How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 29: 28. One Last Thing (END OF BOOK 1)

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No, we didn't have sex that night. 

I know, anticlimactic, but Violetta was simply not ready for it. We kissed, yes, but when my hand glided down her body, she stiffened and backed off. And I let her, because that's just how it be sometimes. Whatever trauma she suffered from I have yet to fully overcome. And it was alright. We shared a magical moment she probably never experienced before, that's what mattered. And that's what seduction is about, those moments of magical intimacy.

"You're doing it again," Violetta said.

"Huh? What?"

"Thinking out loud."

"Sorry about that," I said. "How's your research?"

"Shh!" she shushed me.

We were in a library after all. 

"So you're saying you died in another world, and Aphrodite reincarnated you into Mithuna?" Violetta whispered, flipping through the pages of a thick book. "It all makes sense now!"

"Reincarnated me twice, actually," I said. 

"Incredible. So that's the true source of all this arcane knowledge," she continued, her eyes glued to sketches of planes, cellphones and vending machines. "How has it been kept secret so well?"

"Well, she did mention I wasn't allowed to tell anyone the truth. I guess the others were told the same. You'd be surprised how obedient the Japanese can be."

Too obedient if you'd ask me.

"Is there some sort of punishment?" She asked.

"Well, I haven't been smited yet, so maybe I'm the exception?" 

"Hmm. Perhaps I can find clues in adventurer death records." She rushed over to a nearby bookshelf and pulled out another thick book with a skull on it.

She was adorable when she was curious.

I'm sure Aphrodite would have made any displeasure abundantly clear very quickly. She didn't seem the patient type.

A slender hand caught my eyes from one of the aisles farther from us.

The erotica section.

It was signaling me to come with its finger.

Soon, a familiar face joined the hand, inviting me over with a mischievous smile.

I guess I was about to find out exactly what Aphrodite thought, so I left Violetta to her studies, my excuse to use the bathroom going over her head completely.

"Greetings, Mr. Kouboku," she said.

"I wondered when I'd get to see you again," I said, stepping closer to her so that no one outside the aisle could hear us whisper.

Melody, Aphrodite's acolyte I met the last time I was in this library. Still wearing her nun like clothing.

"The goddess wants you to know you've been a very, very naughty boy," she said.

"The goddess is making it so very, very hard for me not to be," I said, moving even closer, so that my body pressed her slightly against the wall. "It's almost like she wants her servants to disobey her."

Melody gasped softly as she felt the contrast of the cold wall on one side, and my warmth on the other.

"She wants to know when you will seduce the girl," she said.

"I already have," I said, taking the nun-clothed girl's hands in mine.

"You haven't finished the job," she said and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "When will you fuck?"

"When and if she's ready," I replied.

"Such a gentleman," Melody cooed. "Our mistress is not a patient woman."

"Which is why she sent you to tell me about the next girl?" I whispered and then bit the tip of her ear gently.

She gasped silently again. "You must go to the forest realms in the east. You will receive further instructions there."

"I see," I whispered and then lifted both her arms over her head and pressed them against the wall. "You know, you almost got me in a lot of trouble last time."

"The goddess gave me strict instructions not to be seduced by you. It was your fault for trying."

"You are a servant of Aphrodite. You both know I can't help it when you look at me like this," I said, one of my hands gliding down the side of her tight nun dress. 

Her eyes were positively devouring me.

"The goddess said no…" she moaned softly.

"Which only makes me want you even more," I said, my hand going back up and over to her breast, where her nipples began to show under the dress fabric. Still wearing nothing underneath too. "Are you going to disobey her? Are we going to disobey her?"

Melody bit her lip as I pinched her nipple. Her thigh went up and against the raging erection in my pants that she must have felt for a while now.

"Fuck Aphrodite," I whispered in her ear. "Fuck me. Sin with me."

With that our lips connected as we began to make out wildly like it was the last time.

My arms slid down her sides, under her dress and grabbed hold of her bare ass. I really liked the uniform of Aphrodite’s servants.

She moaned into my mouth as I squeezed, and her body pressed deeper into mine.

Then our lips parted and she shoved me back.

This time she didn't scream for help. 

This time she went down on her knees and lowered my pants. 

Her breath quickened as my dick was released right in front of her. 

I sent my hands down and began to pull up her robes.

She gave me a look of pleasurable shock, then lifted her arms to help me.

The robes came off and were tossed over the nearest bookcase.

Good god her body was perfect. Those nun robes were a crime against beauty and human decency.

Blue hair wrapped around her head in perfect braids, a flawless tan that indicated she really did wear nothing while out in the sun, lovely breasts to drown anyone’s sorrow in and the most adorable heart-shaped piercing on her clit.

My penis could only get so erect.

Completely naked and on her knees, she approached and looked up at my dick, giving it a soft kiss.

“Oh, you fucking tease,” I gasped silently.

Melody giggled and stuck her tongue out in her playful way.

This time she didn’t tuck it back in. She began to give the tip of my dick playful little licks.

Each one made me want to simply push her to the ground and ravage her, but she wanted to have fun, and it would be quite rude of me to deny her.

Her wide, open, playful smile as she raised her breasts and pushed my dick in between them is one of the greatest gifts a man can receive. 

A kiss and a lick, a kiss and a lick, until finally she took me inside her mouth.

I gasped and looked through a gap in the bookcase to see if anyone had noticed.

Violetta was feverishly pouring over giant tomes.

The librarian was busy with paperwork.

No one else was around.

She squeezed her breasts around my dick with some spit, careful to not let me slip out, and pushed them up and down in sync with her mouth, her tongue dancing to a similar tune.

Melody was good. Very good.

Aphrodite does not choose her acolytes lightly.

Pyra was an athlete, but this girl was an artist.

I had so much stress accumulated from the recent battles, and this lovely minx was melting it all away.

The silence of the library coupled with the soft, quiet slurping and sucking sounds from below, was like a different kind of melody, building up to my inevitable climax.

I could hold back from cumming, but that would be a disservice to such a wonderful performance.

The first shot she took in her mouth with a giggle, while the rest was for the lovely breasts that worked so hard.

She sat back, swallowing the load with a content and far too loud gasp, then slowly lay back on the cold library floor, humming softly to herself as she played with the cum between her tits.

I looked down at this brilliant painting of a woman below me.

And after savoring the sight for a moment, I couldn’t possibly stop there.

My clothes were off in an instance and I knelt over her.

“No…” she whispered quietly.

This no, though, it wasn’t a no of denial.

The tempting smile and the reluctance she showed at uttering the word.

I brought the tip of my dick to brush the piercing of her clit.

“No…” she moaned. “If you enter me now, I won’t be able to keep my voice down.”

The pleading eyes looking up at me begged me to fuck the library rules and ravish her right then and there.

I kissed her as my dick grinded against her pussy and that oh so lovely piercing.

She muffled her moans by kissing me back.

I sighed. “I guess this is it.”

“I guess it is,” Melody said, the frustration and sadness in her face wishing it wasn’t.

“Unless,” I said.

“Unless?” she asked, a glimmer of hope appearing in her eyes.

Cast: Silence




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“The forest kingdoms? She wants you to seduce an elf?” Violetta asked as we walked from the library.

Thankfully, nobody noticed the bookcases shaking and the books and scrolls falling and sliding here and there. Also Violetta didn’t ask for specifics when I told her another servant of Aphrodite passed me the message. I would need to someday thank this master engineer for helping me figure out how to cast spells, and Silence in particular.

“There are elves in this world?” Now that was exciting. I’ve experienced only one woman who wasn’t human. What could elves be like? “What makes them different from humans?”

“Uh, the long ears… long lifespans… dexterity…” she counted with her fingers. “They are generally known to be immensely prideful. They aren’t liked by other races. The cooperation against the demon king is probably the only thing maintaining the peace.”

“Fascinating,” I said, stroking my chin.

Violetta narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re thinking about what it feels like to bed them aren’t you?”

“Of course I do! An entire new race of beings? So much more to experience, so much more to learn! How many more races live in Mithuna?!”

“Of course,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Many. Many races. You are truly helpless.”

“I am. Helpless in the face of this calling from over the horizon,” I said, and stopped.

Violetta stopped a few steps ahead and gave me a questioning look.

“Come with me,” I said. “Help me.”

She was taken aback. “Y-you want me to come with you and help you seduce women for the goddess of love?”

“Yes. Isn’t your desire to help the helpless?”

“N-not like that,” she laughed.

I was hearing her lovely laugh more and more with each day. With each day her expression was less guarded towards me and more free. I wanted to see this flower bloom in full.

I stepped towards her and took her hand. “Come with me to the forest kingdoms and beyond. I would be lost without you.”

As I stood there, holding her hands and looking down at her, I could see her attitude from our evening at Pyra’s office had changed. She wasn’t backing away from me anymore like an animal scared of the unknown.

Instead, she pondered, then looked up into my eyes, then pondered some more.

Finally, she sighed.

“Alright. I can’t let you go alone. You’ll be sentenced to death again within a week without my help.”

“Thank you,” I said, leaning in and giving her soft, quick, but ever so satisfying kiss.

“Hold that man!” came a cry from behind us.

For fuck sake. I thought I was done with this nonsense.

We both turned around instantly.

The RFF was gone, the remaining CELL-inners were distancing themselves from their demon siding comrades. So who could it possibly be now

It was Midas.

“This man owes me a debt!” he said as he approached us. “And I will be damned if he does not pay!”

“Didn’t I help you with Isabella? The healer,” I said.

“Yes, Isabella is a wonderful girl, very demanding even,” he said. “But that wasn’t our deal! You told me you would teach me your secrets! And I know you have many, many more to teach!"

“I’m actually leaving town soon, ordered by a goddess to do so no less,” I said. “Perhaps when I return?”

“Oh no you don’t,” Midas said, pointing his finger at me. “I knew you would try to wriggle out of paying me back, but nobody defaults on Midas III Pessinus! Nobody!”

“Divine orders,” I said, spreading my helpless hands.

“Then I shall go with you to wherever it is you are headed! And you shall teach me your secrets along the way!”

Now, I didn’t hold a grudge or anything. Heck, I was as proud as a fresh father to see how far he’d come from barely touching a woman to making out on the balcony of a party house. But traveling with him was a whole other level kind of commitment. My teaching days were still long, long behind me.

“Look I can sign whatever you want, leave collateral or –“

“Upapap! You think because the Knight Captain is your fuck buddy it means I can’t have you executed? I am Midas III Pessinus! And I will not be denied! Or have you forgotten the contract you yourself made me sign?!”

He produced the familiar papers, pointing to a particular point.

“The contract will be considered fulfilled once the signatory, student, will be considered proficient in the arts of seduction,” Violetta read. “Proficient is a very vague word to use for a contract."

“And if you think you can afford a better lawyer than me to argue your case for what it means, be my guest,” Midas said, rolling the paper back into his pocket.

I probably could ask Anaestraza for gold, but the thought of sitting through court proceedings was even less appealing.

I sighed. “Alright. But we have some stops to make before we leave.”

“By all means, lead the way,” the merchant prince said with a triumphant smile.


Dragon’s, according to Anaestraza, slept from anywhere to a few months to a decade. Safe to say it was best for me not to wake her up. And not just because I’d need to explain to a member of the merchant’s guild why so much of the town’s valuables were in a cave just outside it, and why the dragon I was handsomely rewarded for driving away was still very much here.

The first stop would be a certain tavern.

“Seriously? Did you bring us here to spite me?” Midas asked.

We were outside Miya’s tavern.

“No. I brought you here to remind you shooting me with a crossbow was quite uncalled for,” I said, stepping towards the window.

There were many patrons already inside, as there always were.

“I felt extremely slighted,” Midas shrugged. “And you got better.”

Miya was inside, moving from table to table in her rhythmic fashion. I could hear her humming a tune even from outside.

“She’s one of the girls you used a Charm spell on?” Violetta asked as she came up to look with me.

“Yes. Yes she is,” I replied.

We both looked at her work for some moments.

“How do you manage to both care about and deceive these women at the same time?” Violetta asked.

“I never deceived them. Everything I feel for them is genuine. You know that better than most.”

“And you know that’s not what I meant. I don’t see any betrayal in you, no malice, and yet you both loved and betrayed them. How?”

She examined my face intently in her lie detector manner.

“With great regret,” I said, and unzipped a pouch that was tied to my belt.

The last of the money I took from Anaestraza’s cave.

Violetta watched on as I placed the pouch in the mail box by the door.

“And why?” she asked.

Surprisingly talkative this girl when she saw a mystery in front of her.

I obviously couldn’t tell her why I Charmed them. For more than one reason too.

Aphrodite sees and hears all. Always. I could hear Anaestraza’s voice in my head.

“Let’s just say it’s a sin for me to shoulder,” I said finally.

An answer she was anything but satisfied with.

“You should at least apologize in person instead of buying her off with money,” Violetta said as I turned to leave.

“It’s better this way. Better for her if she forgets I was ever in her life,” I said.

Violetta grabbed my hand to stop me. She examined me again with her lie detector eyes. "You're not lying... but you hate what you're doing at the same time."

"Observant as always, miss acolyte," I said, cupping her hand in both of mine, and pleading with my eyes that she leaves this mystery unsolved.

“Are we done? Or do you plan to do the same with all the women you’ve wronged in this town?” Midas asked wirily.

“Well, I already set things straight with Phillipa from the town guard, so there should only be one thing left for me to do in this town,” I said.

“Yo! You’re leaving just like that?!” Pyra’s voice boomed from behind us.

She was coming from inside the tavern. Quite drunk again.

“Tomorrow morning,” I said.

She grabbed my arm and began dragging me off as I shrugged to my companions.

"You think you can just leave without giving me a thorough briefing about the battle against the demon prince? I shall have to interrogate you thoroughly again!"

I would spend my final night in Ratia with the lovely, and frighteningly drunk Knight Captain Pyra.

In the morning, I had to attend to a certain debt.


The doors of the healing house burst opened.

I stepped outside.

I was completely naked.

“It’s a miracle!” the healer declared. “A divine miracle!”

“I came to this place, with a crossbow bolt in my heart!” I declared just as loudly. “And after a mere seven days, I have been healed!”

“For such a miracle to occur,” the healer continued his bit. “Our house of healing must have been blessed by the gods!”

“I might have died if I have gone to any other healer!” I continued mine. “This was divine intervention!”


*cue Konosuba opening 2*

Ken, Violetta and Midas will return in "How To Seduce Girls In Another World Book 2: Elves"


Also expect a "bad end" version for the climactic cave encounter as well as another detailing what happened after the Silence spell in the library (didn't include it for flow reasons, but I am not so cruel as to deprive you from it. Or perhaps Drunk Pyra is preferred xD? )

Sincerely, Nightwize

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