Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ]

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Meet The Goblins

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[Globsack - Intermediate]

"So..." Flaze started as we looked down at the Slobber's remains. There was a sack leaking slime on her hands, and she quickly stored it in her normal form, before reverting back to a knight.

She shivered still, thinking of what she now has stored in her base form. Where the sack came from shall not be named, we will never talk about it. That is the treaty we have agreed upon.

I also made a new discovery while staring at the Slobbers corpse, trying to see if there's more of her body that remains usable.

There wasn't the typical buzz in my head... until there was.

[Enhanced Material - Ordinary]

[Enhanced Material - Ordinary]

Every part of her body actually counts as a material, albeit there was no unique name for them.

I pointed at the creature's remains enthusiastically to get Flaze's attention. She once again gave me a withering look, pretending to hide away so I may get some privacy.

That's not it!! I screamed. I had to write in blood once again to get her to understand me, only for Flaze to give me another look.

It wasn't a withering stare, but one that told of how little she thought of my mental faculties.

"You just now noticed?" She asked.

Uhh... Yes? I chuckled nervously.

She sighed. "Right. Well, congratulations Jackal. So smart. a discoverer."

Flaze's hand found its way to my head, patting me like I was a child showing a terrible drawing that she just had to praise, otherwise she'd be an asshole.

I licked her palm.

Flaze made a disgusted face, and so did I.

Jokes on me, her hand was still full of slob.



I neighed as we climbed the stairs for the next floor, Flaze on my back again, another clone leading. The rest of the floor we didn't even bother to check. It'd probably be fine.

I tried to give Flaze the Ordinary materials from the Slobber, but she just looked at me again like I was a fucking idiot.

"Literally every monster has at least one part that's an ordinary material. Unless if they're very low level. For those over level 50, I'm pretty sure it's guaranteed for everything to at least be ordinary. If you want to take them though, then I'll make you a carriage."

Yeah... No thanks.

We don't even have any use for them yet. It's only a just in case thing.

I neighed again as we came up to the next floor. One thing I've noticed though, is really how strong monsters get once they're at level 50. It's either a massive boon to their raw power, or more likely, an increase in the variety of things they can do.

I've not much basis for this other than context, and some system notifications about myself unlocking a second class early, but I think the actual milestone for a second Class might be level 50.

"You know, I've been thinking," Flaze said, "But do monsters get a second Class at level 50?"

Aaaaahhhhh! That's my thing thing! I just thought it! I neighed it! I came up with it first!

Flaze ignored me. "I got that message saying I've unlocked my second class ahead of schedule, I had it from the beginning. The same happened to you, I think?" I dejectedly nodded, "But the notifications we received should mean that we're a more unique case, creatures at our level shouldn't normally have 2 Classes. But then, when do people or monsters normally get a second class?"

I don't know! I huffed.

"Huh? What's with you?"

Nothing. I neighed, raising my snout up.

"Well, I can't understand you, but I'm sure it's something stupid." She laughed, and I gave an indignant whinny. She laughed harder. "As I was saying. the monsters at level 50 are like much stronger than even those at say level 49. More variety, increased power, a qualitative change that goes beyond a few stat points. Take that Slobber we last killed for example. Slime and fire, in addition to a warrior tag, she must have had other skills increasing her physical prowess. It certainly felt like it."

"It all seems a bit much for a single class. Based on just the capabilities we've seen lower-leveled monsters display, I'm almost certain that hey only have one single Class."

"I'm pretty sure Ralph and his people only had one Class. Not a single one of them had started with two, nor unlocked that second Class Slot in the time I'd known them.

She paused then, upon the mention of Ralph and everyone else.

I laboriously shifted my gaze towards an empty spot on the ceiling, feigning complete ignorance.

"...And now they're dead. We burned down the building they're staying at when they have but singular Classes to defend themselves with, and even lower levels..."

H-hey... You don't know that they're dead... I neighed, a sad whimper. I do genuinely think that they could've escaped the fire. Most would have made it out alive even without magic. Probably.

But then what of what happens after? That building was previously cleared by Flaze, at least the floors they were staying at, and they'd built their own fortifications to hold their territory. They have people that can set traps, and guns that they can use, making it far easier for them to be on the defensive.

What happens then, when they're forced to flee into the monster-filled streets, in the middle of the night? Sure, a lot of the mindless beasts would be sleeping by then, but others yet are very active, and very hidden. Like that shadowy bird we once faced.

They won't have the same fortifications, the same homefield advantage, and their guns are on a timer because they get ruined just like electronics do eventually. It's what happened when that guy... Lestor? Probably dead. When he shot at me, his gun trailed an unnatural amount of smoke, and he'd had to switch. His rifle just suddenly broke, like my phone did.

In short. They're all just absolutely, utterly fucked. And it is indeed my fault.

But in no way is it Flaze's.

I felt a karate chop land on my head just as I came upon a junction in the hallways.


"Don't. Jackal. Yes it makes me sad. And yes we did something terrible. Or maybe it really was just you. Only, I chose to do something else instead of helping... You know, if you believe that? That's what you've been trying to tell me?"

I nodded.

"But there's no need to so on edge. It's fine. I'm fine. Not really, but I'm still moving. I haven't stalled. I haven't broken down. I'm not broken."

"And I won't be. Just let me vent... Or don't. Neigh twice if you want me to stop."

I huffed, and pointedly refrained from making a single sound that could marginally be interpreted as a neigh.

Flaze chuckled. "Alright then. But you know. Just, I'm not going to suddenly shatter. I'm not some brittle antique of glass that would crack with a single passing breeze. So, don't worry about me too much. Sometimes I just say bullshit."

I chewed over her words, before I neighed slowly, approving.

"Just like you. It's amazing how much bullshit you can vomit out of a horse's mouth."

I inclined my rear low, to where she slid off my bottom.

Flaze laughed, getting up from the floor. "Alright, alright. Let's go rescue Darkvoid. Nothingness itself. Nonexistence."

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Ugh. That's what he said. Literally. Always.

Hope he gets a chance to say it again.


We rushed through the ninth and tenth floors without even checking the rooms, the most noteworthy of battles being a level 53 goat mage that used mud. It wasn't too difficult a fight, although the creature was indeed quite good at keeping us at a distance as it ran away and kept lobbing mud against us.

I fell back, and Flaze looked aghast. I gestured towards her clone, maneuvering against splashes of mud, and blobs of the stuff. The goat was doing a lot of things, and I knew it'd tire itself out.

The plan worked after 2 clones have been expended. I also threw in some random fireballs from time to time just to expedite the process. I leveled up to 43.

It was a totally cheese way to do it, but it was the path of least resistance, and quite honestly we were tired. This isn't a fucking game where we need to be concerned about cheating, this is real fucking life.

Night had fallen by now, and we decided it was time we got some rest, so we picked a random room to spend the night in, choosing as well to kill all the monsters in the nearby apartments. Just in case. This is not wanton murder.

We pushed open the door to one of the rooms, and then suddenly a bunch of goblins rushed out, pouncing at us.

[Hellish Fireball].

I immediately reacted, and so did Flaze, her clone holding up her shield against the coming tide of green bodies.

"WAIT!" I heard a shout, and the goblins moved back.

I stumbled, holding my fireball in place, a wary glance scanning over the area.


I was confused, but the real Flaze patted me on the side of my neck. "It's okay. Diplomacy is... possible."

I raised a brow, but she only gestured for me to enter, the green goblins inexplicably falling back. I did not buy their docile act, but it's certainly interesting and worth some caution, so I did as Flaze said and entered the apartment.

With a Hellish Fireball still hovering around me, of course. I'm not buying this peace bullshit until I can be certain of it.

The glint of my spell illuminated the inside of the stranger's home with a vivid red light. I took in the sights, of the living area.

The floors were tiled, a light shade of blue, furniture placed tactfully, but they were mostly ripped apart. I saw the common splatters of blood, death a constant in the new world of today. At least there we attempts to clean it out

In the center of the room, standing uncomfortably, was one markedly large goblin, along with five smaller ones. The little gobbers had the usual warty and ugly green faces, perpetually scowling at us like raging dogs, barely held back by a leash.

The leash broke, on one of them, a goblin with a rusted dagger. She leapt up, but was quickly grabbed and pulled back by a the big goblin that towered over the rest of them. He was what I assumed to be a hobgoblin.

[Tank - Lvl 36]

Muscular, still green, still ugly, but with a smile on his face. An awkward smile that had just disappeared, replaced by fear, and then anxiety when the little goblin tried to attack us. Again.

"Linda!" he shouted, "They are guests! We do not attack guests."

"Gaaarrrr! Baaarraaahh!!" The goblin answered, spittle flying on the hobgoblin's face.

He ignored it.

"I'm so sorry about this!" The hobgoblin bowed to Flaze, still holding the squirming goblin. He still thinks of me as a mere horse, or monster. "They're not always like this. They're just very shy, and understandably wary of strangers, considering, well, you know..."

"Right." Flaze nodded absentmindedly. She was staring at two goblins that were now pushing each other, another one jumped over the couch and started juggling a single remote. Only one remained that was still staying in place, but he was no longer standing. The little goblin had sat down and took a big shart on the floor.

I winced at the sight, before I started laughing. It came out as a wheezing neigh, and Flaze joined in the chaotic cackling.

"Ahhh! Robert! Not on the floor! On the CR! It's right there!" The Hobgoblin cried in his deep guttural voice, and somehow it was just the funniest shit I've ever heard.

Another plate broke, Robert was tossed into a bathroom, and the two goblins fighting each other tripped the hobgoblin. He fell and lost his grip on Linda, whom he'd been holding upside down. She immediately ran away and met up with the juggling goblin, the two having a wordless conversation before they then decided to start dragging the couch towards us. For some reason.

I had fallen to the floor by this point. I tried to remain wary, but Flaze too was sprawled over myself chuckling loudly. I thought her clone was at least still keeping an eye out, until I saw that she actually had her hand over her stomach and was also giggling, trying to hold it back in, but failing miserably.

I heard the Hobgoblin reprimand the two that wanted to give us a torn up couch, and I saw the Robert goblin exit the toilet with a bow. He loosed an arrow that Flaze casually deflected away, still in her knight form. I shot a fireball in retaliation out of sheer instinct.

I stood up, still wheezing out a few chuckles here and there. I've not been in any actual danger, and neither was Flaze. I knew that.

Flaze steadied herself on my torso, panting, before she staggered forward.

"Heal him." She got out, her hand pointed at something.

I followed its path and found a burning goblin. A very big goblin. It was the hobgoblin. He had jumped in front of my spell in order to save the shitting goblin.


His screams registered in my ears now, the pain of a fully intelligent being and all the cursing the came with it.

[Blessed Heal]

I cast the spell, and he visibly eased, but wisps of flame still slung to his forms. I stepped forward as he skittered back, but I moved toward him regardless. The other goblins reacted but were held back by Flaze and her clone. I noted that she was trying to not be lethal, shoving the monsters back with her shield.

I snuffed out the flames once I was close enough, the connection to myself flimsy once it had already left my control. I used another heal on the hobgoblin as he wiped the tears on his eyes, looking at the burns over his body that had now healed.

He looked around worriedly, heaving a relieved sigh once he saw that no one was dead.

And then he panicked, realizing the goblins were still trying to attack us. The hobgoblin stood up and shouted, "Attention! Goblins!"

It sounded like a joke, as if there was a goblin military. but I heard the constant clamor stop, and then saw the goblins look back at him, confused and jittery.

The sapient hobgoblin pointed at the kitchen and said in a commanding voice. "March there. And do not move. Stay in position."

The goblins scowled at first, but to my surprise they actually listened. They all filed behind the counter, some disappearing from view, while others kept a mocking and somehow confident glance at us.

I made another fireball, and they all scampered away.

The hobgoblin too saw my spell, the blood red orb of fire. He fell back, and then sunk to ground, prostrating himself before me. And also Flaze. And her clone.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL US!" He pleaded, tears streaming down his face, low to the ground.

I couldn't hide my smirk.

Oh. That would depend.



So, you might have noticed that I have changed the title to Horse Magic [A Grimlight Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse]. (Unless if I've changed it again by the time you're reading this. Which is likely.)

You can find story with these keywords: Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ], Read Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ], Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ] novel, Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ] book, Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ] story, Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ] full, Horse Magic [ Monster Evolution LitRPG Apocalypse ] Latest Chapter

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