HP: The Dark Arts Master

Chapter 18: Chapter -18

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chapter -18

Now that it was the day of the banquet, Olive was exceptionally busy because sometimes the guests have very unique routines or that's what they like to call it, for which it is better to be readied in advance.

While Olive was busy organising for the banquet, on the other hand, Noah was finishing his daily exercises, and anyway as he had no idea what to do in this sort of situation, it was reasonable to stay away from it rather than cause trouble for someone.

And it's not like he's been sitting idle since morning because Mia's been lurking behind him ever since he woke up to find out which robe he'd like to wear.

At first, he kinda liked that feeling of being someone significant but after some breezing moments, it felt overwhelming as he was driven to try so many outfits.

'That was just horrible.' He felt chills running down his spine while completing his last round.

The Maxmilian palace was exceptionally well decorated with the help of enchantment. The security ward has loosened up for today so that there'll be no complication with the arrival of the guests.

House elves were called upon to prepare British cuisine, although it was very expensive but Olive wanted to make it an unforgettable banquet, so it was essential to do this as she had the power to accomplish so.

[Scene Break]

Amid the cool breeze in the fair night, two silhouettes were clambering atop a mountain as they were trying to scrutinise something.

"Uncle, why did you apparite this distance, we would've arrived there directly." Came the voice of a lady who appeared to be huffing from climbing the hill.

While the lady was conveying her discomfort regarding this excessive hill climb, the other side just shrugged and kept his mouth shut.

Both continued their ascent and after a few junctures, a grand palace came into their sight.

"Wow, it's the second house after Hogwarts that shines so beautifully in the moonlight." She said creating it looked like she was analogizing houses.

The man, on the other hand, ignoring her chatter, scanned the surroundings with his one magical eye, which was rapidly rolling in its socket.

"Uncle, you really should wear a blindfold." The lady said disgustingly as she saw the eye doing its bizarre activities even though this old man was his uncle, still, she couldn't hide the feeling of being disgusted by the mere sight of that eye's masquerade.

"Take my hand." The uncle extended his hand toward her while dismissing her rude remarks as he had forgotten to tally how many times he'd heard her nagging.

"Bless merlin's beard, my legs were about to give up." she cheered up while grabbing his hand.


With a loud sound, those two disappeared from the hill and within a moment with the same loud noise they emerged in front of an extravagant palace.

"Is that your partner's boy, uncle?" she whispered while stepping toward a party of people who were welcoming the new guests.

But then abruptly her eyes fell on a girl standing in that group and a smirk occurred on her face thinking about the upcoming event.



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The wooden cane which the old man had brought with him began attracting everyone's attention as they headed toward the hosts.

"Welcome to our house Auror moody." The host or to be exact, Olive Maximilian welcomed him, "And who this might be?"

"Oh right, my name is sia moody, I'm uncle's nephew, happy to make your acquaintance." Sia introduced herself more casually than she would normally.

Olive and Sia stared into each other's eyes for a second and shook their hands with a smile.

"you've relaxed the protective wards, that's quite an alarming decision if I must say." Moody said as he looked at the empty sky.

"yeah, nice to see you too, mia guide our guest inside if you will." olive said as she stared at him.

'Tch. what a waste.' Sia clicked her tongue in nuisance as the event she waited for didn't even start.

"Uncle, shouldn't you have said something nice?" she said as she increased her pace to catch up to him.

[scene break]

"Thank you all for being a part of our family reunion celebration today, after ten whole years our family is back together to honour which I would like to propose a drink." saying which olive raised a drink and said. 

"Cheers for my little Brother Noah to whom I reunited after ten Long years."

Everybody put forward their drinks and Joined in while shouting "cheers."

The banquet continued while Olive began introducing Noah to everyone which gave him a slight headache but he couldn't do anything about it as long as he stayed here he had to maintain the good boy image for now and it was a nice way to form up some nice connections.

"Mister Malfoy, say hello to him, Noah, he's our trade partner." Olive said as she saw a silver-haired man approaching her from the sidelines.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Noah said courteously even though his mind was advising him to do something else he couldn't conceivably do that now without any good reason.

"Hello child, why don't you talk with my son Draco here as I've something important to discuss with your sister," Lucious said haughtily.

Olive ruffled his hair while saying "Go on . I'll join you in a minute." and disappeared into the crowd.

"So, I heard you lived in an orphanage, did you sleep on the floor or did they provide you a mattress?" Draco asked.

Noah couldn't help but stare at him in awe as he was nowhere near him in bullshiting at his age even in his past life too.

"Yeah, they didn't even provide warm milk before bedtime." Noah said and before Draco could comprehend the meaning behind his words he started walking off as he had no interest In hearing free remarks from a kid.

"w-wait a minute, let's be friends." Draco said, ignoring the fact that he had attempted to pick a quarrel with him a moment ago.

"Ouch, what are you doing?" Draco let out as Noah pulled his chick trying to pill off the so-called thick skin that he was wearing right now.

"Tch, it's real." Noah clicked his tongue in annoyance as he failed before getting at the origin of the Malfoy family's thick-face techniques which they cultivated from the ancient wizarding era.

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