How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 22: 21. Stage Three

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When we came over the hill, what greeted us was a sight of complete carnage.

For the other side.

There were a few adventurers injured to varying degrees, but by all accounts the demon horde flushed out of the forest was completely destroyed.

Any demons still alive were quickly disposed of by adventurers going through the bodies to check for survivors.

“So, we won?” I said, walking towards Pyra, who was speaking to her second in command.

“Oh, we absolutely slaughtered these fools,” the Knight Captain replied, kicking the head of a nearby demon clean off, sending it flying off towards the forest.

Or what was left of it.

“Won is a big word though,” she added.

The smoke was beginning to clear, revealing masses of exploded trees, blackened rocks and charred ground.

“Sure looks like it,” I said, squinting at the distance. “Didn’t leave a tree standing.”

“Don’t you think something is missing from that hellscape?” Pyra asked.

I squinted again. Nope. It looked completely obliterated from this distance.

“Try this,” she said, handing me a spyglass.

Exploded trees… exploded rocks… craters of exploded ground… What else do you expect from a bombardment?

Oh wait.

“Where is all the dead hellspawn?” Pyra said.

“Burnt to dust?” I suggested.

“Nope,” the captain replied, taking the spyglass back and tossing it over her shoulder for a flustered subordinate to grab. “That’s not how these lil’ shits work.” She stepped on a freshly crispy imp. “No. These dickheads saw it coming.”

“What about these guys?” I said, nudging a nearby demonic ghoul like creature to make sure it was dead. “They were flushed out just like we expected.”

“Low level trash,” she said, spitting at the black remains of said trash. “This isn’t even half of what they hit us with the first night, and these runts wouldn’t be able to survive a smack to the head, let alone a rocket. All the higher level demons are still alive, and still there.”

I looked at the forest again.

It was blasted to bits, but other than smoke, it seemed completely still. No ominously moving darkness as before.

“Fucking cowards!” Pyra roared as she kicked the whole body of another imp towards the forest. “Stop hiding and come here so I can tear your dick off!”

“They’re using the old goblin tunnels?” said a voice from nearby. It was Urabus, the brick shithouse that was the most senior adventurer from the reinforcements group.

“We sealed and filled them up years ago,” said the Pyra’s deputy, Luciana.

“Clearly you missed a few,” Urabus said. “This town has really gone to shit since I left.”

“Watch your tongue, freelancer,” Luciana growled.

“Both of ya, shut the fuck up,” Pyra said and quickly jumped to the top of the hill. “Alright everyone! Get yourselves patched up and grab a snack, we move out in an hour!”

“T-the yield was an order of magnitude bigger than before,” Violetta mumbled as the captain passed her on the way down. “Not even the demon you mentioned would survive this much.”

“The shit stain I mentioned is a coward, hiding in his little goblin hole, and we’re gonna dig him up.”

“They know just as well as us what it takes to close a demon gate. They won’t be able to resist trying to jump our master artificer,” Pyra said, giving the poor girl a powerful slap on the back. “By the way, nice job on the mixture, its smoke cleared out really fast, just like you said!”

“T-thank you.”

I’ve seen more than enough war movies to know that going into a blasted landscaped filled with enemy-hiding tunnels was a very bad idea.

“We’re obviously moving into a trap,” I said. “We should wait until we at least know where the tunnels are.” Or at least until I woke up a certain dragon and convinced her to help her mate by secretly burning the demon rats out of their holes during the night.

“Nonsense, we don’t have the time for that,” Pyra declared. “We’re gonna go over there and spring it. That’s the fastest way to know where they are!”


We moved in three groups:

The center, led by the Knight Captain, was made up of the reinforcing adventurers, along with most of our baggage and equipment, myself and Violetta.

While the raging redhead was taking point, Urabus and a few other adventurers were designated along with myself as Violetta’s personal guard.

The flanks were made up of a mix of adventurers and guards, with the right being led by Luciana, and the left by none other than Shinsuke, aka Grundevar.

RFF members and CELL-inners were wisely grouped into their respective flanks separately to avoid any clashes.

Ultimately, everyone were there to protect Violetta and safely escort her to the gate, which according to survivors, was located in a cave behind a waterfall deep in the now none-existent forest.

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As I and the master artificer and engineer piled onto a cart that would carry us to the forest, surrounded by the private adventurer guard, all I could do was sigh.

From one fire to another, and now to the remains of a particularly big one.

And all I could do was roll with the punches.

If this was all some divine 5D chess game to break me and make me an obedient servant to Aphrodite’s whims, well, then she would need a lot more than this.

I looked at Violetta.

Dragging this poor girl into her games of dice.

I could see it in her eyes before, and even more now. The kindness in this girl’s eyes, even though she apparently made weapons of mass destruction for a living, was quite genuine, and deep rooted.

I made a mistake.

She was nervous, but more importantly, annoyed by our forced proximity, and yet I put my hand on hers.

“C-could you not, please?” she said, pulling her hand back.

Physical buying temperature, below zero.

“I’m sorry. We’re very touchy and affectionate where I come from. I’m still getting used to the customs here,” I explained as I took a metaphorical step back, as well as backing off physically as much as I could in the small cart.

“Yeah… Right…” she mumbled while making sure to not look at me.

If I were a normal man, I’d probably be bashing my head against this invisible brick wall she put between us. But I was not normal. I was listening to her.

“You don’t believe me?”


“Why not? You believe the stories they tell about me?”

“I don’t. I just… know men like you.”

And there it was again. The scent of trauma.

“I see,” I said, pondering. “Thank you for believing in my innocence. But I did, use my charm spell on two women.”

She finally looked at me, a sideways look of uncertainty and curiosity, but a look none the less.

“W-why are you telling me this?” she asked.

I smiled gently. True honesty always catches people off guard, especially women, who are all too used to men with a hidden agenda.

“Because I want you to trust me,” I said.

She raised a brow. “Why would I do that?”

I looked deep into her beautiful and gentle green eyes. “Because I’m asking you to.”

The cart came to a halt as the scent of a burnt forest swarmed over us.

Despite having quite the adventures and escapades in Mithuna, my second reincarnation was proving to be much less to my liking.

Like I was no longer in control of my own life.

But as I said, Aphrodite would need a lot more to make me dance to her tunes.

I would gladly and fully embrace my current role as a supporting character in someone else’s story, and not just to spite her. Because I wanted to.

“Listen,” I said, taking hold of Violetta’s hand once again as we stood up. “Just for a second, alright?”

She made a move to pull her hand back again, but didn’t.

“Pyra charged me with keeping you safe,” I continued, looking straight into her nervous eyes. “And I swear to you, I will. But if at any point you want me gone, you only need to say so, and I will go up front with Pyra and the others, alright?”

I slowly let go of her hands and stepped back, my open palms a symbol that I was fully in control of my actions, and I would not touch her again.

“That’s, alright…” Violetta mumbled reluctantly. “The captain knows what she’s doing…”

“Alright ladies and gentlemen!” Pyra declared as she climbed onto the side of our cart. “The demons are planning to surprise us! Ambush us from goblin tunnels like the cowards that they are!”

A mix of frightened, concerned, angry and determined rumblings came from the surrounding crowd.

“So I say, we surprise them back!” she bent down to pull away a cloth covering the supplies that were loaded onto our wagon.

That’s what I thought they were.

“Thank you for these, master engineer.” The Knight Captain winked at the pink haired girl and grabbed the metallic hose, inspected it and then fired a short burst of flame forward, to the shock of the adventurers who scrambled away from the burning substance falling down on the charred grass. “Bring out the rest of the liquid fire throwers!”

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