How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 15: 14. Training Montage: Assessment

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A man as self-important as Midas would have probably tried to kill me for a third time by now. But I had something he wanted. I could count on his dick overriding his brain for the time being, and him actually listening to what I had to say. Probably.


First, the extent of the problem needed to be ascertained.

“Midas, what is the perfect woman to you?”

“Beautiful, kind, chaste, loyal...” Midas counted. “Intelligent.”

Truly the answer of a virgin who had never even kissed a girl before.

“How do you know she possesses these traits without ever speaking to her?”

“Uh…” Midas paused. “By her actions? By the way she carries herself? Her reputation?”

“And if she meets these criteria, she is then worthy of your love?”

“The most undying, yes.”

And the words of a man who had never tried to get to know a girl. Not really.

“And what would you say if on top of all of that, she absolutely loved sucking cock? Loved having her face coated in semen?”

Midas twisted his face. “W-what? A girl like that would never debase herself so low.”

And there was the expected Madonna-Whore complex.

Women were either angels to be worshiped, or whores to be looked down on.

I shook my head. This man truly did need my help.


Second, the extent of his skills needed to be assessed.

“Talk to her? As in, right here and now?”

“Yes? The one with the dark brown curls, go.”

“But I—“

“Just tell her ‘I know this is strange and coming out of nowhere, but I saw you walking by and thought your dress looked lovely’,” I said, shoving Midas into the street.

He hesitated.

I walked up to him and shoved him farther and he finally started walking towards a girl standing by a food stall picking pears.

Mithuna did not yet discover the power of hidden microphones, so I had to read lips until I could finesse my way closer.

Midas seemed to have somehow stuttered the opening line I gave him, eliciting a thankful smile from the girl.

“Um. We’re having some lovely weather today, aren’t we?” Midas said as I stopped to look at the fruit a little behind them.

“It is. Summer is quite beautiful in Ratia. Are you from out of town?” the girl asked.

Asking him questions right off the bat? This girl might actually like the dumb bastard, though it was far more likely she was just the friendly type.

“I’m from out of town, but I have been here a while for my work,” Midas replied. “I find the weather to be the best part about these parts of the Republic.”

“Yes. It’s quite good,” the girl replied.

And so the conversation went on. For twenty minutes. I would spare you the details. My professionalism was the only thing keeping me from intervening out of sheer cringe.

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Twenty minutes of talking about the weather, what Midas thought was good and bad about Ratia, its markets and trade, and exactly nothing else. No real emotions, nothing more than surface question about the girl’s work and education, no connection, no arousal, nothing.

To put it simply, the man had no game.

He even paid for her fruit, despite her protests. Expected from a man used to buying everything.

This was all why what Midas got at the end of the conversation was a simple ‘nice to meet you’.

And he was probably pleased by it too.


Third, some extra help was needed.

“This is Angelica,” I said, gesturing to the maid who had cleaned the office before.

“I know her name,” Midas replied. “What is this?” he pointed to the piece of paper in front of him.

“This is a contract stating that lovely Angelica will serve as our model and assistant for the duration of your training,” I said, smiling at the girl and gently gliding my finger down her shoulder. “And it stipulates all the terms and conditions of her employment."

Midas read the details carefully. “The model will be allowed to slap the signatory with no repercussions?!”

“Yes. It is a very important part of the training,” I said.

“Fund her tailoring education and apprenticeship?!”

“An investment in a budding business enterprise,” I said. “She would work exclusively with your corporation and partners.”

Midas finished reading. He looked at me skeptically, then at Angelica with the same look, then to the contract, and back to me.

“We need her assistance, Midas. It’s very important if you wish to gain the skills I have to bestow.” I turned to Angelica. “Also, look at her! Is she not the most beautiful and hardworking of your maids?”

She blushed.

And that was all that was needed.

Midas signed the contract.

I took the piece of paper and carefully placed it into an envelope I then handed the maid. “Now then, tell us, Angelica, how old are you?”

“I am twenty one,” the girl responded.

“The best age,” I smiled. ”And are you a virgin?”

“No. I am not.”

“And how many sexual partners have you had in total, if you don’t mind me asking?” I continued.

“Well, Mr. Kouboku, you already asked me that.” She blushed. “Four.”

“No need for such formalities. Just call me Ken. This piece of paper in your hands is the absolute declaration that we are all friends in this room.” I turned to Midas. “Does what she just told us lower her value in your eyes?”

“What? Of course it does! Four men had had their way with her!” Midas exclaimed.

Angelica looked at me nervously.

I smiled and nodded, gesturing for her to proceed.

Angelica slapped Midas smack across the face.

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