How to Seduce Girls in Another World: Book 1 – Shy Female Adventurers

Chapter 8: 8. Alive and Well

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The whole interaction ran through my head over and over as I walked back towards the CELL-inn.

I barely managed to put a dent into that girl’s shell. Aphrodite dropped me on a girl that was shy, clearly inexperienced, and with heaps of trauma creating blockages for any potential interaction.

Opening such a girl wasn’t impossible. It just required time and effort.

Time and effort I sorely lacked with the goddess giving me a time limit.

Not to mention it would take extra time to undo the damage of this first interaction and change her impression of me.

I do like these kind of girls. They’re like closed flower buds, waiting for the radiant light of passion to make them bloom. Whenever I seduced this type of girl, I marveled at the beauty they hid within. It was one of my greatest pleasures to see a girl who before meeting me would be utterly ashamed of even mentioning sex, completely naked and free next to me on the bed. It was like coming across an injured song bird and watching it soar into the heavens after nursing it back to health.

But I didn’t have time for this dammit!

Not only had Aphrodite given me a serious challenge right out of the gate, she also made sure I couldn’t properly enjoy and experience it.

That bitch was good.

I kicked a bench in frustration as I passed it.

“Hey what the fuck?!” a girl’s voice came from somewhere behind the flowers blocking most of my vision.

I lowered them, hesitantly. They were perfect camouflage to prevent any feminist mobs from recognizing me.

A girl was sitting on the bench. She wore an elegant green sundress that very much complimented her body and medium sized breasts, and also glasses, a rare sight in Ratia. More importantly, she had short, shoulder-length red hair. Actual crimson red.

Red, pink, blue, pure black… so many beautiful colors, and they were all natural in Mithuna.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see anyone was sitting here because of the flowers,” I said, making sure to disarm her quickly with my natural, easy going persona. “Would you like one of them as an apology? I bought more of them than I know what to do with.”

“Oh,” she said, changing her expression. “I thought you were some brutish porter.” She took out one of the roses. “They are lovely. Thank you.”

“It’s ok. You’re doing me the favor here, lighting my load.”

“Ratia would be a far nicer place to live if all adventurers just casually offered you flowers,” the girl mused. “Wait, you look familiar.”

Oh, crap.

She was holding the town newspaper.

One of the secondary headlines was about the return of some fiendish seducer to the town.

Her eyes widened with realization. “Y-you! You’re him!”

“I’m sure I don’t know who you’re talking about, I’m actually in a hurry,” I said, turning to flee.

“This is how you do it, don’t you!” she said grabbing my rose bouquet holding hand.

“Do what?”

“This is how you trick them!” she said, staring at me aggressively. “How you make them follow you into your bed!”

“I can promise you, I don’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to,” I said. True, there were now exceptions thanks to the infernal cheating magic powers of Mithuna, but it was none the less what I vehemently believed in.

“Oh, of course you don’t!” she said, still gripping my hand tightly. “This rose, it’s enchanted isn’t it?”

I stared at her, like I did so many women before her. Absorbing everything. The beauty of her hair in the setting sunlight, the flowing green dress that went over her curves, leaving a bit for my imagination, but not too much. Her slender neck and adorable freckles. Good god do I love freckles.

The good thing about having the reputation of a scoundrel, was that it wasn’t actually a bad thing.

“And what if it is?” I asked.

She was taken aback.

“Is it making you feel anything?” I asked, continuing to hold intense eye contact, while smiling a cheeky smile.

I was smiling because I could see in her eyes. It was making her feel something. It just wasn’t anything magic.

“I could shout right now,” she said. “Call for help. Have you arrested.”

“You could,” I said. “But wouldn’t you like to know if the stories are true first?”

“What stories?”

“The stories they tell about me. Have you not heard them?”

“I heard that you’re a malicious womanizer, tricking and twisting innocent girls’ minds to give themselves to you.”

I leaned in close, all while measuring her responses. She did not back away as I drew closer, nor did she seem to resist my farther proximity to her in any way. She was on.

“That’s not even the half of it,” I whispered in her ear.

Yes. If I had tried to continue to defend myself, all she would have seen is weakness.

But if I was unapologetic about it. Embraced my rogue reputation. Oh, that would have the exact opposite effect.

In particular on girls that clearly heard the stories, and wanted to see if I was the real deal.

This one wouldn’t turn me in to the feminazi mobs. No. She wanted an adventure.

“What’s your name?” I asked.



Soft, muffled moans rose from the alley we snuck into.

They were muffled by her own hands.

I was far too busy deep under her dress.

Her pussy was marvelous, even sporting crimson red pubic hair.

And I savored every bit of its taste.

She was already moaning even though I only played along the sides, where the mildly sensitive roots of the clit extended.

The thought occurred to me that I probably didn’t want to make her scream out in the open like this. Hidden alley or no.

But honestly, that only made me want to do it even more.

I drew back the clitoral hood and pinned the little knob with my fingers.

I would see how much she could handle.

My tongue started to move, though just the first touch made her almost jump.

Then I started flicking my tongue, side to side. Slowly.

She muffled a louder moan as I began to speed up.

So she wasn’t the horizontal type.

I switched up my technique, with my tongue going up and down over her delicious clit.

She contorted and muffled a much louder moan this time.

I didn’t even need to use my actual good moves.

Yes. If I was going to remove all the rust I gained since coming here, I might as well give her much, much more than she was expecting.

I stopped.

“Ah… why did you stop… it was so good…” Andrea whispered. “Oh!”

She had to quickly cover her mouth again as my middle finger slid into her pussy and began to play around with her very much aroused G-spot.

“Oh… Oh my, what are you…” she gasped silently as I slowly stood up.

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What would come next required the right posture and leverage.

She moaned as another finger slid inside her.

It was time for the squirting rollercoaster.

I began pushing against her G-spot.

She covered her mouth to muffle the moaning as her legs began to buckle.

But the moment I would feel her insides clench on my fingers, I would stop and start stimulating her clit with my thumb. Having given her G-spot rest, I’d start it all over again.

My fingers pushed harder against her sensitive spot.

And then they would stop.

And then push again.

“Oh, gods!”

Each time, her legs felt more and more weak, and the unmistakable squelching of how incredibly wet her pussy was getting was starting to echo through the alley.

It was time to finish her off.

My thumb began to move quickly over her clit while my two fingers inside her were still in position on her G-spot.

She wasn’t even bothering with covering her mouth anymore. She was too far gone into the throws of pleasure.

“Gods! What are you doing to me?!”

Her moans echoed through the alley along with the sounds coming from her pussy.

I already warmed up her clit with my tongue.

It would not take long.

I could feel it. The orgasm was near.

“I-I’m so close!”

Her legs buckled as the first wave of orgasm was about to rock through her body.

Nothing would prevent her from cumming now. Even If I stopped completely.

The precise moment to go for the overkill.

The two fingers that were resting inside her burst to life with a sudden and intense push against her G-spot.

“Fuck! Fuck! What – Fuck!”

The suddenness and intensity of the movements had the desired effects.

Her surprised body could do nothing but squirt wildly onto her lovely green dress and onto the ground.

There was also no stopping the orgasm so both sensations hit at the same time. I had to hold her with my free arm so she wouldn’t collapse right then and there.


There was no chance nobody heard us.

Such was the power of the squirting orgasm.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck…” she cried as she slid down to the ground with my help.

“What… in the name…” she panted, lacking the strength to even move. “Of all the gods…”

I sat down beside her, panting from the effort as well. “Magic,” I whispered in her ear.

She looked at me with eyes hazy with ecstasy, and then kissed me, ravished me with the most intense kiss only a woman with her mind in the seventh heaven of pleasure could.

Our lips parted as she leaned back against the wall for a much needed rest. “Fuck… I… I can’t stand…” she whispered in between pants.

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I’m not going anywhere.” My arm went around her and she collapsed into my lap.

I ran my hand through her red hair.

Such a beautiful sight. This freckled redhead, lost in the bliss of the most intense orgasm she had would ever experience in her life, laying there in my lap.

In her most powerless of states, she freely entrusts herself into my care.

Her panting was lowing. She might even fall asleep. And I would let her.

Few things are as beautiful as a girl feeling content and safe to fall asleep in your lap.

“Such… Sorcery…” she mumbled. “Is how you bent them… all those girls… to your whims…”

“Yes. And now you’ve felt it too,” I whispered. “Would you bend to my whims?”

She smiled. “Oh, anything… anything you want…”

I looked down at the beautiful girl in my lap. “I already have what I want,” I said, stroking her hair gently.

Her breathing shifted. The lovely little thing had fallen asleep.

I leaned back against the alley wall and looked around. If anybody had heard us, I guess they thought it was just a whore practicing her trade.

They weren’t completely wrong. Even if I was the whore in this case.

I sighed. I definitely needed this after what happened earlier that day. Needed to know I hadn’t lost my touch. That my love for women was still stronger than any reputation, any prejudice. That a woman could still sleep gently on my lap.


With all the magic, all the praise, goddesses, dragon orgasms. I needed today to remind me the greatest seducer in the world wasn’t perfect. And that was perfectly fine.

I could fall asleep here too. But I shouldn’t. Not in the middle of a dark alley. Not with this wonderful girl entrusting me with herself. I’d let her sleep a little, then get her home.

A sudden clamping of footsteps and the flashing lights of torches shook me out of my daze.

“Down here!” a man yelled and soon there were multiple pairs of boots rushing down the alley.

Andrea woke up as well. “What… what’s going on?” she asked, still dazed.

“Tell them I cast a Charm spell on you,” I whispered in her ear.

“What?” she said, sapping wider awake. “They might hurt you.”

“Do it. I’ll be fine.”

“Ken Kouboku?!” one of the man, whose face I couldn’t see because of the blinding torch, but I could see he was wearing heavy armor.

“Who’s asking?” I said. “Do it,” I whispered in Andrea’s ear.

“H-Help! He cast a Charm spell on me!” she cried, stumbling to get away from me.

Another armored man knelt and helped her up.

Behind the heavily armed men walked another. He wasn’t wearing armor. I couldn’t see his upper body because of the light, but I could see his gold embroidered shoes that made him stand far apart from those who were clearly his underlings. He came to a stop in front of me.

“Ken Kouboku,” he said. “Alive and well, just like they claimed.” He knelt down to look at me with intense contempt.

I didn’t recognize his face, but I realized I heard that voice before. Last time, it was followed by a crossbow bolt tearing through my chest.

“You took something from me,” he continued. “And you will pay for it. Again. With your life!”

For fuck sake Aphrodite. Not again.

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