How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me?

Chapter 2: Engagement Breakup Alliance

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Chapter 1: Engagement Breakup Alliance

When there is someone you love, why does the world seem to glow—?

With such frivolous musings in his mind, Kouta dashed through the hallways of the school building after school was out for the day.

“Woooaaaah, just in time—!”

It was a fierce rush. Looking at the speed devil Kouta, his classmates talked among themselves, “What’s with that guy?” But a moment later, they went back to their respective routines.

First year of high school, mid-September.

The rest of his classmates are finally out of the summer vacation mood and are now enjoying their high school life to the fullest.

However, Kouta was clutching a special sales flyer from the supermarket. On a flimsy piece of paper, it reads, “Evening time sale! Ten yen for an egg carton!! Limited number available.”

(If I catch the next train, I can get eggs at the time of sale! Then I’ll go to my part-time job at the coffee shop, and after my part-time job, I’ll pick up some pocket tissues…)

After making a plan, Kouta paused and said, “Okay” to himself.

If this continues, he will be able to go on a date with his girlfriend at the end of this month.

That was the most important and top priority for Kouta.

It was about two months ago that he confessed his love to the girl he liked and got his first girlfriend in his life. However, Kouta and his girlfriend have never been on a date. The reason is that he doesn’t have any money. His house is a poor noodle shop, and he can’t even afford to pay for food.

Now that he has a girlfriend, he wants to go to the cinema and amusement park!

He wants to go out to eat with her, play in the arcade or karaoke like a couple!

In order to have a normal date with his girlfriend, Kouta has become a demon of frugality and works part-time every day.

The time to get to the elevator was excellent. He changed his shoes at an unbelievable speed and was on his way to the school gate.


As if to block the school gate, a black limousine pulled up.

“You’re in my way─! Get out of the way─!”

There is no stopping Kouta, who’s on a time restraint. A man in a black suit opened the door of the limousine with reverence.

The person who got out of the luxury car was a very young lady.

She was wearing a pure white dress that was easily soiled, a sign of a celebrity with plenty of clothes. She wore high-heeled shoes that were difficult to walk in, a sign of a celebrity who travels by car.

Her long, honey-colored hair fluttered in the autumn breeze. Her hair is silky smooth, probably because of the expensive hair oil she uses. Her eyes are cool and her nose is smooth. You can tell from a distance that she has a lovely face, and it oozes nobility.

In the face of the obvious economic disparity, Kouta did not stop at his feet.

“Hey, you! You’re in the way!”

When the girl saw that Kouta was running in a straight line,

“What the…!?”

The girl made a blatantly surprised expression.

Hmm? Kouta wondered.

Her reaction was as if she had met an unexpected acquaintance. However, Kouta did not know her. He had a feeling he had seen her face somewhere, but─

As he stared at her, the girl’s cheeks stained. With a puff, she turned her head to the side.

“…Hee~, so you came running to pick me up huh. Well, that’s to be expected.”

Her mumbling was not heard by Kouta.

In front of the school gate, Kouta had no choice but to stop. As he put his hands on his knees and breathed hard on his shoulders, he saw the girl’s thin legs.

“Oh my? I thought you were going to use that momentum to give me a hug. Don’t be shy, my fiancé, Kouta has every right to do so.”

A well spoken soprano. He heard some unfamiliar words, but he must have misheard them due to lack of oxygen.

“…How… do you… know my name?”

“How could I not know my fiancé’s name? How long are you going to hold your breath? Why don’t you at least say hello to me?”

“I’m not mishearing. What do you mean by ‘fiancé’?”

Kouta raised his head.

His eyes met with the girl’s. Maybe it’s because she had her chin up, but she was looking down on him.

“…Are you serious? I wonder if there was some misunderstanding.”

With a theatrical gesture, she brushed off her twin tails.

“I’m Christina Westwood. It’s been ten years since I’ve had the pleasure of being engaged to Kouta.”

Arrogantly, irreverently. The girl with the smile on her face said so.

When an ordinary high school boy is confronted by the sudden appearance of a beautiful girl who calls herself his bride, who would believe him?

“You’ve got the wrong person.”

Kouta instantly dismissed her. He opened the timetable in his mind.

(I’ve been caught by a troublesome one. Can I still make it on the next train…?)

Christina’s eyes widened at Kouta’s irritation.

“Wha!? You just thought I was a troublesome one, didn’t you!? I can tell by the look on your face!”

“You’d also think it would be a hassle to be mistaken for someone else when you’re short on time.”

“I’m not mistaken. My fiancé is Kouta Gouzanji, fifteen years old. I heard that you go to Tokiwa Central High School here in Tokiwa.”

(What is this, a new… scam…?)

“It’s not a scam! That’s really rude!”

Again, she read Kouta’s thoughts accurately and shook her twin-tails in exasperation. It seems that this girl is strangely perceptive.

“Ah mou~, you’re my fiancé, stop complaining and escort me to the main entrance of the school. I want you to shudder at the honor of walking alongside me.”

“Wait, you’re… my fiancée? I don’t believe you! If you’re a member of a prestigious family, you’ll know that we’re a poor noodle shop. I don’t have a fiancée!”

“Huh!? Then why don’t you ask papa Kouta? He’ll tell you the truth.”

Christina thrusts her phone right under Kouta’s nose.

He was poor, but he was a modern man. He has his own phone so he does not need to borrow from others.

“That’s right, I’ll check with my parents. If I find out you’re lying, I’ll have you move this car immediately!”

“Yes, yes, that’s fine. If I’m lying, that is.”

Christina fluttered and waved her hands in dismay.

Time sales are a battlefield. Only those who can reach the sales floor as soon as it starts will win. He didn’t have time for the nonsense of celebrity women.

In order to get the car out of the way as soon as possible, Kouta called his father, Tetsuji.


『Oh, did you hear from Chris-chan? I forgot all about it until today, but that’s why you and Chris-chan were engaged.』


Kouta is from a single father and son family. He is grateful and respectful of his father, who raised him by himself.

But now, he couldn’t resist the urge to yell at Tetsuji. His cheeks twitching, he asks.

“Dad… What’s ‘that’ about anyway? I never heard anything about it.”

『It was ten years ago. Las Vegas casino tycoon Tyrell Westwood visited my store, ate my ramen and was impressed. He invited me to open a restaurant overseas with him, but I refused because I didn’t think I could share my secret recipe with anyone but my family. Then, Tyrell told me that if the children married each other, we would become a family─』

“Stoooooooooop! I don’t need that old story! I’m asking you why my fiancée has been chosen without my knowledge!”

Voices from all around the screaming Kouta said, “Kyaa~, it’s Chris-chan!”

He quickly looked around and saw that students, both male and female, were looking at him from a distance. Some of them were holding their cell phones, and Kouta looked at Christina again.

The girl looked embarrassed, but still waved her hand affectionately. The haughty attitude she had just displayed was gone. She was acting like a cat. Every time she reacted, the students would erupt in excitement.

(I remember now! I’ve seen her before on a TV variety show. She’s the daughter of a millionaire and a celebrity model!)

He was even more confused as to why she and he were engaged to be married. Kouta waited for his father’s response.

『─I’m sorry, Kouta.』

When he heard the apology from his stubborn father, who usually never admitted his own faults, he couldn’t help but feel choked.

『As a parent, I’m sorry for the hardships you’ve had to endure because of our inability to make money. I feel sorry for you as a parent.』

“Stop it, Dad. I understand the situation of your store─”

『But you don’t have to worry about it anymore. If you marry Chris-chan, the casino king will invest in my store!』

Tetsuji’s voice on the phone was full of hope.

Tetsuji spoke as if he had found the only right answer.

『I’m going to use the money to open new stores overseas. My life of poverty will be over. You won’t have to spend your days running to the supermarket for time sales or working part-time. Didn’t you want to join the club? Go buy whatever you want for dinner tonight. It’s meat you know? Meat!』

“…Hey, Dad.”

Kouta was feeling dizzy.

Opening a store overseas, getting out of poverty, and living like a  normal high school student. He wondered if he really knew what he was sacrificing to get those things.

When he looked at Christina, she had a smug look on her face, as if to say, “See, I told you so.”

『Kouta, you’ve met Chris, right? I’m glad she’s such a nice girl. You wouldn’t have any problem if Chris-chan was your fiancée, would you?』

He had reached his limit with that line. Something snapped inside Kouta.

“Okay, listen up.”

Tightly gripping his phone, Kouta let out a low voice.

Looking up at the sky, which was beginning to blot out the orange color, Kouta breathed in.

Tetsuji is on the other end of the phone, and Christina is looking at him with a smug look on her face. He declared to both of them.

“─This engagement is off! It’s over!”

『Kouta!』”Kouta!?” The two of them shouted in unison.

『Hey, what the hell is wrong with you? You’ll become a man married to wealth and power. If you get married, our family’s finances will be all taken care of!?』

“You’re lying right, Kouta…? Why do I have to break off my engagement!?”

“What? Why? Even an idiot can figure it out. I only marry people I love. I don’t care who my parents decide for me to marry!”

Kouta also understands. This engagement is a great opportunity for his father’s store, and it will definitely make Kouta’s life easier. And she’s a cute celebrity. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would love to get engaged to her.

The only thing that will be sacrificed is Kouta’s feelings.

He wants to be married to the person he loves─ what could be more important than that?

In fact, Kouta now has a girlfriend that he is dating. He hadn’t thought about getting married, but since he was in a relationship, marriage was also one of his goals.

No matter how much money he was offered, there was no way he could get engaged to a girl he didn’t like without leaving his girlfriend.

“I’ll never marry Christina! Don’t ever bring me this kind of bullshit again!”


Kouta interrupted Tetsuji’s call and tapped the end button. He turned off his phone so that he would not receive any calls.

Kouta gave Christina a bloodshot look.

“Now, you and I are no longer engaged. You’ll have to move the car.”

The girl was dumbfounded. She didn’t seem to understand what was happening. Eventually, her fists began to shake uncontrollably.

“…I-I can’t accept this. Who do you think I am…!?”

The girl’s teeth gnashed together. Her cheeks are flushed, either from anger or humiliation. She glared at Kouta, her large eyes blazing.

“I am the Christina Westwood of the world! Don’t think I’d allow you to unilaterally break off my engagement─”

“Oh, I see. Well then, I’ll force my way through.”

He can’t take advantage of a prideful, super-celebrity woman. Kouta clicked his tongue a little bit, and took a distance to help him. He set his sights on the target and ran.

“No, that’s reckless! You can’t jump over a car!”

Christina panicked, but Kouta wasn’t aiming for a car that might charge him a lot of money for damage.

Kicking the ground hard, Kouta jumped on the fence surrounding the school. If he couldn’t get out of the school gate, he would have to climb over the side fence.

Kouta painstakingly climbs over the fence and rolls down into the plantings outside.

“AAAAAAAAAAAh, wait for me time saleeee──────!!”

“Huh!? Stop right there, Kouta─!”

Kouta ran with the girl’s screams behind him. His head was already full of ten-yen egg cartons.

In the end, Kouta couldn’t get the time-sale egg carton.

“Haa~, I guess getting stuck at the school gate was my downfall…”

Kouta staggered down the dimly lit street at night. He was carrying a supermarket shopping bag in one hand and a cardboard box filled with pocket tissues for his other part-time job.

(I’ll have to cook dinner when I get home… The main dish today is bean sprouts. After dinner, I’ve got house chores and homework to do…)

After a day of working hard at school and part-time jobs, Kouta was very tired and exhausted.

But this is all for a date with his girlfriend.

Even if he has to work every day and eat bean sprouts for dinner, the thought of his girlfriend makes him work harder. The power of love is incredible.

Kouta’s home is a room in a two-story rundown apartment. He walks up the rusty stairs and inserts the key into the lock.

“I’m home─!?”

Kouta stiffened as he entered the front door.

Kouta’s house is a long and narrow 1DK with an entrance, a kitchen, and a Japanese-style room. In the innermost room, there was a person who was not supposed to be there.

A cardboard box slipped out of Kouta’s arms and made a thumping sound.

“Oh, welcome back, Kouta.”

A blonde girl was lying on the tatami, watching TV. Empty bags of potato chips were scattered around her. It was as if she was at home. Seeing Kouta’s surprise, the girl giggled with pride.

Christina Westwood had descended on Kouta’s house.

“Why are you here…? Why is there a super celebrity woman in my house!?”

A sudden unexpected event. Kouta shouted when he saw the girl he thought he would never see again.

Christina plucked a potato chip and gave him a questioning look.

“Why? Because I’m your fiancée?”

“I said no to that! What the hell is going on, that damned father…!”

The only reason she’s home must be because Tetsuji let her in.

Kouta turned on his phone, which he had turned off for a long time. He called Tetsuji, who should have been home by now.

“I don’t think Kouta’s papa can connect to this chain. He’s on a plane right now.”

Crispy, Christina said, while eating a potato chip. Sure enough, a voicemail came from his phone: “You’re in a bad area or the power is out.”


“He went to the U.S. to prepare for opening a restaurant overseas.”

“America, you say!?”

“And I’m going to live here with you while Kouta’s papa is away.”

Christina told her regards and licked her fingers.

He was speechless.

She puffed out her cheeks at Kouta, who was unable to open his mouth.

“Hey, isn’t that the part where you shed tears of joy? You can live with me, who is said to be a once-in-a-millennium half-model. Isn’t this the first time in your life that you’ve been so lucky?”

(How can it be lucky!? It’s a disaster!)

“It’s a disaster!? Are you serious!?”

“I didn’t say that!”

Kouta held his chest and backed away.

(What the heck is this person… she’s able to read my thoughts…?)

She’s too sharp. Thinking back, the same thing happened at the school gate. Chris snickered at Kouta’s caution.

“Don’t underestimate the daughter of a casino tycoon. Just like reading your opponent’s hand in poker, I can tell by looking at Kouta’s face what’s on your mind.”

Seriously…? He thought.

“If you know what I’m thinking, we can talk quickly. If you stay at my place, I’m leaving! I want you out of here tomorrow.”

His parents went abroad, and he is going to live alone with his fiancee, a girl (and she’s pretty cute!). It’s a dream situation for a healthy high school boy.

However, Kouta has a girlfriend. This is not a situation to be happy about.

Kouta was about to run away from his house, but

“Oh, can’t you see it’s pointless to run away now?”

He stopped at Christina’s words.

“Pointless, you say…?”

“The engagement between Kouta and I is a done deal. If you run now, Kouta’s papa will come back and take you back.”

“…Why? I’ve already told Dad and you. I said this engagement is off already.”

“You think one word from you can change an engagement that’s been in the works for ten years? Our engagement is intertwined with our fathers’ businesses.”

“You think this is an adult thing? It’s about us!”

“In fact, Kouta’s father thinks that Kouta was upset by the sudden turn of events and said something like that. He thinks that with time Kouta will calm down and accept the engagement.”

“I wasn’t upset, and I didn’t lose my mind! It’s the absolute truth that I don’t want to marry someone I don’t love. I’m not changing my mind!”

“You don’t want to marry anyone you don’t like, hey…”

Christina ruminated thoughtfully.

“─Does Kouta not really like me?”

Huh? Was the voice that came out.

Christina stood directly in front of Kouta. They were within touching distance of each other, toes touching. Because of her revealing loungewear, her translucent white skin is unavoidably noticeable.

Her lips are glossy and shiny, and she whispers invitingly.

“You don’t seem to know, so I’ll tell you. My papa is on the world’s richest list every year. Last year, his total assets were 8.5 trillion yen. He runs casinos all over the world and has more than ten vacation homes.”


“I’m a model now, and I have 50 million followers on social media. I’m on the cover of some magazine every month and the press calls me the half-model of the millennium. Did Kouta know about this?”


Christina giggled at Kouta’s silence. It’s a smile of complete confidence in victory.

“Have Kouta’s feelings changed after hearing all this? You must be the luckiest person in the world. After all, you’re able to marry me.”

“…I won’t change my mind.”


“You think you’re showing off by bragging about your celebrity now? If you think that’s going to make me want to get engaged, you’re mistaken!”


“Do you think that if you’re rich and pretty, all the men in the world will fall in love with you? Don’t you think you’re too naive?”

Christina gasped for breath.

In the meantime, Kouta distanced himself from her. He confronted the girl with his back to the sink.

“Hey, there’s something I can’t figure out, can I ask you?”


“Are you sure you want to get engaged to me?”

“I don’t understand. Is there something about me that prevents you from getting engaged?”

“That’s not it! You and I are both in the same position. You’re also the victim of your father’s arbitrary decision to get engaged. But you’re not opposed to the engagement. What’s the reason?”

Yes, for some reason, Kouta was the only one who objected to this engagement. Kouta is far inferior to her in terms of specifications.

“I understand that you’re a super celebrity. If you’re a celebrity, don’t you think your fiancé should be a good-looking celebrity to match?”

“I have a wealthy family, so I don’t care about the other party’s financial situation.”

“That might be true, but…!”

“It’s not always beneficial to have a good looking guy. It is said too that the most popular men are the ones who cheat the most.”

“That may be true, but…!”

I’ve been told for ten years that Kouta is my fiancé. I even received gifted Japanese language training for this purpose. My dad got me all the best tutors.”

“You’re just following your father’s orders! Is that what you really want!?”

“Yes, it’s to attract a delicious noodle restaurant to my father’s casino. I’m even looking forward to it.”

“Thank you for patronizing our ramen. But for that, you’ll be forced to marry a man you don’t like! Attracting a ramen store or getting married. What’s more important in your life!?”

“The question is nonsense. Either the two go hand in hand or both will collapse.”

“Why can’t you answer ‘marriage’ there? You’re crazy!”

It’s too businesslike. Would she be able to separate her own marriage for the sake of her father’s business like this?

“I just can’t accept it! Why do you let your father choose your fiancé and you just go along with it? You’re the one getting married. You want to marry the one you love, right? Don’t you have any will of your own? You─”

“You’re so persistent. That’s enough.”

A frustrated voice interrupts Kouta.

“─It doesn’t matter who I end up with.”

The line hit Kouta in the chest from an unexpected angle.

Christina stared at the old walls of the Gouzanji house. The poorly lit light bulb in the doorway brought her image to life.

“Many… no, I’ve had dozens of men who asked me to marry them. From handsome actors, to young businessmen, to the son of a congressman, to pilots, and even medical students. All of them whispered sweet nothings to me and treated me like a gentleman. Do you know why?”

Without waiting for Kouta’s response, Christina continued.

“Because I’m the daughter of a casino tycoon.”

It was not a boast, but a self-mockery.

“If you marry me, your father’s fortune will come rolling in. I’m sure that’s very tempting. They whisper their love to me, but they don’t care what kind of personality I have, what I like, or what I usually think. I really don’t care…”

Christina’s clenched fists were trembling. Her jewel-like eyes lit up with rage as she spat.

“I don’t care who my fiancé is. All they want is my father’s fortune. They’re all the same, and no matter who I choose, my future will be the same, so why should I choose?”

“You’ve never been in love, have you?”

Huh!? Christina said in a piercing voice.

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean, you’ve only ever known men who were such jerks, right? You’ve never had anyone you liked, have you?”

“…That’s right. So what? I already told you. All men are after my father’s fortune. There’s no way I’m going to like them!”

“You’ve got one thing dead wrong.”

Christina glared at Kouta.

Kouta met the sharp and intense gaze with equanimity.

“You say that all men only look at your father’s wealth? That’s a lie. I told you that earlier, didn’t I? I told you earlier that you were mistaken if you think your celebrity boasts will make me want to get engaged.”

“What!? Oh, that’s crazy… It can’t be, only Kouta would be stupid enough to refuse to get engaged when she finds out I’m the Christina Westwood of the world!”

“I’m not sure if it’s me who’s the idiot, or all the men who’ve ever come on to you. Anyway, I’ve disproved your idea that all men in the world are as bad as you say they are.”

Christina’s eyes widened in surprise.

“And then I want to ask you! Can you still say that you don’t care who your fiancé is!?”

With a bang, Kouta slammed the sink.

“I know you don’t like anyone right now. But regardless of your wealth, there is definitely a man out there who will truly look at you. I am proof of that. What guarantee do you have that you won’t fall in love in the future?”


“It’s too early to give up on love, you know? Someday you’ll fall in love with a man who sees you for who you are.”

Christina has been blessed with a lot of bad luck. She was surrounded by men who thought only of greed.

But not all men are like that.

“When you fall in love with a fiancé, you’ll always regret it. I wouldn’t get engaged knowing that you would regret it. Such an engagement will only make you both unhappy. I want you to be happy too.”

This was undoubtedly Kouta’s true intention.

Even if the other party is a super-celebrity, Kouta’s wish is the same.

“You should be angry with your father, too. It’s your life. You can tell him you don’t want to get married unless you love him! Are you afraid of your Dad? If you can’t rebel on your own, give me your Dad’s phone number. I don’t care if he’s a millionaire or not. I’ll also protest to him that he shouldn’t decide who his child’s fiancé will be based on his attraction to a noodle store!”

Christina stared in amazement at Kouta’s passionate argument.

There were no words of rebuttal. Assuming that she was convinced, Kouta put it all together.

“You can decide who you want to be with. I will do the same. Our engagement, for the time being, is not in our minds. Is that okay─?”

The girl’s eyes shook.

Christina nodded deeply as if pulled by gravity.

A drop of water fell on the floor. It was as sudden as a midsummer shower, and as clear as melting snow in early spring.

Kouta was more than a little puzzled when she started to sob. It was the first time he had ever made a girl cry.

(She was probably unconsciously worried about getting engaged to a stranger, too…)

Kouta took a breath and leaned against the sink. He had been able to communicate with Christina, but the problem was still not solved.


“We will now begin the strategy meeting!”

Kouta announced at the dining room table.

The blonde girl sitting across from him had stopped crying and seemed to have calmed down after drinking the hot tea Kouta had made for her.

Acknowledging Christina’s nod, Kouta continued.

“We want to break the engagement that our fathers have made. I’d like to solicit ideas on how to get our fathers to agree to the annulment of our marriage.”

Christina immediately raises her hand, “Here.”

Kouta said in a serious tone.

“Westwood-san, you may proceed.”

“This engagement is a matter of calculation and ambition on the part of our two papa. Kouta has proven today that it is futile to simply appeal to our papa to break off the engagement.”

Kouta let out a deep sigh.

Tetsuji did not take Kouta’s declaration of not getting engaged seriously. He couldn’t think of a way to persuade his father, who was completely excited about opening a new store overseas.

Hence the strategy meeting.

“Can’t you appeal to your father? Tell him you met me and you didn’t like me.”

“Kouta, this engagement is a business arrangement. Have you ever heard of political marriage? We can’t just let our emotions get in the way of things.”

“Political marriage! I thought it was the least relevant word in my life…”

The majority of people would rather not have anything to do with political marriage in their lives.

Christina fiddled with her teacup.

“There’s a way… to stop a political marriage.”

Kouta looked up with a smile.

“All you have to do is get engaged to someone else.”


I don’t know what that means. Christina said, smiling at Kouta’s outrageous voice. Kouta smiled back.

“I’m going to pretend that Kouta had another fiancée. Kouta didn’t know he had a fiancée until today, so it’s not surprising that he’s engaged to someone else.”

“Wait a minute. I don’t have a fiancée.”

“If you don’t have a fiancéé, you make one!”

You are reading story How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? at

Christina confidently rolled her eyes.

“The scenario goes like this: Kouta has been engaged to someone for a while. You and your fiancée are going to protest that you don’t want to suddenly get engaged to me. If they don’t, you can elope or something as soon as Kouta turns eighteen. If we can’t talk it out, we’ll just have to use force.”

“Eloping you say… I’m insanely worried about my financial ability…”

“Kouta, who do you think is backing you?”

Christina stared at him.

She’s a model, and her eyes seem to draw you in. You can see that she has long eyelashes. Kouta’s gaze wandered, unable to take in the power of her eyes.


“It’s me you know, M-E? This Christina Westwood of the world is backing you up in this operation. I’m giving you all the help you need.”

“What do you mean, ‘help’? I can’t ask you to do that…”

He knew that she was a wealthy woman, but he didn’t want her to help him. Christina’s lips pouted at Kouta’s reluctance.

“Hey, you know this is between the two of us, right?”

“The two of us…?”

“Kouta’s annulment is also my annulment. Why can’t I pay for my engagement to be annulled?”

Kouta couldn’t argue.

“It’s settled. I’ll write down our decision in the following proceedings.”

Christina pulled out a notepad from the table.

『Strategy: Kouta will find another fiancée.』

It was written in a very cute circular style.

“Once that’s decided, we need to find someone to be Kouta’s fiancée.”

Christina started to play with her phone, as if to hurry up.

“Do you want me to introduce you to any of my modeling friends? What kind of girl does Kouta like?”

“Wait, stop right there. I don’t need a referral. I’m going to propose to my current girlfriend!”

“Hee~ a girlfriend…”



Christina’s hand stops moving on her phone.

“Huuh!? A girlfriend─!?”

Christina suddenly stood up and shouted.

“What’s with the reaction like it’s super surprising that I have a girlfriend?”

“T-That’s just, you know! I didn’t think my fiancé had a girlfriend!”

“Like I said, I didn’t even know we were engaged.”

“Fuuun~, Hee~, so that’s why you said ‘I don’t want to marry anyone I don’t love.’… Eh, your girlfriend is a three-dimensional woman, right?”

“You sure are a rude person.”

In front of Kouta, who had a Buddha-like expression, Christina added some words to the notepad for the proceedings.

『Kouta proposes to his girlfriend.』

With a thump, Christina taps the nib of her pen against the notepad. One can tell from her crooked mouth that she’s not in a very good mood.

“So, how long have Kouta and the others been dating?”

“Ermm, do you still suspect I have a three dimensional girlfriend…?”

“No. If Kouta’s proposal doesn’t succeed, our plan will be ruined. We need to know what the success rate is at this point.”

“We’ve been dating for almost two months now.”

“How did you meet your girlfriend?”

“We’re classmates in high school. We’re on the same class committee.”

“So you two are on the same committee. When do you plan to go on another date?”

“…Hopefully at the end of the month…”

“We can’t wait too long. We need you to be engaged by the time Kouta’s papa gets home. We need to schedule a date right away.”

“…Can you lend me some money?”


With a bang, Kouta placed his hands on the table. Trying to hold back his shame and embarrassment, he bowed vigorously to Christina.

“I’ll pay you back at the end of this month when I get my part-time job! Please lend me the money for our date!”


Kouta looked up as Christina pulled out the thickest wad of cash he had ever seen from her purse.

“I told you, I’ll back you up every step of the way. Do you think this will be enough money for this week?”

“I don’t need that much! Are you going around the world for a date!? Put that much money away!”

He shouted without thinking. It was a heartbreaking sight for a poor man. He’s definitely too scared to carry around a wad of cash in his wallet.

Christina shrugged her shoulders.

“Can I lend it to you before your date?”

“That would be great. …Thanks for this, you’re going to speed up my dream first date.”

Christina’s movements came to a halt.

“…First date?”

“I was thinking of asking her out at the end of the month when I get paid. To be honest, I’m having a hard time making ends meet at my place. I can’t really afford to pay for a date…”

“Kouta, you haven’t been on a single date in two months of dating?”

“Eh? Ah, yeah. Is there something wrong…?”

The blonde girl had a straight face. Her lips were pursed in a shivering wag.

“Does Kouta’s girlfriend know about your situation?”

“No, it’s really hard to talk about my financial situation…”

“So your girlfriend doesn’t know about Kouta’s situation and she’s been neglected for two months?”

“No, not neglected─”

“You idiooooooooooot!!”


Kouta was suddenly shouted at and fell out of his chair.

Christina, red-faced, looked down at Kouta. She jabbed her index finger at him.

“You’ve been dating for two months and you don’t have a date for no reason? Are you really going out with her? Doesn’t your girlfriend ever ask you out?”

“No, my girlfriend isn’t into that kind of thing… We are dating! She hasn’t asked me to break up with her…”

“Kouta─ have you ever heard of a natural breakup?”

Natural breakup.

Kouta shuddered at the sinister sound.

“It’s a common phenomenon in couples where one person is in love with the other person and the other person is just going along with the flow, but at first the one who is in love with the other person asks the other person out for something. But gradually, the one who is in love with the other will lose interest and stop asking the other out. Then the two of them drift apart, and the couple breaks up without even saying, ‘Let’s break up.’ In Kouta’s case, he didn’t even ask her out from the beginning.”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh I don’t want to hear it! I don’t want to hear it! I don’t want to hear it!”

Covering both ears, Kouta crouched in the corner of the kitchen.

(How is that possible…? No, I don’t want to believe it. I don’t believe it! Even though I confessed my love to her and she said yes, she broke up with me without even going on a date─)

“Imagine this, Kouta, you’re my girlfriend and you haven’t been asked out in two months. As a girlfriend, I’m wondering if we’re really together. You can’t complain if it’s just a natural breakup.”

To that─ Kouta felt weak. With a vacant look in his eyes, he began to mumble, “…What should I do… what should I do…?”

Christina’s face was a mess.

“You look like a crippled man. Are you really that shocked that you’re breaking up with your current girlfriend?”

“Of course I’m shocked! It’s the first girlfriend I’ve ever had. I fell in love with her at first sight on the day of the entrance ceremony, and now that we’re finally together─”

“Haa~. Why don’t you check with your girlfriend on the phone? If you’re lucky, she might not have broken up with you yet.”


Kouta immediately took out his phone.

His mind was filled with unpleasant thoughts. As he typed with trembling hands, Christina said,

“Let me see it before you send it. I’ll check the contents for you.”

What? Kouta was puzzled.

(Why would I let a stranger see a message I wrote to my girlfriend…?)

Christina pouted.

“How can you be sure that you won’t send something lame? You can break up with someone just because of a message. Well, if it’s okay with Kouta, then so be it.”

“All right! Please check!”

Anyways, anything is fine as long as he doesn’t break up with his girlfriend. The text is ready and Kouta hands Christina her phone.

『Dear Madam,

Autumn is gently deepening and the moon looks beautiful. I hope you are doing well, Tojo-san.

When I confessed my love to you in the middle of July, I was very happy to receive your reply. I was overjoyed when Tojo-san, who is known as a flower of the high mountains within the school, agreed to a relationship with me. [TLN: Takamine = flower of high mountains, or a girl who’s like at the top of the school beauty.]

The reason I’m writing to you today is because I wanted to see if your reply was still valid. I still have the same feelings for Tojo-san.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am still waiting for your reply.

I look forward to spending some time with you at the committee meeting tomorrow.

Sincerely yours.』

“You idioooooooooooooooooooooot!?”


“This is even worse than I thought! Do you really think this is a good message…? Uwaa~, all the lines to your girlfriend start with ‘Dear Madam’! Unbelievable!”

“Wait, don’t look at the history!”

Kouta reached for his phone to take it back. But Christina erased most of the text at lightning speed and sent the line.

“With this we’re okay☆”

“Nah uh, this is not okaaay! Geez, what a rude message to Tojo-san!”

Christina sent only one sentence.

『Is my confession still valid?』

“What do you mean by rude? You’re out of your mind to send such a long message.”

Christina was still looking at Kouta’s messages and said, “Hee, so your girlfriend’s name is Hisame Tojo,” Kouta snatched the phone back.

“I want to be polite to Tojo-san! I respect her as a person and I want to have a serious relationship with her. If so, I should show it in my messages too!”

“You have a good attitude, but the way you appeal to her is too bad. It’s a miracle you haven’t been rejected before with this line.”

“It’s a miracle I got Tojo-san to say yes to my confession…! It would have been the end of the world if it had died out naturally…”

“Do you want me to find you another potential fiancée?”

Christina held  her phone and showed it to him.

In order to break the engagement, Kouta only needs to have another fiancée. There is no reason for Kouta to be stuck with her current girlfriend.

But, “No,” Kouta shook his head without hesitation.

“I can only think of Tojo-san.”

Kouta stared at the screen of his phone. No messages have been read yet. If it doesn’t get read for a long time. And if she doesn’t reply when she does─.

The unchanging screen is slowly eating away at Kouta’s mind.


Suddenly, the screen of the phone went black, and Christina had dropped the screen of Kouta’s phone.

“What a face you have, Kouta, I’m here for you.”

Christina lifted her chin and smiled.

“Even if it’s just a natural breakup, it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Isn’t that right? Why don’t you just confess to your girlfriend again?”

“But I’ve already failed once as a lover you know…? There’s no way I’ll get an OK again.”

“You already know why you failed. If there’s something else wrong with you, I can tell you about it in advance. From now on, Kouta is not alone.”

Kouta couldn’t help but stare at Christina, whose haughty face seemed to be full of confidence.

She grasped both of Kouta’s arms as if to encourage him.

“Don’t worry, the Christina Westwoods of the world can assure you that Kouta’s goodness will always be there for your girlfriend─”

Kouta’s phone beeped.


“Let me see!”

The two of them looked into the phone.

But the line said─



“The natural breakup route was avoided… But the blandness of this reply is strangely disturbing…”

“Tojo-san’s replies are always like this, so there’s no problem! We did it, Westwood-san! My spring isn’t over yet!”

“…Just ‘Chris’ is fine.”

Christina corrected the soaring Kouta.

“We are comrades working together to end our engagement. No need to call me Westwood-san.”

“Chris… I’m not used to calling people like this…”

It is not Kouta’s habit to call girls by their first names.

”Chris,” Kouta muttered into his mouth, and she lifted the corners of her mouth.

“If you’re not used to it, then make yourself get used to it.”

He was starving.

After school, he went straight from the grocery store to his part-time job, and when he got home, he was about to have an argument about his engagement. A high school boy’s hunger is at its limit.

“Hey, Chris! How many pizzas did you even order?”

Kouta returned to the kitchen, carrying a large box from the delivery man.

It was Chris who had suggested getting a pizza for delivery, and Kouta had objected to ordering such an expensive item, but Chris had pushed him.

According to her, it’s fine because she’s paying for it.

“Hmm? It’s a party box for two, so there should be two pizzas, right?”

“Party box! Another uselessly delightful thing… wait, isn’t this a cake?”

When Kouta opened the box, he was surprised to find a whole cake.

“It is. What’s wrong with that?”

“We have pizza, why do we need cake!?”

“Pizza is the main dish. Cake is not a dessert. Of course you need both.”

“Only in your house is there a rule like that! You’re a super-celebrity!”

Chris was humming and taking pictures of the pizza and cake with her phone.

“It’s an anniversary party tonight. Have you ever been to a party without a cake?”

“I’ve never been to a party in my life.”

Kouta thought that she’s a person who lived in a different world.

“So, what’s the anniversary party about?”

Chris stopped moving.

“You’re kidding me, Kouta, did you already forget what we just formed…?”

“I do remember! It’s an engagement breakup alliance.”

Kouta points to the refrigerator. It’s where Chris had written the agenda─ on a notepad.

『Kouta & Chris: “Engagement Breakup Alliance”

Strategy: Kouta will find another fiancée.

→Kouta proposes to his girlfriend.』

“Yes, Kouta and I have formed an alliance to break off our engagement! Normally, we’d rent out the dome and have a big party to celebrate our formation.”

“It’s a secret alliance between the two of us, so we shouldn’t make a big deal out of it.”

“Filming’s over! Kouta, get me a Coke. Let’s have a toast.”

“Here you go. Geez, don’t you know it’s cheaper to buy a liter than two 500 millimeter bottles?”

“Don’t be so stingy.”

The two of them opened a plastic bottle of Coke together.

With Coke in hand, Kouta and Chris looked at each other. What they needed to say naturally came out of their mouths.

“Chris and I are forming an alliance to break off our engagement.”

“To our bond as allies.”


The two plastic bottles collided vigorously, and the black sparkling water burst into the air.

A refreshing feeling ran down their throats as they gulped down the chilled cola. The fact that the two of them had started working together to end their engagement also helped Kouta to feel refreshed.

‘Yumm~ shrimp mayo pizza, awesome~”

Chris immediately took a bite of the pizza, and her face melted. The way she chewed was like a small animal. It was quite a pleasant way to eat.

Kouta also said while taking the pizza.

“…Ah, that reminds me, while you’re at my house, you can use the Japanese-style room in the back. Since there’s a fusuma (sliding door), you can use one of the rooms. I’ll sleep in the kitchen on a futon.”

“What are you talking about, Kouta?”

Chris blinked.

“What, you’re going to stay at my house while my Dad is gone, right? It’s not like you’re going to be staying at your friend’s house while he’s gone.”

“I’m only staying here for today. I’ve already booked a hotel for tomorrow.”


“Kouta, imagine this. If your boyfriend is living with another woman, she is the only one in a thousand years. And she’s the most beautiful girl in a thousand years. What would your girlfriend think if she knew that?”

“You said you’re the most beautiful girl in a thousand years…”

“It’s true though. That’s what they say in the media.”

Chris puffed up her cheeks. …Well, if she wipes the mayo sauce from her mouth, she’s definitely a perfect beauty.

“…Yeah, that’s not good. I got a bad feeling about that.”

Kouta and Chris have nothing to be ashamed of, but the situation alone can be misleading.

Right? Chris wiped her mouth with a paper napkin.

“I’m sure your girlfriend won’t like us living together. Worst case scenario, Kouta will be dumped.”

“That’s not good!”

“That’s not good for the Engagement Breakup Alliance! That’s why I’m moving out of this house. Fortunately, I have enough money to live in a hotel for a while.”

“Haa~, I’m sorry about that. That would be great.”

“Is that all you appreciate?”


“You should be more appreciative of the thoughtfulness of an ally who has already booked a hotel room.”

Chris looked pleased. She glanced at Kouta, waiting for the compliment.

“Good job. You’re the best ally I’ve ever had.”

“Fufu~, as long as you understand.”

Chris chewed the last of the pizza, not seeming to be satisfied.

“Even though we live in different places, let’s keep in touch to make Kouta’s proposal a success.”

Without cutting the whole cake, Chris inserted her fork into it.

“From the looks of things today, I’m worried about Kouta’s attitude towards your girlfriend, because Kouta doesn’t really understand women’s hearts.”

“Ugh, I can’t argue with that… It’s my first girlfriend and I want to be polite to her, but I don’t really know what to do yet.”

“I like that about you, Kouta.”

Kouta’s heart jumped, and he stiffened, looking at her with only his eyes.

Chris in front of him is licking the whipped cream off her fingers.

“I know you’re clumsy, but I also know that Kouta cares about his lover. I wish I was Kouta’s girlfriend.”

“O-Oi!?” Kouta panicked.

“What are you talking about!? I already have Tojo-san─”

“I’m just kidding.”

Chris clapped her hands in amusement.

“Mou~, Kouta, don’t be so flustered! Isn’t it obvious that I’m just joking? I didn’t say that because I wanted to go out with Kouta.”

“Ah, yeah…”

“Kouta would rather have someone who understands him than someone who knows nothing about him, right?”

“That’s true…”

It’s kind of embarrassing when a girl lifts you up. Especially if they say, “I like you,” even if you know it’s not a confession, you’ll be flustered.

“If Kouta can convey your feelings to your girlfriend, she will accept your proposal, and I will help you make the right approach as well.”

’I knew I could count on you,’ he thought.

Chris was the one who came up with the plan to end the engagement. Chris was also the only person he could ask for advice on how to propose and borrow money for the date.

Chris looked at Kouta smilingly.

“Hmm, what’s up, Kouta?”

Kouta held out his hand to Chris. Looking very serious.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, ally.”

“Likewise, ally.”

Their hands clasped each other tightly. The handshake was indeed a sign of the formation of an alliance to end their engagement.


The waves rustle and buzz.

“…Okay, all right. Bye, Dad. Good night.”

On the beach, Chris hung up the phone with her father in America. It was around three in the morning here. There was no one on the deserted dock except Chris.

The ocean was a ten-minute walk from the Gouzanji house.

After the party, Kouta faced the pocket tissues from his part-time job. But he was so tired that he fell asleep right away. Seeing this, Chris sneaked out of his house.

The end of the wharf. Chris stopped in front of the slick, black surface of the sea.

A feverish sigh came out of her.

(Someday you’ll fall in love with a man who can see you for who you are.)

That’s what Kouta said to Chris. Chris held her chest as if she were holding that line in her arms.

She’s been so disappointed in others in the past.

As soon as they found out that she was the daughter of a wealthy man, they had no idea how many people were trying to flatter her. The men who approached her to show their affection were especially cruel.

She wished she had the stupidity to not understand people’s ulterior motives.

However, Chris had been playing at her father’s casino ever since she was a child, so she was naturally able to read other people’s minds. From their facial expressions and gestures, she could tell what they were thinking. It was no wonder she could detect the desires of the men who approached her.

(It’s only Kouta, right? The only man who would want to break off his engagement to me.)

Chris laughed, thinking back to the way Kouta had talked about it in the kitchen.

His life was so difficult that he always had to rush to a time sale.

He must be the one who really needed what Chris was carrying.

Kouta didn’t see Chris as money. He respected Chris’s wishes as a girl.


The back of her chest was hot.

She had never felt anything like it before, and her heart overflowed. Ever since Kouta had persuaded her in the kitchen, Chris’s heart had been beating painfully fast, and the heat coming from it showed no signs of letting up.

Closing her eyes, Chris took a deep breath.


“…I’m here.”

In response to Chris’s call, a jet-black maid had noiselessly appeared on the dock.

She was about eighteen years old. She had shoulder-length black hair and black-rimmed glasses. She was dressed in a classical maid’s uniform and bowed reverently, but she didn’t make a single slip of her robe.

Her name is Hozuki. Other than that, her identity is unknown. All that was known about her was that she was in the service of the Westwood family, and that she was an all-round maid who could complete any order.

Facing the sea, Chris ordered the maid behind her.

“She is a freshman at Tokiwa Central High School. Gather any and all information you can on her.”


The maid disappeared again into the shadows of the night, leaving that one word behind.

Kouta’s girlfriend. Information about her is absolutely necessary for Chris to make her move.

Chris let out a sigh. She squinted her eyes in fascination.

“What a beautiful sea.”

The sky was cloudy. Neither the moonlight nor the twinkling of the stars reached the ground.

But to Chris’s eyes, the faint moonlight leaked out and was reflected on the surface of all the rippling water, making it sparkle and shine.

The sea at night shining all the way to the horizon.

As if guided by the fantastic sight she saw for the first time, Chris pulled out her own wallet.

In it were all her current assets─ cash, cash cards, credit cards, and her ID card. Without these, she couldn’t stay at the hotel. Inevitably, Chris would have to move in with Kouta.

Chris stepped in and swung her arms wide into the sea. Her long purse drew a parabola.

The girl who had discovered love lightly turned on her heel.

“─An engagement annulment? Of course that’s a lie.”

Behind her, she laughs fearlessly.

A heavy sound was heard in the sea, which was painted in darkness.


Translator’s Afterword: Fiance and fiancee are two different things. Fiance is for a male and Fiancee is for a female, just a simple search on your browser would let you know that lol. Also FMC looks like Fischl lmfao.

You can find story with these keywords: How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me?, Read How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me?, How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? novel, How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? book, How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? story, How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? full, How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? Latest Chapter

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