Honour among power

Chapter 8: First leveling up

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First Leveling up

It had been 16 days since Taichi and Ria took camp inside the forest.Many things had happened in these days.But the majority of these had spent by exercising.As we can see now Taichi was weight lifting a boulder of about 30 kg.His biceps,triceps and shoulder muscles were screaming.It was starting to feel their movement were coming to an end.Taichi thanked his physical condition skill in his mind.It has corrected many of his stance thus he was able to train longer.Before starting weight lifting, he had done various kinds of work out for the mission.They had long drained his body.Now it was exhaustion vs Willpower. Taichi didn't stop for a moment.

247,248,249 and 300.

Yes,yes,yes he had done it.An animalistic victorious grunt left his mouth.He barely put the rock beside him.Joy filled his mind.

Ria was knitting some clothes on one side.Hearing his grunt she immediately came to him.Though it has become a usual sight for her to see Taichi became unconscious after each training, he never made such a sound after his training.She became worried about him.

Has his injuries worsened?Did the poison again start working?

Taichi's words put her out of her worried state."Ria,I have done it.I have finished the mission.Now, the system will remove the poison.Now,my future will shine.My stagnation will be removed today.My love today will become a historical day for the future."Taichi said all the sound he could mustered.Thought it was heard to her a little louder than a whisper.

Taichi started losing his consciousness.No,not now.I have waited years for this moment.I must have to remove the poison now.The poison can attack anytime now.Then the blinking of notification icon was noticed by him at one corner of his sight.He immediately mentally willed to open it.

             For pushing your body to its  final limit,it has been upgraded.

            Str+5, dex+3, vit+5.

Immediately his body started recovering.His muscles again started to expand a little.His body's limit for dexterous tasks improved.Before Taichi was feeling like his body was forcibly shut down,Now he felt like his body was very tired.Then came the second notification.

                 Mission accomplished

#1:complete 10000 pushups.

#2:complete 10000 sit-ups.

#3:complete 10000 km of run.

……. …



#50:Complete 10000 rounds of high kicks.

Reward:Poison removed,10 system coins,200 exp.

Immediately, his body was out of his control.He understood the poison will be removed now.He just was barely able to tell Ria, the poison would be coming out now.

Ria immediately moved from him.She took a huge blanket and put it on his body.She moved him by holding the blanket. She moved him near the river.For this moment,Taichi had told her what to do before.He had told her exactly what to do in this situation.Near the river,there were 7 shallow holes fashioned like a bathtub. Ria pushed Taichi in it.Taichi's entire body submerged in a moment.Ria started praying to god.Please save him.

Taichi was on another level of pain.It was even worse than the pain when the system entered him.Something entered his body.It started destroying his cells. Taichi started convulsing in pain.

Water was flying everywhere because of his movement.The poison started to come out of his body.Vomits upon vomit came out of Taichi's mouth. The entire water of the hole changed.Ria again took a glove which covered her entire hand.She held his hands tightly and moved him from this hole to another.It happened four times until Taichi stopped.Though for the sack of safety,she changed him another time.Then she took him out of the water.She opened his every clothing and removed them on another side.She also took out her gloves very carefully and placed them on the clothes. She poured a very dangerous flammable liquid on them.Then she burned them.After burning it into ashes she dug a hole with shovel and transferred them there.Then she put soil on them until the hole was on ground level.She quickly checked upon him and was relieved to see him breathing. After it, she washed every nook and cranny of his body.Though she became very embarrassed while washing his naked body, she didn't let it come between her work. Then she gently wiped the water on his body and clothed him.She took a blanket and placed him on it.She sat beside his head and gently caressed his hair.Thanks god.Thank you very much for hearing my prayer…...

When Taichi woke up,it was already night.A fire was burning a few hands beside his head.His head was on a pillow.His body was tucked in a warm blanket.Ria was preparing dinner on a side.She was humming a gentle tune.

Taichi started feeling his body.He never felt like this.All the aches,dull wounds, problems of taking breaths had disappeared. His body felt like it had been made anew.He watched his body.Now,nobody can call him skinny.Muscles were visible on his dress.

At this time,his mind suddenly called out an idea.He was gonna prank Ria.Without making any sound he came behind Ria and as he was about to scream in her ears,Ria suddenly turned around and jumped on him.She began fiercely kissing him on the lips.

Taichi laid still for a moment.Then he also began responding. He turned her upside down and began to heavily kiss.The kiss or we should say the battle of passion lasted for about ten minutes.Whenever one ran out of breath, he or she would lose.And after taking breath the battle would again begin.Ria put her worry for Taichi in her kiss and asked for his reassurance by her passion.Taichi put every ounce of his passion in the kiss so she can be reassured. It was a sacred scene of love where no words needed to communicate.

After their kissing spree,they snuggled with each other."Has the poison gone from your body?"Ria broke the silence with her question."Yes,it has gone",Taichi answered. They both became the happiest couple in the world for a time.

Ria knew how much the poison was bothering him.It made him go through a constant amount of pain.Moreover,it was like a constant reminder to him that he couldn't honor his promise with his father. So,Ria was like on the top of a moon for her happiness.

On the other hand, though Taichi was happy,his mind was recalling their conversation from two weeks ago.

Ria told him,"You will rule,my love."The perks of Taichi hummed with power in his soul by hearing it.Taichi felt his soul accepting it.No matter if the perks had mind or not,they were part of Taichi's soul meaning it was Taichi's decision also.When Ria seen the acceptance and excitement on Taichi's face,she told the rest of her plan.After talking about it a little more,they came to a decision.They will first buy the land of Taichi's village.How will they make it an independent village and who will they allow to leave there it was up to discussion.An independent village means,the Daimou will not help them in their time of danger.And they wouldn't have to pay taxes for it.Thus the daimou wouldn't help in their military and they can make it as they would like.Even very few village's in the fire nation was independent. Even Konoha wasn't an independent village.

Taichi stopped thinking about it.They will decide when the time comes.For now he will enjoy the moment.At that time,suddenly Taichi's fifth sense alerted him.Someone was watching at him with

malicious intent.As soon as he could, he stood up and put a hand on Ria's mouth,throw out the burning logs with one leg where he could feel the malicious gaze and jumped backward with the remaining leg and held Ria's weist tightly with the other hand.In a second,the forest became dark and he found himself behind a big tree. 

              Mission created

#1 defeat the attackers.

#2 protect Ria from any kind of harm.

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Additional mission:defeat the attackers without taking any damage.

Reward:Chakra status unlocked,2000 exp.

1000 system coins (additional mission reward)

Immediately Taichi's blood became cold.Whereas the system rewarded 20 or 30 system coins and some exp by escaping from certain death,it had set the reward to an alarmingly high reward.He had no doubt in his mind,the enemy was at least a jonin. He couldn't fight with the enemy with Ria.So,he had to place Ria somewhere where she would be safe.He looked at the jungle and found a big tree.He quickly placed her on the big tree's mid branch and gave her reassurance with his eyes.Her eyes told him to not t go away from her.But the situation had tied his hands.

He again came to the clearing and said,"Coward,you don't even have the courage to face a genin.Come out now.Let's see who is the strongest."

The word tempered with honor hit the enemy's mind like a bull.It seems he hadn't gained control of his pride yet.The enemy came out.

First thing you would notice upon seeing him was his headband. It had a cross mark with the konoha symbol.He had a black shinobi dress and his body was brimming with muscles.He had brown eyes and hair. "Very intriguing!A genin with sharp senses! It is indeed not seen in everyday life.", the ninja said while touching his beard ."But you have done a good work.So I can at least forgive your insult.You hadn't at least tried escaping.It would have been a pain in the ass to find someone in these trees.Though you can be assured,it wouldn't change the result but your death would be much worse." Taichi felt cold running down his forehead.I knew it that's why I didn't escape.

"I cannot understand this though how are you still alive.The poison used on you had once killed a full grown uzumaki jonin.When master told me about you I realized Master is very lucky in this regard.The poison has at least destroyed your ability to progress.If not we would be under six feet of ground.", the ninja said while preparing to attack.

That cowardly bustard.I would kill him first when I have enough power.Now it is your time,Taichi thought while preparing his most powerful technique.

The ninja came at him with a nearly blinding speed.Taichi only managed to avoid it at a hair's breadth.He had no doubt in his mind if it was before,he would have been dead.Taichi turned around and attacked him with it.

Destroying the limit, world shattering strike,his mind rang out. The most powerful attack of the Limit breaker series.The ninja only had enough time to put his hands in front of his heart.The ninja's hands broke and Taichi's fist entered his chest.A mouthful of blood came out of his mouth. He went away to the forest at high speed.

The ground where Taichi stood had been cracked.I cannot still unleash its minimum power,Taichi thought with bitterness in his mind.

Taichi was only able to stand this time because of his improved body.There was no doubt in his mind the ninja had died.But he also understood he won because the ninja had underestimated him.If the ninja was a little bit of serious he could have avoided it.


          Mission accomplished

#1 defeat the attackers.

#2 protect Ria from any kind of harm.

Additional mission:defeat the attackers without taking any damage. (Mission failed)

Reward:Chakra status unlocked,1000 exp.

1000 system coins (additional mission reward) *suspended.*

Taichi experienced his first level up that day.An unbelievably good feeling felt his body for a short time.His fist which was broken from punching the ninja had been repaired.The strain left on his body by the technique also had been removed.He felt a sort of addiction to it.His mind wanted to work on another mission.He forced it to calm down.

He again saw the system notification and noticed the status upgrade.He also saw he had missed the additional reward for his broken fist.No benefit to cry over the spilled milk.He forgot about it and thought Status.


Name:Taichi Uzumaki Nara.


Exp:400 out of 3100

Chakra:8900.(Elite genin reserve)

System coin:70.

Bloodline: Active use locked   ((Effect:Active locked

              passive: High vitality.Body can store  a large amount of oxygen.)) 

Abnormalities: Weak Heart.

Perk:The King's tongue,THE MAN OF HONOR.

He became very happy. It seems leveling up also recovers chakra.He could feel his body had been magically filled with chakra even though he had emptied it just a few moments ago while using the technique.Then Ria's thought came into his mind.He had been standing here for more than 10 minutes.First the fight,then coming out of the feeling of leveling up,and lastly staring at his status screen. Crap,she must be very worried, Taichi thought.He started running towards Ria's tree.

To be continued….

Next chapter:History of poison.

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