How the heck did we end up together?

Chapter 15: Chapter 14: Unsettling news- Part 2

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The ginger-haired teen stiffened when he heard the name.

Haruki didn’t noticed and went on to ask, “You remember him, right? I mentioned him to you a couple of times.”

Kentaro’s indifferent expression returned as he continued to eat his food, “How could I possibly forget.”

After all Haruki had been mentioning the guy a lot lately.

“Oh man, it’s dated back two days ago, some hours after I sent mine,” Haruki rambled on, “He probably thinks I ignored him. If I explain to him that I usually don’t check my emails, does that make it seem like an excuse, or do you think he’ll believe it?”

“Even if you don’t explain, I still think that’s fine too,” Kentaro said bluntly.

“No, that won’t work,” Haruki bit the tip of his thump anxiously, “I need to explain first otherwise he might think I’m egocentric or something.”

“Aren’t you overreacting a bit too much?” Kentaro petulantly stood from his seat with his plate, “Instead of fan-girling over some guy, how about you give your parents a call first and tell them you’re okay.”

Having mentioned that, he disappeared into the kitchen.

Haruki sat there thinking, I wasn’t ‘fan-girling’.

Shortly afterwards, he heard Kentaro’s mobile buzz and stared at it on the table where the other person had left it.

“Hey, your phone’s ringing,” Haruki called out.

“Leave it.”

The phone continued to buzz.

“It might be urgent.”

“I’ll call them back later.”

Is he just being lazy? Haruki finally took it upon himself and went to answer it. He stared at the number only to discover that it was a public line.

“I’m answering,” Haruki called out before placing the phone to his ear, “Hello?”

“Kentaro?” the caller’s tone was pensive, as if certain this wasn’t the voice he’d been expecting. “Who is this?”

Haruki recognized that voice after a while of contemplating, “Akihiro, that you?”

“… Haruki?”

“Yeah, it’s been a minute,” Haru greeted him then asked confused, “But why are you using a public number?”

“That—” his voice was cut short when Haruki’s palm suddenly grew empty, only to realize that someone had long since approached him from behind and easily snatched the phone from him.

He turned to look at Kentaro, who’d already turned away and started heading back into the kitchen saying, “Yeah, it’s me. Report.”

Haruki was at a loss the first few seconds he stood there, but finally decided to follow him into the other room.

Ken’s expression looked rather grim, and it appeared as if the discussion he was engaged in with Akihiro was no laughing matter. After a few minutes of talking, the younger kid finished off with a:

“Tsk, I should’ve known. In any case, thanks for reporting this… Yes, tell me when he makes another move. And make sure to always use a public number for these kinds of situations too… Alright.”

And with that, their short exchange ended.

Haruki couldn’t hold it in and asked straight-forwardly, “Did something happen?”

“Apparently, my old man plans on visiting this place soon,” Kentaro spoke honestly as he placed his phone onto the counter and continued washing the dishes. “However, his travel date hasn’t been decided yet, so I’m not sure when he’ll show up.”

A feeling of unease suddenly crawled into Haruki, “Do you think that maybe he changed his mind and plans on taking you back with him.”

“No, I highly doubt that,” Kentaro shook his head and bitterly added, “At most, he wants to personally see how I’m doing at my ‘new’ place, and is concerned for my well-being like any other dad. Scoff, as if I need that kind of stress right now.”

Kentaro had mumbled the last statement but Haruki had heard it loud and clear, and that only made Haru worry even more.

“I told you to call your parents first,” Ken suddenly changed the subject, “They sounded especially worried when they were contacted earlier, that they immediately called me to ask how you were. Of course at the time I had nothing positive to say.”

“I’ll call them in a bit,” Haruki assured him then asked, “But jokes aside, Ginger, are you really okay with this? I mean, this is a really huge step for both you and your dad…”

“Nothing’s changed on my part, while he’s the one who’s trying to act responsible when there’s no need for it. I won’t suddenly acknowledge him for that,” Kentaro responded without turning to him. “Forget my problems, shouldn’t you be worrying about yours? Kim Juwon isn’t going to respond himself.”

It was true that Haruki had wanted to talk to Juwon earlier, and he also knew Ken didn’t want to talk about what was happening in his family either but, now that this had suddenly happened…

Haruki cleared his throat, “D-don’t you think it’s about time you finally acknowledged the Haradas? I mean, not all of them, but maybe… your dad? He seems like he’s really trying to—” His statement hung because Kentaro had shot him a cold hard disbelieving glare, which made him gulp. “Ha-ha, it was just a suggestion. Please ignore my big mouth…”

“Haruki, it’s not that I can’t acknowledge those people,” Kentaro responded frostily with a shrug, “I just don’t want to do it. I won’t, and it’s as simple as that.”

Haruki couldn’t laugh anymore. He shifted his gaze and muttered, “You’re only saying this now coz you don’t know how things will turn out in the future…”

“And you do?” Kentaro’s hands were still on the sink, dripping wet. It was evident that the subject annoyed him greatly from his aggravated look.

“All I’m saying is that you can’t keep acting like a kid anymore, Ken. You need to consider these things a lot more. We both know what’s going to happen in the future,” Haruki told him. “Sooner or later you’ll be asked to go join the family business…”

“After all this time they’ve finally decided to acknowledge me? Have you forgotten that they wanted me dead as a kid?” Kentaro gave a bitter laugh. “You know, I’m beginning to wonder just whose side you’re on, Haruki.”

“I’m on your side obviously...”

“Then why are you suddenly supporting them of all people? You’re even talking as if my father is a really good guy,” Ken puffed a snort.

“I’m not saying he’s a good guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy either,” Haruki tried to reason before sighing heavily. “Listen to this, if he really wanted you gone, then why’d he choose to keep you? Why didn’t he throw you and your mom out on the streets?”

“Coz he didn’t want the word to spread that he’d impregnated a simple house maid!”

“Part of that might be true but what if maybe he really just wanted to keep you guys out of danger?” Haruki seemed certain of himself, “And to make it seem like he wasn’t going against his parent’s wishes, he pretended not to care about you guys. Even when the old farts isolated you—”

“You think it’s the seniors of the family who made us outcasts?” Kentaro laughed out loud. It sounded forced and bitter, but he didn’t care. At this point he really couldn’t believe what he was hearing from this person. He then shook his head at Haru, “No, not even. It’s my dad who did it. It’s also my dad that wouldn’t take my mom to a real hospital. Everything bad that’s happened to me is mainly because of him! WHY DO YOU THINK I HATE HIM SO MUCH? If he really cared, he wouldn’t have let us suffer. Tough love? Yeah, screw that! I don’t believe a word he says!”

Haruki opened his mouth to speak but then closed it again. He really couldn’t come up with anything anymore.

Kentaro took in deep breath and calmed himself before finishing off the dishes in the sink.

The air in the room had tensed up again, and became too unbearable to hang around in.

He made sure to take Haruki’s dishes from the dining room and give them a wash as well, before finally drying off his hands with a dish towel.

“For now, let’s not hang out as much.”

Puzzled by this sudden resolve, Haruki exclaimed, “Are you that mad?!”

“Don’t get me wrong, this has nothing to do with our little disagreement,” Kentaro spoke calmly and he replaced the towel back on the sink. “I just think that since the old man is visiting soon, he shouldn’t know you and I are close. Same goes for Tadashi and Takumi. I’ll keep my distance from them as well until the heat dies down. He can’t know I have any connections with them either.”

Haruki couldn’t help but snort, “Are you serious? He’s just one guy. What, you think he’s going to threaten you using your friends or something?”

“Yes, I do think that. I really do.”

Haruki: “......”

“I know it’s hard for you to believe, but I know that man. And I know what he might do to get what he wants. In any case, keeping distance doesn’t mean we’ll have to start ignoring each other. It just means we won’t hang out as much for the time being. I also won’t come here as often.”

Haruki furrowed, “How long is ‘for the time being’ then?”

“Until Akihiro says he’s back at the mansion.”

“So you’re saying we’ll wait until the man comes and goes for things go back to normal? We don’t even know when he’s coming,” Haru protested.

“So do the rest of the Haradas,” Ken reminded him. “Akihiro said it hasn’t been decided yet.”

“Then wait for it to be decided!”

“For all we know, he might send spies beforehand to keep an eye on me and report when he does come here. He’ll obviously want to know what I’ve been up to recently. It’s possible that he’s already done so already,” Ken explained.

Haruki felt a little pissed and spoke through clenched teeth, “If he’s already done so then what’s the point of playing pretend now, huh? You even said you wouldn’t care if your dad did send his spies, so what’s the problem now? Have your words already been forgotten? Or were you only saying that for show?”

Kentaro used to be so confident before. What had happened now?

“Maybe this is me being realistic for once,” he avoided Haruki’s gaze when he responded.

Haruki was at a loss.

Massaging the space between his brows, Kentaro went on, “Look, I only said those things back then because I thought I’d be able to handle my father, but I can’t, alright? I’m scared and I don’t want you guys to get hurt because of me.”

Haruki had wanted to continue seething, but faced with Ken’s helpless expression and words, he could only keep his rage to himself.

I know I was defending the man earlier but…. He really can’t be this much of a jackass, right? I mean, come on!

Kentaro made his preparations to leave, “If you get sick again just call me.”

“It’s already night, where the hell are you going?”

“To my house?” Ken looked a little confused, “It’s not like I live that far away.”

“I’ll walk you…”

“No, you’re still sick.”

Haruki gaped, “The hell, I’M NOT SICK! I’m walking you out, damn you!”

Kentaro looked disappointed again, “I knew you wouldn’t listen to me. It’s not like you ever listen to what I have to say.”

“You—!!!!” exasperation immediately filled Haruki’s entire being. He resisted the urge to lash out at the other person right there and then, and had no choice but to obediently stay behind as Kentaro left. After all, earlier Ken had been angry earlier because of this kind of stubbornness.

You think you won, Haruki thought later that night in his bed, staring at the ceiling as he lay flat on his back using his arms as a pillow. He grinned devilishly at himself as he thought, I won’t sit back and listen to that B.S just because you said so.


Kentaro shoved his house keys into his gakuran’s inner pocket as he made his way down his porch and out his yard. He was too busy muttering a bunch of study nonsense to himself while righting the strap of his sling bag on his right shoulder to immediately notice someone waiting for him.

“Good morning.”

The familiar greeting almost made him trip and fall.

Of course it was Haruki who’d been waiting for him outside for who knows how long.

“When’d you get here?” Kentaro asked out of habit before suddenly remembering yesterday’s agreement. “No, why are you here?”

Haruki waved his hands defensively, “Don’t worry, it ends today. I just thought it’d be okay to go to school together one last time before… Well, that.”

By ‘that’ he meant yesterday’s deal.

Kentaro reluctantly fell into step with him and grumbled: “Enduring the cold for nothing. Want to get sick again?”

“Come on, it’s nothing like that.”

“How are you feeling today?”

“Super! I swear when you came out, I’d just arrived. I didn’t have the chance to wait… sneeze! Whoa, it really is cold out today. Good thing I’m layered then,” Haruki chuckled.

“You won’t be laughing anymore once you catch a cold,” Kentaro told him.

“Do I look like the type to get a cold, Ginger?” Haru conceitedly spoke with a proud raise of his chin, “At most I’d probably just—” at that moment, he suddenly swayed as if he’d suddenly lost all his strength for a second there.

Kentaro immediately reached out to steady him, alarmed, “Hey, what’s wrong?!”

Haruki rubbed at his forehead, “That…. It’s nothing, nothing…” he assured with another chuckle as he righted himself. However, his hand never left his forehead, and it looked as if he was trying to suppress some kind of pain.

“Don’t lie at a time like this, do you have a headache again?” Kentaro couldn’t help but be even more concerned. Haruki said nothing, which made the younger teen’s doubts increase tenfold. “WELL IS IT?!”

“Ginger, shush, not so loud, ha-ha. It’s nothing, really…” Haruki really wasn’t taking this seriously.

Kentaro stopped in his tracks and gave the other person a long, hard stare.

Haruki stopped as well, feeling a cold sweat suddenly accumulate on his back.

M-maybe I overdid it just a little, he thought.

In the next moment, Kentaro had already taken out his cell and started dialing.

Haruki’s smile turned stiff, “Who are you calling?”

“Your parents.”

“No, wait, that isn’t necessary—”

“Since you won’t tell me anything, what choice do I have?” Kentaro placed the phone to his ear.

However Haruki immediately snatched it from him and stared at the screen, stunned.

This brat’s really dialing!

“Give it back, Haru,” Kentaro loomed over him menacingly.

Haruki waved his hands crazily, “Wait a minute, wait! So yeah, maybe I’ve got a little bit of a headache and my vision blurred for a moment there. But I promise you, I’m completely fine now. I don’t even—”

“Why do you always have to be like this?”

“… Eh?”

“You want yesterday’s incident to repeat itself again? You enjoy seeing me sick with worry?”

Haruki was even more surprised by Kentaro’s disdainful attitude. He obviously thought he was being lied to again.

“No, I….” Haruki’s expression filled with shame. I really was bullshitting earlier.

Truth be told, Haruki had totally faked those actions just now only because he didn’t want Kentaro to go through with what he’d decided the day before. He’d thought that if he continued to act sick, then Kentaro wouldn’t go through with distancing himself anymore.

Who knew the guy would be this affected?

He looks so hurt, Haruki pursed his lips in guilt.

In the end he could only return Kentaro’s phone and mutter, “I’m sorry.”

Nonetheless, he really couldn’t bring himself to confess what his scheme. It just seemed insensitive now.

You are reading story How the heck did we end up together? at

“I’ll listen to you,” he told him.

I didn’t mean to make him worry this much.

“Maybe you shouldn’t attend school today,” Kentaro suggested. “Take the day off. I’ll explain to the teachers.”

Haruki opened his mouth in protest but the moment he caught a glimpse of Kentaro’s grim expression, the words died in his mouth. His gaze dropped defeatedly to the ground again.

“Did you talk to them yesterday?” Kentaro asked. Of course he was referring to his parents.

Haruki shook his head. He’d completely forgotten about that.

Ginger sighed, “No wonder. They’ve been worried sick this entire time and thought you weren’t doing okay. I’m also at fault for not telling them that you woke up in the end.”

“Mom called today… but I didn’t tell her much,” Haruki admitted.

“She called me as well. She thought I’d spent the night at your place, and wanted to check on you.”

Haruki slowly nodded.

“Do you realize now, just how many people are worried about you?”


“Takumi and Tadashi dropped by yesterday afternoon,” Kentaro explained to him, which made Haru look up at him with a complicated expression. “For now, can you just depend on us?”


I got what I wanted.

Haruki stared blankly at the huge screen TV, not paying attention to the current show on it at all.

Sure he’d gotten what he’d wanted. There was no way Kentaro would stay away from him at a time like this, knowing that his best friend was feeling well and all that....

But why do I feel so bad about it now?

He currently sat alone in the living room, having only come here to distract his thoughts by watching some shows that were on, though none of them had really captured his attention.

In the end, Haruki had really skipped school and spent the entire day bored in his own home.

He glanced at the time and sighed, having discovered how it was only still twelve in the afternoon. He had to wait at least another four hours for Kentaro to return from school.

His parents had promised to be there by evening the last time he’d spoken to them, and he felt certain that that hadn’t changed.

Or at least, that’s what he’d thought until he heard the front door open.

“RUE-RUE??!” Haruki practically jumped when he suddenly heard that loud bellow from the kitchen and sat up on the sofa, shocked.

Sure enough, Maki Fukuda came stumbling into the living room with a face full of concern before she flung her handbag onto another couch.

“Rue-rue dear, are you okay?” she asked frantically, feeling up her son’s entire face.

“M-mom, why are you…?” he looked confused, “You’re here early?”

“OF COURSE I’M HERE EARLY! I wasn’t getting a moment’s peace by staying away,” she complained and sat beside him, “First it was your teachers, then Ken-chan, then your teachers again… Just what the hell is happening to my baby?”

Haruki shifted his gaze in obvious embarrassment, “C’mon, I wasn’t dying or anything. They were all exaggerating.”

“But they said you had fever. How’d you get so sick, honey? Are you studying too hard?” Maki asked him.

“I’m perfectly fine now. I just needed a little bit of rest that’s all,” he glanced around, “Where’s the old man?”

“He’s still at the trip finishing off what I couldn’t,” Maki explained. “I really couldn’t wait anymore so I booked an earlier flight. He’ll be here in the evening as planned.”

“Poor dad…”

“DON’T SAY THAT LIKE I DITCHED WORK!” Maki yelled but then covered her mouth with a hand, worried that she’s worsened Haru’s headache, “Was that too loud? Do you feel worse?”

“I already told you I’m fine,” Haru ran a hand down his face, feeling exhausted already. But that really was loud.

“So it’s only Ken-chan who went to school today? I was sure he’d stay home with you,” Maki stated.

“He’s got his own life to live,” Haru laid back down on the couch and stared at the TV again, “If you’re hungry I’ll make something for you. Sorry I hadn’t made anything, I just didn’t expect you to be here so early.”

“You’re still thinking of others even in that state of yours?!!!”

“Geez, if you don’t want to eat then just say so,” Haru mumbled and closed his eyes to rest, “And you’re still too loud.”

There was silence for a while, before Haru felt coolness on his forehead. Maki had placed her hand to feel his temperature, so he didn’t bother opening his eyes.

“You’re so warm,” Maki said.

“I’m always warm, old hag…”

However Maki didn’t reproach him for addressing her with that nickname. Instead she said gently, “Come, Haru, let me take you somewhere.”

“… Mm, but I don’t want to move from this place,” he mumbled his complaints but his mother still managed to make him sit upright.

Why do I feel so tired…

“Don’t worry, we won’t be long. Come, let’s go,” Maki stood and urged him gently, and in the end Haru had no choice but to follow. He felt too tired to object anyway.

Maki led him to her car in the garage and after making sure her son had settled properly, she took the driver’s seat and started the engine.


“He’s suffering from a mild ‘Traumatic Head Injury’.”

Haruki’s mind almost went blank when the doctor announced his scan results.

He’d had been feeling tired during his entire trip in the car, but the moment it pulled up in a certain parking lot and he realized where he’d been taken, he’d sobered up there and then.

He hadn’t expected his mother to suddenly take him to the hospital just like that.

And now this freaking news?

Maki, who sat in the chair beside his in the scan room, also looked as if her heart would stop at any minute.

Who had a head injury? Haruki?

The doctor went on, snapping the two back to reality, “That’s what the results show on this young man’s tests, and because of the previous symptoms you mentioned, that certainly is the case.”

This man, Dr. Uehara, looked no older than thirty. He wore a pair of golden-rimmed spectacles on the bridge of his nose and a snow white lab coat ironed with expertise draped over his semi-formal attire.

The man had a tall slender built and handsome face of a youth which was complemented by his light skin tone and dark mid-length hair combed back neatly.

A person like this walking down the streets would certainly be mistaken for a model rather than a doctor. But alas, he seemed to be too much of a genius.

“B-but how is that even possible?” Maki was the first to regain herself, her face still full of disbelief, “I mean, I mean if that were the case, wouldn’t we have known sooner?”

“Is this the first time your son has been behaving strangely?” Dr. Uehara asked.

“It’s not the first time that he’s complained about having headaches. Last year we even had to visit our one other clinic but they couldn’t find anything wrong with him,” Maki explained.

The doctor pushed his specs further up his nose and browsed through Haru’s test results as he spoke.

“Perhaps his current condition has been triggered by something that happened recently. Fortunately his CT scan results don’t indicate any form of fracture on his skull, and he doesn’t appear to be suffering from ischemia either. However, there does appear to be a miniature dent at the back of his head, though it almost appears natural like he was born with it. It’s really unnoticeable to the naked eye. Did you fall and hit your head very hard recently?”

The last statement was directed at the patient, and all eyes went on him the moment it came out.

Haruki hadn’t said a word ever since the doctor had announced his results, and he’d been too imbedded in his thoughts to even listen to most of the man’s explanations.

He shook his head dazedly.

“Any accident?”

“I haven’t had any of those recently,” he slowly came to.

And it really was true. He hadn’t fallen or had any forms of accidents for the longest time. In fact, he really couldn’t recall if he’d even had that kind of experience during his entire time in Middle School.

Sure he was in Judo but it wasn’t like anyone was skilled enough to toss him around like a sack of potatoes. And yeah he’d passed out recently but he felt certain that Takumi and Tadashi had caught him before his head hit the ground at that time.

Still, the unease he felt worsened.

“Are you sure?” Maki wouldn’t believe it, “Don’t lie just because I’m here?!”

“I’m serious,” Haru told her and sighed. “I know you think I’ve been getting into fights again but that really isn’t the case. Honestly, you still think I’m a kid.”

He’d mumbled the last statement but his mother heard it loud and clear.

She’d even prepared to reproach him had it not been for Dr. Uehara who suddenly spoke up.

“He used to get into fights before?”

Maki nodded as her concentration fell back on the young man in glasses, “Yes. He used to be a problem child while growing up. Even during his first year in Middle school that bad habit of his wouldn’t change.”

The doctor sank into deep contemplation with his focus on those documents he held, before turning back at the mother-son pair and asking, “Was there a time when he was severely wounded. Like suffered a really hard blow to the head.”

“As if I’d even give someone the chance to do that,” the teen snorted.

“I’m sorry, doctor, but this stupid child…” Maki seemed as if he’s break down any moment, “HE NEVER TELLS HIS PARENTS ANYTHING!!”

“You know I’m a good fighter so who in their right mind would have the chance to hit me back?” Haru asked proudly.

“This isn’t time for messing around, Haruki. Did you not hear what the doctor said? You think this is a game?!” Maki scolded him, almost standing from her seat. “Do you want to annoy me to death, so that you’ll be happy?”

Both the young doctor and Haruki stared at her, bewildered.

That’s a bit overdramatic, Haru thought and sneaked a glance at the man, whose eyes were hooded by the glasses. Even he thinks the same.

The doctor cleared his throat and went on, “Mrs. Fukuda, there’s really no need to worry. At this point I believe your son has no reason to lie to you….”

“NO NEED TO WORRY?! Aren’t you the one who said he had a problem with his brain now?!!!”

The man couldn’t help gulping and seemed as if he wanted to move further away from the woman to avoid a threatening punch. Luckily, Haru finally interjected.

“You were saying, Doctor?”

“Ahem, that’s all I can say for now. It’s not at all life threatening,” he went on, speaking to the calmer teenager than the parent. “However, I highly recommend that you come here every once in a while for rehabilitation. Your report is still missing some very important details, like the cause of your head injury. It might me due to a concussion or mild amnesia that you no longer remember. If you do recall, even the slightest details of what might have happened to you once before, please report.”

“Alright, which means we have to keep in touch with you, correct?” Haruki mused and took his mother’s phone, since he’d left his at home. “We’ll have to take this hospital’s contact info with us.”

“That’s right,” the doctor nodded then gave him all the contact information necessary.

“About that rehabilitation you mentioned,” Haruki continued as he handed the mobile back over to his mother, who was still watching him in a daze wondering if he was still the same proud teenager from a minute ago. “How often do I have to come here?”

“I recommend two days a week for now. Three-hours long for each one,” the man told him. “We’ll be running all the necessary tests during that time.”

“Three-hours…” Haruki fell into speculation.

If it’s going to be that long then I can’t be skipping school and cutting classes. Which only leaves…

“Weekends,” he suggested. “Are weekends okay?”

Maki finally spoke up, having calmed down but looking a little hesitant, “But those are the only days you get to rest from school. Are you sure, dear? We could always make one of those days Fridays….”

Haruki chuckled softly as he glanced at her, “Thanks for worrying mom, but I’m okay. Besides, now that this has happened, don’t you think I shouldn’t cut classes? If I start lagging behind now it’ll be hard to catch up with my peers.”

The doctor had mentioned a bunch of symptoms to them earlier, and they included disorientation, confusion, exhaustion, and even loss of consciousness.

Haruki understood his mother’s concerns, but at the same time if he’d really tend to be sluggish and exhausted in the future, then it wouldn’t be so good for him to keep cutting his classes. He couldn’t start falling behind now.

He turned back to the doctor, “So I’ll have to make due with booking weekend appointments, if that’s okay.”

Dr. Uehara nodded and spun his revolving chair to face his desk before writing something on a small card and handing it to Haruki.

“My card. I added my private line there so please feel free to contact me in case of emergency or if you have something to report about your condition.”

Haruki took it, browsed it for a while then shoved it in his own pocket before grinning and suddenly asking, “Can I please use your bathrooms? I’ve been holding it in for a while now.”

Both Maki and the doctor stared at him surprised with the sudden mood shift. The teenager had been serious and all business just a second ago, yet now he was already sunshine and smiles.

Dr. Uehara pointed in a certain direction, “Go down the halls and turn to your left. It shouldn’t be far.”

Haruki nodded his thanks and left in a hurry, seeming as if he’d pee himself.

“He’s a strong-minded one, isn’t he?” the young doctor commented as soon as he was left with Maki, grabbing her attention once more.

“Maybe a little too much, which stresses the heck out of me,” Maki admitted with a small smile. “But that’s just how he’s been since he was little I guess. I still can’t help but worry about him. He’s too lax in these kinds of situations, that I sometimes wonder if there’s anything he’s not afraid of. I can’t help but feel as if he’ll really get into trouble because of it.”

The young doctor seemed to understand for a moment before suddenly saying, “But have you ever considered that the reason he acts like this is because he knows just what kind of situation he will be in?”

Maki raise her brows.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t worry or anything. It’s a normal thing for every mother,” the young man turned back to his desk. “But his behavior is within the ordinary. I’ve met quite a few like him within these walls.”

Maki: “……”

Dr. Uehara, “Believe me when I say this, no one will ever feel as worse as him about his current condition. Maybe you didn’t notice just after I announced those results, but his reaction wasn’t light at all. He completely froze and looked terrified. He’s only been trying to hide it from you.”

“But why would he do that?”

The young man smiled, “You’re his mother, so of course he’ll want to show a brave face in front of you.”


Meanwhile, in the restrooms of that very same hospital, Haruki washed his hands and face in a daze, him mind in turmoil, and his heart racing. He hadn’t expected such an outcome at all.




[author: This most certainly is not a tragic story????‍????????‍????]

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