How I Became A Jarl

Chapter 5: World Under The Water pt. 5

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We were expecting that the journey would be long… but we didn’t expect to sleep on rocks in a cave… I had to choose… sleep on the fur to lay on something fluffy… or cover myself with it so I could get warmer… 


Somehow I fell asleep but because of the rocks, I was the first one to wake up… We had no time to waste so I tried to wake up Tae. He didn’t even budge… I was going to shout into his ear but there came something louder and scarier from the depths of the cave than my scream.


Tae immediately woke up with the weirdest face I have ever seen. He was going to scream with me but a bat flew into him and hit him in the face. Both screaming from the top of our lounge we ran down the mountain. I know that getting off the mountain is faster than getting on it but we definitely did it as a professional athlete would. 


[ Eric ]

“Are… you… okay?” I said as I was lying almost dead of exhaustion on the ground. 


He didn’t answer me but I saw his face. He was revealed… He had something on his face. Probably dirt from that bat... Also… he kinda… pissed his pants.


[ Eric ]



[ Tae ]

“What?” Said confused Tae. 


[ Eric ]

“Isn’t it too… wet down there?” I said, trying not to laugh. 


[ Tae ]

“It… is…” 


[ Eric ]

“You better wash it. Let’s go to the beach or any pond that we might find on the way. I also would like to wash myself.” 


Villagers definitely came here because some of the bushes and trees didn’t have any fruits hanging from them. There were no paths or any lead to the village. Walking along the shore was the best option. Also, I don’t want to run into any wolves or bears… I experienced enough fear for one day. While we were washing I noticed that Tae isn’t some skinny dude… He was pretty well built. Compared to skinny me… What was he doing on earth? 


We were close to the mountain. It looked like there was only one path leading to the other side. Then I saw something shiny in the water. When I got close to it the ground collapsed and I fell down into the water. I was trying to swim up but something was pulling me down. Was I that deep under the water that I couldn’t see anything around me? When I blinked I was sitting on the chair… It was very comfortable. Or at least it feels that way after sleeping on the ground. Everything around me was black… or actually, there was nothing around me. I never experienced something like that, even in my dreams. 


[ Hidden Voice ]

“You’re quite an interesting person… Eric Hoffman.” Said someone as his echo traveled around. 


[ Eric ]

“Huh?! Is anybody here? Show yourself!” I was shocked and scared a little bit. After all, it’s not your everyday experience.


[ Hidden Voice ]

“Oh. I can’t show myself yet. You can’t see me for now… but I can introduce myself! My name is Loki, son of Farbauti.”


[ Eric ]

“Wait… You’re the Norse god right?”


[ Loki ]

“Yes, I am, and one of the biggest at that… But enough about me. You’re the main character!”


[ Eric ]

“What do you mean?”


[ Loki ]

“I chose you to live in this world! Miserable! Pathetic! And a weak person! I gave you a chance in a world where only the strong can survive!”


[ Eric ]

“You could drop the part about pathetic… and weak… and miserable…”


[ Loki ]

“I could… but where is the fun in that! You’re my toy. You’re the amusing person here! You survived my first test mainly because of your poison resistance but whatever. It was still fun to watch.”


[ Eric ]

“Didn’t you give me this power?” 


[ Loki ]

“Yes, I did… Well… I chose it randomly.”

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[ Eric ]



[ Loki ]

“Anyway! You passed another test! In a bad way but what does it matter? If you would kill the beast in the cave I would give you another blessing bu…”


[ Eric ]

“Beast! What kind of beast! There was a beast!”


[ Loki ]

“Oh yeah… Your friend pissed himself and the beast didn’t like the smell so it left you. Hahaha. Hilarious. I made the right choice by getting you.”


I just sat there in shock. Not that I met a god but that Tae’s piss saved my life! Good thing I didn’t laugh out loud about it.


[ Eric ]

“Bless you… Tae…and your piss” I whispered.


[ Loki ]

“What did you say?”


[ Eric ]



[ Loki ]

“Ok… So I was thinking about giving you a small reward… I will give you the understanding of the Midgard language!”


It was the last thing that I heard when someone pulled me from there. Someone grabbed me while I was underwater again. Tae took me out of the pond and slapped me.


[ Tae ]

“Are you okay?”


[ Eric ]

“Yeah… I’m fine…”


[ Tae ]

“You don’t know how to swim or something? Is this pond really that deep?!”


[ Eric ]

“Nah… I was talking to Lo…” 


I was going to say Loki when I felt my mark burning. It looked like it expanded itself a little bit. Then I heard his voice again.


[ Loki ]

 “It’s taboo to talk about our meeting. So don’t you forget that…”


[ Tae ]

“Talking? To whom?” Asked Tae.


We looked at each other in silence for a moment because I didn’t want to experience this pain again so I had to make up something. I know I said that I didn't laugh about it but there is no other thing on my mind right now.


[ Eric ]

“...Oh, my savior! You scared the beast! With your own piss!” 


[ Tae ]



[ Eric ]

“Sorry I was just  imagining things.” 


I wanted to tell him the truth but Taboo will stop me again and that hurt like hell. This tattoo isn’t a gift, it’s a punishment. That guy… This Loki didn’t tell me that! Was it on purpose?! Well… He is a god so I can’t do much about it. I can already imagine what would happen if I would yell at him. He would kill me with just a snap of the finger. I’m his toy… That’s just my life. I kinda got used to that… There always was someone above me.

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