How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me?

Chapter 4: A Serious to A Fault Home Date

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Chapter 3: A Serious to A Fault Home Date

In a crowded train.

Kuaaa~, Kouta let out a yawn for the umpteenth time.

“Mou~ Kouta, you don’t look nervous before the mission.”

Chris puffed up her cheeks in disbelief.

Before the mission. This morning, Kouta had been woken up an hour earlier than usual and put on the train because he had a mission. It made him sleepy and unbearable.

The blonde-haired girl standing against the door of the train is a modern schoolgirl again today. The only thing that doesn’t feel right is─


Chris was wearing sunglasses like a foreign celebrity. Well she actually is a celebrity.

The JK, who looked strangely good in sunglasses, shrugged her shoulders.

“It’s hard to take these off in public. I mean, I have fifty million followers on social media, right?”

“What’s the population of Japan?”

“One hundred and twenty million.”

(Forty percent of the Japanese population is the same as the number of her followers…)

As he thought of that, the train shook. The train shuddered, and Kouta quickly put his hand on the door.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Kouta was acting as a cushion, so Chris must not have been crushed. He looked at Chris and saw that her cheeks were flushed.

“I’ve never been on a crowded train in my life.”

“How much of a young lady are you? What did you think of the crowded train?”

“…It’s the best.”

Really!? Kouta groaned.

“I think you’re the only person in the whole country who thinks that crowded trains are the best. Where’s the best part?”

“…Well, that’s…”

Chris staggered, which was unusual of her. And then they came to another curve and the train shook.


Pressed from behind, their bodies naturally came together. Chris grabbed Kouta’s shirt and pulled her cheek against his shoulder as if she was holding on to him.

“Because I can hug Kouta like this.”


“I’m just kidding.”

After she released her hand quickly, Chris laughed in an evil, mischievous way. But it was a crowded train, and Kouta and Chris were still very close.

Up close, Chris whispered to her.

“If you let your girlfriend hold on to you like this, you’ll get more points.”

Kouta scratched his head, thinking back to Hisame as he normally would.

“It’s hard for me… to imagine her holding on to me. I won’t be riding the train with her in the first place.”

“You know, Kouta, you have to create opportunities.”

Chris took him to a station he didn’t usually use. He found himself in a completely different direction from the school.

“So, what’s the plan?”

Chris pointed her finger at Kouta, who looked at him suspiciously.

“The reason for the low level of intimacy between Kouta and your girlfriend. It’s purely because you two don’t spend enough time together.”

“I don’t spend enough time with her…?”

“Yes. Kouta, when do you usually talk to your girlfriend?”

“When you ask, once a month at the regular committee meeting and afterwards.”

“Does that mean you only talk to your girlfriend once a month…?”

“The rest of the time is when we have class rep work. I talk to her at least once a week.”

Chris’s shoulders slumped and she let out a long breath.

“…I don’t know how you guys can call yourselves lovers.”

“Isn’t that normal?”

“No! If your girlfriend was in your class, you would talk to her every day. That’s what I would do. We would chat together during recess, share the bento I made for lunch, and hang out together in the shopping district after school…”

Chris’s cheeks were stained, as if she was imagining it as she said it. Kouta blinked at the smirk on Chris’s face.

Noticing Kouta’s gaze, Chris coughed and cleared her throat.

“A-Anyway, the best way to get to know each other is to talk! Are we clear so far?”

“Okay. In other words, I’m supposed to talk to Hisame every day─”

It’s time to go.

Chris interrupted Kouta and turned her attention to the remote ticket gate.

“Tojo-san will appear from that gate within five minutes.”


Are you an esper? He thought.

Chris smiled wryly.

“It’s not ESP, it’s anyone’s guess as long as you know the nearest station and school hours.”

“When did you know the closest station to Hisame…?”

“I’d rather wonder why Kouta doesn’t know. That’s more of a problem.”

Chris gave him a stern look through her sunglasses.

“After all, Kouta and his girlfriend don’t spend too much time together and they don’t talk enough. You two barely know each other, so you’re not getting to know each other enough.”

“That’s a fair point, but listen to what I have to say, since I’m keeping my relationship with Hisame a secret from everyone, I can’t talk about her openly in the classroom─”

“That’s why you’re taking advantage of the morning school hours.”

He finally understood Chris’s strategy.

The allied girl lifted the corners of her mouth at Kouta’s admiration.

“If Kouta wakes up early, he can go to school with his girlfriend every morning. Is there anything unnatural about going to school with a classmate you just met at the station?”

“What a perfect plan…!”

“Look, Tojo-san is here.”

Kouta looked at the ticket gate.

Even in the morning rush, Hisame stood out.

Her long, lustrous hair swayed, and she stood tall. She was clothed in a chilling air that made even passersby give way to her.

As his eyes were drawn to her, he received a pat on the back.

“If you don’t hurry, we’ll lose sight of her. Go ahead.”


Kouta stepped out from behind the pillar. Feeling nervous, he decided to go to Hisame.

(Shouldn’t I have given Hisame a line message beforehand…? Wouldn’t it be annoying to talk to her out of the blue…? No, wouldn’t she be attracted to me coming to the nearest station in the first place?)

Kouta, driven by anxiety, stopped in his tracks.

As he stopped, like a pebble left in the middle of a muddy stream, the hustle and bustle of the station was about to swallow him up,


He turned back when he was called.

“Fight! Go for it!”

Chris was smiling and waving her arms in the air.

…He felt strangely brave. He wasn’t going to let Chris’s efforts to help him get here go to waste.

Kouta nodded back at his ally, who was encouraging him.

Then he ran up to Hisame on the platform stairs─


In a crowded train on the way to school.

Chris could see Kouta and Hisame from the next car.

In the crowded train, the two were huddled together, Kouta and Hisame both blushing for the first time, Hisame’s hand grasping the hem of Kouta’s uniform.

Chris bit her bottom lip.

(You said you couldn’t imagine it, but she’s doing it.)

The train shook, and a nearby passenger’s arm disturbed her twin-tails. She turned to look at the passengers, but everyone had a blank look on their faces.

“Oh, this just sucks.”

Chris glared at the happy lovers on the crowded train, and grumbled to herself.


“I’ve got a problem, Chris!”

It’s recess time.

Kouta called Chris in line to an empty classroom.

Today, too, students crowded around Chris, curious about the celebrity. Kouta was in no condition to talk to them in the classroom.

“What’s wrong with you? Didn’t you succeed in your mission to get to school with her this morning?”

Chris was leaning against the window sill, fiddling with her twin-tails.

The ennui look on her face was a sight to behold. It was a scene that could have been a page in a photo book, but Kouta didn’t really mind it.

“This morning’s mission was a success, as Hisame was able to grab onto my uniform─”

“Is that so? That’s great for you.”

“But as it turns out, Hisame is coming to visit me after school today!”


Chris lifted her eyebrows and muttered to herself.

“─I get envious surprisingly easily, huh?”


“Never mind, I was just talking to myself.”

With a wave of her hand, Chris smiled.

“You’ve done it, Kouta, inviting your girlfriend home is a great opportunity to increase your intimacy.”

“Hey Chris, are you serious about that…?”

“It’s called a date at home. That’s great. I have no idea why Kouta is so pessimistic.”

Kouta went “Aaaah!” when Chris looked at him strangely as he crumbled.

“It’s no good, of course it’s not…! Think of my room. We’re showing off our living space!? And it’s obvious that we’re poor!”

“You’re on a date at home, so it’s only natural that you’d show your living space. You can’t help it, the economic situation is a fact.”

“I didn’t clean the house yesterday! I’m sure Hisame is the type of person who is meticulous, fastidious, and won’t tolerate a single speck of dust. If she sees my dirty room, she’ll hate me.”

“I don’t think Kouta should base your judgement of her based on your own image.”

“If Hisame is coming, we need to make our home more stylish. You know, there is such a thing as an appropriate space for a date!”

“You’re not listening to me at all…”

Chris sighed in exasperation.

“If you’re so concerned about the state of the house, why didn’t you just say no to your girlfriend coming over?”

“I couldn’t say no! Hisame just wouldn’t back down… and she’s never wanted to come visit the house before…”

“Fufu, looks like the strategy is paying off.”

“The strategy is working?”

“Your girlfriend asked you out on a date because Kouta’s intimacy level went up a little by talking to her this morning.”

Chris asserted confidently.

Kouta was convinced.

“So that’s what this is all about…!”

“Our plan was right. We’re going to do events to increase your intimacy with her one by one.”

“Good! Wait, wouldn’t that also mean that this date can’t fail?”

“Of course. There is no future for couples who fail their first date.”

”What should we do!?” Kouta screamed. Kouta was overwhelmed by the prospect of a first date at his home of all places.

“Calm down, Kouta. Who do you think is with you?”

Kouta looked up.

Chris was smiling like a goddess of victory against the blue sky through the window.

“…It’s the Christina Westwood of the world.”

”Yes,” she said, lifting the corners of her mouth.

“I will grant Kouta’s wish. You can count on me.”

After school, Kouta was taking Hisame home with him.

“I’m sorry for asking so much today.”

As soon as they got off the train at the nearest station to the Gouzanji house, Kouta was startled when Hisame blurted that out.

“Why is Hisame apologizing!?”

“Kouta-kun has been quiet for a long time, so I thought you were angry.”

“I was angry!?”

A crazy voice came out. Why would he be angry with Hisame?

“I hope I didn’t bother you with my sudden visit to your house.”

“No, I’m not bothered at all! Also, I wasn’t quiet because I was angry or anything!”

Kouta hurriedly insisted.

“It’s just that it’s my first date, and I’m so happy and nervous…”

It’s true. Kouta was so jumbled up with the joy, anxiety and nervousness of a first date that he didn’t have a moment to talk to Hisame about it.

The sound of their footsteps echoed quietly on the empty country road.

”Oh, I see,” Hisame said in a flat voice.

“I’m also glad, I got to go on a date… with Kouta-kun… uu…uuuu…”

Hisame was about to say something when her footsteps disappeared.

Kouta looked to the side to see her ears turning red, and he leaned closer to hear her.

“Well, what about the date?”

“L-Like I said earlier, about the date, I’m also, h…h-h…hap…!”

*Buoon─ the motorcycle passed Kouta and the others with great speed, and he couldn’t hear Hisame’s voice at all. The smell of exhaust fumes filled their nose.

“…I’m sorry, Hisame, what did you say again?”

“I-It’s nothing!”

She said to repel him and walked away. Her hair was standing on end like a cat’s. He thought it was Hisame who was angry.

Kouta said to her back as she walked ahead.

“Oh, Hisame, we’re turning this way.”

Hisame came back, steam pouring out of her head.

“We’ll be home soon. Like I said, it’s a really old apartment, so don’t get your hopes up.”

“Don’t worry, Westwood-san is staying with you, right?”

“Y-Yeah… is there a problem?”

“No problem then.”

Hisame followed Kouta with a resolute look on her face.

(Why is Chris the standard…? Did she think that if Chris, a millionaire, lived there, it wouldn’t be that bad of a house…?)

While Kouta was thinking about it, they arrived at the apartment.

As he stood in front of the door, Kouta took a deep breath and thought back to what Chris had said.

『Okay? When Kouta arrives home, all you have to do is follow my instructions. Then, your date at home will be a success.』

She told him to follow the instructions, but Kouta didn’t ask how he was supposed to do that, because Chris wasn’t supposed to come home until Kouta’s date was over.

(We’ve come this far. I have to trust my ally.)

Resigned, Kouta inserted the key into the lock. Now it was time to open the door─


He thought it was a photography studio.

There was a white sofa and a glass table in the kitchen. The walls and edges were covered with plants and adorable stuffed animals, and the curtains had been replaced with lovely ones with lots of hearts. The kitchen shelves were lined with colorful tableware.

(Is this my house…?)

He couldn’t help but check the nameplate.

If none of the furniture looked familiar, he would want to check it out. It was indeed the Gouzanji house.

The colors in the room were mainly pink and white, giving the room a sweet atmosphere. Kouta stood and cowered at the sight of the transformed house.

(Chris did this room, didn’t she…? It’s definitely stylish. But what about Hisame’s taste in this room? Hisame doesn’t like pink, does she!?)

Kouta’s own image is that Hisame likes mature things. He doesn’t think she’ll like this room─.

“What’s the matter, Kouta-kun?”

Hisame stretched her neck from the side.

“Ah, nothing…”

He tried to hide the room, but it was too late; Hisame saw the room and gasped for breath.

(Oh no! I’ve done it now!)

Kouta’s head was in his hands.

“What a lovely, cute room…!”

He heard her elated voice. Huh? He thought.

He peeked fearfully, and Hisame’s eyes were wide open. Her eyes were shining like a clear night sky as she stared at the room.

(Could it be that she liked it…?)

Kouta was bewildered by his own expectations.

“Kouta-kun lives in such a nice house with Westwood-san, huh…”

Kouta said, “What?”

Hisame looked at Kouta sideways.

“Y-Yeah… that’s right?”

“I’m sorry to bother you.”

Hisame said in a stiff voice. She tightened her face like a warlord entering enemy territory and took off her shoes at the entrance.

”C-Come in…” Kouta could only reply.

(What do you mean it’s my house and I don’t know everything about it…?)

Kouta stood there in his house.

This was like a full renovation.

The dining table and chairs that were there until this morning are gone. Instead, there was a two-seater sofa and a small glass table.

You are reading story How Could You Like Another Girl When You Already Have A Cute Fiancée Like Me? at

Hisame put her bag at her feet and sat down on the sofa with her back straight.


Hisame’s gaze stabbed Kouta and he jolted.

“W-What can I do for you?”

“With all due respect, I was surprised to see you in such a stylish and elegant room.”

“I see…”

“It’s just my imagination, but I never thought that Kouta-kun’s house would look this lively.”

“Ah, no…”

“I’d have to say that my room is dirtier than yours.”

“N-No, I don’t think so!”

“I’m wondering…”

Hisame’s eyes glittered dully.

“Did Westwood-san clean this room?”

He felt as if a blade had been held to his throat. “Ah… yes…” Kouta said. He did not lie.

“I see.”

Her voice was flat. But it was a flatness that overpowered his passion.

“From today on, I’m going to change my mind and work hard at cleaning.”

Hisame declared, staring at the room. White cold air rose from her like a glow-in-the-dark flame.

(This is not good. Hisame’s mood is getting worse…!)

“Ah, Hisame, what would you like to drink…? Green tea, coffee, or whatever you want, I’ll get it for you!”

“Coffee, please.”

Roger that! Then Kouta stood in the kitchen.

As Kouta reached for his usual cup, he saw a notepad taped to it.

『Do not use. →』

(What’s this…?)

He could tell from the handwriting that it was written by Chris.

He wondered if this was an “instruction”. According to the instructions, don’t use this cup.

He followed the arrow and looked down to find two mugs. There were many large and small hearts printed on them, in different colors of pink and blue.

(You mean I should use these?).

Kouta made two cups of instant coffee and served the pink one to Hisame. “Thank you very much,” Hisame said, and began to put in several sugar cubes.

That’s surprising, he thought, since Hisame looked like she would drink it black.

As he was thinking about this, Hisame looked at Kouta’s hand.

“…We have matching cups, don’t we?

“Oh, yeah.”

“Does Kouta-kun and Westwood-san always use these cups?”


“I’m asking if you two use matching mugs on a daily basis.”

Hisame’s cold air was gaining momentum.

Kouta shivered under the gaze that froze even hot coffee. “N-No, that’s not the case…” said Kouta, shouting inwardly.

(What am I going to do, Chris!? You told me to use these mugs and this is what happens!)

Kouta looked down and stared at the mug, but Hisame gave him a push.

“So, what is this mug for? If you two aren’t going to use it, then what the heck is it f─”

“『I’ve been preparing this mug to use with Hisame.』”


Hisame’s face became surprised.

Kouta, who said it, was also surprised. Because the words were not a line that Kouta had thought up, but were written on the cup.

“『I wanted to use it when I invite Hisame to my house someday. So this is brand new.』”

He stared at the large and small heart shapes printed on the mug. As I stared at it, the words came to life. It was a design with such a trick.

(What’s with this mug…? Was it custom-made just for this date?)

He was surprised not only by the special order of the cup, but also by the contents on it.

Chris must have known what Hisame was going to say when she used this cup. Kouta stared at the cup in amazement.

“…I’m sorry about that.”

Hisame was hunched over on the sofa. The cold air had all but receded.

“I did not understand Kouta-kun’s intentions and I just…”

“Oh, no need to apologize! As long as Hisame isn’t in a bad mood, it’s fine with me.”

”Hey,” Kouta soothed her.

Hisame lowered her eyebrows.

“Kouta-kun, aren’t you going to sit down?”

Kouta had been standing there for a while. But there was no place to sit.

The couch was for two people, but it was very small, and if he sat next to Hisame, their bodies would surely touch each other.

(We’ve only been dating for two months. Today is our first date. Sitting next to each other in close proximity would be unhealthy. I’ll just sit on the entrance mat like a gentleman.)

Without questioning his own gentlemanly morality, Kouta kneeled down on the entrance mat.


Something hit his knee.

He probed the long hairy mat with his hand and found a rolled up note. He unfolded it.

『No sitting on the mat. Don’t even think about it being unhealthy, just go ahead and sit next to her!』

(Is she reading my thoughts!?)

Hisame’s voice called out to Kouta, who was startled.

“What’s wrong, Kouta-kun?”

“Nothing, there was just some trash on the entrance mat…”

Kouta crumpled up the note as he said this. He shoved it into his pocket.

“Uh, well, Hisame.”

Kouta clammed up against the sofa. The more he looked at the space beside her, the more he realized it was extremely small.

(Seating is still a bad idea… I should at least sit on the armrest…)

It was when Kouta put his hand on the armrest. A memo peeked through the gap between the cushion and the armrest.

『No sitting on the armrest. Don’t worry about sitting next to her! You’re too self-conscious!』

(Just how much can she predict!?)

Kouta was in awe.

Hisame tilted her head.


“Uh, Hisame, do you mind if I sit next to you…?”


She replied curtly.

Kouta gently sat down next to her.

As their bodies touched, Hisame’s back arched even more.



Both of them fell silent.

Kouta was tense at zero distance from Hisame. The fact that they had matching mugs made him imagine all sorts of things. This made it seem as if he was living with her.

He glanced next to him and saw that Hisame’s face was bright red.

(Is Hisame thinking the same thing as me…? No, of course not.)

Kouta brushed the convenient thought out of his mind.

Just then, he found a note on the fridge.

『There’s tea cakes.』

“Ah, Hisame, I have some snacks I’ll bring out.”

Kouta went to the refrigerator. There was a rather large box in there. When he opened it, four cream puffs that were too big to fit in his palm appeared.

Kouta read the note on the back of the box.

“『I thought Hisame might like some cream puffs』…?”


Hisame blinked and flinched.

“Kouta-kun, you remember my favorite food…?”

Huh, he thought.

(Have I ever talked about my favorite food with Hisame?)

If he knew Hisame’s favorite food, he would have remembered it.

He was not sure, but Kouta nodded vaguely and tried to cover it up.

“Y-Yeah, it looks like all four are different flavors, so pick your favorite.”

There were four flavors: custard, matcha, chocolate, and strawberry, with Hisame choosing strawberry and Kouta choosing matcha, which seemed the least sweet.

“Itadakimasu!” [TLN: Basically means “Let’s eat”, there’s a deeper meaning, but it would only confuse you guys. 99% of readers should know this tbh.]

Hisame opened the paper that was wrapping the cream puffs and put it in her mouth. Next to her, Kouta was about to bite into it.


There was a note on the inside of the cream puff wrapper.

『Exchange a bite with her.』

(No wait, how did you know I’d choose the matcha flavor…? Hisame could have chosen matcha!?)

A chill ran down his spine. Chris must be a real psychic. Kouta and Hisame are acting of their own volition, but it’s as if Chris is controlling them all.

“Kouta-kun, what’s wrong…?”

He noticed that Hisame was staring at him. Wiping off his cold sweat, Kouta said, “Nothing,” and took a bite out of the cream puff.

(I don’t know how Chris guessed my choice, though. Exchange a bite of cream puff for a bite of hers…?)

Kouta had no idea what the intention was. But, as Chris had instructed, he said.

“Hisame, can I have a bite of your strawberry flavor? I’ll give you a bite of mine.”

Instantly, Hisame’s body jerked.

She froze, holding the half-eaten cream puff in her hand. Her hesitation was palpable. Did she really want to have the strawberry flavor all to herself?

“Ah, it’s okay if you don’t want to. Don’t worry about it.”


Hisame shouted loudly. Hisame put her hand on her chest and took a deep breath, then she willed herself to offer Kouta the strawberry flavor.

“…Here you go.”

Kouta took it, saying thank you.

He took the two cream puffs and headed for the kitchen, where Hisame twitched.

“Huh? Um, Kouta-kun, what are you doing…?”

“Hmm? We’re exchanging bites. Hold on a second. I’ll cut it right now.”

Kouta was ready to cut the cream puffs with a knife. He was going to cut the part he hadn’t touched yet.

Pokan, Hisame was caught in a daze.

“Erm… won’t it be very difficult to cut soft things with a knife…?”

“Don’t worry! Our knives are well sharpened.”

As a person who cooked every day, he took good care of his knives. Kouta was confident that he could cut cream puffs cleanly and neatly.

Kouta opened the kitchen cabinet.

There was a note on the handle of the knife.

『Exchanging a bite means an indirect kiss! Baka, baka!!』


Sweat poured out of his body.

(Eh, that’s what this is for…?)

He wondered how he could have suggested such a thing to Hisame. He should have thought more carefully about why Hisame was hesitating.

“…Kouta-kun, you don’t have to cut it with a knife.”

Hisame said in a faint voice to the stiff Kouta.

“I don’t umm… mind it…”

She clasped her hands tightly together and turned over on the sofa. Her face, peeking through her long black hair, was bright red.

Kouta closed the shelf. He returned to the sofa with a cream puff in his hand. He offered the green tea flavor to Hisame and she took it.

Hisame buried her face in the wrapper.

Kouta looked at her sideways and put his mouth on the strawberry flavored cream.


They could no longer tell the difference in taste.

But the two of them continued to eat. Their bodies were on fire, and they were craving for some cold sweets.


”I’m home!” Chris said, opening the door of the Gouzanji house just as their date at home was ending. Chris opened the door of Gouzanji’s house. He saw Kouta on the sofa, slumped over.

She could tell at a glance. There must have been some kind of big development with his girlfriend.

A few moments later, Kouta said, “Welcome back.”

Taking off the loafers, Chris sat down on the sofa. It was a small sofa, so he could just sit there and be close to Kouta.

“How was your date at home?”

She peered into his face, and his cheeks flushed slightly.

It’s not because Chris was close. It was because he was reminiscing about his date with his girlfriend.

”Oh, yeah…” Kouta replied wearily.

“The ‘instructions’ were helpful. I don’t know how you managed to put down such precise notes”

“Because I’m an ally of Kouta.”


“That means I know Kouta well.”

Placing the note of instruction was easy: Kouta’s personality, preferences and attitude towards his girlfriend would inevitably lead to his behavioral patterns.

In addition, she had already obtained information on Hisame from Hozuki.

What kind of interior does Hisame like? What snacks does she like to eat? To top it all off, she was able to hear her in class and she was able to tell her how delicious strawberry-flavored cream puffs were.

If you have a perfect grasp of a person’s personality and likes and dislikes, you can easily manipulate them without any supernatural powers. The question was, how far had the two of them gotten?

Chris opened the fusuma sliding door.

“Oh my…?”

A brand new double bed had been placed in the Japanese-style room. There was no sign that it had been used.

“Kouta, you didn’t use the bed?”

”The bed!?” Kouta raised his voice in an absurd manner.

“You, what were you planning to do with the bed─!”

“What are you imagining? All I did was tell you to stay in bed and watch TV with her.”

“Hmm? I didn’t get that note. Where did you put it?”

“I put it on the fusuma (sliding door)… but I guess it got ripped off.”

Chris concluded.

(If they didn’t make it to the bed, then his “progress” was indirect kissing.)

She was a little relieved.

If they had made it to bed, they would have been in the mood for a kiss.

Chris stood and cowered at the thought of what might have happened if they had gone that far.

It hurts. Her heart ached, and she felt as if she might crouch down at any moment.

She wondered what had happened to her. She had decided to become his ally. It was all her own plan. She hadn’t imagined that her heart would be in such turmoil, that her chest would be in such pain─

”Hey, Chris,” Kouta’s voice brought her back to her senses.

“Can you put this room back the way it was? I don’t feel comfortable with this.”

“…Yeah, I guess so.”

Chris nodded her head.

“Hey, Kouta, why don’t you just leave the bed? I’m not used to having a futon mattress.”

“If that’s the case, you can leave it.”

”Yay!”, Chris dove into the bed. Her body sank into the soft mattress.

When she looked over at Kouta, she saw that he was not even looking at Chris. He was leaning back against the sofa, his face distant, as if he hadn’t woken up from a dream.

The pain in her chest grew worse.

Chris hugged the heart-shaped cushion that was close at hand. It was so that she could see the “YES” written on it.


Her plan was perfect. Nothing unexpected was going to happen.

But if anything unexpected was going to happen─ it was going to happen in Chris’s mind.

“It’s a double bed, so Kouta can sleep with me, okay?”

She knew. She knew that if she said this, he would get angry.

Sure enough, Kouta looked at her.

“How can I share the same bed with you─”

“I’m just kidding.”

She covered it up.

Chris chuckled. It’s okay. He’ll think that it’s because she’s laughing that her voice was shaking.

“It’s just a joke, of course. Mou~, Kouta is really stupid and serious.”

(It’s not a joke of course. Hey, when is Kouta going to realize how I feel?)

Kouta sighed, having lost the direction of his anger.

Holding the cushion tightly, Chris continued to laugh. The sound of joyful voices echoed throughout the Gouzanji house.

It’s fine. Surely he’ll misunderstand the tears welling up in her eyes.


Translator’s Afterword: Man, the last part just hurts me… From a sweet and lovely chapter, to end up on a depressing note. Also, if you guys remember correctly, this is the colored illustration for it in chapter 0. It wasn’t exactly in this chapter so I just placed it here in the afterword.

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