers of his hand.

"Etto... Darling. Darling? Darling!"

You are reading story Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow at novel35.com

Mei saw Kouro in a dramatic style all in black and white and with strange lighting, this only made her a little surprised, but quickly the expression changed to dumbfounded when she saw Kouro suddenly cup his hands together.

"I... Don't have any regrets anymore."

Kouro said it in a calm tone, hearing Mei call him by his affectionate title could really make him go to heaven.

"Adios, world. Welcome, heaven." A kind of spirit suddenly instantly came out of Kouro's body and flew following the light in the sky.

"Darling!" Mei shouted with a worried expression.


A few minutes later.

"Mou! Don't joke around like that! You scared me, you know!" said Mei with a frown to Kouro. She was really scared to death because she thought Kouro would really go to heaven.

"Ahahaha! I'm sorry, but I really can't hold back my emotions because you really look so cute when you call me darling" Kouro said while smiling happily.

"Uhm... Not fair..." Mei grumbled under her breath even though her face was flushed and her heart was racing when she heard Kouro call her cute.

In the end Mei hugged Kouro's hand very tightly as if she wouldn't let him go.

They then walked back to the dormitory with a romantic atmosphere and made many people jealous when they saw them.


"We're home!" Kouro and Mei said after arriving at the dorm.

Inside the dormitory, they saw that Himeko and Ayame were already anticipating their arrival with great 'enthusiasm'.

"Oh? Welcome back! How was the date?" Himeko asked with great enthusiasm.

Ayame immediately darted towards them with strangely sparkling eyes that made Kouro feel goosebumps.

Mei and Kouro didn't say anything, they both looked at each other with affectionate smiles before nodding their heads.

Right after that, Mei was then bombarded with question after question by the two of them ignoring Kouro who felt awkward when hearing their questions.

Himeko and Ayame's questions were actually quite normal such as what destinations Kouro and Mei went on dates and so on.

The problem was that the questions became more and more subjective and entered a topic that only women could understand so Kouro quietly left while making the excuse that he wanted to go to the toilet.

"Has Kouro left already?" asked Ayame with a serious expression as if the previous enthusiasm never happened.

Himeko then looked at the window and confirmed that Kouro had indeed left.

"Yes. He really left. "

The enthusiastic emotion they showed was no longer visible as it was replaced by a serious and tense atmosphere.

The curtains were then closed and the lights turned off, Mei who was unable to react was suddenly sat down by Ayame onto a chair while her face was illuminated by a study lamp.

"Dazzle! Why are you guys doing this?"

With a vintage black and white painting style like a 90s movie, Ayame and Himeko had currently changed their outfits into detective-like outfits with sunglasses.

They both stared at Mei quietly before lowering their glasses.

Ayame then placed Mei's bag on the table without saying anything before Himeko said in a low tone.

"You've gone on an overnight date and only returned this morning. We searched your bag and I didn't find the condom I gave you and even the birth control pills showed signs of use. That means... You've done 'it' with Kouro?"

Mei was a little confused by the strange situation she was in now, but she still nodded her head in embarrassment in response to Himeko's question.

"Yes... Why are you guys asking this?"

Just as the two of them wanted to answer they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps from the stairs.

"Hoam...! Uhm? Himeko, Ayame? And also... Mei-senpai? What are you guys doing?" said Kiana with a half-asleep face while yawning, behind her was also Bronya who was still wearing pajamas and a sleeping cap while hugging a bolster pillow with a picture of Kouro.

"Bronya woke up due to a commotion downstairs..." Bronya said.

Himeko and Ayame's clothes had changed back into casual clothes just as they heard the sound of footsteps.

Ayame and Himeko looked at each other before pointing at Mei.

"She's already done 'segs' with Kouro."

Instantly, Kiana and Bronya's eyes opened wide before glaring at Mei.


They both quickly approached Mei before asking.

"Did you really do that with Kouro, Mei-senpai?! How does it feel?"

"Is that information valid, Mei Nee-sama?"

Bronya and Kiana simultaneously asked with serious expressions and stuck their faces very close to Mei's face.

Even the 'Sirin' consciousness inside Kiana's body was interested in this matter. After all her knowledge about it was really little compared to Kiana herself who as a child accidentally read a 'vulgar' magazine she found under her father's bed.

Moreover, in order to conquer Kouro into infatuation with her, 'Sirin' had to do everything possible, whether it was domination or seduction using her own charisma.

She then with a smug expression secretly spread her ears to listen to Mei's answer.

Mei blushed slightly at their completely frontal questions. But even so she still answered their curiosity.

The expressions of Ayame and the others including 'Sirin' turned red and blushed even more as Mei recounted her experience when doing that with Kouro in a third party perspective.

Mei had a knack for composing poetry and her literary knowledge was quite good so she recounted her experience with subtle but understandable language that even made the listener able to clearly imagine what she wanted to say.

"Awawawawa~ I had no idea that Kouro was like that..." Ayame said with a face redder than a tomato and even her head was vaporizing.

The others nodded in embarrassment with flushed faces, all agreeing with her words...


Kouro, who knew nothing at the moment, walked into a deserted alley near St. Freya's academy with an innocent expression.

He opened his status interface.


Name: Hanagami Kouro

Level: 80

Job: [Herrscher of Shadows] [Ruler Rank]

Title: [The One Who Overcomes Adversity]  [+3 more]

[Authority: Death and Life, Origin, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Shadows, Void.]

[HP: 600,000/600,000]

[SP: 236,800/236,800]

Fatigue: 0

Strength: 353 -- > 368

Agility:  300

Vitality: 300

Senses:  300

Intelligence: 300

Shadow: 370

Point(s): 0



Weapon Mastery (Grandmaster), Martial Arts (Grandmaster).

Commons :

Cooking (Master), Parkour (Master), Mechanical Mastery (Grandmaster), Riding (Master), Swimming (Advanced), Acting (Grandmaster), Singing (Advanced), Painting (Grandmaster), Massages (Master).


Learning (Grandmaster), Stealth (Grandmaster) Survival (Master), Hacking (Grandmaster), Disguise (Master), Medicine (Master).


He then looked around and confirmed that there was no one nearby so he then took out the 'Sanctuary Key' from within his 'Inventory' before using it.

A portal similar to a dimensional crack suddenly appeared before him.

He then looked at his watch before muttering, "I have at most 3 hours, I have to finish or at least get something valuable from this Dungeon... "

Kouro then stared at the portal before him before exhaling his breath and without saying anything he then entered the portal without leaving any trace.

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