How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 20: 19. A Knight Captain’s “Interrogation”

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“You alright?” I asked.

Violetta did not respond. She was still nervously shaking, even as the adventurers and guards were scattering in different directions to prepare for morning.

Touching her shoulder did the trick.

The girl instantly unfroze, though her emotion state remained the same.

“S-sorry. I need to go!” she said practically on reflex, but a hand came over her shoulder before she could.

“Violetta you magnificent bitch. Your black powder weapons did the trick with the smaller ones, but I think the power needs to be increased for them to be useful against demon sergeants and above,” Pyra said, giving the poor girl a side hug. “Oh, have you met Mr. Kouboku?”

So the shy but brave Violetta was also an arms manufacturer? Why are the cute ones also always the craziest?

“Uh, I, I don’t know. I don’t think so,” the girl stammered.

“I gave her some flowers a few days ago,” I said.

“Ooh! You must be a lucky girl Violetta,” Pyra cooed. “Kouboku never gives anyone flowers.”

“Slander! I give everyone flowers,” I protested.

“You never gave me any,” Pyra said.

“I know you wouldn’t’ want them.”

“And how

“Oh, yes. I… I heard about you.”

“Only the bad stuff, I hope.”

Pyra laughed. “Why not the good?”

“If she already heard all the good, her opinion of me could only go down,” I said.

“See this man, you need to watch yourself with this silver tongued devil,” Pyra said, tightening her side hug over the pink haired chosen of Athena.

“She’s quite capable of it herself. She had already spurned my advances once,” I said.

“A woman in Ratia immune to Kouboku’s charms? You list of accomplishments has no end girl!” Pyra said poking the engineer in her white-dress covered boob.

Violetta was, by now, already redder than the Knight Captain’s hair.

“A Charm spell wouldn’t pass the skill check to work on me anyway,” the girl said, ducked under the captain’s embrace and rushed away to the safety of probably somewhere with less people.

“Oooooooh!” Pyra ohed as Violetta disappeared down to the first floor. “Gods, that girl can burn with just words?! I see why you fancy her.”

I raised an eyebrow “You seem very sure that I like her.”

Pyra raised an eyebrow back. “You take me for a fool?”

“Sadly, I do not,” I replied with a shrug.

“You’re godsdamn right,” she said.

As gorgeous as Pyra and her well-toned olive body were, I had more pressing concerns. A pink haired concern that was getting farther away with every moment. Probably.

“Sister,” I have a report, came a voice from behind us.

The perfect distraction.

I looked back, ready to make my excuse to leave.

But the woman approaching us, I knew her.

Andrea, the girl I seduced just before being taken by Midas. A member of the RFF, and the only feminist in town that was firmly on my side in the great schism.

Pyra’s source.

Andrea smiled at me as she approached.

I smiled and nodded at her.

“In written form, I know you love them most,” Andrea said as she handed her sister a stack of papers.

“Yes, riveting…” Pyra said. She began to flip through the pages, looking lazier with every one.

My eyes locked with Andrea’s.

I could feel her sleeping soundly in my lap in the dark alley, the evening wind gliding over us.

She could feel it too.

But goddamn it. A very particular goddess in fact. I had pressing concerns!

I gave a gentle smiling bow to Andrea and backed away.

Or started to.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Pyra asked behind me.

I froze mid step. Give me a break already Aphrodite!

“I have pressing matters to attend to, is there anything else you need from me?”

The captain’s eyes were deep in the paper in front of her, but it’s like she could feel where I was.

“You think I brought you here with me just to listen to my speech?” she said.

“I hoped, it was mostly to more publicly clear my name,” I said.

She handed the report back to her sister. “It was not.”

Andrea gave me a sympathetic smile and backed away. It was the way she backed away that put me on guard.

“I thought you cleared me of all charges,” I said, preparing for whatever the captain was going to do.

I was not prepared.

“I did. But,” she said, then in a blink of an eye grabbed me by the collar the shirt, spun around and pinned me to the wall. “I’m not done with you yet, Mr. Kouboku.”

She looked me right in the eyes.

You are going to tell me everything you know about the demon commander, the gate and about this healing house that started selling blessed trinkets off the back of some miraculous ‘revival’.”

“I already told you everyth—“

“Mr. Kouboku,” she interrupted me. “Look at me. I said look at me!”

I looked back into her eyes.

“Do I look like an idiot?!”

She did not.

Pyra. The one woman I knew I wouldn’t be able to seduce.

She would seduce me.



The interrogation began with me being flung onto the Knight Captain’s office table.

Not in a violent way. In a sexy way.

In an instant, she was on top of me.

It was the sort of passionate kissing I could only have with the kind of woman that will actually just kill me.

Pyra’s lips, her tongue, they were just as aggressive as she was. Devouring me.

She pinned me to the table as my clothes began to come off.

I was ready for her to literally claw into me, but the red-haired captain suddenly slowed her pace, our lips parted and she began moving down, kissing my naked body as she did.

She stopped over my nipple to give it a playful bite and kept going farther and farther down.

My cock could barely wait to feel her fiery lips, but she stopped right above it.

She looked up at me with a sly look.

I grunted as she grabbed hold of my cock.

Yes. You were in control. I looked at her with a look pleading for release.

She smiled, moving down and kissing the tip of my cock.

The goddamn tease.

“Pyra, please…”

She bit her lip and finally gave me the pleasure I craved for.

The warmth of her lips going over my cock, her playfully aggressive tongue sliding and curling around it, and her eyes occasionally looking up to see the results of her handiwork.

Allowing a woman give you pleasure, without judgment, giving her the opportunity to give, is one of the greatest gifts one could give.

And I was quite the giver.

“Fuck…” I moaned as she picked up her pace.

She savored every moment. I could feel it. But I could also see the faint hint of a smile on her face every time she took my cock out to catch her breath.

It made me somehow even harder.

And it was also bringing me closer to cumming.

Pyra… Pyra was excellent. But she wouldn’t let me cum this easily.

She stopped and moved back to kissing me.

“This is a very thorough interrogation,” I said, moaning as she caressed my blueballed balls.

“A demon general could come through the gate for all we know,” she said, looking at me with those lioness eyes of hers and moving her hand back over my cock to make sure it stayed just as hard as it was. “We might all be dead tomorrow.”

“But not tonight,” I said.

“Give me everything you’ve got,” she said. “That’s an order from the Knight Captain.”

And I would obey.

I grabbed her delicious peach of an ass, and pulled down the yoga-pants bottom piece of her armor.

As soon as it and her boots came off, she stood up. I looked up at her gymnast-armor clad olive-skinned body. Hungrily. God, I love fit girls.

She looked down at me with the same hunger. “Well?” she asked. “My sister calls you the greatest lover in Ratia.”

“Oh, she told you about that?” I said, standing up as well.

“You should thank her later. The only reason I was at the barn so fast was because she asked me to go help you.”

“I’ll be sure to show her all of my gratitude for saving my life.”

“Oh, and how would you do it?”

It must have been an odd scene, both of us standing on her desk, talking about how I would fuck her sister.

But the future didn’t matter at that point.

All that mattered was this gorgeous redhead in front of me right now.

And that armor that was begging to come off.

And so I took it off, slowly.

“You touch me like I’m made of glass,” she said.

“I can’t help it,” I replied. “I like to savor such magnificent beauty.”

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“Do I look like fragile barmaid you could silver tongu—oh!”

She was interrupted by me suddenly pulling on her exposed nipple.

She looked at me with a shocked smile. Clearly no one in town ever had the courage to do that.

I wasn’t from this town.

I read her blueprint like a book.

Her armor hit the desk, revealing the full beauty of her naked body. I LOVE fit girls.

I grabbed her and threw her off the table and into the captain’s armchair, sending her and the chair to hit the shelves behind and causing some books and a metal statue to drop.

I wouldn’t do this with a normal girl. But Pyra was anything but normal.

She looked at me, positively licking her lips in anticipation.

I flipped her over, grabbed her long braid to pull her head to me, and then shoved my rock hard cock inside her all at once.

The Knight Captain gasped in surprise that then turned into a moan of pleasure.

Again, I wouldn’t normally be doing this. I’d make sure she was properly wet first. Even make her cum one before. But Pyra wanted the beast, and she would get it.

The Knight Captain was drenched.

I started pounding her from behind. No need for foreplay. Just straight into the short, fast thrusts that would stimulate her the most.

I used my pull on her braid to keep myself balanced, with a force that would make a normal girl scream in pain.

But Pyra, this crazy, beautiful bitch, she fucking loved it.

“Fuck!” Her moans filled the office, and more than likely could be heard outside.

Not that anyone would dare disturb us.

But it turned me on. If she didn’t care, I could let loose completely.

I smacked her ass without restraint, and pounded her

God, that perfect ass. The warmth of her pussy. And how her trained muscles squeezed down on my cock. Truly there was no other girl like her in this town.

I’ve wanted to hear her moan since the moment I laid eyes on her.

And her moans were a symphony for my ears.

I hadn’t had proper sex since my self-proclaimed dragon wife. I could give this girl more.

I picked up the pace, her arm dropped to between her legs to vigorously rub her clit, and mine went for her other hole.

I could feel her shiver with surprise as my thumb teased her asshole.

Pleasant surprise. And so my thumb went in.

“Fuck! Yes! Fuck me!” the Knight Captain moaned.

Half the town could hear her by now.

But she only cared about one thing.

The climax she was coming to.

It was coming. I could feel it. Her pussy, that was already squeezing me mercilessly before, was closing down even harder.

“Fuck! Fuck! Don’t you dare stop!”

I would probably cum inside her. Inside the Knight Captain’s magnificent pussy. One of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure to feel.

A wave of orgasm rocked Pyra’s sweat covered, olive-skinned body.

And another, and another.

I would never tire of seeing and hearing it happen, with any girl, but this proud firebrand warrior’s body was made, sculpted for this.

Her moan as she came caused someone on the street below to drop something loud and metallic on the ground.

A final hit of percussion to this glorious symphony of the Knight Captain’s ass slamming against my pelvis, the overpowering suction of her pussy, and the glorious orgasmic moans she gave off.

And I used my tantric training to stop myself from ejaculating right then and there, still experiencing the orgasm, but with the ability to keep going.

Pyra collapsed into her chair.

And I was left there to process my realization.

I thought she wanted to be dominated. Fucked by the full beastly urge a man can muster for a woman.

I was wrong. It was only part of what she wanted.

I could feel it when she squeezed me, when she shoved back into me to push my cock deeper, and when she practically smiled as I pulled her hair.

She was unleashing her own beast.

In a blink of an eye I was on the floor, looking up as the red-haired warrior eyed me with ravenous hunger.

She positioned herself over my cock with eyes absolutely starving for it.

“I don’t know how you haven’t painted my entire pussy with your cum yet,” she said, positioning herself over my still very much erect cock. “But I Love it.”

Knight Captain Pyra plunged herself all the way down onto my cock, moaning with a great satisfied smile.

And then again, and again.

“I’m going to squeeze you,” she moaned. “For every last drop!”

The way she could lose herself into riding me, moaning wildly like an animal in heat, and still be present enough to squeeze her trained muscles to get the most out of it, was incredible.

I had been with many athletic girls, but Pyra was really something else.

Good god was I glad to have reincarnated in Mithuna.

Pyra rode me, her braid flailing wildly. Not wildly enough for her, as she pulled a string that released her braid into long, flowing, crimson-flame-red hair.

The magnificent woman riding me managed to turn even more beautiful with just that one act.

Her hair danced as she rode. In perfect rhythm with her beautiful olive breasts.

Not just a symphony for my ears, but an entire opera for my eyes to savor as well.

And she wasn’t lying when she said she’d squeeze me dry.

I was already about to orgasm again.

And she leant forward for her finishing move.

Her ass rose and fell with blinding speed that I was quite sure no human girl on earth could achieve.

I moaned.

And so did she.

Her crimson hair covered around me completely like curtains, putting me and this gorgeous redhead into a private room of our own. Her beautiful face, her magnificent breasts and her whole body… there for me to marvel at.

I was about to cum.

This crazy, beautiful woman could give an actual dragon a run for her money.

Yes, Pyra. You were in charge.

I moaned as I felt my orgasm approaching.

The beautiful animal of a girl above me bit her lip in satisfaction and drove my cock inside her even faster.

But I wasn’t your subordinate, Knight Captain Pyra.

I pushed back.

Every time she pushed down.

“Oh! Fuck!” she moaned in surprise as my cock drove as deep into her as it could. “Fuck!”

My orgasm was already here, but with my tantric training, I could hold it back.

Hold it back long enough, because this rapid pounding she was giving me wasn’t just for my pleasure. It was also bringing her own climax closer.

“Fuck! Fuck! Ken! Fuck me! Fuck me!” she moaned as we literally shook the walls.

Her pussy squeezed down on me ever harder.

And then it came.

The point of no return of her second orgasm.

I let go, moaning loudly as my cum shot into Pyra’s warm pussy while she was rocked with the waves of her own climax.

She slid to the floor next to me in exhaustion, where we both finally rested, panting heavily.

I turned to look at this beautiful creature beside me.

Her hair was messy and covering half her face and one of her breasts, her olive skin glistened with sweat in the candlelit office, and white cum was slowly leaking out of her gorgeous pussy.

I brushed her hair away so I could see her beautiful, satisfied face.

She smiled and looked at me with her flaming eyes.

“I hadn’t let loose like that in a long, long time,” she said stretching.

“Usually I prefer to do it on something soft, not on a carpeted wooden floor,” I said, tracing my finger between her breast and down to her abs.

“Comfort is for the weak,” she said, rolling me onto my back and coming to lay on top of me.

She wasn’t putting her full weight down on me, but her breasts were deliciously squeezing into me.

“There will be no comfort tomorrow,” she said starting to nibble on my ear.

I moaned slightly. It was something I really liked. “About tomorrow. Could I ask you for a favor?”

“Oh you sneaky bastard. You know no woman could refuse you in this position,” she cooed, moving to my other ear.

“Violetta is going to be part of the attack?”

“Against my better judgment, yes,” Pyra replied.

“Does she absolutely have to be?”

“Poor girl will be shitting her pants the whole way, but she’s the only one capable of closing the gate. Unless you’re hiding some secret bard spell inside this great cock of yours that no one has ever heard of that can do it,” she said, sliding a hand under me to grab said great cock.

“Not that I’m aware,” I said. “Could you assign me to guard her? Make sure she’s safe?”

“Oh, you want to be next to the little minx that burned you so hard?” She bit my ear playfully. “I was going to put you right next to her anyway. Our back up secret-secret weapon, to Cutting Words that big fat demon bastard if he comes for her.”

Mmmm. Ear teasing was a fetish I had discovered far too late in life.

Cutting Words, huh? “Yeah… I could do that.”


“You can do a lot more than that,” Pyra said, rolling off me. “A bard of your level…”

“What would that be?” I asked

The redhead giggled. “Stamina spells.” She pulled me on top of her gorgeous naked body. “I hope you’re ready for more,” she said, rubbing my cock against her, which was bruised and abused, but still responded as a cock do. “Because I haven’t had a good fuck in three months.”

“Shouldn’t we rest for tomorrow’s battle?”

“Fuck the battle! And fuck me!”

She moaned loudly as she pushed my hard cock deep inside her once more.

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