How the heck did we end up together?

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Old Acquaintance

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[author: Phew... I never realized just how long these chapters were. Goddaymmm...]



Haruki stared at the new guy for a good while.

Now that he wasn’t wearing his shades anymore, he could tell just how young the person sitting in front of them was.

He doesn’t look like he’s even reached his twenties yet. Wait, is he Ginger’s bodyguard?

What the heck? What’s a teenager doing here as a bodyguard?

“I don’t need you here,” Ken growled, “Go away.”

“Please, young master, try to calm down,” the youth anxiously looked around.

Haru also noticed the situation going downhill and patted Kentaro’s shoulder, “Let’s sit down first.”

Ginger listened, though his burning eyes never left the person in black.

Haruki went to retrieve their drinks before placing them down on the table and taking a sit beside Kentaro. Shortly afterwards, the bodyguard’s coffee was also brought over by the waitress. At the same time, the three were kindly reminded to keep their noise at a minimum.

The youth’s handsome looks had taken the hearts of many young girls in the café, so he stood out very much, especially since he was wearing formal attire on such a cold day.

Well this is great, not we’re the center of attention, Haruki drew a mouthful of his strawberry shake through his straw. He immediately felt a chill in his teeth and placed a lightly fisted hand to his mouth, enduring the cold sting.

Kentaro on the other hand didn’t look like he still had the appetite for his own beverage since he resumed staring down the person who seemed to have already ruined his day.

Neither of the three spoke for a long time.

Haruki finally decided to break the loud uncomfortable silence, “Uh, so… Are you Ginger’s bodyguard then?”

The youth’s expression turned a little strange after hearing the form of address but still nodded. “Indeed.”

“No,” Ken’s spoke frostily.

Haruki: “……” And the awkwardness persists.

“I apologize if I’m being rude but,” the youth spoke first this time, “Who are you?”

Haru grinned, “Oh, I’m Haruki Fukuda. Ginger’s—”

“Bodyguard,” Kentaro interrupted and continued to narrow his eyes at the youth, “He’s my bodyguard.”


The youth raised a brow, “I didn’t realize I was assigned a partner for this task.”

“You weren’t,” Ken told him, his icy tone unchanging. “He’s the only person I need so you can go back.”

They youth sighed, “Why must you make this task very difficult for me? I only want to protect you.”

“Tsk!” Kentaro stubbornly ignored him.

Haruki watched from the sidelines and started to feel a little sorry for the guy, though nothing stopped him from enjoying his beverage.

Poor dude, he took another long drag through his straw. Family issues just suck, don’t they?

“So hey, uh, what’s your name?” he casually asked the young man in the tux.

The youth hesitated.

“What, are you not going to share it?” Kentaro arched a brow, “Should I do the honors?”

“Young master…”

“Akihiro Kayame,” Ken said without hesitation, “He’s eighteen and he works directly under Chairman Harada.”

Akihiro looked surprised seeing the kid casually giving away his details as if they were on sale.

“Oh, sorry, I forgot,” Ken’s frown deepened, “Just like them, you think everyone is an outsider, right? Including me…”

“That’s not it. Your father—”

“You always hung around me so much when I was little because you were just following orders, right?” Kentaro sneered. “Those were your own words, Akihiro, don’t pretend to be dumb!”

Akihiro opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again, his gaze drooping. He’d been stabbed where it hurt the most. Even if he wanted to explain, Kentaro wasn’t letting him.

Haruki set his container down, having already downed the contents, “You guys have some history, don’t you? Should I be jealous?”

Akihiro wasn’t sure if that was a serious remark or not, but it sure caught his attention.

“You’re young master’s friend?” he asked.

“Right. Not sure why he introduced me as his bodyguard at first, but I’m guessing it had something to do with his family again,” Haruki arched an inquisitive brow. “Something like he’s not supposed to be close to anyone here maybe? Correct me if I’m wrong.”

“You’re not wrong,” Akihiro said quietly.

Kentaro almost shot to his feet in fury, “Are you going to report me then?! Make my life an even more living hell than it already is?”

“Ginger, calm down...”

“Why can’t I have a moment’s peace huh?” now Ken really couldn’t control his emotions and before he knew it, tears had already gathered in his eyes. He forcefully wiped them away as he continued bitterly, “The moment I get a little happy they’re always there to take that happiness from me. I can’t have a normal life even when I’m alone.”

Akihiro’s guilt sky-rocketed at the sight of the child crying, but he didn’t have anything reassuring to say. He couldn’t think of anything.

But all that changed when he watched Haruki’s next actions.

“This again, Ginger, I thought you promised you wouldn’t cry anymore. You’re always like this…” despite sounding a little displeased, the boy’s words were gentle. He pushed the untouched milkshake over to Ken, “Here, I didn’t buy this so that you could waste it. Milkshake is like melted ice-cream, and ice-cream makes people feel better. I want to hear nothing from you until all of it is gone.”

“… Sorry…”

“What did I just say?” Haruki ruffled those messy ginger locks, “No tears or words until all of this is gone. You understand?”

Kentaro nodded and started drinking quietly. He looked very docile and well-behaved with his eyes cast down.

Akihiro was very impressed.

“I’ve never seen anyone else other than his mother baby him like this,” he said almost inaudibly but Haruki heard him.

He was still ruffling the kid’s hair when he replied with a simple, “If I don’t do it, who else will?”

Akihiro played around with his cup and gave a small sad smile, “Yeah, you’re right.”

After a while of silence, he spoke up again.

“You guys are pretty close, aren’t you?”

“You going to tell them about it?” Haruki answered with his own question.

“If I did that, wouldn’t that just make me a cruel person?”

Haruki turned to face him, “Aren’t you?”

Akihiro had originally wanted to reply with an immediate denial, but thought carefully on how Ken would react and simply gave a helpless shrug, “Maybe I really am just like the rest of that family.”

Haru shook his head slowly in disbelief, “Can’t you at least try to deny it?”

“Even if I did, young master would—”

“Listen, Ginger just wants you to prove that you’re not like the other members but he just won’t say it,” Haruki explained to him as he supported his head with one hand.

Those words stunned the youth, “But just now, he even told me to leave him alone.”

“Yeah, coz you kept saying, ‘My task thisand ‘your father thatas if guarding Kentaro was just something you were forced to do because it was your assignment. It’s really irritating,” Haruki snorted.

“I see,” Akihiro looked a little helpless.

“Look, I don’t quite know what happened during your past, but according to what Ken said earlier in his fit, you were his bodyguard when he was younger too?”

At that point, Kentaro shook his head disagreeably but kept his gaze down.

Akihiro answered nevertheless, “I was with him for four years, throughout his ages six to nine. I admit when I was first assigned to look after him, it was merely because I’d been told to do so. But before I’d even realized, I’d already grown attached to him…”

“Liar,” Ginger mumbled.

“Young Master—”

“If you’re going to lie, at least do it right,” Kentaro said.

“Hey, hey,” Haruki immediately gave him a light knock on the head, “Let’s hear him out first.”

The boy shut his mouth.

Haruki turned back to Akihiro, “You were saying?”

“I was fond of him, but I couldn’t get close with him.”


“I wasn’t allowed,” Akihiro explained.

Haruki pondered over that info for a while, “So that’s how it is. Back then you had no choice but to follow instructions since they probably kept a close eye on you. And you were younger.”

“I do regret not having been able to give him the comfort he needed. It’s just that… during those years…” Akihiro’s grip tightened around his cup.

Of course. He was barely a teenager and he had to follow strict rules otherwise they’d probably think he wasn’t doing his job.

“How did you end up with that family anyway?” Haruki couldn’t help his curiosity. “Do your parents work for them?”

“I lost my parents when I was little to some accident they were involved in. I can barely recall what they even looked like. All I know is that they were also bodyguards directly under the Chairman. After they passed, it was Mr. Harada who raised me so I practically grew in his care.”

“Was it him that raised you, or the family workers?”

Akihiro remained silent.

Of course that silence could only mean one thing.

“I should’ve guessed,” Haru sighed, “Those people wouldn’t lift a finger for one of their own, so of course they didn’t raise you. They left you to the workers instead. Those must be some really caring workers.”

“They are. They were fellow colleagues of my parents.”

“I’m curious though, instead of neglecting their child, why didn’t they just give him to workers for them to raise too? It seemed more logical than completely denying him of the compassion he deserved.”

“By the time other members in the mansion knew of young master’s existence, he was already old enough to run around,” Akihiro explained. “Everyone one of us was told to keep our distance from him and keep his and his mother’s existence a secret. I guess… that’s why…” his dark gaze travelled to Kentaro. That pang of guilt just wouldn’t go away.

Now I get why they have so different personalities. Akihiro grew up in a completely different environment than Ginger who grew thinking his mother was the only person who genuinely valued him. No wonder it was so difficult to break his walls…

Haruki was just about to move on to his next question when he felt a small nudge at his clothes and turned to see Ginger place the empty plastic container back on the table.

“I finished,” he mumbled.

“Good. You’ve got something to say?”

Kentaro shook his head.

“Then let’s listen together,” giving him another pat, Haruki turned to Akihiro and resumed his interrogation. “Fine, I’ve heard the past tale and I understand that it really wasn’t your fault. You were young, the decisions weren’t yours to make. Then let me ask this now: Why were you made Kentaro’s bodyguard again after so long? What is the big boss after?”

“I was sent to monitor him.”

“Monitor how?” Haruki furrowed, “Would you be sending feedback to them about what he’s up to? He’s daily routines and all that?”

“Most likely.”

Kentaro’s fists clenched.

“When you came here, you probably thought Kentaro stayed in Tokyo, didn’t you? That’s what you’d been told?” Haru asked.

“That’s what they believe.”

“Now that you know that’s not true, you planned on telling them didn’t you? If you haven’t done so already.”

Kentaro’s head jerked up and he glared furiously at the youth. However, Haruki raised a hand to stop him from saying what he wanted to say, and he obediently looked down again.

“Have you reported about it?”

“I haven’t.”

“Why hesitate? Weren’t you already planning on doing it?”

“Originally, I was,” Akihiro admitted, “But I can see it isn’t necessary now.”

“Why the sudden change of heart?”

“Young master has been able to keep this secret for some months now. I believe he’ll be able to continually do so without being found out. I won’t report it.”

“How many people were sent to spy on him?”

“It’s just me.”

“Why only you? Do they trust you that much?”


Haruki was a little impressed by this person’s confidence. Any other person would have hesitated. What in the world did you do to win over that crazy family’s complete trust?

“How do we know you’re not lying, Akihiro?” he asked his final question.

“I…” Akihiro was rendered speechless. How could he prove his innocence? It wasn’t like he could dig out his heart and show him how much truth was in it, “I don’t know.”  

Haru stared at him for a while then sighed, “Fine, whatever, I believe you. And I also believe you weren’t bullshitting when you told Ginger how sorry you were. You want to be there for him now to pay back for your past mistakes, isn’t it?”

Akihiro gave a small smile, “Yeah.”

“Your family sure is interesting, Ginger,” Haruki stretched before he waved the waitress over to his table and indicated at Akihiro’s cup of now cold coffee, “Can we have another cup of that. That one’s cold.”

“Yes, right away,” the waitress retrieved the cup before Akihiro even had time to object and quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

“That really isn’t necessary. I’ll pay for it—”

“Shut up and accept his money,” Kentaro grumbled, looking out the window. He looked like a pissed puppy.

The two stared at him, stunned, before Haruki suddenly chuckled. “You heard him. Shut up and accept my money. I mean, it’s our fault your tea got cold in the first place.”

Akihiro: But I really had no intentions of drinking it. I was really just a warmer for my hands…

The waitress returned shortly with a fresh cup of tea and Haruki immediately paid for it before she left.

Akihiro had no choice but to drink it in the end.


“Hey Hiro… can I call you that by the way? Or maybe Aki?” Haru snickered as they left the café, “I know you promised to protect Ginger and all, but for today, could you leave the protecting to me? I mean, I’m the one who came with him after all.”

“If that’s what Young Master—”

“Yes, that’s what I want,” Kentaro coldly interrupted as he headed in the direction of the clock tower. “Go wait somewhere else.”

Akihiro felt stung but could only silently accept it.

Haruki patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, he acts all indifferent and intimidating at first, but once you warm up to him he’ll open up and see your good intentions.”

“Thank you, Haruki.”

“And maybe try not to call him ‘young master’ anymore. It really seems to be pissing him off. He’s probably not used to the title or just hates it,” Haruki advised.

Akihiro nodded and smiled helplessly, “You’ve only spent several months with Young Ma—Mr. Kentaro, and yet you already know him so well. He respects you so much.”

Of course. As his savior, it’s only right, Haruki thought though he still felt a little conflicted by that ‘Mr. Kentaro’ just now.

“Anyway, let’s discuss the details about your stay and your report after the arcade today. You know, just to make him understand,” he told Akihiro.


Haruki nodded and turned to leave, then paused in his tracks again and backtracked as if he’d forgotten to say something crucial.

“Oh, and one more thing, Hiro, if it turns out that you’ve been lying to us this entire time,” he turned to look at him with a smile, “I’ll hurt you so bad you’ll wish you hadn’t come.”

Akihiro immediately felt a chill, the hairs on his body standing on end as if they sensed a great danger. Yet he was only staring at this under fifteen smiling boy.

He nodded slowly, failing to even respond properly with words.

Haruki finally turned and left, leaving Akihiro to subconsciously release a relieved breath.

What was that? That pressure…

He’d felt the same pressure when Haruki had been interrogating him, which had made him answer truthfully and carefully the entire time. He’d seemed calm at the time but it’d taken a tremendous amount of willpower to just stop his hands from shaking.

How can a kid much younger than me be this intimidating???


Tadashi and Takumi both raised their heads simultaneously when they noticed two familiar figures come their way and rose up from where they’d temporarily sat to meet up with them.

“What the hell you guys? We said 10:40,” Takumi fumed first.

“Sorry, we were still searching around and got a little lost,” Haruki lied through his teeth. He knew he couldn’t mention Akihiro at the moment and say they were enjoying beverages at the café. “Did you guys wait long?”

“Yes we d—”

“No we didn’t, we came here less than five minutes ago,” Tadashi answered honestly, “All of us came late.”

“Tadashi why, dammit!” Takumi was about to complain when his eyes suddenly fell on Ginger, “Eh? What happened to you? Your face looks a little puffy.”

“Nothing, it’s fine. Tell me more about games and machines,” Kentaro immediately changed the subject, avoiding the two boys’ gazes.

He succeeded in doing so because Takumi quickly forgot about it and began blabbering again as he led Ken away.

Haruki and Tadashi followed quietly behind.

“We were being followed after all,” Tadashi suddenly spoke, baffling Haruki.

 “By who?” Them too?

“Remember when idiot Takumi announced that he had enough money to buy a restaurant?” Tadashi sighed. “That careless remark made him target and invited a couple of friends.”

“Whoa, what happened to them?”

“I beat them up.”


“I figured they’d eventually end up cornering us somewhere secluded, so I led them straight to a deserted place and dealt with them there,” Tadashi admitted.

“Matsui, you actually initiated a brawl?” Haruki internally applauded.

Tadashi had always been the kind of person to avoid and kind of unnecessary conflicts. Now hearing that he’d been the one who’d initiated it, it sure was a shock.

“They were pests that needed to be dealt with,” he focused at the two in front, “Besides, you know how Takumi get when things don’t go his way. He’d have started acting all depressed if his day had been ruined.”

“Did he also fight?”

“What could that idiot possibly do. He doesn’t know any style of street-fighting,” Tadashi frankly spoke. “So he watched from the sidelines.”

“But how many people were there?”

“I didn’t bother counting.”

Ah?  “Scary,” Haruki playfully punched the other’s shoulder.

“I’m nowhere near your skill level.”

“But I’ve never faced more than three people at a time,” Haruki nodded to himself. “Which means you really are something.”

Tadashi cast him a brief sidelong glance before focusing ahead again.

You just don’t realize how intimidating you can be, Haruki. Not many would even dare challenge you even if they wanted.

After 5pm, the four finally decided to call it a day and headed to their respective homes after a great time at the arcade. They’d hosted competitions amongst themselves, all of which had ended with Tadashi in first place, Haruki in second, Kentaro in third, and Takumi in dead last. It’d shocked everyone that the guy had been the one to suggest the arcade as their hang-out point for the day, and yet he’d been the worst at games.

Shockingly, even Ginger was better than him.

You are reading story How the heck did we end up together? at

That had to be some kind of losing record, or else Takumi’s hands were probably paralyzed.

“Who knew there was someone worse in video games than you,” Haruki commented as the two of them headed in the direction of Ken’s house, “You must be feeling proud of yourself.”

They’d parted with Tadashi and Takumi earlier on at an intersection, and continued on their own.

“Praise or criticism? Pick one.”

“Ginger, when will you ever understand that my intentions towards you have always been pure? Of course I’m praising you.”

“Well, it feels the opposite so just stop.”

“Tsk,” Haru looked away in feigned anger.

Ken smiled, feeling just how much he enjoyed his moments with this person. “Aren’t you going back home. I hear Aunty calling you for dinner,” he teased.

Haruki rummaged through his pockets and took out his house keys before sticking his tongue out at Ken. “Both your Aunty and Uncle aren’t even home, wise guy. So I might as well just crib at your place until they get back.”

Haruki crashing at Ginger’s place was no longer a shock, since half of his wardrobe was already at that place. The person had practically moved in with his friend already. Especially now that his parents were at it again, travelling none stop for days on end. Besides, they always felt reassured whenever the two boys were together. They’d be able to keep tabs on them both at the same time.

“What should we eat for dinner? Let’s have… uh, maybe ….” Haruki pondered long and hard.

“I brought pastries from Tokyo yesterday,” Ken suggested.

“Yeah sure, but we’ve been eating snacks the entire day. We still need some real food. I need meat.”

“Grilled chicken,” Kentaro beamed, “Or whatever it is it’s got to have chicken.”

PFFT, alright Ginger. Then it’ll be chicken and….” He paused abruptly then narrowed his eyes to focus in the distance. “Hey look, isn’t that Hiro on your porch there?”

Sure enough, as the two neared the house, they found Akihiro seated on the porch looking like he might freeze to death. They also noticed a black Mercedes parked across the street, which was normally never there.

“How’d you know where I live?” Kentaro asked indifferently.

“I saw Young Ma—Mr. Kentaro leave this house this morning. I figured that this had to be yours,” Akihiro answered honestly, his teeth chattering slightly. He really was freezing.

“Just ‘Kentaro’ is fine,” Ken corrected as he passed Akihiro, unlocked his house, and went inside muttering, “Don’t make this more uncomfortable than it already is.”

Haruki stood there at the porch and pointed at the car across the street, asking him, “Is that yours?”

He nodded, “Yes.”

“Dude, then why didn’t you just wait in the car,” he shook his head in disbelief as he too went inside, “Suffering for no reason. Come in quick, before you pass out on us. I’ll get a warm bath ready for you.”

That was a welcome he hadn’t expected. He was certain Kentaro wouldn’t let him set foot in this house, or maybe chase him away with a knife the moment he spotted him.

It guess I have Haruki to thank for this. If Young Master really had been alone, I would’ve spent the night in my car.


“Bummer, you bought an apartment in Tokyo only to realize that Ginger wasn’t currently living in the city,” Haruki commented as he diced up some ingredients to make their dinner later that evening while all three of them were all gathered in the kitchen. “I bet all your clothes were in there too.”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Akihiro, who’d been given a clean pair of Haru’s pajamas after his warm bath to wear for the time being, nodded. He’d been more than lucky to find a size big enough for him, but considering his bigger built they still appeared smaller on him than on the real owner, who thought they were too big for him.

Kentaro snorted when he heard that. He hadn’t said much ever since they’d entered the kitchen, only occasionally asking Haruki what he needed and following his given instructions. Currently he stood and the sink, washing some chicken cutlets and placing them in a bowl.

“That means you’ve got nowhere to stay. I don’t think there are any houses renting in the neighborhood, and the motels are quite far. In any case, it wouldn’t be appropriate for you to lodge somewhere else when there’s a huge empty house right here,” Haru said.

Kentaro threw him a stare, “I refuse.”

“Come on, have a heart,” Haru cajoled.


“Do it for me?”

“… He can stay somewhere else,” Kentaro was still a little reluctant.

“Alright then, he’ll stay at my place.”


“I won’t tell my parents about who he really is,” Haruki assured. “I’ll come up with a decent lie and say we’re friends from school or something. I’m sure they won’t mind.”

“No, I don’t want him to stay with you,” Ken mumbled.

“Now you’re just being petty.”

Akihiro watched the two interact and couldn’t help but smile.

Kentaro’s really changed a lot. He had become so cold and devoid of emotion that I was scared he’d never trust anyone. But I guess I was wrong. He’s lucky to have met someone who cares for him like this. Although Haruki does have his intimidating moments, he’s mostly just like any other normal cheerful teenager. It seems his influence makes the people around him happy.

“Good news, Hiro, you hear? Ginger agreed to let you stay here,” Haruki’s voice snapped him from him thoughts.

“Oh? Thank you, Kentaro,” Akihiro offered a low bow.

“Thank Haru, idiot…” Ken grumbled but was immediately flicked on the forehead by Haruki for disrespecting his senior

Haruki Fukuda is the one who opened those doors for you. He really does deserve a humble thanks.

He offered another low bow to Haru, “Thank you, Haruki.”

The flustered teen who didn’t know the true meaning being the Akihiro’s gratitude quickly waved his hands, “D-don’t listen to this brat. There’s no need to thank me...”

“I really do owe you my gratitude. Please, allow me to prepare the meal for you as thanks to you guys for placing me under your care.”

Kentaro: “……”

Haruki: “You can cook?”

Akihiro nodded and smiled, “I try my best. I grew up surrounded by workers after all. That includes the kitchen staff.”

“Well that’s a pleasant surprise,” Haruki beamed, “At least we can share the work now.”

“Then I also want to help,” Ken spoke up, determined.

“Ginger…” Haru face-palmed himself.

“I’m getting better. You even said so,” Ken complained, “I’ll help too.”

Akihiro chuckled, “Thank you both, but please, let me do this for you. It’s the least I can do for your hospitality.”

And without any further debate, the two boys allowed their guest to cook for them.

Haruki watched in awe, and subconsciously tried mimicking Akihiro’s hand movements while he sat watching at the table with Ken, who was overall, trying to look unimpressed. The kid was just too stubborn to easily admit defeat.

“So Akihiro, how long will you be staying?” Haruki asked while the person did his work.

“I was told to stay for only a month and see how Young Ma—Kentaro was doing,” he explained. “After that, I’d compile a report and hand it over to Mr. Harada.”

“What is he expecting to find in that report?”

“Since Kentaro never mentioned anything about his current life here, Mr. Harada probably thinks he’s still the cold and indifferent boy from the past, who’s too scared to interact with people,” he told them. “So I figured I’d just write that and hand it over to him. He won’t know what he’s not supposed to.”

Kentaro felt a sense of relief hearing that, though his expression refused to show anything other than indifference. There was no way he wanted any of the Haradas to know how and where he was, nor did he plan on risking his newfound happiness for them.

“I’ll give you detailed analysis of how cold, stubborn, anti-social and moody he was the first time I met him,” Haruki offered, earning a glare from the boy beside him. He then asked innocently, “What? It’ll help keep your reputation right.”

“You say that as if my old behavior was a good thing,” Kentaro hissed.

“Who says it’s old?”


“Unless you finally let go of your grudge on Hiro, I’ll believe that you’re still the petty old you,” Haruki teased with a smirk.

Ken immediately shut his mouth and looked away.

Akihiro chuckled helplessly, “Please Haruki, don’t make him dislike me even more.”

“Nah, he doesn’t dislike you,” Haru gave him assurance. “He’s just being stubborn.”

Akihiro remained quiet and looked at Ken.

Coincidentally, Kentaro had just looked in his direction which caused the two to awkwardly bump gazes. He suddenly muttered some excuse and left the kitchen, leaving the two alone.

Akihiro sighed, “He can’t stand being in the same room as me.”

“I’m sure it’s guilt that sent him out of here. Once he starts feeling guilty then it’s all over,” Haruki grinned. “Just watch, you’ll see.”


The next morning Haruki decided it’d be very much in Akihiro’s best interest if they all went out shopping for clothes. The man desperately needed the change of attire. That neat tux wouldn’t remain that way forever if worn repeatedly, so the three of them drove into town early the next morning.

They wandered around a popular shopping center till midday when they had their lunch before preparing to leave.

“See, now you look like a normal person,” Haruki commented while holding two shopping bags in his hands. He’d ended up buying a few things for himself and Kentaro while they’d been having Akihiro’s clothes hunt.

The youth wore a flustered expression as he continuously tugged at the sleeves of his new coat, feeling very awkward for some reason. He also carried a few bags containing his clothes and shoes.

“Quit looking so constipated,” Haruki snickered. “It’s like you lived your entire life in that suit.”

That’s not far from the truth, Akihiro thought and sighed. “I’m a bodyguard. Of course I’ve lived most of my life in suits.”

“Too bad, you look pretty good in casual attire.”

Akihiro turned a deep shade of pink and looked around anxiously before whispering, “Don’t just casually say that. You’re grabbing attention.”

“Even if I don’t say anything you’ll still grab attention. Isn’t that right, Ginger?” Haruki turned to look back at the person who’d been trailing a couple of steps behind them quietly like a lost puppy.

He raised his head and met two pairs of curious eyes who’d now focused on him and gave them a confused look.

“What happened?”

He’s not even here, they thought.

“Didn’t you say you had something important to buy?” Akihiro suddenly reminded Haruki.

“You’re right I almost forgot,” Haru immediately remembered, “We can’t leave just yet.”

“Where to?” Ken made as if to follow but was decisively stopped.

“No, you guys wait for me here,” Haruki said, “I won’t be long. I know exactly where it is.”

Ginger opened his mouth as if he was about to protest.

“Five minutes, hmm?” Haru spoke first and handed over one of his bags, “I won’t be back a minute later.”

And with that, he left the two standing awkwardly alone.

Akihiro’s eyes fell on the kid. He didn’t look like he planned on moving an inch from the spot. And apart from that, he looked like he was seriously counting the seconds.

Cough, How about we find a place to sit while we wait?”

“He said he’d be here in five,” came the child’s simple response, “We have no reason to go anywhere else.”

“Of course,” the Hiro quickly agreed and felt even more awkward. The mood around them really was too suffocating.

“I’ll leave you guys alone at some point, so when that time comes, take that chance to say what you want to say to him,” Haruki had told him the previous evening after Ken had left them alone.

“What if he won’t want to talk to me?” Hiro had asked, “He might even ignore me and walk away.”

“Then you follow after him, sheesh. If what you want to say is important, then make sure he listens to it. Sometimes he just acts stubborn just because I’m around and he’s unwilling to admit his wrongs in front of me. That’s why I’ll remove myself from the equation. Make that moment count.”

Akihiro pondered on that conversation for a while, thinking, is this what he meant by removing himself from the equation?

He took in a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst. Here goes…


“I already know what you want to say, Akihiro. I heard your story yesterday, so there’s really no need for us to continue with sappy meaningless words,” Kentaro avoided the youth’s gaze, “I already forgot about it.”

The boy didn’t sound angry but his tone carried a tinge of melancholy.

Akihiro closed his mouth, feeling as if there really wasn’t nothing more to say. However, it wasn’t long before he told him, “I was serious when I said I regretted not being able to do anything for you at that time. I sometimes wish I’d done more, or made different decisions. Maybe… maybe things would’ve turned out differently.”

Kentaro’s lips pursed.

The youth gave a dejected laugh and shook his head at himself, “Listening to myself now, it just sounds like I’m trying to make myself seem like a good person when I’m really not. I’m sorry.”

Ken’s hands lightly clenching at the straps of the bag he’d been given. He then asked after a while, “D-did you get to see her? My mom, I mean.”

“Yeah,” Akihiro felt a bit relieved when he heard Ken finally talking to him, “I’ve made it a habit to try see her at least once every day since I came back.”

“Really?” Ken glanced at him, “How is she? Is she getting better?”

Akihiro opened his mouth then closed it again, not sure which truth he could tell the kid.

Ken immediately understood and nodded, his eyes drooping as he whispered, “They still won’t take her to a real hospital then. I figured as much.”

“It’s really nothing bad. Your mother’s been fine for quite a while, but just a little… depressed.”

Kentaro already knew this much. He was aware that the strange disease that’d tormented his mother wasn’t the problem these days. In fact, she’d become very healthy again up until they were separated when he was six. Her problem became much worse when Kentaro was completely sent away from the mansion to explore the outside world on his own.

Her intense depression was the problem now, and it often made her sickness flare from time to time. Any loving mother would feel the same having to watch their child barely over ten receiving this kind of treatment.

It was even worse since she had no power to go against it.

“They didn’t let you see her this time when you went back?” Akihiro asked and Ken shook his head and turned away again to continue waiting for Haru.

“As if separating us is going to change anything. Does he really think I’ll just forget about her,” Kentaro muttered then clenched his hands in determination. “Well, I won’t. Even though I’ve only seen and been with her for half my life. At the same time, I’m scared that… in time, she’ll forget about me…”

Akihiro stood there for a moment before he finally decided to swallow his fear of being chased off and approached Ken. He placed a soothing hand on the kid’s shoulder, “You know, you’re the only person she mentions whenever I get to see her.”

Kentaro’s eyes slowly lit up.

“And let me tell you, she wears the happiest expression whenever you’re mentioned, even if it’s just your name. She only lives so that she gets to see you, because she loves and misses you,” Akihiro smile warmly. “So you can forget about her ever forgetting you. I think whenever she thinks about you, she forgets all about her condition.”

In fact, Kentaro was certain his mother would feel better knowing how well he was doing right now and how he was in good hands at this place.

“When I get back, I’ll make sure to let her know,” Akihiro had read exactly what was on the his mind.


With an expression full of promise, Akihiro nodded. “I can at least do this much for you. And I’d be good to see he less depressed, don’t you think? The next time I come here, I’ll have loads of pictures of her happy face to show you.”

Kentaro subconsciously smiled and dropped his gaze down, muttering, “Who says I want you to come back? You’d better stay away.”

“Sending them will only risk your location,” Akihiro chuckled and patted Ken’s head, finally feeling the burden on his shoulders lifting. “But try to believe in your mother, okay? She’ll be fine in no time.”

Ken silently nodded.

This was their first tranquil moment.


The sudden disturbance made them both flinch, and they both lifted their heads to find Haruki standing a few feet behind them with a black pocket camera in his hands.

“What perfect timing. Hey, smile for the camera you guys,” he told them, waving around the gadget before he turned it over to take a selfie of all three of them.

“You wasted money on that,” Kentaro muttered his criticism, almost rolling his eyes.

“And I’m happy I did since I wouldn’t have captured this sweet moment otherwise,” Haruki bragged before revealing a picture of Akihiro patting Ken on the head.

That successful flew Kentaro into a fluster, “Delete!”

“No,” Haru smirked.

“Can I have it too?” Akihiro asked.

“No!” Ken snapped.

“Sure,” Haru didn’t hesitate and immediately went to Akihiro’s side to share the picture.

“Got it, thanks,” Akihiro replaced his phone back in his pocket, having secured what he’d wanted lest Kentaro snatch and destroy the evidence.

Haruki turned smugly to Ginger, “So, was that so hard? Why were you being so stubborn?”

“Shut up.”

Although Haruki hadn’t heard a single word during their conversation, he’d pretty much come to the conclusion that they’d finally made up.

“Is that what you wanted to buy, Haruki?” Akihiro asked, accepting the camera Haru had suddenly handed over to him.

He probably bought it on impulse, Ken thought.

And sure enough, Haruki actually responded with a, “I just saw it begging to be bought by me.”

Ken rolled his eyes, I knew it.

“But no, the thing I’d gone to buy is much more important,” he took out a small gift bag from his shopping bag and handed it over to Kentaro, who gave him a surprised look. Haruki rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little nervous because of Ken’s stare. “Dude, don’t look at me like that. I know it’s a day before the real deal.”

Kentaro was even more confused.

“Just open and see what it is,” Haruki urged, gesturing for Akihiro to get the camera rolling. The youth understood immediately and started silently recording.

Ken did so, and was stunned to find a white sealed cellphone box inside. He immediately put it back in the little bag and shook his head, even more flustered. “What is this? Why did you—”

“It’s a bit early, but happy birthday, Kentaro.”

The boy stared at him in a daze, as if his head was now filled with nothing but paste.


Haru couldn’t help laughing upon seeing that reaction, “It’s a gift, so you can’t return it to me. I you don’t want it then feel free to throw it away.”

“It’s young master’s birthday tomorrow?” Akihiro asked, also surprised. He’d forgotten tomorrow was December the 29th.

Haruki nodded as he moved over to stand behind the Ginger who’d become rooted to the ground and placed his hand on the kid’s shoulders.

“With all the excitement about New Year, I figured he was the kind of person who’d even forget his birthday so I had to remind him,” he lightly shook Ken’s shoulders. “Now let’s see that smile. Don’t try to act cool.”

But Kentaro quietly had his head downcast the entire time.

In his mind, thought: I know I could always hoard loads of these if I really wanted.

And yet…

“You’ve really got a good eye, Haruki. It’s really…” Akihiro’s praise paused mid-way.  He suddenly noticed something off with Kentaro and a small smile crossed his lips as he gestured for the other person to see.

“Good grief,” Haruki suppressed a chuckle after seeing Ken’s current state and asked gently, “Is this stubborn one crying?”

With a snivel, Kentaro looked away and refused to say a word.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry,” Haruki comforted as he pulled the boy into a warm embrace. “There, there, it’s okay.”

“Shut up…” came Ginger’s muffled complaints though he didn’t make a move to break away.

Haruki gestured for Akihiro top stop recording before saying with a light chuckle, “I think I broke him.”

“He’s never had someone other than his mother do something like this for him, so it’s understandable,” the youth told him.

“That so?” Haruki contemplated as he bent over to wipe away the kid’s tears which, in people’s points of view, gave him the image of a very caring older brother. “Then from now on he won’t be alone on his birthday and I’ll buy him loads and loads of presents.”

“Mm-mm,” Kentaro shook his head, causing Akihiro to stifle a laugh.

Haruki reprimanded, “Eh? You still have the guts to refuse. I’ve already made up my mind so you’re stuck with me. This is nothing. I’m going to spoil you rotten tomorrow, just you watch.”

“You knew to buy what he needed the most at the moment,” Akihiro stated as he reviewed the footage he’d just taken as the three of them continued on their way. “You’re a really good person, Haruki. With you here, I’ll be reassured that Young Master’s in good hands.”

Kentaro listened to their conversation without and remarks or complaints, only smiling to himself as threw an unnoticeable glance at the two beside him.  

He’d already gotten his gift even before Haru had bought him the phone. And that’d been more than enough.




[author: There's probably gonna be a time skip after this or something. Meh????...] 

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