
Chapter 1: Chapter I: V is for…

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Chapter I: V is for…  

"Hey Tony, do you see anything?"

"Nah, all things are good here. These bastards just actin’ happy go lucky."


A silent night for McReary, who just happens to be in a captain's mansion. There was a lack of guards roaming the hallway. As Tony checks with his Prototype V-56 sniper, on top of a hill, which faces the mansion, he could see the lot of them by their posts doing their free time all being TV, drinking or walking outside. McReary had no worries in his mind, he just walked ever so casually across the hall turning every corner not worrying a guard will just happen to shoot on site. That's when his cockiness and carefree self crossed paths with two guards, who happened to be drunk, walking without such stability. McReary glared at them with a calm eye and pulled out his pistol, hand on the handler, finger on the trigger and shot the two with tranquilliser darts that were made by the organisation, who he works for. 


 One shot that could knock an elephant out but also the projection being virtually inaudible, like a human whistle.  The two had a couple of seconds of consciousness before they tumbled to the floor in all attempts to capture him. That's when one toppled and misfired the gun before they both croaked from the effects of the serum. This misfortune ended up alerting The Captain of The Book of Fire gang who was just walking up the staircase to his own office just to look at the documents one final time if they were all in place before he journeys to his dreams. The captain looked over his neck and white cape as of where exactly the sound came from. It was loud but was unable to be traced but one thing he knew for sure is . And that thing was that it was in the mansion. He looked around again and called the head of security who looked very down. He had a very droopy face with bags for eyelids and purple. He had dark hair which looked like it hadn't been combed in weeks, in summary he looked like a stray. In a very unenthusiastic voice he said, 

"Boss, is there anything?" as he looked at his fierce eyes and bald head which shined.

"Free Time is up, and I want you to double down on security as there may be a trespasser coming to steal my money!" 

"But all our men are wasted... how could we if our men aren't even thinking right? How!" 

"I don't care if the men are wasted. I feel a threat so I have to defend all my belongings," he continued whilst drawing a long sword from a scabbard on the wall. Ready to pounce at him at any point. "There is no doubt or worry when doing these kinds of jobs, they only weaken the profession of one's ability so I'll say this again!” he marched towards him with the blade dragging  across the carpet. “You will not like it  the third time I'll guarantee it. Double DOWN on the security and keep the office specifically on lock down." 

He looked at The Captain with ghastly eyes showing The Captain’s intent for harm so he scurried off away from him, hoping he doesn't use that sword on him or at the very least make him mad enough to stab it through a wall where the sword will break and all the more reason to erupt into flames and cause oblivion on the surrounding areas. 


Meanwhile, McReary roamed the empty halls, yet again, with the slightest caution of getting caught. He glanced at the wall, which was labelled Hall D, it indicated that he was on the left side of the mansion where Tony was facing, but McReary didn't really pay all that much attention to it. Even though he was acting all carefree, he was still fondling with his gun at all times. If there was an unfortunate case that he did have to use a dart, like before, it would not go well.At least it was better than causing actual harm. The mansion was quite a luxury for a captain. This is something a boss would have, as thought by McReary, but it could be that he runs a successful business… or a frontal at least. He can't be sure. He continued to walk down the narrow, stretching corridors which wouldn't end when he stumbled upon a box that was the size of his legs. In perspective, he is about 5'9 and his legs are about 90 cm in height, so the box is quite high and the depth being roughly the same. Like a cube. There was no distinguishing feature being a very normal box made out of dark planks, probably spruce, and had a brand label stamped on it which read out "Twilight". 

The brown haired, scruff bearded man looked in absolute joy of seeing a Box appear right in front of him. No matter how many he has, it felt like collecting cards or collectables but being boxes. He let out a squeal that only Tony from the earpiece can hear. 

During this time before McReary could ever let a pitching scream in his earpiece, he was looking at the multitudes of satellites that were in the night sky and how beautiful it was. He did internally regret not bringing a camera with him as he ever thought that it would only be a quick task for McReary to do. 

He didn't feel happy to keep watch over him or to serve in an organisation that doesn't tell its workers anything or at least give prep time to ready up but he only did this for the couple of reasons.


Number One: McReary was a free soul who freed him from his lone struggles so serving this organisation is more of a way of paying his debt to McReary.


Number Two: Where else would he go?


He let out a sigh, rolled his eyes and looked through the scope just to figure that he was jumping in front of a box...

"What you man doing, jumping in front of a box. And No, my brotha!" he told him in a peeved voice,

"You didn't even know what I was even gonna ask," 

"Well you were gonna ask so Fuck No!" he continued, "I can see the box and you haven't even opened the damn thing so what are you cheering about?"

"It's a box!" he replied with giddy excitement whilst coming towards the box forgetting about his objectives in the process, "The more the merrier. You'd know if you understood. You just need to be loose about some things..." 

"Well you shouldn't be loose with this! You are playing with your own life, infiltrating a gang captain's mansion and they can send those same giddy drunkards for guards to end you via firing squad. You must think life is some joke I assume?" as his deep tone rose.

"Well I don't but when you put it that wa..." 







His tone took a drastic change.

"Uhh...Cree, you OK?" 

McReary looked in shock and some form of fear as he saw an entire foot blast open the lid of the box. The lid flew up as he kicked it out. He felt very oblivious to the fact that he spent all his time arguing with Tony about some pointless shit to where he didn't notice the box rustle and rock. He just fell silent. Waiting. Watching. What the box will do next is beyond his standardised comprehension. He swung his 6 barrel out of the holster and pointed at behind. Then swung forward. Then on the Right. And the wall on the left. He got closer to the box to further inspect further context of the box but it was a fairly young boy with dirt blonde hair, long enough to cover his face as now, dirt and dust on his luminescent skin, shoulder and chest-plate armour which only covered his chest rather than his belly, shorts, and a very noticeable mark which could've been made some years ago. His breathing was heavy and fast paced as well. He was curled up in a ball desperate to conserve heat, even McReary with decent clothing such as a green sweater and jeans felt shivers as well. He leaned closer towards the package boy for the boy to jet towards his head and knock his chin upwards. A sudden pain grew on his tongue from the impact as his jaw was forced shut. The breathing became faster when he crawled out of the box or tried to when his weight tossed him out onto the red carpet with a thud. McReary looked at him again with his one eye and pointed the barrel at him.

It was abnormally silent. No footsteps. Nothing. He checked his surroundings for clarification. Empty. 

He was still on guard waiting for him to at least attack and leap out like the last time but then again. It was peaceful.

"Hey Tony? You know about the box and its contents.." asked McReary in a confused like tone, 

"D'you know it?" Tony asked, 

"Well there is a body that was shipped to the house. And I think he's dying!" 

"How would you know ? You're no medic and what led you to such an assumption ?"

"He is rolled up in a ball and shivering. He has clothing but not ones that are suitable for this kind of night." 

Tony's eyes expanded and his heart raced. 

A loud, agonising scream was rolling through the mansion with such intensity. It continued and got more desperate that John Doe was not feeling right or is right at all. He crawled in a desperate attempt to grab someone's attention, blindly. It was a mix of emotions that both and the many guards that are coming towards this section of the hall can hear. He kept coming to McReary and screaming ever so blaringly to where he swiped his patch off his eye and let his other eye take control of his action.  He wasn't too sure if he did it based on his indecisiveness, impulse due to the annoying shouts and cries or whatever. 

He only managed to shoot one dart at the back of his neck which calmed him down for a bit before placing his patch on his robotic eye, picking him up in comparison to a rice bag and leaving his temporary wants and needs in the same box, which he cannot collect. He ran to the next hallway which was to the right of him and hid in a nearby room in the hallway. The drugs kicked in and John Doe fell cold. The pulse was slow. But he was still living. 

He later noticed something on the plate which he caught on before. There was a number on his plate which was the number 81. 

He let his finger flow through the engravings of the numbers a couple of times and glanced around the room and saw the glistening tiles of white surrounding him and two counters that are facing him. One being right in the middle of the room whilst the other was an L shaped counter which closed onto the walls ever so satisfyingly. 

He placed him on the wall which was closest to the door so if he was caught, he wouldn't have to worry about where he placed him. 

There was a stove with a kettle, which was pre-heated, some sugar, a box with tea bags, a jar of grounded coffee beans all being on the L-shaped counter whilst also being underneath 4 cabinets, which was irrelevant to him. There was also a mini fridge, which was also adjacent to the microwave, and connected to one part of the counter. McReary opened the fridge and to his luck there was milk. A cup was also seen in the sink as well as a teaspoon, which indicates that someone was there but for a few minutes, he just decided to make a cup of tea and take an apple from the basket on top of the centre counter because he thought,

"Why the hell not?" 

He took the milk out of the fridge as well as the used cup and spoon, dunk the teabag in the mug and drowned it with water. Using the spoon he pressed down on the bag and stirred, adding a drop of milk into the tea as well as heaps of sugar and found a wall to sit by which is adjacent to the body. 

He stared into the cup of tea as he also played around with the drop of milk that is flowing around in this otherwise almost black tea. The warmth of the cup transferred to his hands as he felt at ease with himself. Looked at the unconscious man, raised a glass with, 

"To a cruel world we live in, I will not drink to it. But. I will drink to the changes we will make. Hope and despair, war and peace, morals and principles if anyone has any."

"Hope can set us free, hope you're right Andy." he whispered till he drank his hot tea. 

"Wish hope could feel like this." 

Tony chimed in his private monologue, "It's never gonna be as warm as that tea you're sipping in my ear and you know it."






"Anyways, what the hell happened over there?" Tony asked with concern, fondling with his cuboid sniper and looking at the illuminating purple light. 

McReary continued to sip his mug, let out a sigh of relief and spoke, 

"Weird events happening, Johnny's screaming and crawling, creating a scene for everyone."

"And you ended up in a kitchen." 

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"In the heat of the moment, Yes I did." he said quietly as he ate an apple. 

His words became slightly muffled. "Just keep looking out if you can, even if I'm at the back of the mansion, look for guards walking to the back." 

Tony rolled his eyes and spoke with sarcasm "I must be very unreliable to you, inefficient you must think so?" As he loaded more disc magazines to his projector. 

"Oh, didn't know you could be this sensitive." McReary replied as he laughed, "Sorry for me remarks."

A smile ran back to his face and just kept silent for his own entertainment and kept eyes on the scope. 

He arose from the tiled floor and softly placed his apple in his mug and mug in the sink as well as the teaspoon. Strides to the body, which calmly rests near the door, and places his ear near the door with his barrel in another hand if any comes in his personal area or near it. He slid the barrel through the opening of the door with his electronic eye peering through it as well. It was a risky move to make. Always was and always has been as he thought to himself. There was no sense of movement or even a twitch in his arm. He continued to roam the halls in search of a document or a blueprint to goodness know what. Even McReary wasn't sure of the contents of this blueprint. All he knows is that it is held by a bunch of captains and under bosses of all sorts of gangs but this was specifically chosen due to the shit job their soldiers and associates do making them a weak gang in terms of manpower but more powerful in terms of finance. But was simply not willing to invest in better security.  Whilst running through the hall turning right onto another hall, he came across two shallow lit up pools with marble fences so thick that you can comfortably sit on it that overlooks the seas. He looked at the many moons Jupiter had to offer and silently watched when he heard a voice coming from a person on the upper floor. It was a feminine ring but it wasn't the bubbly type but more of a masculine type where it was deep up to the point where just wasn't sure by his assumptions.

He walked out of the room to the outside to see where he was going, if he was just aimlessly running halls for shits and giggles. There he saw all the windows are open and visible to him where he can see all the lights on. They were empty in terms of people but are pretty colourful in terms of design and air. There was one room in particular that just stood out to him and it was the one directly above him, or was. He could see absolutely nothing. The blinds were shut and the room was like an abyss, but at least the windows were open. He heard the voice again and he did confirm the mysterious voice and it was indeed female. It was probably just distorted from the sound being transported through the wall. Regardless of that, he snooped on the lady by just listening to the conversation. 


"Why do you want me to check the footage, can't you come here and do that yourself?" she snarky suggested whilst being on the phone, 

Meanwhile, Neil, the head of security, was panicking in his speech and exaggerating his words and tone to where he could get a seizure if one does stress him enough. He cried at the phone box, 

"Why? Why! You sit in the room with no worry in life where you can do fuck all in that room without the boss having to be fuming at you, like now, where I am constantly being put down, and having no control over any of my men to where it makes my job hard, especially this Night!" 

"Very pathetic you are, even your men have no respect towards you, how are you still doing this job?" as she continued to berate him.

"I've been threatened OK, and I don't want to die just yet so I plead you to check all the footage." he cried as he was drooping from the wall to the carpet with tears in his eyes. 

"Honestly, you may have it worse than me but it's not as good to be here, I too could be shot like everybody else who works for them. Management is not kind to anybody even me or you so don't assume that I have it better when I don't"

She kept him on hold to check the footage and seen the backside of a man who had a comfortable looking green sweater, jeans, a belt that held his tranquillisers and gun, dirty brown hair which has separate hairs part from all sides looking like a lion's mane and a chequered scabby cap with green and blue. The face was not to be seen. She looked at the dates of these footage and got out of her seat to lock the doors. She then reported back to Neil about the recent footage from 10 minutes ago. 

"I'm a be frank with cha, there is a dangerous intruder in the house and you would be allowed to shoot on site." she continued 

"He was last seen at Hallway D" she stated whilst looking out the window "You got your footage, now go!." 


By this point, McReary decided that the most rational idea was to run to the other side of the building to get away from the area of attention without any hesitation of getting caught as he had been found out. 

"Tony, I was spotted " he panted,

"Fuck Sakes Cree!" he started fidgeting and his neck started to wander aimlessly under the pressure till something clicked in his mind as he stared into the scope. "Ah no time for this..."

'' click!" 









There was a thousands of people in shock of what has been done to the security guard, some were sober enough to know that he was actually beheaded by a light disc, some were just too drunk to care and just thought it was probably a fake but they just all ran around in circles like chickens in a farm when not trying to get into the coops, whilst some tried to fight back at the situation by just shooting at the hills albeit they only had Assault Rifles which did deal with range but doesn't travel as far as light. Amidst the chaos, there Tony also saw a boat speeding and cruising the wild waves. He couldn't identify the figure but the boat was not regular. It had turrets and a siren, but it was not turned on. And it wasn't the only boat on the sea, there was a school more that came behind the observed one. 

As the time went by it just seems that more vehicles just came by and they were military standards. At this moment, Tony realised that the problem was a lot bigger than it seems. He got onto the piece to warn McReary. 

"Cree, CREE! CREE! The situation's gotten out of hand now. Forget about the documents, You're gonna die!" 

He got back on the scope and rammed more light discs through vehicles and some hunters that came on the road. Focusing all his attention onto all the land, leaving the boats to still run free. The hunters placed holographic barriers at the front of the mansion which heavily backtracked Tony. 


"Uuuh... I think I was found as well. Them hunters are more prepared than we last met. You're gonna have to do this on your own now."


The boats arrived at the back of the mansion, gently hitting the marble platform. The waves were still crashing onto the platform drowning their feet in freezing water. The unidentified figure followed by a bunch of other hunters were walking in sync with said figure leading the party. He wore a mud brown coat, which was a tad bit too large, reaching his knee joints. A fedora of the same colour with a raven's feather that hid the top half of his face, covering his eyes and a cigarette that he's currently smoking as they all marched into the house with their arsenal of weapons of all sorts of power and stat. They all had the face of determination for what was going to happen next. The passion to do their job and risk their lives to protect people from criminals.  The fedora man shot up his hand to give the sign of halt till further notice and uttered, 

"Wait here ... Gotta speak with someone to set up an ambush." 

They gave him a nod as he continued to walk the halls to try to find that someone. 

He looked at the pieces of paper for a few seconds to further identify the guy and started running. 


Although there was an increase of noise, it wasn't all too lively. Neil was still very anxious about the situation but he is calm enough to at least walk in a straight line as long as his teeth are gritted and his fists are clenched, one or the other. He climbed the stairs, via Hallway A where it can be found at the bottom left corner of he mansion, to the second floor to hallway G and continued forward till he hit a left to alley 12. He then slowly opened the door and switched the light on which dangles from the wire. The room was like the many other rooms in the mansion which were rarely used. It was colder than the outside where temperatures can reach negative results where the only form of heating comes from that bulb. The air was dry and dusty with plenty of cobwebs and silk webs from spiders and silkworms. There were boxes scattered all over the concrete floor and worn out walls where grazes and scratches are present. There were also shelves on each wall apart from the door side where there is also... more junk. Empty magazines, pistols, drumsticks wrapper, pot of gum which could've been stale for days, weeks, or maybe months. He stared at the room as he took a deep breath and walked to a cooler. He shook the cooler to hear the subtle sounds of crashing or the sound of water. He shook. A shot of joy flew through Neil's bloodstream when he heard the sounds of crashing ice and swiftly opened the lid like a kid opening a present on Christmas day, or on a birthday party. Took a piece of ice with the excess water dripping from his finger and thumb and threw it in his mouth for his tongue to play around with the cold ice. 

He proceeded to enjoy his cold ice cube whilst rummaging in extra boxes and a coffin to where he found his Carbine Rifle perfectly laying on the coffin bed with no webs or dust packing on it. It was as cold as his ice cube as it wasn't used all too often. Cold as the other side of the pillow. Comfortably cold. Adjacent to the rifle was a magazine filled with rocket packed bullets. It wasn't as high tech as light projecting discs but at least it was better than the standard lead bullets. He attached the magazine to the gun and proceeded to turn back to the door where a sudden voice interrupted his course of action. 


"Were you expecting anybody?" the voice asked in a deep voice with pleasure. 

The droopy eyes twisted himself to point its barrel to the smug guy.  He eyes widened with tense fear. 

"What are you here for? Payment? Product? or the prices on our heads!" Neil shouted with anxiety and stutter on the p's.

He looked to the left of him to see the scared, cowardly boy who held the rifle with his snake-like eyes that hid by his brown fedora. He continued to stare at him with ferocious eyes staring at his soul. Trying to pierce it with his sharp glare. The moment of silence came to an end when he requested, 

"You have an ashtray by any chance?" 

Looking confused he replied meekly "Should be somewhere in this room, though I don't really smoke..." 

"Didn't need your intake of whether you smoke or not, and don't try to flatter yourself about your price. There is simply bigger fish to catch so why waste time on small fry." he continued with his request, "As you heard we are looking for a criminal or a terrorist if you will who happens to be here or this area. Given the research the station did you must be the head of security for this house at least working as an associate for The House of Fire. You are 29 years old, born and raised in Ganymede of Ibera's Garden till your family happen to be in debt to one of the captains and to rid of this debt they sold you to them at the age of 15 to run errands and have been jailed once for the crime of theft. Well all of that is irrelevant to my cause so I'll cut it short."

Neil, with now only cold water settling in his mouth, swallowed as he lowered his weapon and listened to his resolve. 

"Since all or most of your incompetent men are giddy and happy go lucky at this time, we plan an ambush on this scum. So I have plenty of hunters on standby ready to surround him if given the right time. So what, I want you to get more footage on the target and report to me using this earpiece. Also, your Captain knows about this so you don't have to report to him for now." Neil's feeling of stress went away like the wind as a tear left his eye. He wanted to thank him or at least know his name. 

He whispered to himself with gravel in his tone, “What kind of person can’t handle his men ?” 

Smoke filled as he wandered the room to find the ashtray, which was found by one of the boxes. 

It was dropped and stomped on. To put out the cigarette from further filling up the room with more dense smoke. He sighed. 



"Oh! And just to be polite to everyone!" 

"My name is V."

“V ?” he said, dumbfounded. 

"V for Vintage!" he stated with a stern tone. 


Neil sat on the coffin as he said to him in a very puzzled tone of voice, as he dropped his rifle as the smoke started to settle,


" Vintage huh...weird name." 

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